1,937 research outputs found

    Introduction: emotions and mobilities: gendered, temporal and spatial representations

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    Emotions are increasingly recognised as a fundamental dimension of human mobility. Indeed, there has been sustained and increasing scholarly interest in the intersection between migration and emotion over the last two decades.Theoretical and empirical contributions in this area have advanced our understanding of migration experiences in their diversity. Furthermore, viewing migrants’ lived experiences through an emotions lens can reveal a variety of hidden inequalities, unsettle hegemonic discourses and reveal practices of resistance.Perceptions of social categories such as ethnicity, gender, sexuality and age are shaped by emotions and it is therefore valuable to ‘investigate how certain emotions “stick” to certain bodies or flow and traverse space’

    SALUD: A spatial microsimulation application to support regional health planning in Austria

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    The Austrian Federal Ministry of Health aims to improve the health of all people living in Austria and to decrease health and social inequalities. This leads to a careful planning and distribution of the available health care resources to meet government aims. The research project SALUD, funded by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology and the Austrian Science Fund, focuses on building a Spatial Microsimulation Model for Austria by combining survey and census data to model small area health issues based on individuals or households where no data exists, so called missing data. Within this project, a first prototype of simSALUD is developed, which is a Web-based spatial microsimulation application for health decision support as to date no flexible and free-available Web application in the area of spatial microsimulation exists. simSALUD targets two groups: experts in the area and health policy decision makers (HPDM). The present work focuses on the latter group and will highlight the benefits of simSALUD for HPDM, as they are mainly interested in the results and not primarily in the underlying modelling process. The first prototype of simSALUD is a Web-based application that can be used either offline or online and is therefore accessible anywhere and anytime. Functionally it consists of three modules called (i) data loader, (ii) visualisation area, and (iii) geoprocessing tools. - The data loader supports the management of different datasets (loading, overlaying, sorting, etc.). The main benefit here is that HPDM may access a shared pool of open simulated data that is otherwise hardly available. - The visualisation area presents an interactive map with different standard functionalities, including zoom and pan. This is especially valuable for HPDM as hotspots and problem areas on maps can often be identified more easily than lots of numbers in a list. - The geoprocessing tools, such as ?create buffer? or ?location optimization? allow doing spatial analysis on data to answer what-if scenarios. In general, the main advantage of simSALUD is that HPDM can use the application and perform various spatial analyses without needing specialist skills in spatial microsimulation modelling or geoinformation science. The first prototype of SimSALUD will be introduced to our project partners in their health departments in order to evaluate its practical usefulness and relevance in the area of regional health planning. This work will discuss the results of the evaluation, highlighting the pros and cons of the prototype as well as defining the road map for futures developments of simSALUD. Hence, with simSALUD we hope to make a positive contribution for the area of spatial microsimulation modelling, as it is the first open accessible Web application so far

    Conflicts and solutions related to marine turtle conservation initiatives in the Caribbean basin: identifying new challenges

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    Conflicts among and between local, national, regional and international stakeholders involved in marine turtle conservation are increasing. Often, they arise because of different socio-economic backgrounds of the people or groups involved. Here, we identified and assessed the conservation-based conflicts occurring in 24 of the 39 Caribbean countries, including their frequency, level of severity, number of stakeholders' groups involved, the degree to which they hinder conservation goals, and potential solutions. Using a cross-sectional social survey, we evaluated the presence and details of conservation conflicts provided by 72 respondents. The respondents included conservation-based project leaders, researchers, people involved in policy-based decision-making, conservation volunteers (community-based conservation groups), and species experts with experience working on marine turtle conservation programs in the Caribbean. The respondents identified 136 conflicts, and we grouped them into 16 different categories. The most commonly mentioned causes of conflicts were: 1) the ‘lack of enforcement by local authorities to support conservation-based legislation or programs’ (18%); 2) ‘legal consumption of turtles by one sector of community clashing the conservation aspirations of other sectors of community (14%); and 3) ’variable enforcement of legislation to limit/prohibit use across range states of the species (10%). From our data it is also apparent that illicit activities in the region are also likely to impact the future success of conservation or monitoring based projects and programs. Overall, an exhaustive review was carried out, and the potential solutions were gathered. Due to the level of severity (physical violence) that some conflicts have reached, achieving solutions will be challenging without mediation, mutual cooperation around shared values, and adaptive management arrangements. Achieving this will require combinations of bottom up and top down collaborative governance approaches

    Integrating Lean Six Sigma and discrete-event simulation for shortening the appointment lead-time in gynecobstetrics departments: a case study

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    Long waiting time to appointment may be a worry for pregnant women, particularly those who need perinatology consultation since it could increase anxiety and, in a worst case scenario, lead to an increase in fetal, infant, and maternal mortality. Treatment costs may also increase since pregnant women with diverse pathologies can develop more severe complications. As a step towards improving this process, we propose a methodological approach to reduce the appointment lead-time in outpatient gynecobstetrics departments. This framework involves combining the Six Sigma method to identify defects in the appointment scheduling process with a discrete-event simulation (DES) to evaluate the potential success of removing such defects in simulation before we resort to changing the real-world healthcare system. To do these, we initially characterize the gynecobstetrics department using a SIPOC diagram. Then, six sigma performance metrics are calculated to evaluate how well the department meets the government target in relation to the appointment lead-time. Afterwards, a cause-and-effect analysis is undertaken to identify potential causes of appointment lead-time variation. These causes are later validated through ANOVA, regression analysis, and DES. Improvement scenarios are next designed and pretested through computer simulation models. Finally, control plans are deployed to maintain the results achieved through the implementation of the DES-Six sigma approach. The aforementioned framework was validated in a public gynecobstetrics outpatient department. The results revealed that mean waiting time decreased from 6.9 days to 4.1 days while variance passed from 2.46 days2 to 1.53 days2

    El E- Portafolio como estrategia metodol?gica de evaluaci?n del ?rea de ciencias sociales en b?sica secundaria. Una experiencia educativa en el sector rural en la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Camacho Angarita, El Lim?n ? Chaparral

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    80 P?ginasEl presente trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio proponer el e-portafolio como estrategia metodol?gica de evaluaci?n del ?rea de Ciencias Sociales en los estudiantes del grado noveno de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Camacho Angarita ubicada en el sector rural, corregimiento el Lim?n ? Chaparral, con el fin de promover en el educando una mayor capacidad de reflexi?n sobre su aprendizaje. Esta propuesta surge con la utilizaci?n inicialmente de recursos audiovisuales hasta el uso de las TIC en el ?rea de Ciencias Sociales, caracterizando al docente con un papel orientador m?s que transmisor, a la clase con un lenguaje audiovisual interactivo de im?genes y conceptos que favorecen los procesos de comunicaci?n y socializaci?n entre el docente y los estudiantes. La evaluaci?n en esta experiencia ocupa un lugar central en el proceso educativo, al ser tenida en cuenta en cada momento de la construcci?n del e-portafolio del estudiante, considerando de igual manera que en la actualidad los procesos educativos requieren en el aula curr?culos flexibles en los que el estudiante cuente con espacios no s?lo para aprender, sino tambi?n para reaprender al tener la oportunidad de reestructurar sus producciones acad?micas. El trabajo comprende la sistematizaci?n de una experiencia educativa: antecedentes, caracterizaci?n, etapas para el desarrollo e implicaciones del e-portafolio del estudiante, de igual manera se resaltan las dificultades, obst?culos, alcances y posibles reformas consider?ndose categor?as desde lo rural, pedag?gico, did?ctico, evaluativo y social. Finalmente, se pretende motivar a los docentes para que se integren a los procesos educativos de manera reflexiva y consciente dentro de formas educativas y en especial evaluativas no tradicionales. Palabras claves: TIC, educaci?n, sector rural, evaluaci?n, portafolio educativo, e-portafolio.ABSTRACT. The present work aims to propose the e-portfolio as an assessment methodological strategy of Social Sciences in ninth grade students at the Technical Educational Institution Camacho Angarita located in the rural areas of the district El Lim?n - Chaparral, with the purpose of promoting in students a greater ability to reflect on their own learning. This proposal arises initially with the use of audiovisual resources until the use of ICT in the area of Social Sciences, characterizing the teacher with a guiding role rather than transmitter, adding to the class an interactive audiovisual language of images and concepts that promote processes of communication and socialization between teacher and students. The evaluation of this experience is central to the educational process, when taken into account all the time during the construction of the e-portfolio for the student, also considering that nowadays the educational processes in the classroom require flexible curricula through which the student has space not only to learn, but also to relearn by having the opportunity to restructure their academic productions. This work includes the systematization of an educational experience: backgrounds, characterization, development stages and implications of the student portfolio; likewise It is highlighted the difficulties, obstacles, achievements and possible reforms considering some categories as the rural, pedagogical, didactic, evaluative and social. Finally, it is intended to motivate teachers to be integrated into educational processes in a thoughtful and conscious way in educational forms and more especially in non-traditional evaluative forms.La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci?n de la Universidad del Tolima, el director, codirector y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de los conceptos ni de las ideas expuestas por los autores del presente trabajo. Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Art?culo 29, Acuerdo 064 de 1991, Concejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del Tolima.INTRODUCCI?N 13 1. JUSTIFICACI?N 15 2. OBJETIVOS 17 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 17 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 17 3. ANTECEDENTES 18 4. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 20 4.1 GENERALIDADES Y EVOLUCI?N DE LA EDUCACI?N EN LAS INSTITUCIONES EDUCATIVAS DESDE EL CONTEXTO RURAL 20 4.2 EDUCACI?N DEL ?REA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES EN B?SICA SECUNDARIA 26 4.3 INTEGRACI?N DE LAS TIC AL PROCESO ENSE?ANZA-APRENDIZAJE 28 4.4 GENERALIDADES DE LA EVALUACI?N EDUCATIVA 34 4.5 LA EVALUACI?N DEL APRENDIZAJE EN EL ?REA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES EN B?SICA SECUNDARIA 39 4.6 EL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO 42 4.7 EL E-PORTAFOLIO COMO ESTRATEGIA METODOL?GICA PARA LA EVALUACI?N DE LOS ESTUDIANTES 46 5. METODOLOG?A DEL TRABAJO 51 6. DESCRIPCI?N DE LA EXPERIENCIA CON EL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO 52 6.1 RECUENTO HIST?RICO DE LA INCORPORACI?N DE LAS TIC Y EL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO EN LA INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA T?CNICA CAMACHO ANGARITA 52 6.2 RECUENTO HIST?RICO DEL DESORRALLO DEL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO Y DEL USO DEL E-PORTAFOLIO EN EL ?REA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES 53 6.3 CARACTER?STICAS DEL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO. 55 6.4 COMPONENTES DEL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO 58 6.5 EL E-PORTAFOLIO DEL ESTUDIANTE COMO ESTRATEGIA DE EVALUACI?N 61 6.5.1 Alcances del e-portafolio del estudiante en la evaluaci?n 62 6.5.2 Uso pedag?gico del software educativo Edraw Max. 65 6.5.3 Implicaciones del portafolio educativo y del e-portafolio del estudiante. 66 7. CONCLUSIONES 71 REFERENCIAS 73 ANEXOS 7

    Role of lysosomal enzymes released by alveolar macrophages in the pathogenesis of the acute phase of hypersensitivity pneumonitis

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    Hydrolytic enzymes are the major constituents of alveolar macrophages (AM) and have been shown to be involved in many aspects of the inflammatory pulmonary response. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of lysosomal enzymes in the acute phase of hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HPs). An experimental study on AM lysosomal enzymes of an HP-guinea-pig model was performed. The results obtained both in vivo and in vitro suggest that intracellular enzymatic activity decrease is, at least partly, due to release of lysosomal enzymes into the medium. A positive but slight correlation was found between extracellular lysosomal activity and four parameters of lung lesion (lung index, bronchoalveolar fluid total (BALF) protein concentration, BALF LDH and BALF alkaline phosphatase activities). All the above findings suggest that the AM release of lysosomal enzymes during HP is a factor involved, although possibly not the only one, in the pulmonary lesions appearing in this disease

    Optimizing SOI Slot Waveguide Fabrication Tolerances and Strip-Slot Coupling for Very Efficient Optical Sensing

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    Slot waveguides are becoming more and more attractive optical components, especially for chemical and bio-chemical sensing. In this paper an accurate analysis of slot waveguide fabrication tolerances is carried out, in order to find optimum design criteria for either homogeneous or absorption sensing mechanisms, in cases of low and high aspect ratio slot waveguides. In particular, we have focused on Silicon On Insulator (SOI) technology, representing the most popular technology for this kind of devices, simultaneously achieving high integration capabilities, small dimensions and low cost. An accurate analysis of single mode behavior for high aspect ratio slot waveguide has been also performed, in order to provide geometric limits for waveguide design purposes. Finally, the problem of coupling into a slot waveguide is addressed and a very compact and efficient slot coupler is proposed, whose geometry has been optimized to give a strip-slot-strip coupling efficiency close to 100%

    Two-loop corrections to the QCD propagators within the Curci-Ferrari model

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    We evaluate all two-point correlation functions of the Curci-Ferrari (CF) model in four dimensions and in the presence of mass-degenerate fundamental quark flavors, as a natural extension of an earlier investigation in the quenched approximation. In principle, the proper account of chiral symmetry breaking (χ\chiSB) and the corresponding dynamical generation of a quark mass function within the CF model requires one to go beyond perturbation theory \cite{Pelaez:2020ups}. However, it is interesting to assess whether a perturbative description applies to correlation functions that are not directly sensitive to χ\chiSB, such as the gluon, ghost and quark dressing functions. We compare our two-loop results for these form factors to QCD lattice data in the two flavor case for two different values of the pion mass, one that is relatively far from the chiral limit, and one that is closer to the physical value. Our results confirm that the QCD gluon and ghost dressing functions are well described by a perturbative approach within the CF model, as already observed at one-loop order in Ref. \cite{Pelaez:2014mxa}. Our new main result is that the quark dressing function is also well captured by the perturbative approach, but only starting at two-loop order, as also anticipated in Ref. \cite{Pelaez:2014mxa}. The quark mass function predicted by the CF model at two-loop order is in good agreement with the data if the quarks are not too light but shows some clear tension with respect to the two-loop CF dressing functions in the close to physical case, as expected. Interestingly, however, we find that there is much less tension between the non-perturbative quark mass function, as it can be obtained from lattice simulations or from \cite{Pelaez:2020ups}, and the two-loop CF dressing functions, which confirms the perturbative nature of the latter.Comment: 39 pages, 13 figure

    Crystal size dependence of dipolar ferromagnetic order between Mn6 molecular nanomagnets

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    We study how crystal size influences magnetic ordering in arrays of molecular nanomagnets coupled by dipolar interactions. Compressed fluid techniques have been applied to synthesize crystals of Mn6 molecules (spin S = 12) with sizes ranging from 28 ”m down to 220 nm. The onset of ferromagnetic order and the spin thermalization rates have been studied by means of ac susceptibility measurements. We find that the ordered phase remains ferromagnetic, as in the bulk, but the critical temperature Tc decreases with crystal size. Simple magnetostatic energy calculations, supported by Monte Carlo simulations, account for the observed drop in Tc in terms of the minimum attainable energy for finite-sized magnetic domains limited by the crystal boundaries. Frequency-dependent susceptibility measurements give access to the spin dynamics. Although magnetic relaxation remains dominated by individual spin flips, the onset of magnetic order leads to very long spin thermalization time scales. The results show that size influences the magnetism of dipolar systems with as many as 1011 spins and are relevant for the interpretation of quantum simulations performed on finite lattices
