816 research outputs found

    A capillary electrophoretic method for isolation and characterization of grape xylem proteins

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    European (Vitis vinifera) and American (Vitis labrusca) grape species succumb to a bacterial disease known as Pierce's Disease (PD). In contrast, muscadine grape genotypes (Vitis rotundifolia) are tolerant/resistant to PD. This is due to the unique biochemical composition of muscadine xylem. However, because of low protein concentration, conventional methods such as low-pressure chromatography and PAGE are unsuitable for grape xylem protein characterization. In addition, these procedures are tedious, time-consuming and require large amount of sample. This study reports a procedure for isolating and separating proteins from muscadine and bunch grape xylem tissue. The procedure consists of separation of xylem from cortex and phloem, removal of pigments and other gummy substances from xylem with ethanol: ethylacetate (2:1) and subsequent Capillary Electrophoretic (CE) analysis of xylem protein extracts to achieve desired resolution. Number of peaks, peak height and areas, retention time and baseline position were used to compare resolution and study the effect of sample and separation buffer. Xylem tissue proteins extracted with 0.05% sodium borate buffer (pH 8.3) and subjected to CE using 1.2% sodium borate (pH 8.3) as a separation buffer were found to yield most satisfactory resolution of grape xylem proteins. The data obtained by CE were consistent and reproducible, and hence, is well suited to obtain excellent resolution of xylem tissue protein for identifying differences in protein composition among the grape genotypes. (African Journal of Biotechnology: 2003 2(3): 66-70

    Structural and Electrical Properties of Graphene Oxide-Doped PVA/PVP Blend Nanocomposite Polymer Films

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    Graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles were incorporated in PVA/PVP blend polymers for the preparation of nanocomposite polymer films by the solution cast technique. XRD, FTIR, DSC, SEM, and UV-visible studies were performed on the prepared nanocomposite polymer films. XRD revealed the amorphous nature of the prepared films. Thermal analysis of the nanocomposite polymer films was analyzed by DSC. SEM revealed the morphological features and the degree of roughness of the samples. DC conductivity studies were under taken on the samples, and the conductivity was found to be 6.13 × 10−4 S·cm−1 for the polymer film prepared at room temperature. A solid-state battery has been fabricated with the chemical composition of Mg+/(PVA/PVP  :  GO)/(I2 + C + electrolyte), and its cell parameters like power density and current density were calculated

    Genetic Diversity Analysis of Mutant Lines of Oat (\u3cem\u3eAvena sativa\u3c/em\u3e L.) Based on RAPD and ISSR Analysis

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    The genus Avena belongs to the grass family Poaceae and has ploidy levels of diploid, tetraploid and hexaploid with basic chromosome number of 7 (n=7). Oat (Avena sativa L.) is one of the most important forage and feed crops of the world. Oat is used as green fodder, straw, hay or silage. Oat grain makes a good balanced concentrate in the rations for poultry, cattle, sheep and other animals. Green fodder contains about 10 to 13% protein and 30 to 35% dry matter. Despite being high fed fodder crop, it is now gaining importance as food due to its unique and important quality characteristics, particularly the lipid and protein in grains (Ruwali et al., 2013). The existing genetic variability for the traits of agronomic importance, such as plant vegetative cycle, is considered restricted. The narrow of the genetic base in cultivated oat varieties can be a constraint on the efficacy of genotype selection in segregating generations (Carvalho and Federizzi, 1989). Genetic variability in existing oat cultivars is not high enough; it hampers the selection of superior genotypes for breeding. Modifications in the genetic structure of plants and an organisms occurs naturally, though at low frequency, but can be increased through physical or chemical mutagens. Advances in molecular biology have introduced an alternative for variety/genotype identification. The genetic characterization of germplasm helps in their effective conservation and reveals the extent of relationship among the accessions and the estimates of genetic diversity (Singh et al., 2012). The selection of RAPD and ISSR were based on their relative technical simplicity, level of polymorphism they detect, cost effective, easily applicable to any plant species and target those sequence which are abundant throughout the eukaryotic genome and are rapidly evolved. A series of studies have indicated that ISSR could be able to produce more reliable and reproducible bands because of the higher annealing temperature and longer sequence of ISSR primers considered superior than RAPD (Bornet et al., 2001). ISSR has proved to be useful to study of population genetic studies gene mapping germplasm identification and characterize gene bank accessions as well as to identify closely related cultivars (Cortesi et al., 2004). The present research had the following objectives: Assessment of diversity of mutant lines of oat (Avena sativa L.) based on RAPD and ISSR analysis

    Alterations in carbohydrate metabolism under cryptorchid condition in albino rats

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    Bilateral cryptorchidism was induced surgically in adult wistar strain albino rats and the carbohydrate metabolic pathway has been studied in testis, and sex accessory organs of both control and cryptorchid animals by estimating the marker enzymes and the substrates of the metabolism. In cryptorchid animal tissues, accumulation of lactic acid and glycogen was observed with inhibited phosphorylase activity in comparison to the controls. The reproductive tissues like testis, epididymis, prostate gland and seminal vesicles had shown remarkable elevation in the glycogen content, which can be attributed to decreased phosphorylase activity. In view of androgen dependent nature of phosphorylase its inhibition can be correlated to decreased testosterone circulation in the body. Consequently the free glucose content of the tissues was markedly decreased suggesting a decrease in the mobilization of the carbohydrates into energy metabolism. All the reproductive tissues had shown significant accumulation of lactic acid with inhibited oxidative enzyme activities. Thus the reproductive tissue oxidative metabolism had been suppressed during cryptorchidism leading to a shift towards glycolysis and creating a situation of functional suppression


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    The study of microbial genomes through direct extraction, DNA cloning, and a panel of microorganisms is known as metagenomics.We all know that microbes are omni present in the world. Using microbial techniques for organism identification will be more helpful in understanding all the microbes that make up diversity. Microbiologists usually do all the laboratory works for the identification and characterization of the particular organisms based on their morphology. But this method of identification is not sufficient for the complete identification of microbes in the particular diversity. To fulfil this issues, we microbiologists need a better method to identify all the microbes present in the entire environment. Metagenomic methods play a major role to identify all the genes present in the particular community by means of both functional based and sequence-based screening. This method also plays a way to know the taxonomic understanding with gene profiling.Shotgun sequencing was supplanted in the area of sequencing by high-throughput third-generation sequencing (TGS) and next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. The rapid identification of pathogenic microorganisms has been shown to be an advantage by NGS and TGS. The effectiveness of petrographic profiling and genetic prediction of microbiological species will be improved by the application of new algorithms. New bioactive compounds, functional microbial genes, and microbial metabolites were studied using functional metagenomics. In this review, the main applications of metagenomics in microbiology can be elucidate

    A Study of nature of the Photovoltaic modules under the influence of partial shading effect

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    The behaviour of the solar photovoltaic array will be rapidly changing under the influence of partial shading phenomenon. When two (or) more photovoltaic modules are embedded in series, then the total output voltage and the net output power obtained from the series connected photovoltaic modules will mainly depends upon the solar insolation which is being projected upon each and every module respectively. Small perturbation in solar irradiation levels will lead to large considerable change in the output parameters. This paper mainly focuses on observing the effect of partial shading on photovoltaic modules which are connected in series. The main objective of this paper is to examine about the mismatching phenomenon that occurs while tracking the global maxima point which plays a vital role in extracting maximum power from solar photovoltaic array in an effective manner

    The Fetal Basis of Amyloidogenesis: Exposure to Lead and Latent Overexpression of Amyloid Precursor Protein and β-Amyloid in the Aging Brain

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    The fetal basis of adult disease (FeBAD) hypothesis states that many adult diseases have a fetal origin. According to FeBAD, injury or environmental influences occurring at critical periods of organ development could result in “programmatic” changes via alterations in gene expression or gene imprinting that may result in functional deficits that become apparent later in life. Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized by excessive deposits of aggregated β-amyloid (Aβ) peptides, which are snippets of the β-amyloid precursor protein (APP). The predominately sporadic nature of AD suggests that the environment must play a role in neurodegeneration. To examine latent responses to an environmental agent, we exposed rodents to lead and monitored the lifetime expression of the APP gene. We observed that APP mRNA expression was transiently induced in neonates, but exhibited a delayed overexpression 20 months after exposure to Pb had ceased. This upregulation in APP mRNA expression was commensurate with a rise in activity of the transcription factor Sp1, one of the regulators of the APP gene. Furthermore, the increase in APP gene expression in old age was accompanied by an elevation in APP and its amyloidogenic Aβ product. In contrast, APP expression, Sp1 activity, as well as APP and Aβ protein levels were unresponsive to Pb exposure during old age. These data suggested that environmental influences occurring during brain development predetermined the expression and regulation of APP later in life, potentially altering the course of amyloidogenesis

    Intramolecular monomer-on-monomer (MoM) mitsunobu cyclization for the synthesis of benzofused thiadiazepine-dioxides

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    The utilization of a monomer-on-monomer (MoM) intramolecular Mitsunobu cyclization reaction employing norbornenyl-tagged (Nb-tagged) reagents is reported for the synthesis of benzofused thiadiazepine-dioxides. Facile purification was achieved via ring-opening metathesis (ROM) polymerization initiated by one of three metathesis catalyst methods: (i) free metathesis catalyst, (ii) surface-initiated catalyst-armed silica, or (iii) surface-initiated catalyst-armed Co/C magnetic nanoparticles

    Multivalued SK-contractions with respect to b-generalized pseudodistances

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    A new class of multivalued non-self-mappings, called SK-contractions with respect to b-generalized pseudodistances, is introduced and used to investigate the existence of best proximity points by using an appropriate geometric property. Some new fixed point results in b-metric spaces are also obtained. Examples are given to support the usability of our main result

    Best proximity point theorems for α-nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces

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    In this paper, we discuss sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of best proximity points for non-self-a-nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces. We obtain convergence results under some assumptions, and we prove the existence of common best proximity points for a family of non-self-a-nonexpansive mappings