8 research outputs found

    Science Policy Conference on Gender-Responsive Climate-Smart Agriculture for Eastern, Central and Southern Africa

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    The content of this report is a mixed bag of experiences and lessons, from plain field experience and case stories to document reviews and rigorous scientific results, all generating credible evidence to inform policy. In each breakout room, participants had a very vibrant engagement with the presenters, eliciting very valuable lessons

    Training on the Application of Climate Foresight Data in Enhancing Agricultural Policy Implementation and Decision- Making in Eastern and Central Africa

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    A paradigm shift is required in policies to make food systems sustainable. The climate foresight workshop highlights the critical role of collaborations between farmers and corporate, governmental, and entities involved in extension and training services as well as research and development. The workshop demonstrates that stakeholders (Fig. 2) at different dimensions of the climate service value chain and across different industries may collaborate to achieve shared, synergistic aim

    The vegetables and fruit sector in Uganda : Competitiveness, investment and trade options

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    The study assess the competitiveness of the fruit and vegetable sector and suggests specific recommendations for further development. It also provides insights in market, trade and investment opportunities. A focus is applied to a limited number of crop specific case studies. In Uganda the production of fruit and vegetable is gaining importance. Despite agricultural practices being weak, farmers in Uganda can make a reasonable profit margin from their farm plots. In addition, key performances indicators of Uganda compared with Kenya show that most products for the domestic and regional markets are very competitive in terms of quality, price and yield

    Dialogue on Commercialization of Climate- Smart Agricultural Technologies, Innovations and Management Practices in Eastern & Central Africa

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    The Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) recognizes the critical role that the private sector, research organizations, farmer organizations, policy makers, extension workers and media play in scaling up and commercialization of climaterelevant TIMPs. However, the adoption and use of several new agricultural technologies by smallholder farmers remains relatively low in the region resulting in low production (crop yields) on farms, poor quality and high postharvest losses. Reducing the yield gap of improved crop varieties for instance requires concerted efforts of both the technology innovators and those involved in its dissemination and regulation. Based on the foregoing, ASARECA organized a dialogue on the commercialization of climate-relevant agricultural Technologies, Innovations, and Management Practices (TIMPs) in Eastern and Central Africa for the private sector, climate scientists, research organizations, policy makers, extension workers, and media to discuss commercialization of climate-relevant TIMPs

    Training on Climate-Smart Agriculture to Strengthen the Capacity of ASARECA-Member National Agricultural Research Institutes

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    ASARECA is implementing the AICCRA project that has synergy with a project titled “Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme ex-pillar IV (CAADP-XP4)”. Implementation of this 5-year CAADP-XP4 project started in 2019 and is part of the European Union’s (EU) Development Smart Innovation through Research in Agriculture (DeSIRA) initiative. The project is expected to deliver five (5) key outputs namely: (i) Strengthened capacities of ASARECA and partner organizations in competencies required for successful implementation of the CAADP-XP4 project; (ii) Multistakeholder partnerships for innovation established and in operation; (iii) Policies in support of climate-relevant agriculture and food systems transformation formulated, investments increased, advocacy and market linkages strengthened; (iv) Knowledge management and communication systems for decision-making and sharing of innovation and for advocacy related to climate-relevant agriculture transformation established; and (v) Enhanced planning, coordination, monitoring, evaluation, learning, and reporting. The training in CSA were organized under the auspices of ASARECA’s AICCRA and CAADP-XP4 projects. The training contributed to AICCRA activity 2.3.3 on Building capacity of public and private sector next users to support implementation of CSA technology packages in focus countries. The CSA training also contributed to CAADP-XP4 project activity area 1.1 that focuses on Strengthening the internal capacities of ASARECA and its regional and country level partners