54 research outputs found


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    Borobudur temple is a heritage of Buddhism culture in Indonesia, which located at Magelang city, Central Java Province. The temple was built at the golden era of Syailendra dynasty, built among 800 AD or around 9th century. Beside known as one of Indonesia’s main tourism destination, it is also a central of Buddhism spiritual religion liturgies and rituals. Borobudur ever was in a tremendous golden era but also the darkness was covered its existence until hundred of years and it’s began to be revealed in the era of colonial. For decades, the rejuvenation and revitalization effort to rebuild the temple back to the original shape been accomplished. Through serious treatments, Borobudur becoming the inspiration source of cultural activities of various aspect that manifested, mainly history, arts, tourism, economy, research, science and also religion. The walls of Borobudur are full of reliefs that picture the Buddhism philosophy, and turn out to be a masterpiece with a high aesthetic in the accession of civilization in its era. Now, beside stated as one of the World Heritages by UNESCO, also 2 titles given to the temple; as the archeology site heritages, the biggest Buddhism temple in the world, and also recorded in Guinness World Records.


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    Wacana ini bertujuan untuk merekonstruksi sejarah perjalanan poster dalam pergerakan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Adapun data diperoleh berdasarkan studi pustaka dan observasi lapangan. Data dipaparkan secara deskriptif dengan pendekatan sketsa historis dalam untaian diakronik. Diharapkan melalui wacana ini maka diharapkan dapat menambah wacana tentang media publikasi khususnya poster sejak masa revolusi hingga akhir demokrasi terpimpin era 1945 - 1965

    Pengantar Desain Kemasan

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    Buku ini membahas tentang sejarah perjalanan wadah barang kemasan dari masa ke masa. Bagian lain buku ini juga mempelajari berbagai material pembuatan kemasan baik kartas, karton, plastik, maupun aluminium dengan berbagai rupa dan teknik pembuatan. Di awali dengan metode riset perancangan, semoga buku ini dapat digunakan sebagai landasan bagi desainer dalam merancang wadah secara lebih terarah

    Desain Industri Refleksi Spirit Dinamika Jaman

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    Industrial design has become a part of visual culture and penetrates all sides of human life. As a scientific, profession, and maa production. its exixtence has caused the emergence of great industrial designers, monumental industrial products, renewable techniques, and materials, fashionable models that can be considered as reality and reflection of an era dynamics. Industrial design has resulted not only mas products but also aesthetic styles, streams, and idioms that transformed them into universal trends of design.Keywords: industrial design, representation, spirit of ag

    Teorema matematika dalam perancangan desain

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    World industry flourished and grown rapidly in all fields, as a piece of design, scattered in the discipline of interior design, graphic design, fashion design, product design, craft industry. But behind the glorious and legends in the design is not much known about the Chronicle and its struggle would be a mathematical theorem. Through this small scale study tries to analyze flashbacks oversize presence behind the creation of the design. With the approach of a mathematical theorem how do stories, it was created and in what form is present in the design?Keywords: mathematical theorems, applications in industrial desig

    Representasi Realitas Dunia Pop Art Warhol Sebuah Tinjauan Semiologi

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    Abstract.This study is the result of a pre-discussion on the meaning of Andy Warhol's printmaking object material. The purpose of this study is to obtain an outline of the description of the reality and myths in Warhol's work. Data is obtained from visual objects in the field and relevant literature studies, then descriptively will be analyzed by Danesi, semiological approach. The results of this study concluded that through printmaking's pop art work, Warhol wanted to build an ideology perpetuated by the dominant forces in society.Keywords:Warhol, pop art graphic art, ideolog

    Kajian Ikonografis Bahasa Rupa Uang Kertas Indonesia Masa Revolusi

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    Bank note as a medium for visual communication, in it loaded with aesthetic values associatedwith beauty problems. Composed of letters, pictures, colors and unique printing techniques. Paper moneyas a sign of payment, in addition to having intrinsic value in the form of nominal value, has also thefunction of signification, that is a function where bookmarks (signifier), which is concrete as a medium ofexchange, laden with abstract concepts or meanings commonly referred to as marker (signified) in formof text and images. In the image of paper money, which is poured visual expression can reflect ideas,concepts or symbolic meanings related to hegemony, legitimacy, ideology, the existence, sovereignty ofboth states and rulers.Oeang Repoeblik Indonesia (ORI), is the first legitimate currency owned by the Republic ofIndonesia after independence. Since printed in December 1945 to December 1949, in addition topictorial inzet Sukarno, the Indonesian tradition of cultural objects more dominate and become the mainimage. Departure from this phenomenon, need to be studied in greater depth and comprehensive visualand symbolic aspects of paper money during the ORI physical revolution. By looking at the artifacts of theimages on paper money ORI 1945 - 1949, built on the revolutionary period, besides the symboliclanguage of art is a form of symbolic expression to foster community spirit of nationalism and patriotismof the newly independent Indonesia, as well as communicating, showing identity, reflecting the spirit andthe factual circumstances of his time

    RESENSI BUKU Komik. Dari Wayang Beber Sampai Komik Digital

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    Buku ini tersusun atas 6 (enam) bagian bahasan seputar komik, pada bagian kata pengantar,Maharsi menyampaikan pokok gagasan pemikiran tentang buku ini, dikatakannya bahwapengamatannya akan komik dari berbagai sudut pandang memberikan kesan yang amatmendalam, mengingat komik ternyata berbicara erat akan waktu sebagai bagian fragmen masalalu dan masa kini. Komik akan menjadi penonggak sejarah yang berulang dan menjadikannyasemakin bermakna mengingat komik dalam eksistensinya senantiasa memberikan gambaranutuh dunia visual naratif yang berkelanjutan, ada perubahan dari masa ke masa sehingga mampumenghiasi peradaban umat manusia. Hasil refleksi kontemplatifnya akan komik, diyakininyabahwa komik merupakan medium jejak sejarah yang sejak dulu sarat akan cerita dan ilmu yangluar biasa banyaknya. Menurutnya energi dari komik yang ada di dalamnya akan semakinbanyak tersebar luas kepada siapa saja yang bisa memahami sekaligus mencintai hasil budaya ini.Pada bagian pertama buku ini dipaparkan tentang pengertian komik menurut para maestr

    Adaptation of Pramoedya Ananta Toer's Novel Arok Dedes into Concept Art

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    This research aims to obtain the creation of exploration resulting from the adaptation of the narrative text to the visual book novel Arok Dedes. The method used in this research is applied research, which is to apply basic research for practical purposes, in this case, the design of concept art. Data is collected and compiled by studying libraries related to concept art from textbooks and virtual libraries. The result of this study is that the adaptation of text narrative to visual in concept art requires a comprehensive exploration of starting to develop the concept of space transfer, visual reference, character study, and good mood board. Through the results of this study, it is expected that the exploration of the concept of designing text adaptation to visual concept art can be studied and used as a guide for illustrators who are interested in becoming concept artists, game artists, and character art visualizers. Adaptasi Novel Arok Dedes Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer dalam Concept Art. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan konsep penciptaan eksplorasi hasil adaptasi narasi teks ke visual novel Arok Dedes karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian terapan, yakni mengaplikasikan penelitian dasar untuk keperluan praktis dalam hal ini perancangan seni konsep (concept art). Data dikumpulkan dan dikompilasi melalui studi pustaka terkait seni konsep baik dari buku maupun pustaka digital. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa adaptasi narasi teks ke visual dalam seni konsep memerlukan eksplorasi yang komprehensif mulai dari menyusun konsep alih wahana, referensi visual, studi karakter dan mood board yang tepat. Melalui hasil penelitian ini diharapkan eksplorasi konsep perancangan adaptasi teks ke visual seni konsepdapat dipelajari dan digunakan sebagai panduan bagi ilustrator yang tertarik untuk menjadi seniman konsep, seniman gim (game artist) dan pengrajin karakter visual (visualizer art character)

    Kajian Sosio Historis Desain Komunikasi Visual Promosi Wisata Masa Hindia Belanda 1930-1940

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    Penelitian ini membahas tentang media promosi wisata di masa kolonial Belanda, berupa gambar seni cetak litografi. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui makna bahasa rupa yang ada dalam gambar media promosi tersebut. Objek promosi yang dimaksud adalah gambar penginapan, gambar hasil budaya dan alam eksotik pedalaman tanah jajahan insulinde yang dicetak antara tahun 1930 hingga 1940. Dengan metode sosio historis yang terdiri dari kajian sosial dan sejarah, data yang diperoleh dari studi literatur, kajian pustaka dan observasi lapangan akan dianalisi dengan pendekatan wacana kritis Teun A. van Dijk. Selanjutnya berdasarkan data yang ada, hasil penelitian akan diintepretasikan secara deskriptif kualitatif dan dipaparkan dengan pendekatan historiografi. Hasil temuan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa telah terjadi proses pembaratan dalam budaya visual di masa kolonial. Adapun kesimpulan penelitian ini yaitu penggambaran media promosi wisata masa Hindia Belanda 1930 - 1940, telah melahirkan jejak seni cetak litografi bergaya art deco sebagai upaya modernisasi dalam mendukung modernitas dan memajukan pariwisata kolonialis Belanda yang modernistik bagi orang-orang Eropa
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