32 research outputs found

    The use of a silicone-based biomembrane for microaerobic H2S removal from biogas

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    A lab-scale bio-membrane unit was developed to improve H2S removal from biogas through microaeration. Biomembrane separated biogas from air and consisted of a silicone tube covered by microaerobic biofilm. This setup allowed efficient H2S removal while minimizing biogas contamination with oxygen and nitrogen. The transport and removal of H2S, N-2, O-2, CH4 and CO2 through bare membrane, wet membrane and biomembrane was investigated. Membrane allowed the transfer of gases through it as long as there was enough driving force to induce it. H2S concentration in biogas decreased much faster with the biomembrane. The permeation of gases through the membranes decreased in order: H2S > CO2 > CH4 > O-2 > N-2. H2S removal efficiency of more than 99% was observed during the continuous experiment. Light yellow deposits on the membrane indicated the possible elemental sulfur formation due to biological oxidation of H2S. Thiobacillus thioparus was detected by FISH and PCR-DGGE

    Adverse effects of anti-tuberculosis drugs on HepG2 cell bioenergetics

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is an intractable chronic infection. Disease treatment with anti-TB drugs remains challenging due to drug-induced hepatotoxicity. The toxicity of the anti-TB drugs rifampicin (RIF), isoniazid (INH) and pyrazinamide (PZA) either alone or in combination was investigated in HepG2 cells. Assays of intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels at 4-, 24- and 48-h post-exposure to gradient concentrations of RIF, INH and PZA were conducted. Drug-induced effects on mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP), mitochondrial complex I and complex III activity, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels and cellular lactate production were assessed. Decreased ATP levels were dose-dependent and correlated with drug exposure duration. Approximate 24-h IC50s were 0.5 mM, 70 mM and 84 mM for RIF, INH and PZA, respectively. Twenty-four hours post-drug treatment, reductions of MMP (p = 0.0005), mitochondrial complex I and III activities (p = 0.0001 and p = 0.0003, respectively), NAD+ levels (p = 0.0057) and increased lactate production (p < 0.0001) were observed. Drug combinations used to mimic cumulative drug treatments induced a synergistic inhibition of mitochondrial complex I activity. An assessment of cellular ultrastructure using transmission electron microscopy indicated drug-induced mitophagy. Collectively, our study suggests that hepatotoxicity of commonly employed anti-TB drugs is mediated by their curtailment of mitochondrial function

    Candidate biomarkers of antibiotic resistance for the monitoring of wastewater and the downstream environment

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    Urban wastewater treatment plants (UWTPs) are essential for reducing the pollutants load and protecting water bodies. However, wastewater catchment areas and UWTPs emit continuously antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), with recognized impacts on the downstream environments. Recently, the European Commission recommended to monitor antibiotic resistance in UWTPs serving more than 100 000 population equivalents. Antibiotic resistance monitoring in environmental samples can be challenging. The expected complexity of these systems can jeopardize the interpretation capacity regarding, for instance, wastewater treatment efficiency, impacts of environmental contamination, or risks due to human exposure. Simplified monitoring frameworks will be essential for the successful implementation of analytical procedures, data analysis, and data sharing. This study aimed to test a set of biomarkers representative of ARG contamination, selected based on their frequent human association and, simultaneously, rare presence in pristine environments. In addition to the 16S rRNA gene, ten potential biomarkers (intI1, sul1, ermB, ermF, aph(3′’)-Ib, qacEΔ1, uidA, mefC, tetX, and crAssphage) were monitored in DNA extracts (n = 116) from raw wastewater, activated sludge, treated wastewater, and surface water (upstream and downstream of UWTPs) samples collected in the Czech Republic, Denmark, Israel, the Netherlands, and Portugal. Each biomarker was sensitive enough to measure decreases (on average by up to 2.5 log-units gene copy/mL) from raw wastewater to surface water, with variations in the same order of magnitude as for the 16S rRNA gene. The use of the 10 biomarkers allowed the typing of water samples whose origin or quality could be predicted in a blind test. The results show that, based on appropriate biomarkers, qPCR can be used for a cost-effective and technically accessible approach to monitoring wastewater and the downstream environment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A comparative analysis of the Libyan national essential medicines list and the WHO model list of essential medicines

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    Aim and Objectives: To examine the concordance of the Libyan Pharmaceutical List of Essential Medicines (LPLEM) with the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines 2009 (WMLEM 2009). Methods: The concordance between generic medicines listed in the WMLEM 2009 (standard reference list) and the LPLEM 2006 (comparator list) was evaluated. Results: The total number of Basic Essential Medicines (BEMs) listed on the WMLEM 2009 was 347. The total number of generic medicines listed on the LPLEM was 584. Although the LPLEM has more listed medicines, only 270 (77.6%) of BEMs from the WMLEM were listed as available. However, 25 of the 77 missing medicines were deemed to have appropriate alternatives. A total of 52 medicines from the WMLEM 2009 were therefore missing from the LPLEM. Discrepancies compared to the WMLEM 2009 were identified in 15 out of 29 therapeutic sections. The highest discrepancy rate from the WMLEM 2009 was in the anti-infective section (35 missing medicines). Missing BEMs were noted in many subclassifications of the anti-infective medicines section, but omissions were particularly prevalent in the antibacterial medicines subsection (11 missing medicines). Antituberculosis medications had the highest discrepancy rate for antibacterial BEMs with one-third of the single medicines recommended by the WHO in the WMLEM 2009 not listed on the LPLEM. Of the 314 additional medicines on the LPLEM, 18 were deemed to be irrational non-essential medicines. Conclusion: The LPLEM does not include several essential medicines recommended by the WHO in the WMLEM 2009. These discrepancies may have serious public health implications for management of some infectious diseases, particularly, tuberculosis and HIV

    Treatment outcomes of fixed-dose combination versus separate tablet regimens in pulmonary tuberculosis patients with or without diabetes in Qatar

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    Background: Tuberculosis is considered the second most common cause of death due to infectious agent. The currently preferred regimen for treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) is isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol, which has been used either as separate tablets (ST) or as fixed-dose combination (FDC). To date, no studies have compared both regimens in Qatar. We aim to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of FDC and ST regimen for treating PTB, in addition to comparing safety and efficacy of FDC and ST regimens in patients with diabetes treated for TB. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted in two general hospitals in Qatar. Patients diagnosed with PTB received anti-tuberculosis medications (either as FDC or ST) administered by the nurse. Sputum smears were tested weekly. We assessed the time to negative sputum smear and incidence of adverse events among FDC and ST groups. Results: The study included 148 patients. FDC was used in 90 patients (61%). Effectiveness was not different between FDC and ST regimens as shown by mean time to sputum conversion (29.9 ± 18.3 vs. 35.6 ± 23 days, p = 0.12). Similarly, there was no difference in the incidence of adverse events, except for visual one that was higher in ST group. Among the 33 diabetic patients, 19 received the FDC and had faster sputum conversion compared to those who received ST (31 ± 12 vs. 49.4 ± 30.9 days, p = 0.05). Overall, diabetic patients needed longer time for sputum conversion and had more hepatotoxic and gastric adverse events compared to non-diabetics. Conclusion: ST group had higher visual side effects compared to FDC. FDC may be more effective in diabetic patients; however, further studies are required to confirm such finding.PublishedN/

    Role of nickel in high rate methanol degradation in anaerobic granular sludge bioreactors

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    The effect of nickel deprivation from the influent of a mesophilic (30°C) methanol fed upflow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor was investigated by coupling the reactor performance to the evolution of the Methanosarcina population of the bioreactor sludge. The reactor was operated at pH 7.0 and an organic loading rate (OLR) of 5–15 g COD l−1 day−1 for 191 days. A clear limitation of the specific methanogenic activity (SMA) on methanol due to the absence of nickel was observed after 129 days of bioreactor operation: the SMA of the sludge in medium with the complete trace metal solution except nickel amounted to 1.164 (±0.167) g CH4-COD g VSS−1 day−1 compared to 2.027 (±0.111) g CH4-COD g VSS−1 day−1 in a medium with the complete (including nickel) trace metal solution. The methanol removal efficiency during these 129 days was 99%, no volatile fatty acid (VFA) accumulation was observed and the size of the Methanosarcina population increased compared to the seed sludge. Continuation of the UASB reactor operation with the nickel limited sludge lead to incomplete methanol removal, and thus methanol accumulation in the reactor effluent from day 142 onwards. This methanol accumulation subsequently induced an increase of the acetogenic activity in the UASB reactor on day 160. On day 165, 77% of the methanol fed to the system was converted to acetate and the Methanosarcina population size had substantially decreased. Inclusion of 0.5 μM Ni (dosed as NiCl2) to the influent from day 165 onwards lead to the recovery of the methanol removal efficiency to 99% without VFA accumulation within 2 days of bioreactor operation

    Effects of barium on the pathways of anaerobic digestion

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    The sufficient presence of trace elements (TE) is essential for anaerobic digestion. Barium (Ba) is considered a non-essential trace element that can be collaterally added to digesters as part of low-cost trace element sources or because of its presence in some feedstocks, such as crude glycerol. In the present study, the impact of Ba supplementation (2–2000 mg/L) on each stage of the anaerobic digestion (AD) process was evaluated using pure substrates (i.e., cellulose, glucose, a mixture of volatile fatty acids, sodium acetate and hydrogen) as well as a complex substrate (i.e., dried green fodder). Hydrolytic activity was affected at dosages higher than 200 mg Ba/L, whereas cellulose degradation was completely inhibited at 2000 mg Ba/L. The negative effects of the addition of Ba to methane production were observed only in the hydrolytic activity, and no effects were detected at any barium dosage in the subsequent anaerobic steps. Because Ba does not have a reported role as a cofactor of enzymes, this response could have been due to a direct inhibitory effect, a variation in the bioavailability of other trace elements, or even the availability of CO2/SO4 through precipitation as Ba-carbonates and sulphates. The results showed that the addition of Ba modified the chemical equilibrium of the studied system by varying the soluble concentration of some TEs and therefore their bioavailability. The highest variation was detected in the soluble concentration of zinc, which increased as the amount of Ba increased. Although little research has shown that Ba has some utility in anaerobic processes, its addition must be carefully monitored to avoid an undesirable modification of the chemical equilibrium in the system.</p