444 research outputs found

    El futuro de la política de cohesión : estado del debate

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    Species distribution models as a useful tool in conservation programs: the case of the Northern Bald Ibis

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    The Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita) is one of the most endangered species on the planet. Over the last century, the species had suffered an extreme decline in its population size, and is now considered to be critically endangered. Nowadays, the original distribution range of the species is restricted to the Agadir region in Morocco. In Europe the species is only present in Spain and Austria, and this is due to two different conservation projects with introduced animals born and raised in captivity. The aim of this project is to characterize those past and present areas used by the Northern Bald Ibis in their natural distribution in Morocco, identifying the most favorable areas for the assessment of the species in Morocco and also for making it possible to reintroduce this species to Europe. We used species distribution models with a presence/absence database obtained from bibliography and a set of environmental variables. Spatial variables were combined obtaining a trend surface variable, which is a purely spatial descriptor of the cohesion trend in the distribution of the species regarding its history and population dynamics. Another model was built using only environmental variables to identify those areas which are favorable for the species in relation to the environment, without the effects of the population's cohesion trend. Obtained models classified the areas into 'favorable', 'unfavorable' or 'uncertain'. In the case of Andalusia, introduced individuals have moved to favorable places in the North of Morocco, where the species was not present in the past. Moreover, for the first time there have been new records of this species on the occidental coast of Morocco, where the models also predict a maximum in the favorability. This methodology could be used to detect the best places to introduce new individuals or to create protected areas.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Quality of the bolivarian schools of Venezuela

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    Introducción. Venezuela ha vivido los últimos años una experiencia singular con la creación de las escuelas bolivarianas. Se refieren a centros de educación primaria con unas connotaciones metodológicas y didácticas específicas derivadas de los principios constitucionales del país. El objeto de este estudio es conocer y evaluar la calidad de estas escuelas que tienen ya más de 10 años de implantación en Venezuela. Material y métodos: se ha utilizado una metodología descriptivoexplicativa y expost-facto con instrumentos derivados del modelo EFQM europeo de calidad y con un cuestionario específico para aspectos concretos de estas escuelas, dividido en los mismos campos que el modelo europeo de calidad. Se procesaron y se analizaron los datos por medio de programas estadísticos y de análisis de contenido. Resultados: existencia de alta feminización del profesorado en las escuelas bolivarianas, carencias básicas nutricionales, niveles de aprendizaje mejorables, recursos escasos, inexistencia de liderazgo en las mismas, y ciertos niveles de populismo. En suma: niveles de calidad por debajo de lo esperado, sobre todo en liderazgo y procesos; la escuela bolivariana no funciona. Discusión: se realizan algunas propuestas para la mejora de la calidad de estas escuelas basadas en el profesorado y los recursos y se entiende la limitación muestral.Introduction: overt the last few years venezuela has been living a singular experience due to the creation of the bolivarian schools. They consist on centers of primary education with some methodological connotations and specific didactics derivated from the constitutional beginning of the country. The aim of this paper is to know and to evaluate the quality of these schools which already have more than 10 years of implantation in Venezuela. Materials and methods: a descriptive - explanatory methodology and expost-fact has been in use with instruments derived from the model european efqm of quality and with a specific questionnaire for concrete aspects of these schools, divided in the same fields that the model europeo of quality. They were processed and the information was analyzed by means of statistical programs and analysis of content. Results: high-level of feminisation of the teachers in the Bolivarian schools, nutritional deficiencies, improvable learning levels, scarce resources, lack of leadership and some kind ok populism. To sum up: lower than expected quality levels, especially in leadership and processes; the Bolivarian schools do not work. Discussion: even though the sample is limited, hereby some proposals about the teachers and resources will be made in order to improve the quality of these schools

    Transformación de la Función Administrativa a partir de la implementación del modelo neoliberal en Colombia 1991 -2004

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    La entrada en vigencia de la apertura económica y la globalización de los mercados han suscitado una serie de situaciones positiva al igual que problemáticas que transcienden a todos los ámbitos de la sociedad, no solamente en el aspecto económico, sino que atañe a otras dimensiones igualmente importantes como el derecho, la política y los sistemas jurídicos (Fix y López, 1997). Es por ello que los Estados han procurado regular a través de múltiples compendios normativos las actuaciones de los participantes de diversas actuaciones de índole comercial, aunque está situación no ha impedido que se cuestione de manera casi que permanente la idea de autonomía de los ordenamientos jurídicos en el rol que estos desempeñan y que se suponen influidos por la política económica externa y el dominio del neoliberalismo. El Estado moderno no es ajeno a las dinámicas económicas mundiales, su desarrollo no puede contemplarse distante de las relaciones económico-sociales y estas a su vez determinan su actuar. Dinámicas como el neoliberalismo y la globalización traen consigo nuevos paradigmas para la estructura y el manejo del estado. La estructura jurídica del estado se ve influenciada por la economía mundial y su consecuencia es la posterior economización de la sociedad y la vida por medio de la reestructuración del campo jurídico estatal. El Estado colombiano en la última década del siglo XX lleva a cabo una transformación jurídica de su estructura, dicho proceso de reingeniería del estado no es ajeno a los procesos económicos. La presente investigación tiene como fin llegar a demostrar cuan influenciable fue el proceso de reestructuración del estado, de la administración pública como manejo de los activos del estado y los servicios a cargo de este.The entry into force of the economic opening and the globalization of markets have led to a series of positive situations as well as problems that transcend all areas of society, not only in the economic aspect, but also concerns other equally important dimensions such as law, politics and legal systems (Fix y López, 1997). That is why States have tried to regulate through multiple regulatory compendiums the actions of the participants of various commercial actions, although this situation has not prevented the idea of autonomy of legal systems from being questioned almost permanently. the role they play and which are supposed to be influenced by external economic policy and the domination of neoliberalism. The modern state is not alien to the world economic dynamics, its development can not be seen far from the socio-economic relations and these in turn determine its action. Dynamics such as neoliberalism and globalization bring with them new paradigms for the structure and management of the state. The legal structure of the state is influenced by the world economy and its consequence is the subsequent economization of society and life through the restructuring of the state legal field. The Colombian State in the last decade of the twentieth century carried out a legal transformation of its structure, this process of reengineering the state is not alien to economic processes. The purpose of this research is to demonstrate how influential was the process of restructuring the state, the public administration as management of state assets and the services in charge of it

    How a Community Foundation’s Disaster Framework Guided Rapid Pandemic Response

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    Disasters create opportunities for philanthropy to rebuild equitably by prioritizing the most vulnerable community members in disaster response and addressing existing disparities and structural inequities in the recovery phase. As intermediaries between donors and local communities, community foundations are well-positioned to lead transformational disaster response. Through its experience with Hurricane Katrina and subsequent disasters in the region, the Greater New Orleans Foundation developed a flexible disaster framework that emphasizes four broad principles — resilience, sustainability, civic participation, and equity — and specific practices in each area to guide rapid and long-term disaster response and preparedness. This article describes how the foundation is applying that framework to respond to COVID-19 and concurrent disasters in ways that mitigate immediate harms while laying the groundwork for an equitable long-term recovery. Based on a review of organizational documents and interviews with high-level staff involved in disaster grantmaking over the past decade, the article details how the foundation inductively developed its disaster framework through experiences supporting nonprofits and community members after Hurricane Katrina and subsequent disasters. It then explains how the foundation has adapted the principles to pandemic response

    The Act on Equality between Women and Men: an effective but poor law. A study of the 2005 local electoral rolls in the province of Salamanca.

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Derecho. Curso académico 2017-2018[ES] La igualdad está reconocida en nuestra Constitución como valor superior en el Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho. Sin embargo, para que dicha igualdad sea efectiva el legislador debe impulsar acciones encaminadas a superar desigualdades sociales. En cumplimiento de este mandato nace la Ley Orgánica 3/2007 para la Igualdad Efectiva entre Mujeres y Hombres que busca combatir la discriminación e infrarrepresentación que las mujeres han venido sufriendo históricamente en diferentes ámbitos de la vida pública, sobre todo en la política activa, impulsando medidas para su mayor presencia en las listas electorales. El estudio de las listas electorales y su composición equilibrada en las últimas elecciones municipales de 2015 de la provincia de Salamanca nos muestra que esta ley ha tenido consecuencias positivas, aunque a veces insuficientes, sobre todo de cara a aquellos municipios donde dicho principio no es de obligado cumplimiento, dejando mayor libertad de elección de sus candidatos/as electorales a los partidos políticos.[EN] Equality is recognized in our Constitution as a superior value of the Social and Democratic rule of law. Nevertheless, the legislator must promote measures to overcome social inequalities to make that equality effective. To accomplish this statutory function, the organic law 3/2007 for effective equality between Women and Men was born. It aims, by promoting female presence in electoral rolls, to overcome historical discrimination and under representation suffered by women in different areas of public life, especially in active Politics. The study of last local elections of 2015 electoral rolls and its balanced composition in the province of Salamanca proves that the law has had positive consequences, but it is still insufficient especially in those municipalities where balanced composition is not mandatory, leaving more freedom to the political parties to choose their candidates

    El Programa de las 900 escuelas y el impacto real de las escuelas criticas en la Provincia de Talca

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    Caries and quality of life in portuguese adolescents : impact of diet and behavioural risk factors

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    The aim of this study was to assess the impact of diet and behavioural risk factors on caries appearance, and on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) among Portuguese adolescents. An epidemiological study conducted on 782 adolescents between 11-17 years, from randomly selected public schools of the 3rd cycle of basic education. All participants were asked for self-perceived general status health, about tooth-brushing habits and about the using of toothpaste with fluoride and a Food Frequency Questionnaire. The DMFT index (decayed, missing and filled teeth) was evaluated according to WHO criteria. To evaluate the OHRQoL, the 49-items Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire (OHIP-49) was applied. Consumption more than once a week of tea with sugar, milk with sugar and biscuits were significantly associated with DMFT index. Lower levels in OHRQoL was reported by students who consumed frequently (more than once a week) fast food, chocolate flakes and those who brushed their teeth once a day or less frequently instead of 2-3 times a day. Frequency of consumption of sweetened/fast food was a significant factor associated with caries and quality of life