247 research outputs found

    ArgoNeuT, a liquid argon time projection chamber in a low energy neutrino beam

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    ArgoNeuT (Argon Neutrino Test), a NSF/DOE project at Fermilab, is the first LArTPC to go in a low energy neutrino beam and just the second LArTPC to go in a neutrino beam ever. ArgoNeuT sits just upstream of the on-axis MINOS near detector in the NuMI beamline, about 1 km from the target station and 100 m underground. The detector features a 47X40X90 cm (169 L) active volume TPC with a fully contained recirculation and purification system. Among other physics, ArgoNeuT will measure the charged-current quasi-elastic (anti-) neutrino cross section on argon at an energy of ~3 GeV.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics (TAUP 2009), Rome, Italy, 1-5 July 200

    Zeeman slowers made simple with permanent magnets in a Halbach configuration

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    We describe a simple Zeeman slower design using permanent magnets. Contrary to common wire-wound setups no electric power and water cooling are required. In addition, the whole system can be assembled and disassembled at will. The magnetic field is however transverse to the atomic motion and an extra repumper laser is necessary. A Halbach configuration of the magnets produces a high quality magnetic field and no further adjustment is needed. After optimization of the laser parameters, the apparatus produces an intense beam of slow and cold 87Rb atoms. With a typical flux of 1 - 5 \times 10^10 atoms/s at 30 ms^-1, our apparatus efficiently loads a large magneto-optical trap with more than 10^10 atoms in one second, which is an ideal starting point for degenerate quantum gases experiments.Comment: 8+6 pages (article + appendices: calculation details, probe and oven description, pictures), 18 figures, supplementary material (movie, Mathematica programs and technical drawings

    Strontium optical lattice clocks for practical realization of the metre and secondary representation of the second

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    We present a system of two independent strontium optical lattice standards probed with a single shared ultra-narrow laser. The absolute frequency of the clocks can be verified by the use of Er:fiber optical frequency comb with the GPS-disciplined Rb frequency standard. We report hertz-level spectroscopy of the clock line and measurements of frequency stability of the two strontium optical lattice clocks.Comment: This is an author-created, un-copyedited version of an article accepted for publication in Meas. Sci. Technol. The publisher is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this version of the manuscript or any version derived from it. The Version of Record is available online at doi:10.1088/0957-0233/26/7/07520

    Structure of the mammalian ribosome as it decodes the selenocysteine UGA codon

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    The elongation of eukaryotic selenoproteins relies on a poorly understood process of interpreting in-frame UGA stop codons as selenocysteine (Sec). We used cryo-electron microscopy to visualize Sec UGA recoding in mammals. A complex between the noncoding Sec-insertion sequence (SECIS), SECIS-binding protein 2 (SBP2), and 40S ribosomal subunit enables Sec-specific elongation factor eEFSec to deliver Sec. eEFSec and SBP2 do not interact directly but rather deploy their carboxyl-terminal domains to engage with the opposite ends of the SECIS. By using its Lys-rich and carboxyl-terminal segments, the ribosomal protein eS31 simultaneously interacts with Sec-specific transfer RNA (tRNASec) and SBP2, which further stabilizes the assembly. eEFSec is indiscriminate toward l-serine and facilitates its misincorporation at Sec UGA codons. Our results support a fundamentally distinct mechanism of Sec UGA recoding in eukaryotes from that in bacteria

    ArgoNeuT and the Neutrino-Argon Charged Current Quasi-Elastic Cross Section

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    ArgoNeuT, a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber in the NuMI beamline at Fermilab, has recently collected thousands of neutrino and anti-neutrino events between 0.1 and 10 GeV. The experiment will, among other things, measure the cross section of the neutrino and anti-neutrino Charged Current Quasi-Elastic interaction and analyze the vertex activity associated with such events. These topics are discussed along with ArgoNeuT's automated reconstruction software, currently capable of fully reconstructing the muon and finding the event vertex in neutrino interactions.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, presented at the International Nuclear Physics Conference, Vancouver, Canada, July 4-9, 2010, to be published in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS

    Model of Enterpreneurship and Social-cultural and Market Orientation of Small Business Owners in Poland

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    In the development of SMEs in Poland crucial meaning is legislation, steadily adapted to EU regulations, especially to the European Charter for Small Enterprises. Research conducted in Poland by many authors provide data for doing so, to confirm the hypothesis that among small businesses a vital role in shaping their work situation did not continue to play the market mechanisms and orientations, but mainly socio-cultural factors.W rozwoju MŚP w Polsce podstawowe znaczenie mają również uregulowania prawne, systematycznie dostosowywane do regulacji unijnych, zwłaszcza zaś do Europejskiej Karty Małych Przedsiębiorstw. Badania prowadzone w Polsce przez wielu autorów dostarczają danych ku temu, by potwierdzić tezę, że wśród drobnych przedsiębiorców decydującą rolę w kształtowaniu ich sytuacji pracy odgrywają nadal nie mechanizmy i orientacje rynkowe, ale przede wszystkim czynniki społeczno-kulturowe

    Performance of the Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the HERMES Experiment

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    The performance of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the HERMES experiment is described. The calorimeter consists of 840 radiation resistant F101 lead-glass counters. The response to positrons up to 27.5 GeV, the comparison between the measured energy and the momentum reconstructed from tracking, long-term stability, hadron rejection and neutral meson invariant mass reconstruction are shown.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, LaTeX, accepted by NI