660 research outputs found

    En defensa de la etnografía. El papel contemporáneo de la investigación intercultural.

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    Este ensayo aborda el cuestionado papel de la etnografía en el mundo contemporáneo. Sin necesidad de criticar una vez más sus tradicionalmente denostados papeles históricos, se propone recuperar el conocimiento etnográfico no sólo como un instrumento para el análisis y el conocimiento de las culturas alternas a la propia, sino también como un recurso para el diálogo intercultural en el mundo actual, donde los procesos de globalización y homogeneización son paralelos a los de diferenciación. A partir del reconocimiento de que los consumidores de este tipo de información ya no son sólo los miembros de las comunidades académicas, sino también los mismos pueblos que habían sido considerados objetos de estudio y que ahora se resisten a ser representados por otros, se exploran perspectivas de relaciones más igualitarias. Es así que desde el punto de vista metodológico se busca replantear el carácter ético de la práctica, a la vez que se plantean algunas sugerencias teórico metodológicas de índole un tanto ecléctica*

    A proposal for the management of data driven services in smart manufacturing scenarios

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    205 p.This research work focuses on Industrial Big Data Services (IBDS) Providers, a specialization of ITServices Providers. IBDS Providers constitute a fundamental agent in Smart Manufacturing scenarios,given the wide spectrum of complex technological challenges involved in the adoption of the requireddata-related IT by manufacturers aiming at shifting their businesses towards Smart Manufacturing. Theoverarching goal of this research work is to provide contributions that (a) help the business sector ofIBDS Providers to manage their collaboration projects with manufacturing partners in order to deploy therequired data-driven services in Smart Manufacturing scenarios, and (b) adapt and extend existingconceptual, methodological, and technological proposals in order to include those practical elements thatfacilitate their use in business contexts. The main contributions of this dissertation focus on three specificchallenges related to the early stages of the data lifecycle, i.e. those stages that ensure the availability ofnew data to exploit, coming from monitored manufacturing facilities: (1) Devising a more efficient datastorage strategy that reduces the costs of the cloud infrastructure required by an IBDS Provider tocentralize and accumulate the massive-scale amounts of data from the supervised manufacturingfacilities; (2) Designing the required architecture for the data capturing and integration infrastructure thatsustains an IBDS Provider's platform; (3) The collaborative design process with partnering manufacturersof the required data-driven services for a specific manufacturing sector

    The Quaternary activity of the Estella diapir from the uplift record of fluvial terraces, pediments and cave sediments in the Western Pyrenees, Spain

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    This work analyses the Quaternary landforms, geomorphic changes and stratigraphic evidences of evaporite dissolution and halokinesis in the Estella salt diapir (Basque-Cantabrian Basin). The mapping of Quaternary deposits demonstrates that karstic subsidence and diapirism happen at the same time. The diapir geometry is characterised by a prominent 4.5 km-long fault scarp attributed to the uplift of the diapir and a fluvial gypsum escarpment along the northern and eastern diapir edges. The dissolution of the gypsiferous caprock is responsible for the development of a large number of collapse sinkholes, the local thickening of terrace deposits and a network of endokarstic conduits connected to saline springs that cause a notable increase in the salinity of the Ega river across the diapir (70% electrical conductivity increase). The 40 m vertical displacement of T4 terrace and P5 pediment deposits, the anomalous longitudinal profile of the old terraces, the deflection of infilled-valleys at the base of the fault scarp, the occurrence of wind gaps and the continuous lateral migration of the Ega river away from the diapir support salt upwelling since 644 ± 81 ka ago at a long-term, average uplift rate of 0.05–0.07 mm/yr. The 12 m offset of T8 terrace, the steepening of the Ega river floodplain and the tilting of the upper level and the antigravitative erosion genesis of the Longinos cave point to a faster diapir rising rate of 0.23–0.57 mm/yr in the last 36 ± 15 ka coinciding with a period of increasing river incision. The lack of tectonic activity in the region suggests that diapirism is enhanced by erosional unloading related to fluvial entrenchment. The thickening of pediment P5 supports the north-northeast flow of salt towards the river valley


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    Dibujo de Miguel C. Clementson Lop

    El sueño del cautivo

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    Dibujo de Miguel C. Clementson Lop


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    Dibujo de Miguel C. Clementson Lop

    Homilía de los sueños

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    Dibujo de Miguel C. Clementson Lop

    Educación musical, inteligencias múltiples y competencias clave

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    Con el presente trabajo de fin de grado he querido explorar una pequeña parte de las casi infinitas posibilidades educativas de la música, buscando puntos de conexión entre la teoría de las inteligencias múltiples de Howard Gardner y los diferentes aspectos de la educación para y con la música, repasando a cinco de los más influyentes pedagogos musicales del pasado siglo XX, así como poner en relieve un evidente paralelismo que he observado entre las mencionadas inteligencias múltiples y las competencias clave, base de las programaciones didácticas del siglo en el que vivimos. Tras un establecimiento inicial de relaciones entre los citados campos formularé una propuesta didáctica consistente en ejemplos de actividades integradoras, destinadas a alumnado de la etapa de primaria, en las que se trabajen el mayor número de inteligencias posible con la música como protagonista, sea como fin o como medio.Grado en Educación Primari

    La diversidad de las diversidades. Reflexiones sobre el pluralismo cultural en América Latina

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    This analytical essay argues that the issue of ethnicity in Latin America is not an appeal to the past, but an important component of social thought and contemporary politics. A brief historical approach suggests that Latin American states were formed as uninational political apparatus on ethnic configurations, highlighting the cultural repression and ethnic domination are an integral part of its state design. The essay realizes that the poverty of ethnic groups is not accidental, as it represents the result of a specific historical project. It also discusses the current existence of multiple cultural predicates allocable to liberal and individualistic concept of citizenship

    Uma reflexão sobre a Antropologia Social na Argentina

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    The goal of this essay is to contribute to the reflection on the recent past, the present, and future of Social Anthropology in Argentina. As a graduate who finished his studies before the military dictatorship of 1976-1983, but who lived through the military intervention of 1966, I think I have witnessed political events that have impacted the development of our discipline, generating ideologies that influence the orientation of ethnic studies.El propósito de este ensayo es contribuir a la reflexión sobre el pasado reciente, el presente y el eventual futuro de la Antropología Social en la Argentina. Como graduado anterior a la dictadura militar de 1976-1983, pero que vivió la intervención militar de 1966, creo haber sido testigo de sucesos políticos que han impactado hasta el presente el desarrollo de nuestra disciplina, generando ideologías que influyen en la orientación de los estudios étnicos.O objetivo deste ensaio é contribuir para a reflexão sobre o passado recente, o presente e o eventual futuro da antropologia social na Argentina. Como uma pessoa que se formou anteriormente à ditadura militar de 1976-1983, mas que viveu a intervenção militar de 1966, acho que testemunhei acontecimentos políticos que impactaram, até o presente, o desenvolvimento da nossa disciplina, gerando ideologias que influenciam a direção dos estudos étnicos