92 research outputs found

    Patrones de actividad física en niños con sobrepeso y normopeso: un estudio de validez concurrente

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    Debido a la alta prevalencia y a las consecuencias negativas que el sobrepeso-obesidad infantil y la disminución en los niveles de actividad física tienen sobre la salud, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar y comparar los patrones de actividad física en niños con normopeso y sobrepeso a través de medidas objetivas (acelerómetro) y subjetivas (IPAC) y valorar el grado de concordancia entre ambas. La investigación se llevó a cabo con los niños de sexto curso de educación primaria de 5 colegios públicos de la zona sur de Navarra. Para medir el nivel de actividad física se utilizaron acelerómetros Caltrac y el cuestionario autoadministrado IPAC. Los resultados encontrados pusieron de manifiesto una falta de concordancia entre las diferentes medidas utilizadas (r = 0,49; p < 0,001)

    Patrons d'activitat física en nens amb sobrepès i normopès: un estudi de validesa concurrent

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    A causa de l'alta prevalença i les conseqüències negatives que el sobrepès-obesitat infantil i la disminució en els nivells d'activitat física tenen sobre la salut, l'objectiu d'aquest estudi va ser avaluar i comparar els patrons d'activitat física en nens amb normopès i sobrepès a través de mesuraments objectius (acceleròmetre) i subjectius (IPAC) i avaluar-ne el grau de concordança. La recerca es va dur a terme amb els nens de sisè curs d'educació primària de 5 escoles públiques de la zona sud de Navarra. Per mesurar el nivell d'activitat física es van utilitzar acceleròmetres Caltrac i el qüestionari autoadministrat IPAC. Els resultats obtinguts van posar de manifest una manca de concordança entre els diversos mesuraments (r = 0,49; p < 0,001)

    Comparación de algoritmos detectores de puntos singulares para reconocimiento de objetos en vídeo quirúrgico.

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    El análisis de vídeo laparoscópico ofrece nuevas posibilidades a la navegación quirúrgica al garantizar una incorporación mínima de tecnología en quirófano, evitando así alterar la ergonomía y los flujos de trabajo de las intervenciones. Una de sus principales ventajas es que puede servir como fuente de datos para reconstruir tridimensionalmente la escena laparoscópica, lo que permite dotar al cirujano de la sensación de profundidad perdida en este tipo de cirugía. En el presente trabajo de investigación se comparan dos detectores de puntos singulares, SIFT y SURF, para estimar cuál de los dos podría integrarse en un algoritmo de cálculo de coordenadas 3D, MonoSLAM, basado en la detección y el seguimiento de estos puntos singulares en los fotogramas del vídeo. Los resultados obtenidos posicionan a SURF como la mejor opción gracias a su rapidez y a su mayor capacidad de discriminación entre estructuras anatómicas e instrumental quirúrgico

    Gamification for Maths and Physics in University Degrees through a Transportation Challenge

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    Our society is immersed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution due to the fast evolution of the new technologies that are modifying the labor market. In the near future, technologies related to Industry 4.0 will produce totally new goods and services. Therefore, the educational systems should adapt their programs to the future needs of an uncertain labor market. In particular, mathematics will play a key role in future jobs and there is a strong need to connect its teaching methodologies to the new technological scene. This work uses the STEAM approach (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) along with active methodologies and educational robotics with the aim of developing a new strategy for the application of mathematics and physics in an engineering degree. In particular, a transportation challenge is posed to tackle the teaching–learning process of the Bézier curves and their applications in physics. A pilot project is developed using a LEGO EV3 robot and an active methodology, where students become the center of the learning process. The experimental results of the pilot study indicate an increase in the motivation due to the use of robots and the realistic context of the challenge

    Influence of occlusal collision corrections completed by two intraoral scanners or a dental design program on the accuracy of the maxillomandibular relationship.

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    STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Occlusal collisions of articulated intraoral digital scans can be corrected by intraoral scanners (IOSs) or dental design software programs. However, the influence of these corrections on the accuracy of maxillomandibular relationship is unclear. PURPOSE The purpose of this clinical investigation was to measure the effect of occlusal collision corrections completed by the IOSs or dental design software programs on the trueness and precision of maxillomandibular relationship. MATERIAL AND METHODS Casts of a participant mounted on an articulator were digitized (T710). The experimental scans were obtained by using 2 IOSs: TRIOS4 and i700. The intraoral digital scans of the maxillary and mandibular arches were obtained and duplicated 15 times. For each duplicated pair of scans, a bilateral virtual occlusal record was acquired. Articulated specimens were duplicated and assigned into 2 groups: IOS-not corrected and IOS corrected (n=15). In the IOS-not corrected groups, the IOS software program postprocessed the scans maintaining the occlusal collisions, while in the IOS-corrected groups, the IOS software program eliminated the occlusal collisions. All articulated specimens were imported into a computer-aided design (CAD) program (DentalCAD). Three subgroups were developed based on the CAD correction: CAD-no change, trimming, or opening the vertical dimension. Thirty-six interlandmark distances were measured on the reference and each experimental scan to compute discrepancies by using a software program (Geomagic Wrap). Root mean square (RMS) was selected to compute the cast modifications performed in the trimming subgroups. Trueness was examined using 2-way ANOVA and pairwise comparison Tukey tests (α=.05). Precision was evaluated with the Levene test (α=.05). RESULTS The IOS (P<.001), the program (P<.001), and their interaction (P<.001) impacted the trueness of the maxillomandibular relationship. The i700 obtained higher trueness than the TRIOS4 (P<.001). The IOS-not corrected-CAD-no-changes and IOS-not-corrected-trimming subgroups obtained the lowest trueness (P<.001), while the IOS-corrected-CAD-no-changes, IOS-corrected-trimming, and IOS-corrected-opening subgroups showed the highest trueness (P<.001). No significant differences in precision were found (P<.001). Furthermore, significant RMS differences were found (P<.001), with a significant interaction between Group×Subgroup (P<.001). The IOS-not corrected-trimmed subgroups obtained a significantly higher RMS error discrepancy than IOS-corrected-trimmed subgroups (P<.001). The Levene test showed a significant discrepancy in the RMS precision among IOSs across subgroups (P<.001). CONCLUSIONS The trueness of the maxillomandibular relationship was influenced by the scanner and program used to correct occlusal collisions. Better trueness was obtained when the occlusal collisions were adjusted by the IOS program compared with the CAD program. Precision was not significantly influenced by the occlusal collision correction method. CAD corrections did not improve the results of the IOS software. Additionally, the trimming option caused volumetric changes on the occlusal surfaces of intraoral scans

    Perception des proéminences accentuelles en français langue maternelle et langue étrangère : effet de l'intonation et de la composante lexicale

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    This research aims at examining the perception of accentual groups in French by French-speaking listeners and by Spanish/Catalan-speaking learners of French. The material was composed of French five-syllable sequences produced by native speakers of French and by Spanish/Catalanspeaking learners of French. The sequences were produced in the assertive and interrogative modalities. Moreover, a delexicalized version of the sequences was created. Participants listened to each sequence and had to decide whether it was composed of 1 or 2 groups. Results show that the listeners were more likely to perceive 2 groups when 1) the sequences were produced by learners of French, 2) the sequences were presented in the delexicalized version, and 3) the sequences' speech rate decreased

    Blood component requirements in liver transplantation: effect of 2 thromboelastometry-guided strategies for bolus fibrinogen infusion, the TROMBOFIB randomized trial

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    Background: A low plasma fibrinogen level influences blood component transfusion. Thromboelastometry provides clinical guidance for fibrinogen replacement in liver transplantation (LT). Objectives: We hypothesized that infusions of fibrinogen concentrate to reach an A10FIBTEM value of 11 mm during LT could reduce red blood cell (RBC) and other component and fluid requirements in comparison to standard care. Methods: This randomized, blinded, multicenter trial in 3 hospitals enrolled 189 LTscheduled patients allocated to an intervention target (A10FIBTEM, 11 mm) or a standard target (A10FIBTEM, 8 mm); 176 patients underwent LT with fibrinogen replacement. Data were analyzed by intention-to-treat (intervention group, 91; control group, 85). Blood was extracted, and fibrinogen kits were prepared to bring each patient's fibrinogen level to the assigned target at the start of LT, after portal vein clamping, and after graft reperfusion. The main outcome was the proportion of patients requiring RBC transfusion during LT or within 24 hours. Results: The proportion of patients requiring RBCs did not differ between the groups: intervention, 74.7% (95% CI, 65.5%-83.3%); control, 72.9% (95% CI, 62.2%-82.0%); absolute difference, 1.8% (95% CI, −11.1% to 14.78%) (P = .922). Thrombotic events occurred in 4% of the patients in both groups; reoperation and retransplantation rates and mortality did not differ. Nearly 70% of the patients in both groups required fibrinogen concentrate to reach the target. Using an 11-mm A10FIBTEM target increased the maximum clot firmness without affecting safety. However, this change provided no clinical benefits. Conclusion: The similar low plasma fibrinogen concentrations could explain the lack of significant between-group outcomes

    Changes in Spanish lifestyle and dietary habits during the COVID-19 lockdown

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    Purpose: The COVID-2019 pandemic forced many governments to declare the 'to stay at home' which encouraged social distancing and isolation among citizens. The aim of this study was to assess the dietary and lifestyle habit changes that occurred during home confinement in Spain. Methods: An European online survey was launched in April 2020. This included 70 questions on sociodemographic characteristics, lifestyle, dietary habits, including key Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) foods. A total of 945 Spanish adults from 1268 European that completed the online survey were included in the analysis. Results: Most of the Spanish participants adopted healthier dietary habits during home lockdown, which was translated to a higher MedDiet adherence. However, a negative impact on physical activity levels, sleep quality or smoking rates was observed. Low MedDiet adherence was associated with a higher risk of weight gain (OR = 1.53, CI 1.1-2.1; p = 0.016), while no snacking between meals reduced the risk by 80% (OR = 0.20, CI 0.09-0.45, p < 0.001) and eating more quantity, considering portion size, increased body weight gain risk almost sixfold more. Conclusion: To conclude, although dietary habits were improved during home lockdown, certain unhealthy behaviours (e.g. increased snacking between meals, increased food intake, and an increase in sedentary behaviour) were increased

    Effects of climate change on Platanus flowering in Western Mediterranean cities: current trends and future projections

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    Ornamental trees can reduce some of the negative impacts of urbanization on citizens but some species, such as Platanus spp., produce pollen with high allergenic potential. This can exacerbate the symptomatology in allergic patients, being a public health problem. Therefore, it would be relevant to determine the environmental conditions regulating the flowering onset of the Platanus species. The aims of this study were to use aerobiological records for modelling the thermal requirements of Platanus flowering and to make future projections based on the effects that climate change could have on it under several possible future scenarios. This study was conducted in Badajoz and Malaga, two Western Mediterranean cities with different climate conditions. In the first step, several main pollen season definitions were applied to the aerobiological data and their onset dates were compared with in situ phenological observations. The main pollen season definition that best fitted the Platanus flowering onset was based on the 4th derivative of a logistic function. This definition was used as a proxy to model the thermal requirements of the Platanus flowering onset by applying the PhenoFlex statistical framework. The errors obtained by this model during the external validation were 3.2 days on average, so it was fed with future temperature estimations to determine possible future trends. According to the different models, the flowering onset of Platanus in Badajoz will show heterogeneous responses in the short and medium term due to different balances in the chilling-forcing compensation, while it will clearly delay in Malaga due to a significant delay in the chilling requirement fulfilment. This may increase the chances of cross-reactivity episodes with other pollen types in the future, increasing its impact on public health.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work was partially financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and FEDER funding inside the Operational Plurirregional Program of Spain 2014-2020 and the Operational Program of Smart Growing (Project Environmental and Biodiversity Climate Change Lab, EnBiC2-Lab), by the Regional Government of Extremadura (IB20081 and GR21027), and by the University of Málaga under its program for projects led by young researchers (I Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia; B1-2021_24). A. Picornell was supported by a postdoctoral grant financed by the Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities of the Junta de Andalucía (POSTDOC_21_00056). We acknowledge the E-OBS dataset from the EU-FP6 project UERRA (http://www.uerra.eu) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service, and the data providers in the ECA&D project (https://www.ecad.eu)

    A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of an Intervention with a Nutritional Supplement for Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: A Randomized Trial.

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) involves heterogeneous diseases that affect the renal structure and function. Malnutrition plays a crucial role during patients with CKD on hemodialysis (HD) treatment and is associated with an increased rate and duration of hospitalizations. The aim of this randomized, parallel, intervention-controlled trial was to assess whether the use of daily supplementation with a new nutritional product developed by the Grand Fontaine Laboratories improves the nutritional status and anthropometric parameters of stage 5 CKD patients, compared with standard renal dietary advice, after three months of follow-up. Dietary intake, anthropometric measurements, physical activity, and blood samples were collected at baseline and after three months of intervention. Significant improvements were observed within the intervention group in body weight (1.5 kg [95% CI: 0.9 to 2.12 kg]) and BMI (0.54 kg/m2 [95% CI: 0.31 to 0.77]; p-value between groups, 0.002 and 0.006, respectively). In the control group, significant decreases were observed in transferrin saturation (−5.04% [95% CI: −8.88 to −1.21]) and alpha-tocopherol levels (−3.31 umol/L [95% CI: −6.30 to −0.32]). We concluded that daily dietary intake of a specific renal nutritional complement in CKD patients with or at risk of malnutrition may prevent deterioration in nutritional parameters