192 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of carbapenem resistance in Acinetobacter baumannii

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    Pripadnici roda Acinetobacter su nefermentativni mikroorganizmi široko rasprostranjeni u vodi i na zemlji. Pojedine vrste unutar roda sastavni su dio fiziološke flore kože i sluznica te su sposobni preživjeti duži vremenski period na suhim i vlažnim površinama. Acinetobacter baumannii je oportunistički uzročnik hospitalnih infekcija, prvenstveno u imunokompromitiranih bolesnika. Sve do 1970-ih godina, većina izolata unutar roda Acinetobacter bila je osjetljiva na široki spektar različitih antibiotika. Razvoj rezistencije na karbapeneme novijeg je datuma i posljedica je stvaranja metalo-β-laktamaza (karbapenemaza), oksacilinaza koje imaju sposobnost hidrolize karbapenema, gubitka proteina u vanjskoj membrani, izbacivanja antibiotika iz stanice ili kombinacije navedenih mehanizama rezistencije. Smatra se da su karbapenemaze i oksacilinaze koje hidroliziraju karbapeneme najznačajni u ekspresiji rezistencije na karbapeneme u kliničkih izolata A. baumannii. Enzimi koji imaju sposobnost hidrolize karbapenema u kliničkim izolatima A. baumannii pripadaju molekularnoj klasi D (OXA enzimi, oksacilinaze) ili molekularnoj klasi B (metaloenzimi iz grupe IMP, VIM i SIM karbapenemaza). Veliko kliničko značenje danas imaju oksacilinaze koje se dijele u četiri filogenetske skupine specifične za izolate A. baumannii: OXA-23 skupina, OXA-40 skupina, OXA-58 skupina i najveća OXA-51 skupina, poznata i kao prirodno kromosomski kodirane oksacilinaze. OXA-51 skupina oksacilinaza uglavnom ima slabu sposobnost hidrolize karbapenema, ali prisustvo insercijske sekvencije ISAba1 smještene neposredno uz blaOXA-51 like gen djeluje kao promotor rezistencije ili smanjene osjetljivosti na karbapeneme. Zabrinjavajući porast rezistencije na karbapeneme zabilježen je posljednjih godina među izolatima A. baumannii u nekoliko bolnica u Hrvatskoj. Molekularna osnova smanjene osjetljivosti na karbapeneme istražena je na velikom broju izolata iz KBC Split, a šesnaest izolata uključeno je i u međunarodni ARPAC (Antibiotic Resistance, Prevention and Control) projekt. Genotipizacija pomoću dvije metode (RAPD i PFGE) potvrdila je pripadnost hrvatskih izolata Europskom klonu I (sekvencijska grupa 2).Organisms of the genus Acinetobacter are ubiquitous and widely distributed in soil and water. They are frequently present on human skin and mucous membranes and are able to survive for long periods on dry and humid surfaces. Acinetobacter baumannii is an opportunistic pathogen that is mostly involved in nosocomial infections in immunocompromised patients. Until the 1970s, most isolates were susceptible to a wide range of antibiotics. Carbapenem resistance results from production of metallo-β-lactamases, carbapenem hydrolyzing oxacillinases, loss of outer membrane proteins, efflux and often combined mechanisms of resistance. These resistance mechanisms pose a serious therapeutic threat, since carbapenems are frequently used to treat otherwise resistant A. baumannii infections. Carbapenemases found in Acinetobacter belong to molecular class D (OXA enzymes) or class B (metalloenzymes of IMP- and VIM-type or SIM-1). The OXA carbapenemases are divided into four phylogenetic subgroups: acquired enzymes OXA-23-like, OXA-40-like and OXA-58-like and OXA-51-like enzymes that are intrinsic to A. baumannii. OXA-51-like enzymes are normally expressed at low levels but can be over expressed as consequence of the insertion of an ISAba1 sequence upstream of their genes. Recently an increase in the prevalence of carbapenem resistant Acinetobacter baumannii isolates was observed in few medical centers in Croatia. The investigation of the background of carbapenem resistance in relevant clinical isolates of A. baumannii from Split University Hospital was performed during last years and sixteen different strains of carbapenem resistant A. baumannii were included in ARPAC project (Antibiotic Resistance, Prevention and Control). The molecular typing by random amplified polymorphic DNAanalysis (RAPD), followed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) belonged isolates to the same PFGE type as a part of sequence group 2 (European \u27clone I\u27 lineage)

    Comment on “Strain and High Temperature Superconductivity: Unexpected Results from Direct Electronic Structure Measurements in Thin Films”

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    Comment on “Strain and High Temperature Superconductivity: Unexpected Results from Direct Electronic Structure Measurements in Thin Films”

    The importance of the supportive control environment for internal audit effectiveness – the case of Croatian companies

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    The paper investigates whether a supportive control environment is associated with the internal audit effectiveness and what characteristics of a control environment are important in this respect. A survey was conducted via a questionnaire on 54 mostly large companies in Croatia. Appropriate methods of statistical analysis were used in order to analyse the survey results. According to the research results, in the case of a supportive control environment there is a greater chance that the internal audit will be effective and that its recommendations will be taken into account to a greater extent. In addition, the survey results showed a statistically significant correlation between perceived internal audit effectiveness and a higher level of supportive control environment


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    Use of solid waste in place of conventional materials in civil engineering structures preserves natural resources and energy and avoids expensive and/or potentially harmful waste disposal. Many studies are investigating the application of waste materials in civil engineering structures. However, in an effort to find out new areas of waste materials utilization, the environmental impact of the installation of such materials in building structures often remains neglected. This study focused on the environmental aspect of the application of currently investigated waste materials in Croatia with an emphasis on heavy metal content. Heavy metal concentration in steel slag, river sediment, and biomass ash was measured, and the possibility of their use in road construction in accordance with currently valid legislation was assessed.Uporaba krutog otpada umjesto konvencionalnih materijala u građevinarstvu pridonosi očuvanju prirodnih izvora i energije, čime je ujedno izbjegnuto skupo te potencijalno opasno odlaganje takvog otpada. Mnogo je istraživanja na temu primjene otpadnih materijala u graditeljstvu. Međutim, u nastojanju da se pronađu nova područja primjene otpadnih materijala, utjecaj ugradnje takvih materijala u građevinske konstrukcije na okoliš često puta ostaje zanemaren. Ovaj rad bavi se ekološkim aspektom primjene trenutačno istraživanih otpadnih materijala u Hrvatskoj, s naglaskom na sadržaj teških metala. Određeni su sadržaji teških metala u čeličanskoj zguri, talogu iz riječnog nanosa i pepelu biomase te procijenjena mogućnost njihove primjene u cestogradnji s obzirom na trenutačno važeće zakonodavstvo

    Trigger Factors in Childhood Psoriasis and Vitiligo

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    Psoriasis and vitiligo are very common skin disorders that may have a profound impact upon the affected individuals; the etiology of both diseases includes genetic factors and triggers, which could be endogenous or exogenous. Two groups of children population consisting of 153 patients suffering from skin disorder (65 with vitiligo and 88 with psoriasis) have been examined at the Department of Dermatovenerology, University Hospital Osijek, during three years period. Basic methods of data collection were: questionnaire, clinically examination and histological proven diagnosis. The aim of this investigation were to determine the most common triggers, which play a role at onset of disease among young patients with vitiligo and psoriasis, and to establish familial distribution among both groups of patients. The results of investigations showed that the onset of vitiligo was mostly connected with psychological factors (56.9%), but the most frequently trigger in childhood psoriasis was inflammatory focus (38.6%). According to morphologic patterns the authors separated two groups of patients among psoriatics: group I with plaque psoriasis, which pointed the inflammatory focus and physical trauma as trigger before onset of disease (each 25.0%) and group II with psoriasis guttata and inflammatory focus as trigger at even 62.5% cases. Familial distribution among psoriatic children was 55.6%, and among children with vitiligo only 16.9%. Ours children patients showed significantly disparity in structure of triggers according diagnosis and gender distributions and about familial occurrence. Also some difference has been established according to age of onset between psoriasis and vitiligo at early childhood

    Trigger Factors in Childhood Psoriasis and Vitiligo

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    Psoriasis and vitiligo are very common skin disorders that may have a profound impact upon the affected individuals; the etiology of both diseases includes genetic factors and triggers, which could be endogenous or exogenous. Two groups of children population consisting of 153 patients suffering from skin disorder (65 with vitiligo and 88 with psoriasis) have been examined at the Department of Dermatovenerology, University Hospital Osijek, during three years period. Basic methods of data collection were: questionnaire, clinically examination and histological proven diagnosis. The aim of this investigation were to determine the most common triggers, which play a role at onset of disease among young patients with vitiligo and psoriasis, and to establish familial distribution among both groups of patients. The results of investigations showed that the onset of vitiligo was mostly connected with psychological factors (56.9%), but the most frequently trigger in childhood psoriasis was inflammatory focus (38.6%). According to morphologic patterns the authors separated two groups of patients among psoriatics: group I with plaque psoriasis, which pointed the inflammatory focus and physical trauma as trigger before onset of disease (each 25.0%) and group II with psoriasis guttata and inflammatory focus as trigger at even 62.5% cases. Familial distribution among psoriatic children was 55.6%, and among children with vitiligo only 16.9%. Ours children patients showed significantly disparity in structure of triggers according diagnosis and gender distributions and about familial occurrence. Also some difference has been established according to age of onset between psoriasis and vitiligo at early childhood

    Accurate measurements of the dust properties in the 1 billion year old Universe

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    U ovom radu proučavam svojstva atenuacije prašine 11 galaksija, sa prosječnim stupnjem formiranja novih zvijezda, na crvenom pomaku 5 5). No, sa mojim novim mjerenjima i dodatnim testovima njihove pouzdanosti i preciznosti, zaključujem da dio galaksija na visokom crvenom pomaku pokazuje slična svojstva prašine galaksijama na niskom crvenom pomaku. Unatoč tome, to nije slučaj za podskup mog seta galaksija koje pokazuju vrlo niske omjere FIR prema UV luminozitetima, ukazujući tako na drugačija svojstva plina i prašine prisutna u tim galaksijama.In this work I examine the dust attenuation properties of 11 average star-forming galaxies at high redshift 5 5) galaxies. With HST WFC-3 measurements and additional tests of their reliability and accuracy, I conclude that some of the high redshift galaxies show similar dust attenuation properties as low redshift galaxies. However, I find that this is not the case for the upper limit subset of our sample showing very low FIR to UV luminosity ratios, hinting towards different dust and gas properties

    Hungary from the Austro-Hungarian Compromise of 1867 up to World

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    Nakon sloma neoapsolutizma car Franjo Josip I. objavio je Listopadsku diplomu (1860.) i Veljački patemt (1861.) kojima je učvršćen centralizam. Porazom Austrije u ratu s Pruskom (1866.) car uspostavlja sporazum s Mađarima te je 1867. godine postignuto sklapanje Nagodbe, kojom je stvorena Austro-Ugarska Monarhija sa središtem u Beču i Budimpešti te su utvrđeni autonomni i zajednički poslovi. Za Andrássyjeve vlade (1867.-1871.) donesen je Zakon o narodnostima (1868.) kojim nisu priznata nacionalna prava nemađarskim narodima u Ugarskoj. Gušenjem seljačkog pokreta Andrássy je pridonio konsolidaciji Dvojne Monarhije. Kao ministar vanjskih poslova istaknuo se stvaranjem fronte Velike Britanije, Francuske i Njemačke, uperene protiv ruskog širenja u jugoistočnoj Europi, te sklapanjem vojnog saveza s Njemačkom (1879.). Kálmán Tisza (1875.-1890.) učvrstio je dualistički sustav, ali je ojačao i netolerantni nacionalizam uz poticanje mađarizacije. Na prijelazu stoljeća mađarsku politiku vodila su tri premijera: Gyula Szapáry (1890.-1892.) provodi zdravstvene i financijske mjere, Sándor Wekerle (1892.-1895.) financijske i vjerske reforme, a za Dezsöa Bánffyja (1895.-1899.) slavilo se tisuću godina mađarskog osvajanja Dunavskog bazena. Godine 1905./1906. nastupila je kriza dualizma koja se očitovala u jačanju parlamentarne oporbe pod vodstvom Stranke neovisnosti. Za druge Wekerleove vlade jača politička djelatnost seljaštva i radikalnih demokrata. Drugi mandat Istvána Tisze (1913.-1917.) obilježen je slamanjem parlamentarne opstrukcije, a na međunarodnoj sceni Balkanskim ratovima (1912.-1913.) za oslobođenje od osmanske vlasti. Atentat na prijestolonasljednika Franju Ferdinanda bio je povod za izbijanje Prvog svjetskog rata. Zbivanja na bojišnici i teško stanje u Ugarskoj rezultirali su sve većim zahtjevima mađarskog naroda za prekidom rata. Mirovnim sporazumom u palači Trianon u Versaillesu (1920.) potpisan je mirovni ugovor s Mađarskom, kojim je Mađarska izgubila dvije trećine svojih nekadašnjih teritorija te gotovo šezdeset posto stanovništva, uključujući i trideset posto etničkih Mađara


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    U radu su prikazane metode određivanja Youngovog modula elastičnosti i Poissonovog omjera cementom stabiliziranih materijala kao osnovnih svojstava za karakterizaciju materijala. Pregledom dosadašnjih istraživanja prikazani su projektni kriteriji ovih slojeva kolničke konstrukcije. Razmatran je i umor materijala kao projektni kriterij te projektni kriteriji novih, recikliranih materijala čiji utjecaj na svojstva ovih slojeva kolničke konstrukcije nije potpuno istražen.Methods for determining the Young's modulus of elasticity and the Poisson ratio, taken as basic properties for characterization of cement-stabilized materials, are presented in the paper. In the scope of presentation of studies conducted so far, design criteria are given for these layers of the pavement structure. The fatigue of materials is also considered as a design criterion, and design criteria are offered for new recycled materials whose influence on properties of these pavement-structure layers has not been fully investigated.Im Artikel beschreibt man die Methoden der Festlegung Young,s Elastizitätmoduls und Poisson,s Koeffizients von zementstabilisierten Materialen als grundlegende Kennzeichen für die Charakterisierung des Materials. Durch Übersicht der bisherigen Untersuchungen sind Projektkriterien dieser Fahrbahnschichten dargestellt. Man erwägte auch die Materialermüdung als Projektkriterium sowie Projektkriterien neuer, rezyklierter Materiale deren Einfluss auf die Kennzeichen dieser Fahrbahnschichten nicht vollständig erforscht ist.Les méthodes pour la détermination du module d'Young et du coefficient de Poisson, comme propriétés de base pour la caractérisation des matériaux stabilisés au ciment, sont présentées dans l'ouvrage. Au cours de présentation des études conduites jusqu'à présent, les critères pour l'étude de ces couches de chaussée sont fournis. La fatigue de matériaux est aussi considérée comme un critère d'étude, et les critères d'étude sont également fournis pour les nouveau matériaux recyclés dont l'effet sur propriétés de ces couches de chaussée n'a pas encore été pleinement étudié.В работе приведены методы определения модуля упругости Юнга и коэффициента Пуассона для материалов, стабилизованных цементом, в качестве основных свойств характеризации материалов. На основе обзора исследований, проведенных до настоящего времени, приведены проектные критерии для слоев дорожной одежды. В качестве проектного критерия рассмотрено уставание материала, а также проектные критерии для новых, рециклированных материалов, влияние которых на свойства слоев дорожной одежды еще полностью не исследовано


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    Stvarna korisnost interne revizije moguća je kroz potpuno ostvarenje njezina potencijala i svrhe, a neke od pretpostavki su podržavajuće okruženje u kojem djeluje, odnosno suradnja s menadžmentom koje prepoznaje važnost i podržava rad interne revizije. Odnos s menadžmentom može značajno utjecati na učinkovitost funkcije interne revizije. Adekvatnost odnosa s menadžmentom, kao temeljnim korisnikom interne revizije, važna je zbog omogućavanja rada kroz dostupnost svih potrebnih resursa, kako ljudskih i materijalnih, tako i informacijskih. Interna revizija se razvija kao savjetnička funkcija menadžmenta pa je njegova potpora u obostranom interesu. Cilj rada je istražiti jesu li interakcija s menadžmentom i potpora višeg menadžmenta internoj reviziji povezane s učinkovitosti interne revizije, odnosno kakav vid potpore menadžmenta se u tom odnosu iskazuje kao najznačajniji. Empirijsko istraživanje je provedeno na primjeru poduzeća u Republici Hrvatskoj. Ustanovljeno je da su interakcija s menadžmentom i potpora menadžmenta internoj reviziji statistički značajno povezani s učinkovitosti interne revizije te u poduzećima u kojima postoji bolja interakcija s menadžmentom i potpora internoj reviziji, veća je šansa da će interna revizija biti učinkovita. Također, prema rezultatima istraživanja, kod poduzeća kod kojih rukovoditelj interne revizije ima veću mogućnost direktnog pristupa višem menadžmentu te gdje viši menadžment osigurava internoj reviziji u većoj mjeri neometan pristup svim sektorima u poduzeću i direktnu komunikaciju s ostalim razinama menadžmenta (nižom i srednjom) interna revizija je učinkovitija, odnosno njezine preporuke se prihvaćaju u većem stupnju