2,230 research outputs found

    The concept of Index for the Assessment of Regulations' Significance (IARS) in regulatory impact evaluation

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    This article aims to present the concept of the Index for the Assessment of Regulations’ Significance as a tool used in parliamentary regulatory impact assessment, with a special focus on expost assessment. The Index is an element of the broadly defined economic analysis of law, which can facilitate a more effective scrutiny of parliamentary lawmaking. The Index also enables theRIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment) to be verified by the act originator at the stage of the ex-ante regulatory impact assessment. Furthermore, the Index can also serve as a tool for conducting an analysis of the overall legislation process employed in parliament over a given period of time, on the basis of the adopted legal and substantive criteria.Celem artykuƂu jest przedstawienie koncepcji wskaĆșnika oceny istotnoƛci regulacji jako narzędzia do wykorzystania w parlamentarnej ocenie skutkĂłw regulacji, ze szczegĂłlnym uwzględnieniem oceny ex-post. WskaĆșnik jest elementem szeroko rozumianej ekonomicznej analizy prawa, ktĂłra umoĆŒliwić moĆŒe skuteczniejszą kontrolę stanowienia prawa przez parlamenty. WskaĆșnik umoĆŒliwia takĆŒe weryfikację RIA przeprowadzonego przez projektodawcę na etapie oceny skutkĂłw regulacji ex-ante. Ponadto wskaĆșnik sƂuĆŒyć moĆŒe do przeprowadzenia analizy caƂego procesu legislacyjnego w parlamencie w danym okresie na podstawie przyjętych kryteriĂłw prawnych i merytorycznych

    Brexit i jego skutki dla Niemiec z perspektywy ekonomicznej i spoƂecznej

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    At the end of March 2017, the British government initiated the legal procedure of withdrawal from the EU, beginning the two-year countdown towards Brexit. However, as of August 2019, the final outcome of the Brexit negotiations is still pending. The Brexit uncertainty over the years has had an impact on the UK economy negatively affecting, e.g., its growth. This paper addresses the impact of Brexit, however from the viewpoint of Germany, focusing on the economic and social perspective. For our analyses, we differentiate between the announcement of Brexit and the possible final outcomes of Brexit. From an economic perspective, our analyses focus on the four freedoms of the European Single Market. From a social perspective, our analyses focus on mobility, studying and training in the UK, financial transactions and consumer rights. Using descriptive statistics primarily based on data from Destatis and Eurostat, we expect the following implications. From an economic perspective, we expect negative implications like worsening trade relationship between the UK and Germany affecting jobs, especially in the automotive sector. From a social perspective, we also expect negative implications like increasing travel costs to the UK, increasing mobile phone roaming charges, additional healthcare insurance. Further areas impacted by Brexit may be studying and training in the UK, financial transactions and customers rights.Pod koniec marca 2017 r., rząd brytyjski zainicjowaƂ procedurę prawną dotyczącą wystąpienia z Unii Europejskiej, rozpoczynając tym samym dwuletnie odliczanie do Brexitu. JednakĆŒe, biorąc pod uwagę stan na sierpieƄ 2019 r., ostateczny wynik negocjacji, jest nadal w toku. Niepewnoƛć wywoƂana przez Brexit w ciągu ostatnich lat wpƂywaƂa negatywnie na gospodarkę Wielkiej Brytanii, np. wzrost gospodarczy. Niniejsza praca ukazuje wpƂyw Brexitu na Niemcy z uwzględnieniem perspektywy ekonomicznej i spoƂecznej. W naszych analizach rozrĂłĆŒniamy między efektami po ogƂoszeniu Brexitu, a jego moĆŒliwymi skutkami. Uwzględniając perspektywę ekonomiczną, nasze analizy koncentrują się na czterech swobodach rynku wewnętrznego Unii Europejskiej. W perspektywie spoƂecznej, nasze analizy skupiają się na mobilnoƛci, studiach i praktykach w Wielkiej Brytanii, transakcjach finansowych oraz prawach konsumentĂłw. Za pomocą statystyk opisowych, bazując gƂównie na danych z Destatis i Eurostatu, przewidujemy następujące konsekwencje. Biorąc pod uwagę perspektywę ekonomiczną, spodziewamy się negatywnych następstw, takich jak pogorszenie relacji handlowych między Wielką Brytanią a Niemcami, wpƂywających na zatrudnienie, w szczegĂłlnoƛci w sektorze motoryzacyjnym. Uwzględniając perspektywę spoƂeczną, spodziewamy się takĆŒe negatywnych konsekwencji, np. wynikających z podrĂłĆŒowania do Wielkiej Brytanii: rosnących kosztĂłw podrĂłĆŒy, opƂat roamingowych, dodatkowego ubezpieczenia zdrowotnego. WƛrĂłd pozostaƂych obszarĂłw, na ktĂłre moĆŒe wpƂywać Brexit wskazać naleĆŒy studia i praktyki w Wielkiej Brytanii, transakcje finansowe oraz prawa konsumentĂłw

    Memory Potential, Molecular Characterization, and Translational Applications of the Novel ThEO/TcEO T Cell Phenotype

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    T cells comprise a substantial arm of the immune system and are exquisitely adapted to combat pathogens and tumors. The inflammatory environment largely dictates the nature of T cell response. A hallmark of T cell-mediated immunity is formation of immunological memory; the ability to respond more potently to re-encounter with pathogens. The immune system is also capable of recognizing tumors as foreign, much like viral or bacterial pathogens. Tumors have evolved, though, to generate an immunosuppressive environment to avoid destruction. The field of immunotherapy seeks to overcome immune suppression, in part by targeting T cell co-receptors on the cell surface with either agonist or antagonist antibodies. Targeting the T cell co-stimulatory receptor 4-1BB with agonist antibodies engenders strong antitumor responses in multiple murine tumor models, in part by expanding the proliferative capacity, survival, and cytotoxicity of T cells within the tumor microenvironment. We have previously shown that systemic administration of α4-1BB antibodies induces a novel T cell program typified by expression of the T-box transcription factor Eomesodermin (Eomes) and the co-inhibitory receptor Killer Cell Lectin-like Receptor G1 (KLRG1) which we collectively term ThEO. Herein, we demonstrate that the ThEO phenotype constitutes a stable T cell polarity capable of recalling to subsequent antigen challenge. Despite expression of terminal differentiation markers, ThEO cells phenotypically resemble discrete memory T cell subsets. We also find that the activation of the Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription (STAT) pathways, in particular STAT1 and STAT3, is critical to ThEO polarization. ThEO cells possess clinical relevance. Anti-4-1BB antibodies synergize with HPV peptide vaccination to eradicate HPV+ murine tumors, due to a honed tumor-specific ThEO response. Further, ThEO phenotype cells infiltrate the livers of α4-1BB treated mice, which may play a role in 4-1BB mediated hepatotoxicity. Finally, we show that melanoma patients enrolled in α4-1BB clinical trials upregulate key markers associated with the ThEO phenotype; hence formation of ThEO cells within patient blood may act as a biomarker for therapeutic outcome. This body of work demonstrates that the ThEO phenotype constitutes a unique T cell polarity that may prove beneficial in cancer treatment

    Changing the way we think about change: shifting boundaries changing lives

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    The 2012 Australian and New Zealand Critical Criminology Conference was held in Hobart over two days from 12 - 13 July.   This conference was organised around the theme of ‘Changing the Way We Think about Change – Shifting Boundaries, Changing Lives’. There were five general plenaries, including speakers from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, France and the United States, and the conference featured early career as well as experienced researchers. The plenaries included sessions on gender and imprisonment; the pursuit of truth and justice; Indigenous legal needs and justice reinvestment; policing and vulnerability; and migration and global security issues. This publication provides a sample of some of the presentations delivered at the 2012 Critical Criminology Conference

    Analiza kompetencji rodziców w zakresie bezpieczeƄstwa dzieci w Internecie

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    In the last three years there had been conducted several researches in Poland, which were related to competences and consciousness of parents in the field of children safety in the Internet, including the research conducted in 2010 in all European Union countries (the EU Kids Online research). In this paper the author focuses mainly on the comparison and synthesis of the result of these researches on safety of children in the Internet and parent’s competences in that matter as well on presentation of conclusions drawn from these results. The paper also presents briefly types and classification of Internet threats, as well the analysis of activities and competences of children in the Web

    The Role of internalism in moral theory

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    “Neurologopedics in theory and practice. Selected aspects of child’s diagnostics and therapy” Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej, Bielsko-BiaƂa 2012 Scientific edition by: Joanna Skibska, Dawid Larysz

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    “Neurologopedics in theory and practice. Selected aspects of child’s diagnostics and therapy” Published by: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Techniczno-Humanistycznej, Bielsko-BiaƂa 2012 Scientific edition by: Joanna Skibska, Dawid Larys

    Fatigue behavior of continuous-discontinuous sheet molding compounds

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    Sheet molding compound (SMC) composites have been well-established as nonstructural and semi-structural components in vehicles due to their high lightweight potential. Over the past decade, increasing need for further vehicle weight reduction has fueled endeavors to further improve mechanical properties of SMC and thereby to expand their suitability as structural components. One promising approach to achieve this goal is the combination of discontinuous glass fiber SMC with local continuous carbon fiber reinforcement, which is currently being investigated by the German-Canadian research training group GRK 2078. Such hybrid continuous-discontinuous composites enable the production of components with excellent mechanical properties while maintaining the advantages of the SMC process including geometric flexibility, short cycle times and cost efficiency. However, several factors prevent the exploitation of the composite’s full potential. Major obstacles for a safe and efficient application of continuous-discontinuous SMC are the lack of knowledge regarding their fatigue behavior and about uncharted effects of hybridization on damage behavior under cyclic loading conditions. This thesis describes a systematical analysis of the fatigue behavior of continuous-discontinuous SMC both under cyclic tensile and bending loads at different temperatures and frequencies. The hybrid composite, which consists of a discontinuous glass fiber SMC core and unidirectional carbon fiber SMC face plies, shows significantly higher fatigue resistance compared to discontinuous SMC without continuous reinforcement. The effect of hybridization is more pronounced under cyclic loading than under monotonic loading, which is a result of distinct damage mechanisms acting at distinct applied stresses. The mechanical behavior of continuous-discontinuous SMC is dominated by the continuous plies at high stresses and by the discontinuous ply at low stresses. The effect of hybridization is particularly distinctive under cyclic bending load on account of the composite’s sandwich-like structure. In addition, relative stiffness degradation of continuous-discontinuous SMC is less pronounced over a larger loading period compared to discontinuous SMC. While damage evolution within the discontinuous SMC ply remains largely unaffected by hybridization, the continuous SMC plies are enabled to withstand significantly higher cyclic loads than continuous SMC specimens that are not a part of a hybrid composite. When using a cross-ply instead of a unidirectional continuous reinforcement, early initiation of cracks in the 90° ply at comparatively low stresses leads to rapidly growing delaminations and large cracks in the discontinuous SMC ply. Consequently, the effect of hybridization under cyclic loading is less pronounced. While continuous-discontinuous SMC is largely insensitive to a change in frequency, enhanced temperature leads to early failure of the unidirectional ply on the compression loaded side, which results in a significant decrease of fatigue life
