485 research outputs found

    'Manheit' und 'minne' : Achills zweifache Erziehung bei Konrad von WĂŒrzburg

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    Die Überfahrt von der Insel Scyros nach Troja stellt fĂŒr Achills Leben eine ZĂ€sur dar: Nachdem er vom Zentauren Chiron in Thessalien erzogen wurde und danach auf Scyros, in MĂ€dchenkleider gehĂŒllt, mit Deidamia seine erste Liebe erlebt hat, wird er nun von Ulixes und Diomedes an den Ort seiner Bestimmung gebracht. [
] Diomedes und Ulixes befragen Achilles ĂŒber seinen Werdegang, und seine Antwort offenbart schon den ganzen Unterschied zwischen Konrads von WĂŒrzburg Darstellung innerhalb seines â€șTrojanerkriegsâ€č (zwischen 1281 und 1287) und seiner Vorlage, der â€șAchilleisâ€č des Statius (1. Jh. n. Chr.). In der römischen Version nĂ€mlich schildert Achilles ausfĂŒhrlich seine harte Erziehung durch Chiron [
]. Die Zeit bei Deidamia wirkt [
] wie ein peinlicher Irrweg [
]. Konrads Achilles hingegen erzĂ€hlt zwar ebenfalls von der Zentauren-Ausbildung, dann aber auch "von den minnen,/die DĂȘĂźdamĂźe und er / mit innecliches herzen ger / getragen heten lange stunt." [
] Er bezieht die Liebesgeschichte ausdrĂŒcklich in seinen Werdegang ein und bekennt sich damit zu ihr. Dieser Werdegang besteht also aus zwei Teilen, aus einem doppelten Erziehungsweg. [
] Dies [
] bedeutet eine ungeheure Aufwertung der Liebesgeschichte in der mittelalterlichen Version. Doch was macht den ‘erzieherischen’ Wert der Liebe aus? Inwiefern stellt die Deidamia-Episode nicht mehr nur einen besser zu verschweigenden (wenn auch erzĂ€hlerisch um so reizvolleren) Irrweg dar in Achills Entwicklung zum grĂ¶ĂŸten KĂ€mpfer vor Troja, sondern sogar eine – womöglich unentbehrliche – Entwicklungsstufe von eigenem Recht? Im Folgenden soll Konrads Bearbeitung der Episode im Vordergrund stehen, aber immer wieder auf Statius als kontrastierenden Hintergrund zurĂŒckbezogen werden

    Bifunctional Rhodium Intercalator Conjugates as Mismatch-Directing DNA Alkylating Agents

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    A conjugate of a DNA mismatch-specific rhodium intercalator, containing the bulky chrysenediimine ligand, and an aniline mustard has been prepared, and targeting of mismatches in DNA by this conjugate has been examined. The preferential alkylation of mismatched over fully matched DNA is found by a mobility shift assay at concentrations where untethered organic mustards show little reaction. The binding site of the Rh intercalator was determined by DNA photocleavage, and the position of covalent modification was established on the basis of the enhanced depurination associated with N-alkylation. The site-selective alkylation at mismatched DNA renders these conjugates useful tools for the covalent tagging of DNA base pair mismatches and new chemotherapeutic design

    Langfristige Wirkung von Psychotherapie bei nichtchronischen Depressionen: Ein systematisches Review von Studien im Vergleich mit Pharmakotherapie

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    The short-term effects of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy as monotherapy or in combination - in the treatment of depression have been documented in various studies. Strikingly, there are only a few studies proving the long-term efficacy 1 year or more after acute treatment. Therefore, a systematic review was conducted searching the databases Pubmed and PsychINFO. 13 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) could be retrieved (psychotherapy vs. pharmacotherapy in combination or as monotherapies). The follow-up period varied between 12 and 75 months (M = 27.06), cognitive behavioral therapy being the most frequently used psychotherapeutic strategy. The results indicate an advantage of psychotherapy alone or the combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy when compared with pharmacotherapy alone. The advantage persisted even if the pharmacotherapy was maintained during the follow-up period. However, comparing studies is difficult due to methodological issues (e.g., selection of data relating to patients with or without therapy success after acute therapy;further treatments during follow-up). In order to make more valid statements about the long-term efficacy of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy in the treatment of depression, more RCTs with longer follow-up periods are needed.Die kurzfristige Wirksamkeit von Psycho- und Pharmakotherapie bei Depressionen, ob als Monotherapie oder in Kombination, ist durch viele Studien gut belegt. Weitaus weniger Belege gibt es jedoch fĂŒr die langfristige Wirksamkeit ab 1 Jahr nach Akuttherapie dieser Behandlungsformen. Durch eine systematische Suche in den Datenbanken Pubmed und PsychINFO konnten 13 randomisierte kontrollierte Studien (RCTs; Psychotherapie vs. Pharmakotherapie in Kombination oder als Monotherapien) identifiziert werden, bei denen Follow-up-Ergebnisse vorliegen; der entsprechende Follow-up-Zeitraum lag dabei zwischen 13 und 75 Monaten (M = 27,06). Meist kam als psychotherapeutisches Verfahren die kognitive Verhaltenstherapie zum Einsatz. Die Studienlage spricht fĂŒr eine Überlegenheit der Psychotherapie oder der Kombination aus Psychotherapie und Pharmakotherapie im Vergleich zur Pharmakotherapie mit oder ohne Erhaltungsphase nach der Akutbehandlung bezĂŒglich langfristiger Effekte ĂŒber die Beendigung der Therapie hinaus. Die Studien sind aufgrund vielfĂ€ltiger methodischer Faktoren nur begrenzt vergleichbar (z.B. hinsichtlich der Datenselektion zu Patienten mit und ohne Therapieerfolg nach Akuttherapie oder weiterer Behandlungen im Follow-up-Zeitraum). Um besser abgesicherte Aussagen zur langfristigen Wirksamkeit von Psycho- und Pharmakotherapie in der Behandlung der Depression treffen zu können, bedarf es weiterer RCTs mit lĂ€ngeren Follow-up-ZeitrĂ€umen. © 2016 S. Karger GmbH, Freibur

    Viewing Nature Scenes Positively Affects Recovery of Autonomic Function Following Acute-Mental Stress

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    A randomized crossover study explored whether viewing different scenes prior to a stressor altered autonomic function during the recovery from the stressor. The two scenes were (a) nature (composed of trees, grass, fields) or (b) built (composed of man-made, urban scenes lacking natural characteristics) environments. Autonomic function was assessed using noninvasive techniques of heart rate variability; in particular, time domain analyses evaluated parasympathetic activity, using root-mean-square of successive differences (RMSSD). During stress, secondary cardiovascular markers (heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure) showed significant increases from baseline which did not differ between the two viewing conditions. Parasympathetic activity, however, was significantly higher in recovery following the stressor in the viewing scenes of nature condition compared to viewing scenes depicting built environments (RMSSD; 50.0 ± 31.3 vs 34.8 ± 14.8 ms). Thus, viewing nature scenes prior to a stressor alters autonomic activity in the recovery period. The secondary aim was to examine autonomic function during viewing of the two scenes. Standard deviation of R-R intervals (SDRR), as change from baseline, during the first 5 min of viewing nature scenes was greater than during built scenes. Overall, this suggests that nature can elicit improvements in the recovery process following a stressor. © 2013 American Chemical Society

    Nature-based guided imagery as an intervention for state anxiety

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    Anxiety is a significant mental health issue in modern society and empirical research into effective interventions to address anxiety has been extensive. Spending time in nature is one approach that has demonstrated anxiolytic effects. However, in some situations and contexts spending time in nature in order to reduce anxiety symptoms may not be possible. For example, in therapeutic settings delivered in a space with no access or exposure to any nature stimuli in the immediate surrounding environment. Guided imagery (GI) has also proven to be effective for reducing anxiety symptoms. Thus, nature-based GI might help to overcome the limitation of access to nature and strengthen the impact of GI interventions

    Efficacy and safety of bempedoic acid in patients not receiving statins in phase 3 clinical trials

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    BACKGROUND: Despite the high incidence of patients with statin tolerance problems, randomized evaluations of nonstatin oral treatment options for lowering of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) in this population are sparse. OBJECTIVE: To assess the LDL-C lowering effect of bempedoic acid in patients not taking statins. METHODS: This was a pooled analysis of data from patients enrolled in four phase 3 bempedoic acid studies (12 to 52 weeks in duration) who were not taking concomitant statins (Phase 3 No Statin Cohort) and a phase 3 bempedoic acid plus ezetimibe fixed-dose combination study (BA+EZE FDC No Statin Cohort). The primary endpoint for all studies was the percent change from baseline to week 12 in LDL-C levels. Safety and tolerability were assessed by laboratory values and adverse events. RESULTS: In the Phase 3 No Statin Cohort, bempedoic acid (n = 394) lowered LDL-C levels at week 12 significantly more than placebo (n = 192; -26.5% [95% CI, -29.7%, -23.2%]; P\u3c0.001). The fixed-dose combination of bempedoic acid with ezetimibe lowered LDL-C by 39.2% (95% CI, -51.7% to -26.7%; P\u3c0.001). Muscle-related disorders occurred at a rate of 26.4 and 28.6 per 100 person-years with bempedoic acid and placebo, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with hypercholesterolemia unable to take statins, bempedoic acid lowered LDL-C levels by a mean of 26.5% vs placebo and bempedoic acid + ezetimibe fixed-dose combination lowered LDL-C by 39.2%. The treatments were generally well tolerated, suggesting that bempedoic acid may be efficacious and well tolerated in this challenging-to-treat patient population
