31 research outputs found


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    Education Institution is the service provider institution, therefore the customers who get involved demanding the guarantee fulfill their needs suit to the promise have given by the company consistently and continuously. ISO 9001:2008 berbasis IWA2 : 2007 is one of the tool to achieve the goal of quality education through the documentation with the appropriate corresponding field of interpretation services as well as its application. The item have to be provided in the learning process is the curriculum, GBPP, sylabus, and also SAP/RPP which become the technical guidance for the interaction between the students and their lecturer. The dynamics of the learning process is very dynamic, development of science, technology, communication and information, have became the other elements who can affects those process, therefore the documentation as foundation of the audit process can be a delimiter of those dynamic process on the pretext in order not to violate the commitments already pledged. The development of the technology communication and information also the database system can be used to build the integrated system among the students (customer), the lecturer (service provider) and also the top management (verificator). Each of them will do their rules to do PDCA action and the system which has been build automatically will run to decide whether the process has been done according to the existing documentation

    Media Belajar dalam Bentuk Multimedia Menunjang Pembelajaran secara Daring

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    The Corona19 Virus pandemic has spread throughout the world. Effective efforts to inhibit its spread by limiting activities outside the home and if forced to do activities outside the home, it is required to: wear masks, wash hands with soap and maintain a minimum distance between individuals of 1 - 2 meters. This pandemic has made changes to the order of human life around the world. One of the impacts is the teaching and learning process. The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Education and Culture has determined that the teaching and learning process during this virus pandemic has not shown a decline, it must be done online. Online learning is new to our society. Therefore, we need the synergy of the three parties, namely: educational institutions, educators, and students so that the learning process can meet the learning targets that have been set. In the teaching and learning process, the courses given are theoretical and practical courses as well as practicum courses. The research conducted aims to measure whether the use of multimedia teaching materials supports online learning effectively and efficiently in meeting the learning achievement targets that have been set for practical courses. The data used in the measurement were obtained by giving questionnaires and based on the results of the assessment of the learning process carried out by students. Furthermore, the data were processed statistically


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    Politeknik UBAYA menerapkan pengelolaan arsip secara Sentralisasi, sehingga arsip-arsip yang dikelola sangat beragam dan jumlahnya banyak. Sebuah dokumen yang masuk adakalanya harus melalui disposisi berbagai pihak sebelum ditindak lanjuti. Terkadang tindak lanjut atas dokumen menjadi terlambat, karena lamanya proses disposisi dan petugas tidak memiliki sarana untuk memonitor keberadaan dokumen tersebut. Selain itu, lamanya waktu untuk menemukan kembali dokumen yang telah diarsip berakibat pada lamanya tanggapan yang harusnya diberikan terkait dengan dokumen tersebut. Permasalahan lain yang harus diperhatikan adalah perlunya ruang penyimpanan arsip sesuai standar dan dapat menampung volume arsip yang semakin banyak. Membangun sistem informasi kearsipan merupakan sarana yang dapat dijadikan solusi untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan efisiensi dalam penanganan arsip. Membangun sebuah sistem informasi harus diawali dengan melakukan proses analisis dan desain terhadap aliran data dan aliran proses bisnis. Hasil dari proses ini berupa Data Flow Diagram (DFD). Setiap sistem informasi memerlukan database untuk menyimpan data. Data yang tersimpan dapat diambil oleh sistem dan hasil pengolahannya disimpan kembali dalam database. Dalam membangun sistem database terlebih dahulu dilakukan proses desain database yang akan digunakan oleh sistem informasi. Proses desain database dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram, sehingga apabila diimplementasikan dihasilkan sebuah penyimpan data yang bekerja secara efektif dan efisien. Kata kunci: aliran data, aliran proses bisnis, arsip, database, Data Flow Diagram (DFD), efektif, efisien, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD), informasi, siste

    Pengelolaan Arsip Perkantoran Modern Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Komunikasi

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    The issuance of Undang-Undang RI number 11 year 2008 about the information and electronic transaction, also the Undang-Undang RI number 43 year 2009 giving the assurance for a business transaction electronically, therefore the output can be saved in a electronic media and could be saved legally according to law. The assurance given could be used to build a modern office based on information technology and computer with a document management electronically, at the end the paperless office goal could be accomplished. These changes need the secretaries or the administration employee to increase and update their skill also knowledge in the field of information technology and computer to support the document administrator electronically. The implication of these changes from manual system to electronic system is a number decreasing of paper used as the molding material for a document and at the end, the implication of these changes indirectly will create a green office atmosphere to support the reduction of global warming


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    Politeknik UBAYA merupakan institusi pendidikan tinggi yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan vokasional jenjang Diploma 3. Sistem pendidikan yang diterapkan menggunakan sistem paket dan proses pembelajaran dilakukan selama 38 jam pertemuan setiap pekan (pk 07:00 s.d 13:30 dari hari Senin s.d Jumat). Sehingga waktu yang tersedia bagi mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler atau ko-kurikuler melalui Organisasi Kemahasiswaan (Ormawa) sangat sedikit. Fenomena ini perlu menjadi perhatian institusi, karena selain kemampuan hardskills yang didapat melalui proses pembelajaran, maka kemampuan softskills perlu ditumbuhkembangkan dalam diri mahasiswa dan kemampuan ini merupakan sesuatu yang harus dipraktikkan bukan dihapalkan. Di dunia kerja, kemampuan seseorang dalam mengimplementasikan kemampuan softskills merupakan unsur utama dalam meraih sukses. Bagi mahasiswa, salah satu wadah yang dapat digunakan untuk mengasah kemampuan softskills adalah melalui kegiatan-kegiatan yang diselenggarakan oleh Ormawa. Kata kunci: ekstra kurikuler, organisasi kemahasiswaan, hardskills, softskill

    Learning Material in Multimedia Supporting Online Learning

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    The Indonesian government through the Ministry of Education and Culture has determined that the teaching and learning process must be online related to Covid 19, which has not shown a decline. Online learning is not a common form of learning for education in Indonesia. Determination of this online method will affect student learning outcomes if it is not managed properly because the learning method used so far is face-to-face learning in class or laboratory. This research was conducted by processing non-parametric statistical data on subject learning outcomes using office software 2017-2020 at Ubaya Polytechnic Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia. A total of 566 data were processed, 444 learning outcomes data were carried out face-to-face in class and 122 learning outcomes data were carried out online. To determine the characteristics of the two types of data, the Mann-Whitney test was performed. The Asymptotic Significance value in the Mann-Whitney test is 0.402. This result is greater than 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is no significant difference in the mean learning outcomes carried out face-to-face in the laboratory with those carried out online. The author modifies the learning process by providing learning material in the multimedia form to each student. In this study, questionnaires were distributed to 103 participants which were used to measure the relationship between the use of learning media and online learning outcomes. Keywords learning material, learning outcomes, multimedia, online learnin


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    Education as a means to increase knowledge and skills and can improve welfare. The higher the level of education, the more experience one gets and the more complex the problems that can be solved, and this has an impact on increasing income. Advances in information and communication technology have changed human civilization. The development of science and technology has made how many jobs done by humans have been taken over by machines so that the remaining work is very little and more specific for humans to do.  The curriculum given to the students aims to provide a variety of knowledge and skills so that they can complete various assignments and be placed in various positions. This condition does not meet the needs of the world of work today, because workers only do specific jobs. Another challenge is that several large companies no longer require a diploma for their prospective workers; instead, it is based on the skills certification mastered by future workers.  This phenomenon is a challenge for education providers to reorient the profile of graduates who have been determined. One way is to reform the curriculum to improve the student's skills and mastery of digital information literacy, data processing, visualization, and modern office technology so that graduates can work in the modern office era. The narrative above is the premise of the descriptive research that the writer conducted based on various sources of documentation, literature, and questionnaire results from alumni


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    Politeknik UBAYA merupakan institusi pendidikan yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan jenjang Diploma III dengan lima buah program studi, yaitu Akuntansi, Manajemen Pemasaran, Sekretari, Bahasa Inggris Bisnis dan Perpajakan. Proses pembelajaran yang diterapkan untuk seluruh program studi, yaitu: memberikan porsi yang besar untuk pembelajaran secara praktik dibandingkan pembelajaran secara teori (60:40). Serta mewajibkan mahasiswa untuk mengikuti perkuliahan selama 38 JP(jam perkuliahan) setiap pekan. Apabila mahasiswa tidak memenuhi kuota tersebut, maka mahasiswa diberikan sanksi. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dengan sistem pembelajaran seperti ini adalah agar mahasiswa selama perkuliahan dididik dan dikondisikan seperti layaknya bekerja di sebuah kantor. Kehadiran dalam proses pembelajaran merupakan wadah untuk melatih diri dalam menyelesaikan persoalan. Oleh karena itu proses penilaiannya tidak berdasarkan pada UTS dan UAS saja, akan tetapi penilaian atas kegiatan praktik yang dilakukan mahasiswa menjadi unsur utama. Dengan ragam penilaian seperti ini dapat disimpulkan sementara bahwa ada korelasi antara kehadiran mahasiswa dengan prestasi belajar (kualitas) yang diperoleh mahasiswa setiap semester (IPS). Keberhasilan dalam proses pembelajaran tidak hanya diukur dari keberhasilan transfer knowledge kepada mahasiswa (diukur dari nilai yang didapat), akan tetapi keberhasilan dalam pembentukan nilai-nilai softskill menjadi penting karena berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa nilai-nilai softskill yang baik menjadi faktor keberhasilan utama di dunia kerja. Dalam hal ini perlu dibuat sebuah mekanisme yang terstruktur untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai softskill tersebut selama mahasiswa belajar di institusi pendidikan. Untuk menjawab hal tersebut akan dijelaskan data-data proses dan hasil akademik dengan mengambil sampel dua program studi yang memiliki mahasiswa terbanyak di Politeknik Ubaya

    Transformation of Office Meaning and Function due to Globalization, and its Impact to the Modern Office Management

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    The great dictionary of Indonesian language states that “office is a place or building to work and handling jobs”. Similarly, many scholars describe office as a place to manage administration. Globalization creates some opportunities to excel, at the same time comes up with serious challenges in terms of office management. On one hand, companies in developed nations are ready to adjust with main stream globalization issues such as green office, paperless system and international standardization to foster business across border accordingly. On the other hand, not all companies in the developing country are aware with those issues. Meanwhile, as a consequence of rapid competition in business, firstly employees’ working hour becomes longer than before, they spend more and more time doing duties at the office, including weekend. In Indonesian banking industries for instance, employees often have to stay late doing office works. In regard to the fact, their management responds with providing some extra equipments and tools to help employees feel at home. It includes preparing special program for relaxing. Secondly, although the usage of paper increases, many companies try to create their green office by office automation system. This paper aims to investigate the respond of Indonesian based companies toward transformation of office meaning and function. To what extend it has contribute to the globalization through shifting of office works and the usage of automation tools. Keywords: Office Meaning, Globalization, Modern Office Management, paperless system, green offic

    Paperless Office Sebuah Kebutuhan Kantor Masa Depan Di Indonesia

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    The development of computer technology and information and communication technology has entered all aspects of life both personally and business institutions such as offices. Work behavior patterns that still apply traditional offices with modern office equipment only produce work effectiveness, but have not produced work efficiency. In this paper, we will describe the results of traditional work behavior patterns, especially the use of wasteful paper, and how to make the most of information technology that has been owned to change traditional behavior patterns into modern ones which will result in a maximum reduction in paper use. Thus the achievement of work productivity is not only in the form of work effectiveness, but work efficiency can be achieved by applying modern work behavior. This change in work behavior indirectly plays a role in helping to improve the environment, because each sheet of paper used is the result of logging as the main ingredient. The application of modern work behavior patterns will have a significant impact if carried out jointly and thoroughly at each office