12 research outputs found

    Efficiency of eprinomectin for the treatment of naturally infested with sarcoptes scabiei in rabbits (oryctolagus cuniculus)

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    Bu çalışma, Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Hayvan Hastanesine göz, burun, ağız etrafında ve ayaklarda kaşıntılı yara şikâyetleri ile getirilen on iki beyaz Yeni Zelanda tavşanı (Oryctolagus cuniculus) üzerinde yürütüldü. Tavşanların lezyonlu bölgelerinden bisturi yardımıyla alınan deri kazıntıları %10’luk KOH ile ezildikten sonra ışık mikroskobunda incelendi ve tavşanların Sarcoptes scabiei ile infeste oldukları belirlendi. Tedavide eprinomektin 0.2 mg/kg ve deri altı yolla 14 gün arayla iki kez uygulandı. Eprinomektinin etkinliği; deri kazıntısının parazitolojik muayenesinde Sarcoptes scabiei akarlarının varlığı ve/veya klinik belirtilerin devam edip etmediği durumuna göre değerlendirildi. Sonuçta eprinomektinin tavşanlarda S. scabiei'nin doğal enfestasyonlarına karşı etkili olduğu belirlenmiştir.This study was carried out on twelve white New Zealand rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) which brought with itchy wounds symptoms around eye, nose, mouth and feet to Afyon Kocatepe University, Veterinary Faculty, Animal Hospital. The skin scrapings that taken from the lesion areas of rabbits with a scalpel, were examined in the light microscope then crushed with 10% KOH and it was determined the rabbits infested with Sarcoptes scabiei. At treatment, Eprinomectin was administered 0.2 mg/kg subcutaneously twice with 14 days interval. The efficacy of eprinomectin was assessed either clinically or parasitologically examination by the absence of Sarcoptes scabiei mites due to skin scraping. The results of the present study determine that eprinomectin is effective against naturally infestations of S. scabiei in rabbits

    Use Of Piaget'S Theory In Preschool Nutrition Education

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    The preschool period is a time when children learn many concepts and develop life-long habits. In that period, children learn about appropriate and balanced nutrition and acquire good eating habits for later years. Piaget determined that children's cognitive development is important for their understanding of and learning about the world around them. Piaget's theory can be used as a guide in nutrition education. In fact, it helps to design effective nutrition education appropriate for the developmental stages of childhood. The purpose of this article is to describe Piaget's theory and nutrition education based on this theory. This article will discuss how Piaget's theory is to be used in the development of nutritional habits of preschool children and will make an attempt to provide a viewpoint for those who provide nutrition education.WoSScopu

    Can patient-physician interview skills be implemented with peer simulated patients?

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    Introduction Patient-physician interviewing skills are crucial in health service delivery. It is necessary for effective care and treatment that the physician initiates the interview with the patient, takes anamnesis, collects the required information, and ends the consultation. Different methods are used to improve patient-physician interview skills before encountering actual patients. In the absence of simulated patients, peer simulation is an alternative method for carrying out the training. This study aims to show whether patient-physician interview skills training can be implemented using peer simulation in the absence of the simulated patient. Methods This is a descriptive quantitative study. This research was conducted in six stages: identification of the research problem and determination of the research question, development of data collection tools, planning, acting, evaluation, and monitoring. The data were collected via the patient-physician interview videos of the students. The research team performed descriptive analysis on quantitative data and thematic analysis on qualitative data. Results Fifty students participated in the study. When performing peer-assisted simulation applications in the absence of simulated patients, the success rate in patient-physician interviews and peer-simulated patient roles was over 88%. Although the students were less satisfied with playing the peer-simulated patient role, the satisfaction towards the application was between 77.33% and 98%. Discussion and Conclusion In patient-physician interviews, the peer-simulated patient method is an effective learning approach. There may be difficulties finding suitable simulated patients, training them, budgeting to cover the costs, planning, organizing the interviews, and solving potential issues during interviews. Our study offers an affordable solution for students to earn patient-physician interview skills in faculties facing difficulties with providing simulated patients for training

    Experiences of mothers of children with Down syndrome.

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    This qualitative study explored the experiences and lifestyles of families in Turkey with children with Down syndrome, including the impact on family members. Twelve mothers with a Down syndrome child (three from each of the age groups 1-3 years, 4-6 years, 7-12 years and 13-18 years of age) participated in the study. The data were collected during in-depth interviews and were evaluated using qualitative data analysis methods. Families were affected socially, physically, economically and emotionally by having a child with Down syndrome

    Intrathecal IgM index correlates with a severe disease course in multiple sclerosis: Clinical and MRI results

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    Objectives: Intrathecally synthesized IgM can be seen not only in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in infectious and inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system, but also in that of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Intrathecal IgM synthesis in MS seems to be correlated with an unfavorable disease course. In one cross-sectional study, intrathecal synthesis of IgM (IgM index) was found to be correlated with cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) parameters. The purpose of this study was to determine the possible relationship between the IgM index and MRI and clinical parameters

    Volatile Components of Some Selected Turkish Liverworts

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    The distribution of liverworts and hornworts in Turkey has been described. The volatile components of the ether extracts of some selected Turkish, Spanish and French liverwort species, Corsinia coriandrina, Lejeunea lamacerina, Lunularia cruciata, Marchantia polymorpha, Metzgeria furcata, Pellia neesiana, Porella cordaeana, Porella platyphylla and Scapania undulata were analysed by GC-MS. C. coriandrina produces isothiocyanates and S,S-dimethyliminodithiocarbonates similar to those isolated from the marine hydroid, Tridentata marginata. The species also produces the characteristic 2-arylbenzofurans. L. lamacerina is closely related chemically to the Japanese Lejeunea aquatica, L. flava and L. japonica since it elaborates the same cuparene sesquiterpenoids as those found in the latter three species