
Accurate measurements of the dust properties in the 1 billion year old Universe


U ovom radu proučavam svojstva atenuacije prašine 11 galaksija, sa prosječnim stupnjem formiranja novih zvijezda, na crvenom pomaku 5 5). No, sa mojim novim mjerenjima i dodatnim testovima njihove pouzdanosti i preciznosti, zaključujem da dio galaksija na visokom crvenom pomaku pokazuje slična svojstva prašine galaksijama na niskom crvenom pomaku. Unatoč tome, to nije slučaj za podskup mog seta galaksija koje pokazuju vrlo niske omjere FIR prema UV luminozitetima, ukazujući tako na drugačija svojstva plina i prašine prisutna u tim galaksijama.In this work I examine the dust attenuation properties of 11 average star-forming galaxies at high redshift 5 5) galaxies. With HST WFC-3 measurements and additional tests of their reliability and accuracy, I conclude that some of the high redshift galaxies show similar dust attenuation properties as low redshift galaxies. However, I find that this is not the case for the upper limit subset of our sample showing very low FIR to UV luminosity ratios, hinting towards different dust and gas properties

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