128 research outputs found

    Substrate Fragmentation for the Design of M. tuberculosis CYP121 Inhibitors.

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    The cyclo-dipeptide substrates of the essential M. tuberculosis (Mtb) enzyme CYP121 were deconstructed into their component fragments and screened against the enzyme. A number of hits were identified, one of which exhibited an unexpected inhibitor-like binding mode. The inhibitory pharmacophore was elucidated, and fragment binding affinity was rapidly improved by synthetic elaboration guided by the structures of CYP121 substrates. The resulting inhibitors have low micromolar affinity, good predicted physicochemical properties and selectivity for CYP121 over other Mtb P450s. Spectroscopic characterisation of the inhibitors' binding mode provides insight into the effect of weak nitrogen-donor ligands on the P450 heme, an improved understanding of factors governing CYP121-ligand recognition and speculation into the biological role of the enzyme for Mtb.M.E.K. was supported by a Commonwealth (University of Cambridge) Scholarship awarded in conjunction with the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust and Cambridge Overseas Trust. A.G.C. and K.J.M. were supported by grants from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (grant nos. BB/I019669/1 and BB/I019227/1). We acknowledge the support of the Wellcome Trust (Translation Award GR080083/Z/06).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley at http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cmdc.201600248

    Discovery of Fragment Molecules That Bind the Human Peroxiredoxin 5 Active Site

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    The search for protein ligands is a crucial step in the inhibitor design process. Fragment screening represents an interesting method to rapidly find lead molecules, as it enables the exploration of a larger portion of the chemical space with a smaller number of compounds as compared to screening based on drug-sized molecules. Moreover, fragment screening usually leads to hit molecules that form few but optimal interactions with the target, thus displaying high ligand efficiencies. Here we report the screening of a homemade library composed of 200 highly diverse fragments against the human Peroxiredoxin 5 protein. Peroxiredoxins compose a family of peroxidases that share the ability to reduce peroxides through a conserved cysteine. The three-dimensional structures of these enzymes ubiquitously found throughout evolution have been extensively studied, however, their biological functions are still not well understood and to date few inhibitors have been discovered against these enzymes. Six fragments from the library were shown to bind to the Peroxiredoxin 5 active site and ligand-induced chemical shift changes were used to drive the docking of these small molecules into the protein structure. The orientation of the fragments in the binding pocket was confirmed by the study of fragment homologues, highlighting the role of hydroxyl functions that hang the ligands to the Peroxiredoxin 5 protein. Among the hit fragments, the small catechol molecule was shown to significantly inhibit Peroxiredoxin 5 activity in a thioredoxin peroxidase assay. This study reports novel data about the ligand-Peroxiredoxin interactions that will help considerably the development of potential Peroxiredoxin inhibitors

    Optimization of Inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pantothenate Synthetase Based on Group Efficiency Analysis.

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    Ligand efficiency has proven to be a valuable concept for optimization of leads in the early stages of drug design. Taking this one step further, group efficiency (GE) evaluates the binding efficiency of each appendage of a molecule, further fine-tuning the drug design process. Here, GE analysis is used to systematically improve the potency of inhibitors of Mycobacterium tuberculosis pantothenate synthetase, an important target in tuberculosis therapy. Binding efficiencies were found to be distributed unevenly within a lead molecule derived using a fragment-based approach. Substitution of the less efficient parts of the molecule allowed systematic development of more potent compounds. This method of dissecting and analyzing different groups within a molecule offers a rational and general way of carrying out lead optimization, with potential broad application within drug discovery.Acknowledgements: This research was supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation[“Integrated Methods for TB Drug Development(IMTB)” Accelerator Grant], the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grant BB/D006104/1), the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PhD sponsorship to H.L.S.), and Homerton College (Junior Research Fellowship to A.C.).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Wiley via http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/cmdc.20150041

    Molecular basis for substrate recognition and septum cleavage by AtlA, the major N-acetylglucosaminidase of Enterococcus faecalis

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    The cleavage of septal peptidoglycan at the end of cell division facilitates the separation of the two daughter cells. The hydrolases involved in this process (called autolysins) are potentially lethal enzymes that can cause cell death; their activity, therefore, must be tightly controlled during cell growth. In Enterococcus faecalis, the N-acetylglucosaminidase AtlA plays a predominant role in cell separation. atlA mutants form long cell chains and are significantly less virulent in the zebrafish model of infection. The attenuated virulence of atlA mutants is underpinned by a limited dissemination of bacterial chains in the host organism and a more efficient uptake by phagocytes that clear the infection. AtlA has structural homologs in other important pathogens, such as Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella typhimurium, and therefore represents an attractive model to design new inhibitors of bacterial pathogenesis. Here, we provide a 1.6 Å crystal structure of the E. faecalis AtlA catalytic domain that reveals a closed conformation of a conserved β-hairpin and a complex network of hydrogen bonds that bring two catalytic residues to the ideal distance for an inverting mechanism. Based on the model of the AtlA-substrate complex, we identify key residues critical for substrate recognition and septum cleavage during bacterial growth. We propose that this work will provide useful information for the rational design of specific inhibitors targeting this enterococcal virulence factor and its orthologs in other pathogens

    In silico design of novel probes for the atypical opioid receptor MRGPRX2

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    The primate-exclusive MRGPRX2 G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) has been suggested to modulate pain and itch. Despite putative peptide and small molecule MRGPRX2 agonists, selective nanomolar potency probes have not yet been reported. To identify a MRGPRX2 probe, we first screened 5,695 small molecules and found many opioid compounds activated MRGPRX2, including (−)- and (+)-morphine, hydrocodone, sinomenine, dextromethorphan and the prodynorphin-derived peptides, dynorphin A, dynorphin B, and α- and β-neoendorphin. We used these to select for mutagenesis-validated homology models and docked almost 4 million small molecules. From this docking, we predicted ZINC-3573, which represents a potent MRGPRX2-selective agonist, showing little activity against 315 other GPCRs and 97 representative kinases, and an essentially inactive enantiomer. ZINC-3573 activates endogenous MRGPRX2 in a human mast cell line inducing degranulation and calcium release. MRGPRX2 is a unique atypical opioid-like receptor important for modulating mast cell degranulation, which can now be specifically modulated with ZINC-3573

    Small molecules, big targets: drug discovery faces the protein-protein interaction challenge.

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    Protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are of pivotal importance in the regulation of biological systems and are consequently implicated in the development of disease states. Recent work has begun to show that, with the right tools, certain classes of PPI can yield to the efforts of medicinal chemists to develop inhibitors, and the first PPI inhibitors have reached clinical development. In this Review, we describe the research leading to these breakthroughs and highlight the existence of groups of structurally related PPIs within the PPI target class. For each of these groups, we use examples of successful discovery efforts to illustrate the research strategies that have proved most useful.JS, DES and ARB thank the Wellcome Trust for funding.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nrd.2016.2

    Étude d’interactions protéines-petites molécules par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire : application de la méthode des fragments à la conception d’inhibiteurs de protéine

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    La méthode de conception de médicaments à partir de molécules « fragments » (connue sous le nom de « Fragment-Based Drug Design ») a été proposée au milieu des années 90, et a depuis été reconnue comme une alternative tangible aux techniques plus classiques de recherche de médicaments telles que le criblage à haut débit par exemple. La méthode des fragments consiste à cribler un petit nombre (< 10000) de composés organiques de faible poids moléculaire (< 300 Da) afin de détecter ceux qui se lient à la cible (protéine ou acides nucléiques). Du fait de leur faible complexité, les fragments présentent une affinité faible pour la cible, et la détection s'effectue généralement grâce à une technique biophysique (en particulier, résonance magnétique nucléaire (RMN), cristallographie aux rayons X, résonance plasmonique de surface). Les fragments « hits » sont ensuite modifiés par addition de nouvelles fonctions chimiques, ou par liaison de deux fragments, afin d'élaborer, étape par étape, une molécule capable d'établir des interactions plus nombreuses avec la cible, et d'améliorer ainsi l'affinité. Comparée aux méthodes classiques de criblage haut débit, la méthode des fragments offre divers avantages, notamment une meilleure exploration de l'espace chimique, une meilleure efficacité de liaison des molécules « hits », et une plus grande facilité d'optimisation des hits en molécules plus affines. Dans le cadre de ce projet de thèse, plusieurs aspects de la méthode des fragments ont été abordés : dans une première partie, nous étudions un cas concret d'application de la méthode des fragments à la recherche d'un inhibiteur de la peroxiredoxine 5 humaine, en utilisant la RMN comme outil de criblage des fragments ainsi que comme outil d'étude des interactions protéine-fragment. La découverte d'un inhibiteur de cette enzyme représente une avancée importante, qui devrait permettre de mieux comprendre son fonctionnement. Les autres parties de ce projet de thèse abordent des aspects plus méthodologiques de la méthode des fragments : les fragments conservent-ils leur site de liaison, leur efficacité de liaison et leur mode d'interaction au cours de leur élaboration en inhibiteur ? Les fragments peuvent-ils être spécifiques d'une protéine ? D'un site de liaison particulier ? Ces questions, rarement traitées, sont pourtant essentielles à la compréhension du comportement des molécules fragments, et sont abordées d'une part en défragmentant plusieurs inhibiteurs de la protéine Bcl-xL et en étudiant par RMN le comportement de ces fragments vis-à-vis de la protéine en termes d'affinité et de site de liaison, d'autre part en réalisant le criblage par RMN d'une série de fragments sur cinq protéines différentes (peroxiredoxine 5 humaine, sérum albumine humaine et trois protéines homologues de la famille Bcl-2). De manière générale, ce projet de thèse vise à étudier des aspects peu abordés de la méthode des fragments et à proposer des pistes permettant de mieux comprendre le comportement des fragments vis-à-vis de leur cible, au cours du criblage initial comme lors de leur optimisationFragment-Based Drug Design (FBDD) has been proposed in 1996 and has since been recognized as a tangible alternative to the more classical drug discovery methods such as High-Throuput Screening. FBDD consists of screening a small number (< 10 000) of low-molecular weight (< 300 Da) compounds and detect those that bind to the target (protein or nucleic acids). Because of their low complexity, fragment molecules usually display low affinities for their target, hence detecting fragment-protein interactions is mostly achieved using a biophysical technique (mostly Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), X-ray crystallography or Surface Plasmon Resonance). “Hit” fragments are then modified by addition of chemical substituents, or linked together, so as to elaborate a more complex molecule, forming more interactions with the target and hence displaying an improved affinity. As compared to the more classical High Throughput Screening method, fragment screening provides several advantages, including a better exploration of chemical space, highly ligand-efficient hits and easier optimization of the hits into more affine molecules. In this PhD project, several aspects of FDBB have been addressed : first, FBDD approaches were applied to the research of an inhibitor of the human peroxiredoxin 5 protein, using NMR not only as a screening method but also for the characterization of the protein-fragment interactions. The discovery of an inhibitor against this enzyme would allow to better understand its function. Next, methodological aspects of the FBDD method were addressed : Do fragments conserve their binding site, binding efficiency and mode of interaction upon optimization? Can the fragments display specificity towards a given target? Towards a given binding site? These issues, rarely studied, are yet essential to the understanding of the behavior of fragment molecules, and will be addressed firstly by defragmentating several Bcl-xL inhibitors into fragments and studying their behavior towards the protein in terms of a_nity and binding mode, secondly by screening a set of fragments against five different proteins (human peroxiredoxin 5, human serum albumin and three homologous proteins of the Bcl-2 family of proteins). More generally, this PhD project aims at studying less characterized aspects of the fragment methodology and proposing answers to better understand the behavior of fragment molecules towards their targets, both in the initial screening step and then during their optimizatio

    The Recognition of Identical Ligands by Unrelated Proteins.

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    Le criblage de fragments

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    Le criblage de molécules fragments a obtenu un succès incontestable ces dix dernières années pour la conception de médicaments et apparaît aujourd’hui comme une des voies incontournables pour générer des candidats dans le cas de cibles thérapeutiques ambitieuses et difficiles. Dans cette revue, les principaux concepts et les raisons du succès de la méthode des fragments sont rappelés, et les techniques et stratégies utilisées dans cette approche sont discutées