13 research outputs found

    Earthquakes, The hows and whys. Focus on The February 23, 1887 Ligurian earthquake

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    Education and training are two ingredients that allow citizens to learn scientific information otherwise confined within laboratories, in particular in the field of environmental risk. It is in this perspective that the O3E (French acronym for European Observatory for Education and Environment) project was born. The O3E project is the follow up of a 10 year long testing phase (1997-2007) during which several national projects ("Sismos a I'Ecole", "EDURISK" and "climAtscope") were born. The overall objective of the O3E program is to network educational institutions, which are equipped with educational instruments and sensors to measure environmental parameters, across regions of the Latin Alps. Data on ground motion (seismometers), temperatures and rainfall (weather stations), on water resources (hydrogeology) recorded in schools are collected on dedicated servers, which are then made available to the educational community through the Internet. The so-structured O3E network becomes the starting point for many geosciences teaching and educational activities to natural hazards in order to: - promote experimental sciences and new technologies - network the actors involved in education and training - develope the sense of autonomy and responsibility in young people - strenghten and develope relations with regional partners in the field of education and academia - foster rational awareness of the problems related to the geological heritage and to the prevention of natural hazards, that is what can make the difference, in terms of safety, when an event occurs. Taking into account the guidelines of the program (which gives a large space to communication technologies), its educational dimension (awareness of environmental risks), its scientific content (geosciences), and its importance on a regional and even international scale (networking of schools), initiatives are started up by schools in close cooperation with the university and research community. As it is the case of this pamphlet dealing with an earthquake, which is emblematic for the regions involved in the O3E project: the Imperia -Menton earthquake occurred on February 23,1887. The data collected here (archives, seismograms, recent oceanographic studies ... ) will enable students and their teachers to deal with a case study.CG 06, RĂ©gion PACA, DIREN PACA, Sciences Ă  l'Ecole; Alcotra, EUPublished5.9. Formazione e informazioneope

    Speciale: Il terremoto ligure del 23 Febbraio del 1887

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    L'educazione e la formazione sono due ingredienti che consentono ai cittadini di apprendere le informazioni scientifiche altrimenti confinate nei laboratori in particolare nel campo del rischio ambientale. E in questa ottica che Ăš nato il programma O3E (acronimo in francese di Osservazione dell'Ambiente a scopo Educativo per le Scuole). II programma O3E fa seguito a un periodo di sperimentazione di 10 anni (1997-2007) in cui sono nati diversi progetti nazionali (Sismos a l'Ecole, EDURISK, climAtscope). L'obiettivo generale del programma O3E Ăš mettere in rete istituti scolastici nelle regioni delle Alpi latine equipaggiate con sensori di parametri ambientali di tipo educativo. I dati sul movimento del suolo (sismometri), sulle temperature e la pluviometria (stazioni meteo), sulle risorse idriche (idrogeologia) registrati negli istituti scolastici sono raccolti su server dedicati poi messi a disposizione attraverso Internet alla comunitĂ  educativa. La rete O3E cosĂŹ strutturata, diventa il punto di partenza per varie attivitĂ  di insegnamento delle geoscienze e di educazione al rischio naturale e si propone di: - promuovere le scienze sperimentali e le nuove tecnologie - mettere in rete gli attori dell'educazione e della formazione - sviluppare il senso di autonomia e la responsabilitĂ  dei giovani - rafforzare e sviluppare i legami con i partner regionali nel campo educativo e universitario - favorire una presa di coscienza razionale dei problemi legati alla prevenzione dei rischi naturali e del patrimonio geologico, ciĂČ che puĂČ fare la differenza durante un evento in termini di sicurezza. Tenendo conto degli orientamenti del programma, che dĂ  un grande spazio alle tecnologie di comunicazione, della sua dimensione educativa (sensibilizzazione ai rischi ambientali), del suo contenuto scientifico (geoscienze), e della sua importanza su scala regionale e persino internazionale (messa in rete di istituti scolastici), vengono avviate iniziative da parte degli istituti scolastici in stretta collaborazione con il mondo dell'UniversitĂ  e della Ricerca. E' il caso del presente opuscolo che tratta il caso di un terremoto emblematico per le regioni interessate da O3E: il terremoto di Imperia - Mentone del 23 febbraio 1887. I dati raccolti qui (archivi, sismogrammi, ultimi studi oceanografici. .. ) consentiranno agli studenti e ai loro insegnanti di affrontare un caso di studio.CG06, Region PACA, DIREN PACA, Sciences a l'Ecole; ALCOTRAPublished5.9. Formazione e informazioneope

    Le problÚme de l'activité des failles de Nßmes, de Salon-Cavaillon et de la moyenne Durance (SE de la France) : apports de la géomorphologie structurale/The problem of tectonic activity along the Nßmes, Salon-Cavaillon and moyenne Durance fault zones: evidence from structural geomorphology

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    Abstract The tectonic activity along the main faults of western Provence is studied by the means of structural geomorphology. This activity is demonstrated by seismotectonic analysis in the western Provence and lower RhÎne regions. Mainly focused on the Moyenne Durance, Salon-Cavaillon and Nßmes fault zones and along a few compressive zones, it follows a complex tectonic history which has interfered all along the Cenozoic times with alternate stages of erosion, planation, sedimentary infilling of basins and incision. Together with the low rates of recent tectonism, this history explains why the geomorphic indices of activity along the fault zones are faint or ambiguous. Medium (hectometric to kilometric) scale landforms are the only geomorphic features that can be used for the purpose of tectonic analysis, but they result from a longer tectonic history than the short period of activity revealed by seismic and palaeoseismic analysis. Their study does not show any significant post-Pliocene activity along the Nßmes fault, suggests only a moderate and poorly characterized post-Pliocene activity along the Moyenne Durance fault zone, and may indicate some post- Miocene normal or strike-slip movements along parts of the Salon-Cavaillon fault zone, with a weak subsidence west of it (Carpentras basin). These results are in fairly close agreement with those of geodetic and seismic studies. Therefore, structural geomorphology is useful for validating geophysical and geological interpretations of tectonic movements in weakly active zones, particularly by giving upper limits to the amplitude of cumulate movements during given periods.Résumé L'article propose une évaluation de l'activité tectonique récente le long des principales failles de Provence occidentale et du Bas RhÎne au moyen d'une analyse morphostructurale. Se concentrant surtout sur les failles de la moyenne Durance, de Salon-Cavaillon et de Nßmes, cette activité s'inscrit dans la suite d'une histoire tectonique complexe qui a interféré au Cénozoïque avec une histoire érosive caractérisée par des phases alternées d'aplanissement, de remblaiement et de dissection. Jointe à la modération des mouvements tectoniques récents, cette histoire explique le caractÚre souvent discret ou ambigu de l'expression morphologique des failles : ce sont surtout des formes structurales d'échelle moyenne (hectométrique à kilométrique) qui sont utilisables pour caractériser leur jeu. Intégrant les effets des déformations sur une plus longue durée que les analyses sismiques et paléosismiques, l'analyse ne révÚle pas de mouvements post-pliocÚnes significatifs le long de la faille de Nßmes ; elle ne montre qu'une activité post-pliocÚne modérée et mal caractérisée sur celle de la Durance et qu'une faible activité post-miocÚne normale ou décrochante sur certains segments de l'accident de Salon-Cavaillon, suivie par un jeu flexural comportant une subsidence à l'W (bassin de Carpentras). Assez conformes à ce que suggÚrent les données de la géodésie et de la sismicité, ces résultats montrent que la géomorphologie structurale contribue à la validation des données issues de la géophysique en contexte de tectonique modérément active, en particulier en fixant des limites supérieures à l'amplitude des mouvements cumulés sur des périodes données.Peulvast Jean-Pierre, Baroux Emmanuel, Bellier Olivier, Sébrier Michel. Le problÚme de l'activité des failles de Nßmes, de Salon-Cavaillon et de la moyenne Durance (SE de la France) : apports de la géomorphologie structurale/The problem of tectonic activity along the Nßmes, Salon-Cavaillon and moyenne Durance fault zones: evidence from structural geomorphology. In: Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, Décembre 1999, vol. 5, n°4. pp. 327-358

    Slip-partitioning and fore-arc deformation at the Sunda Trench, Indonesia

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    Oblique subduction at the Sunda Trench has produced transpressive deformation of the plate leading edge. A major feature is the right-lateral Great Sumatran Fault (GSF) which probably absorbs a significant fraction of the trench-parallel shear. The kinematics of Sunda relative to Australia are discussed on the basis of available GPS data, and geologically determined slip rates on the CSF, In spite of the uncertainty on the plate motion, several robust conclusions can be drawn. The predicted obliquity of the convergence increases northward along the Sumatra Trench, up to about 30°, Slip partitioning is nearly complete along the northern segment of the Sumatra Trench, where the CSF probably accommodates most of the trench parallel shear, Along the southern segment, where obliquity is less than about 20°, slip-partitioning is not complete as indicated by oblique thrusting at the subduction. There, only a fraction of the trench parallel motion of Australia relative to SE Asia is accommodated along the CSF, These observations suggest that the leading edge behaves like a plastic wedge, except that slip-partitioning, although incomplete, is observed even at low obliquities

    Algorithmique et programmation au cycle 4: Commentaires et recommandations du groupe Informatique de la CII Lycée

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    L'algorithmique, qui est prĂ©sente dans les programmes du lycĂ©e depuis 2009, a fait son apparition Ă  la rentrĂ©e 2016 dans ceux du collĂšge. InĂ©vitablement, les programmes de lycĂ©e et de lycĂ©e professionnel vont devoir ĂȘtre adaptĂ©s.De nombreux IREM ont commencĂ© Ă  animer des formations Ă  l’algorithmique et Ă  produire et diffuser des documents afin d’accompagner au mieux les collĂšgues lors de ces changements de pratiques. Ce document est conçu comme un accompagnement pour les enseignants dans le cadre de l'Ă©volution des programmes et comme un support pour des formations acadĂ©miques. Il est donc destinĂ© Ă  ĂȘtre utilisĂ© dans les IREM et dans le cadre de la formation initiale et continue des enseignants. À ce titre, il aborde les diverses notions informatiques au programme du cycle 4, il contient des notes scientifiques et pĂ©dagogiques pour les enseignants ainsi que des propositions d'activitĂ©s branchĂ©es ou dĂ©branchĂ©es. En outre, il contient des analyses et remarques portant sur des traces Ă©crites Ă  destination des Ă©lĂšves et sur des exercices

    Algorithmique et programmation au cycle 4: Commentaires et recommandations du groupe Informatique de la CII Lycée

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    L'algorithmique, qui est prĂ©sente dans les programmes du lycĂ©e depuis 2009, a fait son apparition Ă  la rentrĂ©e 2016 dans ceux du collĂšge. InĂ©vitablement, les programmes de lycĂ©e et de lycĂ©e professionnel vont devoir ĂȘtre adaptĂ©s.De nombreux IREM ont commencĂ© Ă  animer des formations Ă  l’algorithmique et Ă  produire et diffuser des documents afin d’accompagner au mieux les collĂšgues lors de ces changements de pratiques. Ce document est conçu comme un accompagnement pour les enseignants dans le cadre de l'Ă©volution des programmes et comme un support pour des formations acadĂ©miques. Il est donc destinĂ© Ă  ĂȘtre utilisĂ© dans les IREM et dans le cadre de la formation initiale et continue des enseignants. À ce titre, il aborde les diverses notions informatiques au programme du cycle 4, il contient des notes scientifiques et pĂ©dagogiques pour les enseignants ainsi que des propositions d'activitĂ©s branchĂ©es ou dĂ©branchĂ©es. En outre, il contient des analyses et remarques portant sur des traces Ă©crites Ă  destination des Ă©lĂšves et sur des exercices

    Accurate analysis of the distribution of epicenters in Western Provence and Eastern Languedoc (Southern France)

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    International audienceThe present seismicity in Western Provence and Eastern Languedoc (Southern France) is weak. However, when the historical seismicity is considered, these regions are certainly among the most seismic areas of southern France. The tectonic setting of both regions is one of an active intraplate zone. In comparatively “stable” areas like these, the study of small instrumental earthquakes (M<5) is an indispensable source of information. Unfortunately, in these regions, the instrumental seismicity is, as a rule, rare and diffuse. Therefore, interpreting the spatial pattern of this seismicity through a visual inspection is a difficult and subjective process. This paper presents a quantifiable analysis of the seismicity of the study regions. Earthquakes are associated with fault zones by examining the number of epicenters per unit area. The analysis is performed through the blade method applied on collapsed epicenters. The analysed data are extracted from the Laboratoire de DĂ©tection et de GĂ©ophysique Catalog. Our analysis highlights several significant epicenter alignments associated with known tectonic features

    Evolutionarily conserved protein motifs drive interactions between the plant nucleoskeleton and nuclear pores

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    The nucleoskeleton forms a filamentous meshwork under the nuclear envelope and contributes to the regulation of nuclear shape and gene expression. To understand how the Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) nucleoskeleton physically connects to the nuclear periphery in plants, we investigated the Arabidopsis nucleoskeleton protein KAKU4 and sought for functional regions responsible for its localisation at the nuclear periphery. We identified three conserved peptide motifs within the N-terminal region of KAKU4 that are required for intermolecular interactions of KAKU4 with itself, interaction with the nucleoskeleton protein CROWDED NUCLEI (CRWN), localisation at the nuclear periphery and nuclear elongation in differentiated tissues. Unexpectedly, we find these motifs to be present also in NUP82 and NUP136, two plant specific nucleoporins from the nuclear pore basket. We further show that NUP82, NUP136 and KAKU4 have a common evolutionary history predating non-vascular land plants with KAKU4 mainly localising outside the nuclear pore suggesting its divergence from an ancient nucleoporin into a new nucleoskeleton component. Finally, we demonstrate that both NUP82 and NUP136, through their shared N-terminal motifs, interact with CRWN and KAKU4 proteins revealing the existence of a physical continuum between the nuclear pore and the nucleoskeleton in plants

    Local erosion rates versus active tectonics: cosmic ray exposure modelling in Provence (south-east France)

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    International audienceOver the past decade, in situ-produced cosmogenic nuclides have revolutionised the study of landscape evolution. In particular, numerous studies have demonstrated that, in active tectonic settings, cosmic ray exposure dating of deformed or displaced geomorphic features makes it possible to quantify long-term deformation rates. In western European countries, erosion due to climatically driven processes and human activities is probably the factor that most limits the accuracy of exposure ages and landscape modification rates. In this study, we present the results of a depth-profiling technique applied to alluvial terraces located along the RhĂŽne and the Moyenne Durance rivers. The expected decrease with depth of the measured 10Be concentrations has been modelled using a χ2 inversion method in order to constrain the exposure history of the alluvial sediments. The results suggest that: (1) over the Quaternary, the local surface erosion rates including both regional uplift and climatically driven processes acting on landforms are on the order of 30 m/Myr in southeastern France, and (2) providing a fairly good bracketing of the exposure age, the modelled abandonment age of alluvial terraces affected by the Moyenne Durance Fault allows estimating incision rates, comparing the alluvial terrace elevations with topographic river profiles, and a minimum vertical slip rate value of roughly 0.02 mm/yr for the southern segment of the Moyenne Durance Fault