42 research outputs found

    Disiplin Lalu Lintas Pengendara Sepeda Motor Roda Dua di Kecamatan Tampan Pekanbaru

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    Disciplines on traffic for two-wheel motorcycle riders in Pekanbaru Handsomedistricts where many violations of traffic violations that occur for two-wheeled motorcyclespengandaradikecamatan Handsome, offenses committed while the rider is the completenessof the vehicle, completeness letter mail, Hlem, against the current , breaking signs, speedlimits above the maximum, no lights menayalakandising day. There is also the formulation ofthe problem in this study is the first 1 What characteristics of the people who violate trafficrules for riders of two-wheeled motorcycle in the District Handsome Pekanbaru. 2 Whatfactors cause people are not disciplined in riding a two-wheeled motorcycle in PekanbaruHandsome districts.The theory used in this study is the theory of aberration, kepeda I am here using thetheory of aberration. Because any traffic violations for motorcyclists is called aberration, hereis deviant behavior is any behavior that constitutes a violation of the norms of a group orcommunity.Data collection techniques used herein the first form of observation, the authorsconducted research directly in the field to obtain the necessary data in the study, both in theform of a questionnaire that question in the questionnaire can be in the form of closedquestions (structured). The question is if the structure of the questionnaire has been availableabout the possible answers. Data collection techniques will be carried out in this study byusing in-depth interview techniques is by using questionnaires.The results show respondents are not discipline-causing factors in driving a twowheeledmotorcycle in Pekanbaru Handsome districts seen from the characteristics ofrespondents who violate terms of age, from the age of 15-30 years, by gender of most men,education level of the respondents in violation of junior high school to university, Triberespondents who violate the Minang, religion professed by respondents who violate theIslamic religion. views of the respondents did not factor causes traffic discipline in theabsence of a sense of concern for others, are not concerned with the safety of both for himselfand the safety of others, lack of discipline of the respondents in traffic, especially for ridersof two-wheeled motorcycles. The magnitude of the influence of the local environment.Keywords: Traffic Discipline, riders of two-wheeled motorcycle

    A study on the psychological distress in patients for screening and recalled mammography examinations in Selayang Hospital / Nur Hidayah Basri

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    Breast cancer is the most common types of cancer in women around the world including Malaysia. About one in 19 women in Malaysia are at risk, compared to one in eight in Europe and the United States (Wahid, 2012). Nowadays, screening programme for breast cancer has been organized widely around Malaysia either by a non-government or government organizations. Concerns regarding the effects of psychological distress and anxiety have been arising among patients who had undergo mammography examinations for screening and recalled examinations. Psychological effects may include anxiety, worrying about having the cancer and depression while following the examinations (Schou Bredal et aI., 2013). The problems regarding the psychological effects bring a huge impact on patients to come for the mammography examinations. Thus, a study is conducted to determine a specific level of psychological distress in mammography patients for both screening and follow-up examinations. This research aim is to study the level of anxiety and depression for mammography examinations and to document the willingness of patients to come for their mammography examinations and recommend this examination to other women. It is specifically studies on mammography patients in X-Ray Department of Selayang Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia. This study is based on the data obtained from a questionnaire constructed from the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Life-Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R) and distributed to patients for mammography examinations. Then, the data collected was transferred and analyzed in SPSS data statistic software for evaluation. The research suggested that the anxiety and depression level of women who came for mammography examinations is managed well and contribute to the improvement in awareness about the breast cancer and the importance of mammogram examinations in detecting breast abnormality especially for women ages 40 - 70 years old. It is hope that the study can contribute to the improvement of anxiety and depression management to encourage women to adhere with mammography examination annually scheduled

    A Study on the psychological distress in patients for screening and recalled Mammography Examinations in Selayang Hospital / Nur Hidayah Basri

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    Breast cancer is the most common types of cancer in women around the world including Malaysia. About one in 19 women in Malaysia are at risk, compared to one in eight in Europe and the United States (Wahid, 2012). Nowadays, screening programme for breast cancer has been organized widely around Malaysia either by a non-government or government organizations. Concerns regarding the effects of psychological distress and anxiety have been arising among patients who had undergo mammography examinations for screening and recalled examinations. Psychological effects may include anxiety, worrying about having the cancer and depression while following the examinations (Schou Bredal et al., 2013). The problems regarding the psychological effects bring a huge impact on patients to come for the mammography examinations. Thus, a study is conducted to determine a specific level of psychological distress in mammography patients for both screening and follow-up examinations. This research aim is to study the level of anxiety and depression for mammography examinations and to document the willingness of patients to come for their mammography examinations and recommend this examination to other women. It is specifically studies on mammography patients in X-Ray Department of Selayang Hospital, Selangor, Malysia. This study is based on the data obtained from a questionnaire constructed from the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Life-Orientation Test Revised (LOT-R) and distributed to patients for mammography examinations. Then, the data collected was transferred and analyzed in SPSS data statistic software for evaluation. The research suggested that the anxiety and depression level of women who came for mammography examinations is managed well and contribute to the improvement in awareness about the breast cancer and the importance of mammogram examinations in detecting breast abnormality especially for women ages 40 – 70 years old. It is hope that the study can contribute to the improvement of anxiety and depression management to encourage women to adhere with mammography examination annually scheduled


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    Sindrom premenstruasi menjadi masalah pada wanita dan gejala atau keluhan yang sering muncul adalah gejala fisik dan gejala emosional. Dampak dari sindrom premenstruasiadalah gangguan aktifitas harian, seperti penurunan produktifitas kerja, sekolah, dan hubungan interpersonal penderita. Disamping itu sindrom premenstruasi yang berat juga dapat berhubungan dengan kasus bunuh diri yang tinggi, tingkat kecelakaan, dan masalah kejiwaan akut atau faktor stress. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan sindrom premenstruasi pada mahasiswi DIII kebidanan semester 2 Universitas „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan waktu cross sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswi DIII kebidanan semester 2 Universitas „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta tahun 2017 dengan metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan Proportioned Random Sampling didapatkan sebanyak 103 responden, alat ukur dengan kuesioner dan uji statistik Kendall tau dengan taraf signifikansi 0.05 atau 5%.Hasil analisis diperoleh nilai p sebesar 0,002 berarti (p < 0,05) maka terdapat hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan sindrom premenstruasi pada mahasiswi D3 kebidanan semester 2 Universitas „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Kesimpulan yang dapat diangkat adalah terdapat hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan sindrom premenstruasi pada mahasiswi DIII kebidanan semester 2 Universitas „Aisyiyah Yogyakarta (p = 0,002 ; p < 0,005 ; r = 0,298).Mahasiswi disarankan agar dapat mengendalikan stres yang berlebih serta melakukan aktifitas positif yang dapat mengurangi stres


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    Status gizi ibu nifas di pengaruhi terhadap resiko, diet, pengukuran antropometrik dan biokimia. Penilaian tentang asupan pangan dapat diperoleh melalui ingatan 24 jam. Maka gizi ibu yang kurang baik perlu diperbaiki, yang di lakukan sebelum hamil. Sehingga mereka mempunyai kesempatan lebih besar untuk mendapatkan bayi yang sehat. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mencari hubungan antara variabel independen dan variabel dependen yaitu status gizi dengan tingkat pemulihan masa nifas. Jenis penelitian adalah cross sectional study. Populasi penelitian ini semua ibu nifas yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Lanto Dg. Pasewang Kab. Jeneponto peroide Januari 2019 sebanyak 50 orang, dengan tehnik Puerposive Sampling diperoleh 44 sampel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa status gizi baik sebanyak 20 orang, yang terdiri dari 17 orang (85,0%) dengan tingkat pemulihan masa nifas baik dan 3 orang (15,0%) dengan tingkat pemulihan masa nifas kurang. Ibu dengan status gizi kurang sebanyak 24 orang, yang terdiri dari 11 orang (45,8%) dengan tingkat pemulihan masa nifas baik dan 15 orang (54,2%) dengan tingkat pemulihan masa nifas kurang. Dengan pengujian menggunakan teknik chi-square didapatkan p = 0,007 lebih kecil dari α = 0,05, ini berarti Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Dengan demikian ada hubungan antara status gizi dengan tingkat pemulihan masa nifas hari ke-III

    Senam Aerobic Low Impact untuk meningkatkan imunitas tubuh dimasa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang dilakukan, permasalahan yang dihadapi masyarakat adalah kurangnya kegiatan aktivitas fisik dan tutorialnya di masa pandemi Covid-19. Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas gerak masyarakat di masa Pandei Covid-19 serta meningkatkan pemahaman tentang kesehatan. Materi yang disampaikan oleh Prof. Dr. Firmansyah Dlis, M.Pd tentang fungsi hormon endorfin dan dopamin dalam aktifitas fisik senam aerobic low impact untuk meningkatkan imunitas tubuh di masa pandemi Covid-19 dan dilanjutkan senam aerobic low impact dengan instruktur Evi Susianti, M.Pd dan Hasan Basri, M.Pd. Kegiatan dilaksanakan pada Sabtu, 31 Juli 2021 menggunakan platform zoom meeting dan diikuti oleh 130 orang. Hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dapat disimpulkan bahwa masyarakat sangat antusias dan bersemangat mengikuti senam aerobic low impact tersebut, hal ini dapat dilihat dengan tingkat kepuasan masyarakat terhadap kegiatan sebesar 95% dan rata-rata denyut nadi latihan 125-130 x/menit


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    Ringlet Reservoir in Cameron Highlands impounds water mainly from four main rivers namely Sg. Telom, Sg. Habu, Sg. Ringlet and Sg. Bertam. Due to the absence of gauge flow data, MIKE NAM rainfall runoff model was used to simulate inflow for short term and long term prediction. Peak flow is sensitive towards any changes in Umax, TG, CQOF, CKBF, CKIF and CK1,2. All parameters except CK1,2 are sensitive in calculation of total volume. Model was calibrated for the period from 1999 to 2006 and validated for the period from 2010 to 2012 at two streamflow locations. The model is reliable to simulate flow satisfactorily especially during flood events. Model shows good agreement between the simulated and observed flow in terms of low flow, peak flow and total volume. Good calibration results were achieved for all scenarios, with NSE > 0.66, RSR 0.74 and PBIAS (%) < 15%

    Pengembangan Akhlak dan Moral Aud di RA/TK Daffa Islami Desa Pantai Labu Pekan

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui penanaman nilai – nilai agama dan moral pada anak usia dini di RA/TK Daffa Islami Desa Pantai Labu Pekan serta untuk mengetahui faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah anak kelas B usia 5-6 tahun yang berjumlah 13 anak, 8 laki-laki dan 5 perempuan. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisa data dengan model interaktif yang terdiri dari tiga hal utama, yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembiasaan nilai-nilai karakter dan keteladanan diantaranya melafazkan do’a-do’a pilihan, hadist-hadist pilihan, praktek wudhu dan praktek sholat dhuha berjamaah, mengucap salam dan salim, meminta maaf, meminta tolong, mengucapkan terima kasih, berdo’a sebelum dan sesudah makan, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, hidup bersih, disiplin belajar, pembiasaan ini terus menerus dan berkelanjutan pada anak setiap saat, setiap hari, dan terus menerus, dan mampu melatih anak berkarakter baik. Adapun faktor yang menjadi pendukung dalam penanaman nilai-nilai agama dan moral pada anak usia dini RA/TK Daffa Islami Desa Pantai Labu Pekan adalah faktor kerja sama antara guru dan orang tua dan pengetahuan dari guru dan orang tua. Sedangkan faktor penghambat meliputi mood anak yang berubah, faktor lingkungan, serta sarana prasarana yang minim

    Physical and mechanical evaluation of porous asphalt incorporated with untreated and treated waste cooking oil

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    The vast amount of waste cooking oil (WCO) has invited odds effects on the environment when disposed of improperly. Incorporating waste materials into asphalt mixture is common practice these days as it minimizes the amount of waste material as well as improves the performance of the mixture. WCO is known for its natural fluidity characteristics, wherein affecting good cracking performance at low temperature, yet indicate poor rutting resistance at high temperature. Plus, less strength in porous asphalt has worsened the rutting condition. Hence, pretreatment of WCO is suggested before the modification was done. In this study, WCO is being treated with chemical treatment of the transesterification process. Then, the modified binder of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% untreated and treated WCO were tested with physical testing of penetration and softening point temperature. Later, a similar percentage of untreated and treated WCO were incorporated into porous asphalt mixture to analyze the mechanical performance of Marshall Stability, Flow and Stiffness. The result of porous asphalt mixture with 10% treated WCO showed an improvement in Marshall Stability, Flow and Stiffness. It can be concluded, samples with treated WCO indicated remarkable performance in terms of physical and mechanical evaluation, owing to similar polarity which enhances good interaction bonding that strengthens the asphalt mixture


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    ABSTRACT Little is known about the hydrological performances of different native plant species within extensive green roof system in Malaysia. Thus, this research focused on the runoff retention efficiency within extensive green roof system with respect to different native plant species in Malaysia. A total of six green roofs were constructed with five being vegetated and one left unvegetated. Four test beds were vegetated with Nephrolepis bisserata (fern), Axonopus compressus (cow grass), portulaca grandiflora cultivars (sedum) and Zoysia matrella (Manila grass). The fifth test bed was a combination of all species and the six test bed with bare soil acted as control. The runoff volume was measured volumetrically through connected to an surface runoff harvesting tank under the test beds. Water retention was calculated from the difference between the depth of rainfall and the depth of runoff from each test bed. Results showed that mixture of plant species was the most effective vegetation at reducing runoff water. The monoculture of portulaca grandiflora cultivars (sedum) performed the best runoff water retention efficiency for single plant species