362 research outputs found

    Hebrón, la otra Jerusalén

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    Hoy, el conflicto palestino-israelí, simbolizado por la convulsa y dramática singularidad de la milenaria ciudad de Hebrón, se vuelve a situar en el centro de atención de las Relaciones Internacionales y los Estados Unidos de Barak Obama. Son muchos, sin embargo, los obstáculos hacia la paz. Uno de los más serios y potenciales impedimentos sigue siendo el ímpetu sionista de maximalismo territorial del fundamentalismo judío israelí centrado en Cisjordania (Judea y Samaria para los sionistas) y punta de lanza de la colonización. Hebrón y Jerusalén, dos ciudades indisolublemente unidas a lo largo de la historia y al conflicto palestino-israelí (y por ello, a su eventual resolución), son los principales objetivos de la colonización política y religiosa. Centrándose en los lugares arquitectónicos más simbólicos e históricos de la ciudad por un lado; y en el problema del fundamentalismo hebreo y la colonización, por otro, el artículo intentará trazar sucintamente las líneas generales de la historia de Hebrón, por ser una ciudad milenaria clave con una historia sagrada similar para judíos, cristianos y musulmanes y por constituir el máximo ejemplo o exponente del conflicto palestino-israelí, ya que además de sufrir las heridas propias del resto de ciudades bajo ocupación y la controversia referente a los lugares venerados, se trata de la única ciudad palestina con colonias judías y checkpoints militares en el mismo casco antiguoToday, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, symbolized by the turbulent and dramatic singularity of the ancient city of Hebron, is put back in the spotlight of international relations and the Barak Obama administration in the United States. However, there are many obstacles to peace. One of the most serious impediments and potential momentum remains the territorial maximalist Zionist Jewish fundamentalism in Israel focused West Bank (Judea and Samaria for the Zionists) and the spearhead of the settlement. Hebron and Jerusalem, two cities inextricably linked throughout history and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict (and therefore to its eventual resolution) are the main goals of political and religious colonization. Focusing on the symbolic architectural sites and historical town on one side and the problem of Jewish fundamentalism and colonization, on the other, the article will try to briefly trace the outline of the history of Hebron, as a key millennium city with a history similar sacred to Jews, Christians and Muslims and for being the ultimate example or exponent of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as well as suffer the wounds themselves from other cities under occupation and the controversy regarding places revered, it is the only Palestinian city with Jewish settlements and military checkpoints in the same old tow

    The role of hydroxo-bridged dinuclear species and the influence of “innocent” buffers in the reactivity of cis-[CoIII(cyclen)(H2O)2]3+ and [CoIII(tren)(H2O)2]3+ complexes with biologically relevant ligands at physiological pH

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    In view of the relevance of the reactivity of inert tetraamine CoIII complexes having two substitutionally active cis positions capable of interact with biologically relevant ligands, the study of the reaction of cis-[Co(cyclen)(H2O)2]3+ and [Co(tren)(H2O)2]3+ with chlorides, inorganic phosphate and 5’-CMP (5’-cytidinemonophosphate) has been pursued at physiological pH. The results indicate that, in addition to the actuation of the expected labilising conjugate-base mechanism, the formation of mono and inert bis hydroxo-bridged species is relevant for understanding their speciation and reactivity. The reactivity pattern observed also indicates the key role played by the “innocent” buffers frequently used in most in vitro studies, which can make the results unreliable in many cases. The differences between the reactivity of inorganic and biologically relevant phosphates has also been found to be remarkable, with outer-sphere hydrogen bonding interactions being a dominant factor for the process. While for the inorganic phosphate substitution process the formation of μ–η2-OPO2O represents the termination of the reactivity monitored, for 5’-CMP only the formation of η1-OPO3 species is observed, which evolve with time to the final dead-end bis hydroxo-bridged complexes. The promoted hydrolysis of the 5’-CMP phosphate has not been observed in any of the processes studied

    Diseño de una maleta portàtil para realizar demostraciones de procesos de digitalización mediante node-red

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    El presente proyecto contextualiza las principales tecnologías de la era de la digitalización o Industria 4.0, también conocida como cuarta revolución industrial. En primer lugar, se describe brevemente las principales arquitecturas, estándares, características y componentes de la Industria 4.0, y las distintas disciplinas de la ingeniería que desempeñan un papel fundamental para su evolución. El objetivo de este proyecto es el diseño, montaje y puesta en marcha de una maleta portátil para realizar demostraciones de procesos de digitalización mediante Node-RED. Con el objetivo de poder presentar y explicar a clientes y expertos del sector los equipos del fabricante Weidmüller concebidos para este tipo de aplicaciones de Industria 4.0. Para ello se han utilizado equipos de control específicos de IOT y comunicaciones, dotando a la maleta de todos los equipos necesarios para ser autónoma y poder realizar todo el proceso completo que equivaldría en la industria. Y con el fin de poder presentar y conocer el potencial de los diferentes equipos se ha desarrollado una serie de aplicaciones típicas de digitalización a nivel industrial. Donde se explica cómo se han resuelto y los beneficios que aporta cada una de ellas. Cabe destacar que se realizan también con el fin de poder dar ejemplos y facilidades para cumplir con los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) aprobados por la ONU enfocados en la Industria.This project contextualizes the main technologies of the digitalization era or Industry 4.0, also known as the fourth industrial revolution. First, it briefly describes the main architectures, standards, characteristics and components of Industry 4.0, and the different engineering disciplines that play a fundamental role in its evolution. The objective of this project is the design, assembly and commissioning of a portable suitcase to carry out demonstrations of digitization processes using Node-RED. With the aim of being able to present and explain to customers and industry experts the equipment from the manufacturer Weidmüller designed for this type of Industry 4.0 applications. For this, specific IOT and communications control equipment has been used, providing the suitcase with all the necessary equipment to be autonomous and to be able to carry out the entire process that would be equivalent in the industry. To be able to present and discover the potential of the different equipment, a series of typical digitalization applications have been developed at an industrial level. Where it is explained how it has been resolved and the benefits that each of them brings. It should be noted that they are also carried out in order to be able to give examples and facilities to comply with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) approved by the UN focused on the Industry

    Procesos de lengua inglesa por contenidos en la etapa 12-16: "content-based teaching"

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    Esta investigación se realizó en función de dos objetivos:1. Concretar una modalidad de enseñanza y aprendizaje (E-A) de lenguas extranjeras (LE), fundamentada en los conocimientos científicos existentes sobre esta área de actividad humana, y a la vez en consonancia directa con los preceptos de la entonces inminente ESO. Consistía en la E-A de la LE por procesos, y mediante el estudio de contenidos generalmente no-lingüísticos.2. Comprobar si a través de la modalidad propuesta se podían generar procesos de E-A satisfactorios y beneficiosos en el aula.Como prerrequisito indispensable, se resolvieron ciertas incógnitas planteadas en la introducción de la tesis, en cuanto a la naturaleza de los contenidos a estudiar, el nivel mínimo previo necesario de competencia en la LE, la naturaleza de los procesos a realizar (participantes, procedimientos, materiales, etc.), y el sistema más adecuado de evaluación.El proceso de investigación es del tipo llamado "Investigación-Acción", llevado a cabo por un investigador que diseñó, concretó e impartió la docencia experimental, además de recoger y analizar los datos que se produjeron en consecuencia de la misma. La modalidad de E-A experimental se define por las siguientes características:1. La LE no es objeto de estudio per se, sino que se adquiere al utilizarla, para finalidades comunicativas pero también cognitivas (y en esto se distingue de otros enfoques comunicativos más conocidos). Mediante el procesamiento interactivo de la información (expresada en la LE) el alumno construye un esquema cognitivo del contenido objeto de estudio. Este esquema cognitivo consiste en un conjunto estructurado de conceptos interrelacionados, entrelazados con sus correspondientes destrezas y procesos cognitivos y su correspondiente lenguaje específico.2. Se pretende, al mismo tiempo que el alumno adquiere la capacidad de usar la LE y también conocimientos sobre el contenido objeto de estudio, contribuir a otros objetivos curriculares generales, incluyendo el desarrollo de determinadas capacidades cognitivas y académicas (transferibles a otras áreas del currículum), especialmente la capacidad para el pensamiento conceptual (cuya aparición suele producirse justamente en la adolescencia), y la competencia en los procesos lingüísticos de informar, generalizar, y juzgar.La prueba piloto descrita y analizada en esta tesis constituye la primera experiencia documentada de un proceso de E-A de este tipo. Ante todo, quedó demostrada la viabilidad de la modalidad experimental y la conveniencia de continuar con el proceso de investigación-acción. Se observó, además, en la producción de los alumnos, que este tipo de E-A ofrecía mejores oportunidades para experimentar con la LE, sin reducir aparentemente el grado de normatividad lingüística en dicha producción.El estudio empírico definitivo respondía a dos objetivos planteados tras la prueba piloto:1. Introducir en el diseño de una nueva unidad didáctica las modificaciones consideradas como aconsejables en vista de los resultados de la prueba piloto.2. A continuación, experimentar la nueva versión en el aula, con una recogida de datos mucho más extensa y mejor enfocada, a fin de verificar algunas intuiciones surgidas de la prueba piloto y descubrir qué beneficios concretos podía ofrecer la modalidad experimental en el aula.ConclusionesSe puede afirmar ahora que se impartieron 2 unidades didácticas (de 30 horas de duración) claramente satisfactorias según la valoración de los participantes y a la luz de los resultados obtenidos, trabajando con grupos normales en un centro de enseñanza media que los observadores externos consideraban bastante representativo.En base a esta realidad, se recomienda sin ningún tipo de reserva, cuando menos la experimentación de unidades didácticas de este tipo dentro de la ESO; y se especifican en la tesis propuestas concretas en cuanto a la manera de llevar esto a cabo, incluyendo el aspecto de evaluar a los alumnos.This "Action research" was carried out with 2 main aims in mind:1. To design, within the framework of the (then) new Catalan/Spanish comprehensive secondary education, a ("Content-Based") process model for developing, through the study of non-linguistic content (expressed in the foreign language), the capacity to use the corresponding foreign language (FL).By interactively processing the corresponding information (expressed in the FL) the learner builds up a mental schema of the target content (consisting of a structured set of interrelated concepts, cognitive skills and procedures, together with its corresponding specific language). Thus, the student's use of the FL is not only communicative, but cognitive as well: s/he applies subsidiary cognitive and academic skills and abilities which will be transferable to the rest of the curriculum (e.g. conceptual thinking -crucial to the adolescent's development-, information processing, the linguistic processes of informing, generalizing and evaluating, etc.). This type of model had previously only been applied in Second Language (SL) contexts (and in quite a different way).2. To obtain empirical evidence, by means of a pilot study and subsequent full-scale study (both using 30-hour teaching units created by the researcher), regarding the experimental model's potential to generate satisfactory and/or beneficial processes in the classroom. The researcher was helped to design the study by experts in educational research, as well as by Mr. Tom Hutchinson (Lancaster University, UK)The process of designing the experimental (Content-Based) FLT model required, in the first place, informed decisions as to the following key points:1. Students' minimum prerequisite competence in the FL.2. Which type of contents would be most suitable.3. The exact nature of the processes involved (participants, procedures, materials, etc.).4. Optimal procedures for assessment of student performance.This involved a state-of-the-art review in the fields of second language acquisition and psycholinguistics, as well as readings (and consultations with experts) in the fields of psychology and education.The pilot study showed that the experimental model could indeed generate a satisfactory learning experience for all concerned, and it was additionally observed that the learners were provided with more and better opportunities to experiment with the FL, apparently without reducing the linguistic accuracy of their output. The data gathered allowed methodological improvements to be made for a subsequent full blown study, as well as optimisation of data gathering for said study, with the aim of (a) verifying some tentative insights gained from the pilot study data, and also of (b) discovering what specific, concrete benefits the model could offer participants (i.e., exactly what had made the pilot teaching unit a success).The evidence obtained in these two empirical studies (above all in the second one), working with average students in a fairly representative state secondary school (according to the contextual data obtained), shows that the experimental model did actually deliver the benefits previously claimed for it, and was also stimulating for the teacher without overworking him. Finally, also in the light of the data obtained, further methodological improvements are suggested, as well as proposing and justifying specific options for the implementation of the model within the corresponding educational context.Bearing in mind how little was previously known (and even less so empirically) about the nature and effects of Content-Based teaching, and particularly with FL rather than SL, designing the experimental method, producing two teaching units (explaining the rationale underpinning said production), and applying them in the classroom, together with the extensive documentation and analysis of the resulting experience, made up an undoubtedly innovative and useful research process

    Comparison of UAS and Sentinel-2 Multispectral Imagery for Water Quality Monitoring: A Case Study for Acid Mine Drainage Affected Areas (SW Spain)

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    Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) and satellites are used for monitoring and assessing the quality of surface waters. Combining both sensors in a joint tool may scale local water quality retrieval models to regional and global scales by translating UAS-based models to satellite imagery. The main objective of this study is to examine whether Sentinel-2 (S2) data can complement UAS data, specifically from the MicaSense RedEdge MX-Dual sensor, for inland water quality monitoring in mining environments affected by acid mine drainage (AMD). For this purpose, a comparison between UAS reflectance maps and atmospherically corrected S2 imagery was performed. S2 data were processed with Case 2 Regional Coast Colour (C2RCC) and Case 2 Regional Coast Colour for Complex waters (C2X) atmospheric correction (AC) processors. The correlation between the UAS data and the atmospherically corrected S2 data was evaluated on a band-by-band and a pixel-by-pixel basis, and the compatibility of the spectral data was analyzed through statistical methods. The results showed C2RCC and C2X performed better for acidic greenish-blue and non-acidic greenish-brown water bodies concerning the UAS data than for acidic dark reddish-brown waters. However, significant differences in reflectance between the UAS sensor and both S2 AC processors have been detected. The poor agreement between sensors should be considered when combining data from both instruments since these could have further consequences in developing multi-scale modelsThis study was supported in part by the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree (EMJMD) in Water and Coastal Management (WACOMA) with the contribution of the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. This work was also supported by Plan Andaluz de Investigación RNM 166 Environmental radioactivity research group (LB) and partially by the FEDER UHU2020-21 Project. UAS equipment from University of Cádiz Drone Service was supported by MINECO infrastructure projects (EQC2018-00446-P and UNCA-2013-1969). MDB thanks the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for the Postdoctoral Fellowship granted under application reference IJC2018-035056-I. This research was also funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the Spanish State Research Agency, the European Regional Development Fund MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Sen2Coast Project; RTI 2018-098784-J-I00), and the Consejería de Transformación Económica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades from Andalusian Government through the Andalusian FEDER operational program 2014-2020 (A1123060E0_PYC20 RE 032 UHU) and the call 2020 for collaborative interest projects in the field of the Innovation Ecosystems of the International Excellence Centers). We thank to Tharsis Mining & Metallurgy for allowing us to collect the samples in the abandoned mining areas that belong to the company since 2018. The authors also gratefully acknowledge the support of the Guest Editor, the Assistant Editor and the three anonymous reviewers for their comments and positive criticisms, which notably improved the quality of the original pape

    A DFTand TD-DFTApproach to the Understanding of Statistical Kinetics in Substitution Reactions of M3Q4 (M=Mo, W; Q=S, Se) Cuboidal Clusters

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    For many years it has been known that the nine water molecules in [M3Q4(H2O)9]4+ cuboidal clusters (M= Mo, W; Q=S, Se) can be replaced by entering ligands, such as chloride or thiocyanate, and kinetic studies carried out mainly on the substitution of the first water molecule at each metal centre reveal that the reaction at the three metal centres occurs with statistical kinetics; that is, a single exponential with a rate constant corresponding to the reaction at the third centre is observed instead of the expected threeexponential kinetic trace. Such simplification of the kinetic equations requires the simultaneous fulfilment of two conditions: first that the three consecutive rate constants are in statistical ratio, and second that the metal centres behave as independent chromophores. The validity of those simplifications has been checked for the case of the reaction of [Mo3S4(H2O)9]4+ with Cl by using DFT and TD-DFT theoretical calculations. The results of those calculations are in agreement with the available experimental information, which indicates that the H2O ligands trans to the m-S undergo substitution much faster than those trans to the m3-S. Moreover, the energy barriers for the substitution of the first water molecule at the three metal centres are close to each other, the differences being compatible with the small changes in the numerical values of the rate constants required for observation of statistical kinetics. TD-DFT calculations lead to calculated electronic spectra, which are in reasonable agreement with those experimentally measured, but the calculations do not indicate that the three metal centres behave as independent chromophores, although the mathematical conditions required for simplification of the kinetic traces to a single exponential are reasonably well fulfilled at certain wavelengths. A re-examination of the kinetics of the reaction by using global fitting procedures yields results, which are compatible with statistical kinetics, although an alternative interpretation in which substitution only occurs at a single metal centre under reversible conditions is also possible

    Influence of the Ligand Alkyl Chain Length on the Solubility, Aqueous Speciation, and Kinetics of Substitution Reactions of Water- Soluble M3S4 (M = Mo, W) Clusters Bearing Hydroxyalkyl Diphosphines

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    Water-soluble [M3S4X3(dhbupe)3]+ diphosphino complexes (dhbupe = 1,2-bis(bis(hydroxybutyl)phosphino)ethane), 1+ (M = Mo, X = Cl) and 2+ (M = W; X = Br), have been synthesized by extending the procedure used for the preparation of their hydroxypropyl analogues by reaction of the M3S4(PPh3)3X4(solvent)x molecular clusters with the corresponding 1,2-bis- (bishydroxyalkyl)diphosphine. The solid state structure of the [M3S4X3(dhbupe)3]+ cation possesses a C3 symmetry with a cuboidal M3S4 unit, and the outer positions are occupied by one halogen and two phosphorus atoms of the diphosphine ligand. At a basic pH, the halide ligands are substituted by hydroxo groups to afford the corresponding [Mo3S4(OH)3(dhbupe)3]+ (1OH +) and [W3S4(OH)3(dhbupe)3]+ (2OH +) complexes. This behavior is similar to that found in 1,2-bis(bis(hydroxymethyl)phosphino)ethane (dhmpe) complexes and differs from that observed for 1,2-bis(bis(hydroxypropyl)phosphino)ethane (dhprpe) derivatives. In the latter case, an alkylhydroxo group of the functionalized diphosphine replaces the chlorine ligands to afford Mo3S4 complexes in which the deprotonated dhprpe acts in a tridentate fashion. Detailed studies based on stopped-flow, 31P{1H} NMR, and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry techniques have been carried out in order to understand the solution behavior and kinetics of interconversion between the different species formed in solution: 1 and 1OH + or 2 and 2OH +. On the basis of the kinetic results, a mechanism with two parallel reaction pathways involving water and OH− attacks is proposed for the formal substitution of halides by hydroxo ligands. On the other hand, reaction of the hydroxo clusters with HX acids occurs with protonation of the OH− ligands followed by substitution of coordinated water by X−

    Hydroxylated phosphines as ligands for chalcogenide clusters: self assembly, transformations and stabilization

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    This contribution is a documentation of recent advances in the chemistry of chalcogenide polynuclear transition metal complexes coordinated with mono- and di-phosphines functionalized with hydroxo groups. A survey of complexes containing tris(hydroxymethyl)phosphine (THP) is presented. The influence of the alkyl chain in bidentate phosphines, bearing the P–(CH2)x–OH arms, is also analyzed. Finally, isolation and structure elucidation of the complexes with HP(OH)2, P(OH)3, As(OH)3, PhP(OH)2, stabilized by coordination to Ni(0) and Pd(0) centers embedded into chalcogenide clusters, is discussed

    Rough Shapley functions for games with a priori unions

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    A family of allocation rules for cooperative games with a priori unions is introduced in this paper. These allocation rules, which will be called rough Shapley values, are extensions of the well-known Shapley value for classical cooperative games. The family of rough Shapley values, which is constructed by using rough sets to describe different cooperative options, includes several of the extensions of the Shapley value found in the literature. We prove that the rough Shapley values are the allocation rules for games with a priori unions that satisfy some reasonable properties