933 research outputs found


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    Modeling landslide susceptibility usually does not include multi temporal factors, e.g. rainfall, especially for medium scale. Landslide occurrences in Cameron Highlands, in particular, and in Peninsular Malaysia, in general, tend to increase during the peak times of monsoonal rainfall. Due to the lack of high spatial resolution of rainfall data, Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI), soil wetness, and LST (Land Surface Temperature) were selected as replacement of multi temporal rainfall data. This research investigated their roles in landslide susceptibility modeling. In doing so, four Landsat 7 Enhanced Multi Temporal Plus (ETM+) images acquired during two peak times of rainy and dry seasons were used to derive multi temporal NDVI, soil wetness, and LST. Topographic, geology, and soil maps were used to derive ‘static’ factors namely slope, slope aspect, curvature, elevation, road network, river/lake, lithology, soil geology lineament maps. Landslide map was used to derive weighting system based on spatial relationship between landslide occurrences and landslide factor using bivariate statistical method. A non-statistical weighting system was also used for comparison purpose. Different scenarios of data processing were applied to allow evaluation on the roles of multi temporal factors in landslide susceptibility modeling in terms of the accuracy of the landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs), the appropriate weighting system of the models, the applicability of the model, the ability to confirm the relation between landslide occurrences and rainfall. The results show that the average accuracy of LSMs produced by the developed models with inclusion of multi temporal factors is 49.1% on the overall. Addition of LST tends to improve the accuracy of LSMs. NDVI can be a suitable replacement for rainfall data since it can explain the relation between landslides occurrences and rainfall cycle. Statistical-based weighting system produced more accurate LSMs than non-statistical-based one and is applicable for landslide susceptibility modeling elsewhere. Significant causative factors were proven to produce more accurate LSMs


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    Sinusitis is a commonly diagnosed condition in the general population.This article is a study to asses the role of anatomical obstruction in the pathogenesis of chronic sinusitis,based on symptomatology and radiological findings of the patients.The frequency of major anatomical variants like deviated nasal septum,concha bullosa and paradoxical middle turbinate leading to chronic sinusitis have been analyzed.Most of the time the obstruction at osteomeatal complex leading to chronic sinusitis is caused by more than one anatomical factor. 

    HAIR DYE POISONING (An emerging emergency for airway surgeon- a case report)

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    Super-Vasmol, a cheap, freely-available hair dye isemerging as a major cause of suicidal poisoning in India. It contains potential toxins including paraphenylene diamine, resorcinol, sodium ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and propylene glycol which can result in multiorgan dysfunction2 .This case report is an attempt to throw light on this emerging problem.

    Kecemasan Berbicara Bahasa Arab Siswa Program Intensif Bahasa Arab

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    Anxiety is a state of apprehension or worry that indicates that something bad will happen soon. And anxiety will turn into abnormal if the level does not match the proportions of the threat, or if it comes without any cause, that is, if not a form of response to the environment that will change. In the extreme, an anxiety will interfere with our daily activities. The aim of ths research is to know: (1) the level of theanxiety that students of arabic intensive program experienced when they speak arabic, (2) the factors that cause this anxiety when speak arabic that the students of arabic intensive programe experienced, and (3) the strategy on dealing this anxiety by the students of arabic intensive programe. This research use blended-method (qualitative and quantitative). This research is held in Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Bahasa Institut Agama Islam Darussalam (IAIDA) Blokagung Banyuwangi. The subjects of this research are the students who experienced the anxiety on speaking arabic in the arabic at UPT Bahasa IAIDA. They all are choosen by using purposive sampling. The researcher measure the level anxiety by using FLAS (Foreign Language Anxiety Scale) while observing and interviewing all of the students of arabic intensive program to identify the factor that cause the anxiety on speaking arabic. The researcher doing the observation by interviewing intensively and take field note. Intensive interview to the studens is used to know the factors of the anxiety and srudents strategy on dealing the anxiety. Meanwhile, field note is used to get the more accurate data. Based on the result found in the field, Researcher find out that the level anxiety the students have on speaking arabis is about 65% and categorized as atmedium level. While the factors that cause the anxiety on the students arabic speaking skill, in general, are divided into two categories; internal factors and external factors, and in the case of this research, the reseracher found the internal factors that are: worries on doing errors, lack of self confidence and inability to arrange the words into sentences. As for the external factors that are: the absence of supporting environment and the lack of motivation from students parrents. As for the strategy that students do, that are: preparring on learning material before entering the class and find partner in speaking arabic continously


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    PT. Lotus Indah Textile Industries Surabaya adalah suatu perusahaan tekstil yang memproduksi kain bordir dengan type 45 dan 60. Perusahaan ini memproduksi barang tersebut dengan kualitas yang tinggi sesuai dengan standart yang ditentukan. Sistem produksi kain bordir di PT. Lotus Indah Textile Industries sudah terbilang lama, dan akan dilakukan analisis kapasitas. Sehingga dapat ditentukan kapasitas yang optimal sesuai dengan kebutuhan demand produk. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka diperlukan penelitian perencanaan kebutuhan kapasitas yang optimal, sehingga kebutuhan produksi yang akan di pasarkan dapat ditepenuhi. Untuk Menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode Capacity Requirement Planning ( CRP ). CRP memberikan informasi mengenai kondisi dan kapasitas yang terjadi pada perusahaan tersebut untuk dijadikan suatu tindak lanjut terhadap keadaan tersebut. Yaitu dengan ditampilkanya suatu laaporan dari Capacity Requirement Planning. Capacity Requirement Planning ( CRP ) merupakan suatu metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisa kondisi kapasitas yang terjadi pada suatu perusahaan, yaitu sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan tersebut baik sumber daya manusianya ataupun mesin yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan. Metode CRP ini untuk meberikan gambaran kondisi perusahaan, sehingga perusahaan dapat secepatnya mengantisipasi dan melakukan tindakan apabila terjadi kekurangan atau kelebihan sumber daya. Dari hasil pemecahan masalah dilakukan perbandingan antara kapasitas tersedia yang dimilliki dengan beban yang diterima sudah sesuai atau belum. Adapun kekurangan kapasitas pada perusahaan saat menggunakan 6 hari kerja dengan 3 shift adalah sebagai berikut : Heraoka 1 : Bulan Januari 28.156 jam, Februari 70.566 jam dan Maret 6.956 jam; Heraoka 2 : Bulan Januari 66.882 jam, Februari 108.892 jam, Maret 46.782 jam, April 66.882 jam, Juni 36.314 jam, Agustus 36.314 jam, September 16.274 jam, November 16.274 jam dan Desember 16.274 jam; Heraoka 3 : Bulan Februari 61.75 jam, April 18.90 jam, Juni 18.90 jam dan Agustus 18.90 jam; Heraoka 4 : Bulan Januari 9.288 jam, Februari 80.644 jam, Maret 17.714 jam, April 38.694 jam, Mei 17.714 jam, Juni 38.694 jam, Juli 17.714 jam, Agustus 38.694 jam, Oktober 9.288 jam dan Desember 17.714 jam; Heraoka 5: Bulan Januari 3.118 jam, Februari 46.428 jam, April 3.118 jam dan Juni 3.118 jam; Heraoka 6 : Bulan Januari 1.88 jam, Februari 45.05 jam, April 1.88 jam dan Juni 1.88 jam; Heraoka 7 : Bulan Januari 7.15 jam, Februari 50.46 jam, Juni 7.15 jam dan Agustus 7.15 jam; Heraoka 8 : Bulan Januari 38.048 jam, Februari 80.818 jam, April 8.381 jam, Mei 16.868 jam, Juni 38.048 jam, Juli 16.868 jam, Agustus 38.048 jam, Oktober 8.381 jam, November 16.868 jam dan Desember 16.868 jam, sehingga perusahaan harus melakukan penambahan jumlah mesin sebanyak 4 mesin dan jumlah hari kerja menjadi 7 hari kerja dengan 3 shift agar kebutuhan kapasitas yang diperlukan pada perusahaan dapat terpenuhu semuanya, bila masih ada yang mengalami kekurangan maka harus diadakan Rescheduling atau Penjadwalan Ulang

    Friend Or Foe In Gary Winick’s Bride Wars (2009): An Individual Psychological Approach

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    The study is to reveal how the friendship relation of the major characters, Emma Allen and Olivia Liv Lerner. The objective of the study is to analyze the movie based on the structural analysis and the individual psychological approach. This study is a qualitative study. The object of the study is Gary Winick’s Bride Wars. The data sources are divided into two, namely primary data source and secondary data source. In collecting the data, the writer watches the movie and uses library research by collecting and selecting the appropriate data from many sources. The technique of the data analysis, the writer uses descriptive technique. After analyzing the movie of Gary Winick’s Bride Wars, the writer concluded that there are several aspects of individual psychological approach of the major character. The aspects consist of fictional finalism, striving for superiority, inferiority feeling, style of life, social interest, and creative power. Emma Allen and Olivia Liv Lerner have some efforts to reach their fictional goal. They want to marry on Plaza hotel on June eventhough they must fight each other after they get the same date of wedding; the facts above show that the final goal of Emma Allen and Olivia Liv Lerner guides them to be more creative to make their dream come true


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    Focus of this study are (1) describe and analyze the implementation of the guidance and counseling program, (2) find some factors inhibiting the implementation of the guidance and counseling program. This study uses qualitative methods; using interview data collecting technique, tested its validity through triangulation. Subjects in this study are all teachers of guidance and counseling in the Senior High School of Singkawang as many as 10 people as well as principals and supervisors as the informants with the total of 11 people. Results (1) the implementation of evaluation of guidance and counseling program by the teachers still has many weaknesses on each phase of the evaluation, such as not understanding the evaluation models of the guidance and counseling program, how to apply them, and monitoring process that is not done in deeply and in detail, (2) Some factors inhibiting the implementation of the evaluation of guidance and counseling program are lack of knowledge and understanding of the evaluation of guidance and counseling program in the schools, lack of interest in developing professional competencies, and lack of guidance to the teachers in implementing the guidance and counseling evaluation program

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Pengenalan Hewan dan Buah-Buahan Menggunakan Bahasa Jepang dan Inggris Berbasis Android

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    The rapid development of technology, especially computers, has an impact in the world of education in utilizing computers. Computers can be used as one of the interactive learning media. To make it easier to deliver learning materials to children, this material is attractively packaged in the form of multimedia that is educational and entertaining. Learning media is a tool or technique used in the teaching and learning process so that the teaching and learning process becomes more interesting and the material conveyed can reach students precisely and quickly. Based on this definition, it can be concluded that learning media has great benefits in the teaching and learning process. The learning media used must be interesting so that students can pay more attention to the material conveyed in the teaching and learning process. Based on the above problems, an introduction learning media application using multimedia-based English was made which can be used as an alternative to the problems above, therefore in this study the title Learning Media Application Using Japanese and English Through Introduction to Animals, Fruits, Multimedia-Based was taken

    Memahami Maslahat Menggunakan Pendekatan Filsafat Utilitarianisme Menurut Muhammad Abû Zahrah

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    This paper seeks to describe the efforts of Abû Zahrah in making the philosophy of utilitarianism as a means of understanding the concept of maslahah mursalah in legal reasoning. In Zahrah?s view, the principle of utilitarianism can be taken into account as a guide to understand and apply the concept of maslahah. Zahrah goes on to argue that maslahah can be applied quantitatively using the hedonic calculus as a tool of measurement. Zahrah defines maslahah as an action that is valued as having the greatest benefit for the majority of people in the long term. In his opinion, there are seven factors that determine the level of satisfaction and pain resulted from an action, namely intensity, duration, certainty, propinquity, fecundity, purity, and extent. The calculation will produce positive balance if the credit (satisfaction) is much greater than the debt (pain). This calculus, according to Zahrah, can be applied to measure the benefit and loss in the discourses of maslahah mursalah

    Analysis of Implementation the Evaluation of Guidance and Counseling Program at Senior High Schools of Singkawang

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    Focus of this study are (1) describe and analyze the implementation of the guidance and counseling program, (2) find some factors inhibiting the implementation of the guidance and counseling program. This study uses qualitative methods; using interview data collecting technique, tested its validity through triangulation. Subjects in this study are all teachers of guidance and counseling in the Senior High School of Singkawang as many as 10 people as well as principals and supervisors as the informants with the total of 11 people. Results (1) the implementation of evaluation of guidance and counseling program by the teachers still has many weaknesses on each phase of the evaluation, such as not understanding the evaluation models of the guidance and counseling program, how to apply them, and monitoring process that is not done in deeply and in detail, (2) Some factors inhibiting the implementation of the evaluation of guidance and counseling program are lack of knowledge and understanding of the evaluation of guidance and counseling program in the schools, lack of interest in developing professional competencies, and lack of guidance to the teachers in implementing the guidance and counseling evaluation program
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