143 research outputs found

    Cultivar Repair of Local Vigna Radiata L to Use Multigamma Irradiation Technique (Nuclear) That Tolerant to Dry Condition, Rainy Season, Germ, and High Production

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    Vigna Radiata L is grouped as the third important legume in Indonesia after soybean and peanut with high nutrition. The research aims to develop local Vigna Radiata L from Timor Island Indonesia with multi-gamma irradiation technique and carefully selection for obtaining several variations of superior varieties. The main research method comprised of observation, irradiation, purifying, careful selection, comparative, analysis, and interpretation. The results of research on final purifying are obtained three variations of mutant varieties with several superior chemical and physical characteristics.  The production of Vigna Radiata L as a result of Multigamma irradiation significantly increased, and on final purifying obtained especial superior of selected mutant varieties namely, two varieties can be fruited for the second time with harvest age are relatively shor

    Kajian Kandungan Radioisotop Alam dalam Sampel Batuan di Desa Oben Baun Kupang Barat dengan Teknik Analisis Radioaktivitas Lingkungan

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    Masalah pokok yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah pemetaan dan analisis aktivitas jenis massa kandungan radioisotop dalam deposit mineral di Desa Oben Baun Kupang Barat. Tujuan Penelitian meliputi: menentukan kisaran cacah radiasi radioisotop alam di beberapa titik pengukuran di lapangan dan pengukuran di laboratorium, menentukan kisaran aktivitas jenis  massa (C) kandungan radioisotop dalam sampel batuan, memetakan sebaran cacah dan aktivitas jenis massa radioisotop pada luasan daerah  tertentu yang terjangkau survei di lapangan, dan mengestimasi tingkat kontaminasi radioaisotop pada lingkungan. Metode penelitian meliputi: observasi/ survei, mapping, sampling, analisis, interpretasi. Hasil-hasil penelitian: Kisaran cacah radiasi nuklir radioisotop di lapangan dan dilaboratorium dalam deposit mineral di Oben Baun Kupang Barat berturut-turut berkisar antara 15 cpm sampai dengan 93 cpm dan 28 cpm sampai dengan 92 cpm. Kisaran aktivitas jenis massa (C) kandungan radioisotop dalam 45 cuplikan sampel batuan di Oben Baun Kupang Barat berkisar antara 0,099 x 10-5 µCi/gram sampai dengan 0,316 x 10-5 µCi/gram. Sebaran atau distribusi kandungan radioisotop di Desa Oben Baun Kupang Barat yang dapat dijangkau survei terdistribusi lebih tinggi dari arah timur dan cenderung menurun ke arah barat. Distribusi tersebut masih cenderung tinggi ke arah utara di bagian timur lokasi survei. Kontaminasi radioisotop pada lingkungan masih tergolong kontaminasi rendah untuk radiasi alpha dan beta, dan secara umum cacah radiasi radioisotop di lapangan masih bersesuaian dengan  batas toleransi, walaupun perlu diwaspadai beberapa titik ukur dengan cacah radiasi melebihi standar. Kata Kunci: Radioisotop, Aktivitas Jenis Massa, Daerah Kontaminasi.                                                                      &nbsp


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    ABSTRAK Kacang Arbila (phaseolus lunatus) merupakan salah satu leguminosa asli Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)‚ khususnya di Kecamatan Fatuleu yang memiliki peranan yang cukup penting dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat‚ yang memliki kandungan gizi yang cukup tinggi dan juga sebagai tambahan pendapatan bagi masyarakat. Tingkat produktivitas Kacang Arbila dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor antara lain: penggunaan varietas unggul‚ kesuburan tanah‚ serta teknik budidayanya. Faktor – faktor ini yang mendorong pertumbuhan Kacang Arbila secara optimal‚ sehingga diperoleh hasil yang maksimal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dosis terbaik teknik radiasi multigamma yang terdiri dari 5 unsur: Cd-109‚ Co-60‚ Cs-137‚ Mn-54‚ dan Sn-113‚ dalam pengembangan tanaman kacang Arbila lokal tipe menjalar di daerah Camplong‚ dan mengetahui karakteristik fisis unggul hasil radiasi multigamma. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu radiasi multigamma meliputi 8 perlakuan yaitu tanpa radiasi‚ 1000 radiasi‚ 1500 radiasi‚ 2000 radiasi‚ 2500 radiasi‚ 3000 radiasi‚ 3500 radiasi‚ dan 4000 radiasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa penggunaan dosis radiasi terbaik untuk tanaman Kacang Arbila lokal adalah 4000 rads. Karakter fisis unggul yang diperoleh meliputi tumbuh lebih cepat‚ tinggi tanaman 2‚65cm‚ umur tanaman lebih singkat73 hst‚ jumlah produksi lebih besar 39‚7 gram dan kandungan protein 33‚43%. Kata kunci :  Kacang Arbila dan radiasi multigamma. ABSTRACT protein content is 33‚ Arbilabean (phaseolus lunatus) is one of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) original leguminosa‚ specially in Fatuleu subdistrick which has important owning role to fulfill human need‚ which has high-grade of owning content of nutriant and also supporting human income. Productivity level of Arbilabean was influenced by many factors‚ for exampls : the usage of pre-eminent varieties‚ fertilities of land and also conservancy tecnique. Those factors were push forward optimal growth of Arbilabean ‚ so that it was obtained maximal crops.  The aim of research is to know the best dose of multigamma radiation tecnique wich consists of 5 elemens : Cd-109‚ Co-60‚ Cs-137‚ Mn-54‚ and Sn-113 for development local Arbilabean on creep type in Camplong area and to know pre-aminent physical characteristic by multigamma radition. The method used in this research was multigamma radiation‚ coverred 8 treatments i-e : without rads‚ 1000 rads‚ 1500 rads‚ 2000 rads‚ 2500 rads‚ 3000 rads‚ 3500 rads‚and  4000 rads. The result of this research was indicated that using the best dose of radiation for the crops of local Abilabean is 4000 rads. Physical characteristic pre-eminent wich obtained cover to grow quckly was high 2‚65 cm‚ crops age is briefer 73 day after cultivation (dac)‚high of total production is 39‚7gram and 43%. Keywords: local Arbilabean and multigamma radiation

    Population-level consequences of complementary sex determination in a solitary parasitoid

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    BACKGROUND: Sex determination mechanisms are known to be evolutionarily labile but the factors driving transitions in sex determination mechanisms are poorly understood. All insects of the Hymenoptera are haplodiploid, with males normally developing from unfertilized haploid eggs. Under complementary sex determination (CSD), diploid males can be produced from fertilized eggs that are homozygous at the sex locus. Diploid males have near-zero fitness and thus represent a genetic load, which is especially severe under inbreeding. Here, we study mating structure and sex determination in the parasitoid Cotesia vestalis to investigate what may have driven the evolution of two complementary sex determination loci in this species.RESULTS: We genotyped Cotesia vestalis females collected from eight fields in four townships in Western Taiwan. 98 SNP markers were developed by aligning Illumina sequence reads of pooled DNA of eight different females against a de novo assembled genome of C. vestalis. This proved to be an efficient method for this non-model species and provides a resource for future use in related species. We found significant genetic differentiation within the sampled population but variation could not be attributed to sampling locations by AMOVA. Non-random mating was detected, with 8.1% of matings between siblings. Diploid males, detected by flow cytometry, were produced at a rate of 1.4% among diploids.CONCLUSIONS: We think that the low rate of diploid male production is best explained by a CSD system with two independent sex loci, supporting laboratory findings on the same species. Fitness costs of diploid males in C. vestalis are high because diploid males can mate with females and produce infertile triploid offspring. This severe fitness cost of diploid males combined with non-random mating may have resulted in evolution from single locus CSD to CSD with two independent loci.</p

    Higher T central and lower effector memory cells in bipolar disorder:A differentiation abnormality?

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    The aim of this study was to elucidate the nature of T cell abnormalities in bipolar disorder (BD). With the use of multicolor flow cytometry, we first quantified the composition of the different memory and pro-inflammatory immune subpopulations in samples of 58 patients with BD and compared them to 113 healthy controls. Second, to assess if cytomegalovirus infection was related to the resulted immune subpopulation compositions in the two groups, we measured cytomegalovirus-specific antibodies in serum. Thirdly, we assessed differences between the two groups in the serum levels of the immune cell differentiation factor interleukin-7. Compared to healthy controls, patients showed significantly higher T helper-17, T regulatory and T central memory cells (CD4+ and CD8+). Besides, patients showed significantly lower CD4+ T effector memory and CD4+ T effector memory re-expressing RA cells. Cytomegalovirus infection was not related to the observed abnormalities, with the exception of T helper-17 cells. This immune subpopulation was significantly higher only in patients seropositive to cytomegalovirus infection. Finally, interleukin-7 levels were significantly lower in BD compared to healthy controls. In conclusion, the aberrant levels of T memory cell populations in BD may suggest a T cell differentiation abnormality. The role of interleukin-7 in this putative abnormality should be further investigated.</p

    Higher T central and lower effector memory cells in bipolar disorder:A differentiation abnormality?

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    The aim of this study was to elucidate the nature of T cell abnormalities in bipolar disorder (BD). With the use of multicolor flow cytometry, we first quantified the composition of the different memory and pro-inflammatory immune subpopulations in samples of 58 patients with BD and compared them to 113 healthy controls. Second, to assess if cytomegalovirus infection was related to the resulted immune subpopulation compositions in the two groups, we measured cytomegalovirus-specific antibodies in serum. Thirdly, we assessed differences between the two groups in the serum levels of the immune cell differentiation factor interleukin-7. Compared to healthy controls, patients showed significantly higher T helper-17, T regulatory and T central memory cells (CD4+ and CD8+). Besides, patients showed significantly lower CD4+ T effector memory and CD4+ T effector memory re-expressing RA cells. Cytomegalovirus infection was not related to the observed abnormalities, with the exception of T helper-17 cells. This immune subpopulation was significantly higher only in patients seropositive to cytomegalovirus infection. Finally, interleukin-7 levels were significantly lower in BD compared to healthy controls. In conclusion, the aberrant levels of T memory cell populations in BD may suggest a T cell differentiation abnormality. The role of interleukin-7 in this putative abnormality should be further investigated.</p


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    Abstrak Telah dilakukan penelitian di wilayah persawahan Desa Oesena Kecamatan Amarasi Kabupaten Kupang mengenai paparan radioisotop alam. Tujuan penelitian ini memetakan distribusi paparan radioisotop pada wilayah persawahan yang diduga terkontaminasi radioisotop dari bukit setan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari observasi, mapping, dan analisis interpretasi data. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian di lapangan adalah nilai cacah radiasi permenit(cpm), elevasi dan data lintang bujur, data-data ini yang kemudian digunakan untuk membuat peta distribusi. Peta dibuat menggunakan software surfer 11. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan nilai cacah radiasi tertinggi adalah 33 cpm dan terendah adalah 8 cpm. Setelah dipetakan diketahui luas wilayah dengan nilai cacah tinggi pada 2 wilayah yaitu 736 m2 dari luas keseluruhan 33.024 m2 pada wilayah A dan 128 m2 dari luas keseluruhan 21.168 m2 pada wilayah B, dengan akumulasi tertinggi wilayah A berada pada bagian barat, dan wilayah B berada pada bagian timur. Cacah radiasi pada lokasi persawahan masih berada pada batas toleransi sesuai standar bahaya minimum (33 cpm) sesuai yang diperbolehkan. Kata kunci : Radioisotop, Cpm. Abstract Has conducted research in the area of the rice field at Oesena Village, Sub-district of Amarasi, Kupang Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur. for exposure to natural radioisotopes. The aims of research to map the distribution of the radioisotope in the rice-fields exposure suspected to be contaminated radioisotope of the hill demons. The method used consists of observation, mapping, and analysis of data interpretation. The data obtained in research in the field is the value of the radiation count per minute (cpm), elevation and latitude and longitude of data, these data are then used for producing a map of the distribution. The results showed the highest radiation count value is 33 cpm and the lowest is 8 cpm. Having mapped the known area of high count value in two areas, namely 736 m2 of total area 33.024 m2 &nbsp;and 128 m2 of total area of 21.168 m2, with the highest accumulation region 1 is located in the western part, and a second region located on the eastern side. Chopped radiation on the location of rice fields are still within the tolerance limits according to the standard minimum hazard (33 cpm) as allowed. Keywords : Radioisotopes, Cpm
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