168 research outputs found

    The SWELLS Survey. I. A large spectroscopically selected sample of edge-on late-type lens galaxies

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    The relative contribution of baryons and dark matter to the inner regions of spiral galaxies provides critical clues to their formation and evolution, but it is generally difficult to determine. For spiral galaxies that are strong gravitational lenses, however, the combination of lensing and kinematic observations can be used to break the disk-halo degeneracy. In turn, such data constrain fundamental parameters such as i) the mass density profile slope and axis ratio of the dark matter halo, and by comparison with dark matter-only numerical simulations the modifications imposed by baryons; ii) the mass in stars and therefore the overall star formation efficiency, and the amount of feedback; iii) by comparison with stellar population synthesis models, the normalization of the stellar initial mass function. In this first paper of a series, we present a sample of 16 secure, 1 probable, and 6 possible strong lensing spiral galaxies, for which multi-band high-resolution images and rotation curves were obtained using the Hubble Space Telescope and Keck-II Telescope as part of the Sloan WFC Edge-on Late-type Lens Survey (SWELLS). The sample includes 8 newly discovered secure systems. [abridged] We find that the SWELLS sample of secure lenses spans a broad range of morphologies (from lenticular to late-type spiral), spectral types (quantified by Halpha emission), and bulge to total stellar mass ratio (0.22-0.85), while being limited to M_*>10^{10.5} M_sun. The SWELLS sample is thus well-suited for exploring the relationship between dark and luminous matter in a broad range of galaxies. We find that the deflector galaxies obey the same size-mass relation as that of a comparison sample of elongated non-lens galaxies selected from the SDSS survey. We conclude that the SWELLS sample is consistent with being representative of the overall population of high-mass high-inclination disky galaxies.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    Dark matter search experiment with CaF2(Eu) scintillator at Kamioka Observatory

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    We report recent results of a WIMP dark matter search experiment using 310g of CaF2(Eu) scintillator at Kamioka Observatory. We chose a highly radio-pure crystal, PMTs and radiation shields, so that the background rate decreased considerably. We derived limits on the spin dependent WIMP-proton and WIMP-neutron coupling coefficients, a_p and a_n. The limits excluded a part of the parameter space allowed by the annual modulation observation of the DAMA NaI experiment.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    The NOD2-Smoking Interaction in Crohn's Disease is likely Specific to the 1007fs Mutation and may be Explained by Age at Diagnosis:A Meta-Analysis and Case-Only Study

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    Background: NOD2 and smoking are risk factors for Crohn's disease. We meta-analyzed NOD2-smoking interactions in Crohn's disease (Phase 1), then explored the effect of age at diagnosis on NOD2-smoking interactions (Phase 2). Methods: Phase 1: MEDLINE and EMBASE were searched for studies (n = 18) providing data on NOD2 and smoking in Crohn's disease. NOD2-smoking interactions were estimated using odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) calculated using random effects models. Phase 2: A case-only study compared the proportion of smokers and carriers of the 1007 fs variant across ages at diagnosis (≤16, 17–40, >40 years). Findings: Phase 1: Having ever smoked was less common among carriers of the 1007 fs variant of NOD2 (OR 0.74, 95%CI:0.66–0.83). There was no interaction between smoking and the G908R (OR 0.96, 95%CI:0.82–1.13) or the R702W variant (OR 0.89, 95%CI:0.76–1.05). Phase 2: The proportion of patients (n = 627) carrying the 1007 fs variant decreased with age at diagnosis (≤16 years: 15%; 17–40: 12%; >40: 3%; p = 0.003). Smoking was more common in older patients (≤16 years: 4%; 17–40: 48%; >40: 71%; p < 0.001). Interpretation: The negative NOD2-smoking interaction in Crohn's disease is specific to the 1007 fs variant. However, opposing rates of this variant and smoking across age at diagnosis may explain this negative interaction

    Simulation of Special Bubble Detectors for PICASSO

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    The PICASSO project is a cold dark matter (CDM) search experiment relying on the superheated droplet technique. The detectors use superheated freon liquid droplets (active material) dispersed and trapped in a polymerized gel. This detection technique is based on the phase transition of superheated droplets at about room temperature and ambient pressure. The phase transition is induced by nuclear recoils when an atomic nucleus in the droplets interacts with incoming subatomic particles. This includes CDM particles candidate as the neutralino (a yet-to-discover particle predicted in extensions of the Standard Model of particle physics). Simulations performed to understand the detector response to neutrons and alpha particles are presented along with corresponding data obtained at the Montreal Laboratory.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Solid State Dosimetry, June 27 - July 2 2004, Yale University, New Haven, CT, US

    The background in the neutrinoless double beta decay experiment GERDA

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    The GERmanium Detector Array (GERDA) experiment at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory (LNGS) of INFN is searching for neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge. The signature of the signal is a monoenergetic peak at 2039 keV, the Q-value of the decay, Q_bb. To avoid bias in the signal search, the present analysis does not consider all those events, that fall in a 40 keV wide region centered around Q_bb. The main parameters needed for the neutrinoless double beta decay analysis are described. A background model was developed to describe the observed energy spectrum. The model contains several contributions, that are expected on the basis of material screening or that are established by the observation of characteristic structures in the energy spectrum. The model predicts a flat energy spectrum for the blinding window around Q_bb with a background index ranging from 17.6 to 23.8*10^{-3} counts/(keV kg yr). A part of the data not considered before has been used to test if the predictions of the background model are consistent. The observed number of events in this energy region is consistent with the background model. The background at Q-bb is dominated by close sources, mainly due to 42K, 214Bi, 228Th, 60Co and alpha emitting isotopes from the 226Ra decay chain. The individual fractions depend on the assumed locations of the contaminants. It is shown, that after removal of the known gamma peaks, the energy spectrum can be fitted in an energy range of 200 kev around Q_bb with a constant background. This gives a background index consistent with the full model and uncertainties of the same size

    The SWELLS survey:V. A Salpeter stellar initial mass function in the bulges of massive spiral galaxies

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    Recent work has suggested that the stellar initial mass function (IMF) is not universal, but rather is correlated with galaxy stellar mass, stellar velocity dispersion or morphological type. In this paper, we investigate variations of the IMF within individual galaxies. For this purpose, we use strong lensing and gas kinematics to measure independently the normalization of the IMF of the bulge and disc components of a sample of five massive spiral galaxies with substantial bulge components taken from the Sloan WFC Edge-on Late-type Lens Survey (SWELLS). We find that the stellar masses of the bulges are tightly constrained by the lensing and kinematic data. A comparison with masses based on stellar population synthesis models fitted to optical and near-infrared photometry favours a Salpeter-like normalization of the IMF. Conversely, the disc masses are less well constrained due to degeneracies with the dark matter halo, but are consistent with Milky Way-type IMFs in agreement with previous studies. The discs are submaximal at 2.2 disc scale lengths, but due to the contribution of the bulges, the galaxies are baryon dominated at 2.2 disc scale lengths. Globally, our inferred IMF normalization is consistent with that found for early-type galaxies of comparable stellar mass (>10(11) M-circle dot). Our results suggest a non-universal IMF within the different components of spiral galaxies, adding to the well-known differences in stellar populations between discs and bulges