58 research outputs found

    Transition Issues in Educational Audiology

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    Despite advancements in assistive technology for hearing loss (hearing aids, cochlear implants), children with hearing loss still face a host of issues throughout the educational process, particularly during transitional periods. This literature review examines the existing research discussing these issues, including transitions from childhood to adolescence, high school to college, and college to the workforce

    Assessing the relation between alcohol consumption and risk of disease and mortality.

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    From Europe PMC via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: ppub 2021-06-01, epub 2021-06-28Publication status: Publishe

    Challenges and possibilities of curricular integration: an analysis of the mathematics teaching in an agriculture and livestock technicians training

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    The present work analyses the teaching of mathematics in the technical professional mid-level education program integrated to high school in the process of training agriculture and livestock technicians in a campus of the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo. We performed a documentary research and observations of classes and pedagogical meetings, applying a qualitative method to analyse the data. The results suggest the importance of mathematics for the training of agricultural technicians, from its abstract and intuitive use to its applied use as basic mathematical concepts necessary for problem solving and execution of projects and practices related to the program field. In this context, we find that mathematics is intrinsic to the vocational courses and, thus, participates in and favours the process of curricular integration. However, we observed a unidirectional movement of pedagogical practices for curricular integration between vocational courses and High School Mathematics courses. Interdisciplinarity of mathematical knowledge occur in vocational courses, but mathematics courses do not integrate vocational courses knowledge. We believe in the search for pedagogical practices that allow students to develop abilities to operate, apply, and reflect on ideas, algorithms and mathematical procedures, not just for their practical application to market demands

    A Importância da Indumentária nas Pinturas de Castas: Um Estudo do Quadro "Castas" de Luis de Mena

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    As pinturas de castas são produto da Sociedade de Castas, uma política colonialque visava a hierarquização e estratificação da sociedade, baseada na diferenciaçãoracial. A indumentária presente nesses quadros são reflexos dos códigos vestuários,cunhados pelas leis coloniais, que auxiliavam na percepção da identidade e dosmecanismos de diferenciação entre os indivíduos. Nesse sentido, simbolizam umamanifestação identitária e refletem o imaginário social da Nova Espanha. O presenteartigo propõe uma reflexão sobre a importância das vestimentas para o estudo daspinturas de castas e do universo colonial, utilizando as perspectivas da História Culturalpara a compreensão das formas simbólicas e dos discursos presentes nas obras de arte.Tais perspectivas são base para a análise do quadro Castas (1750) de Luis de Mena


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    The present work aims to present the results of a mapping of academic research on the curriculum and its theoretical conceptualizations. It seeks to identify how curricular integration emerges from these discussions. This is descriptive research, in which bibliometric analyzes were performed using the Bibliometrix package of the R software, extracted from the Web of Science (WoS) database, taking the period from 2002 to 2022 as a time frame. The descriptors “theory” and “curriculum” were used to carry out the analysis, and 115 works were found. In order to carry out the present study, the following information was processed: co-citation networks, most relevant authors, network of co-occurrence of the most used terms, evolution of publications, thematic map and thematic evolution. Based on the results, it was possible to map the main axes of discussions on the subject, the authorship networks, in addition to describing the main concepts addressed. It was found that academic productions related to the theoretical field of curriculum are quite shy and need to be better explored considering their relevance in the educational field. It was also verified that the productions related to curriculum theories are emerging and have a close connection with themes related to knowledge and curriculum policies. As for curricular integration, productions in the area are still treated peripherally in relation to the theoretical field of the curriculum.El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de un mapeo de investigaciones académicas sobre el currículo y sus conceptualizaciones teóricas. Se busca identificar cómo la integración curricular emerge de estas discusiones. Se trata de una investigación descriptiva, en la que se realizaron análisis bibliométricos utilizando el paquete Bibliometrix del software R, extraído de la base de datos Web of Science (WoS), tomando como marco temporal el período de 2002 a 2022. Los descriptores “teoría” y “curriculum” para realizar el análisis y se encontraron 115 trabajos. Para la realización del presente estudio se procesó la siguiente información: redes de cocitación, autores más relevantes, red de coocurrencia de los términos más utilizados, evolución de publicaciones, mapa temático y evolución temática. A partir de los resultados, fue posible mapear los principales ejes de discusión sobre el tema, las redes de autoría, además de describir los principales conceptos abordados. Se constató que las producciones académicas relacionadas con el campo teórico del currículo son bastante tímidas y necesitan ser mejor exploradas considerando su relevancia en el campo educativo. También se verificó que las producciones relacionadas con las teorías curriculares son emergentes y tienen una estrecha conexión con temas relacionados con el conocimiento y las políticas curriculares. En cuanto a la integración curricular, las producciones del área aún son tratadas de manera periférica en relación al campo teórico del currículo.O presente trabalho objetiva apresentar os resultados de um mapeamento das pesquisas acadêmicas sobre o currículo e suas conceitualizações teóricas. Busca identificar de que forma a integração curricular emerge dessas discussões. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de cunho descritivo, em que foram realizadas análises bibliométricas por meio do pacote Bibliometrix do software R, extraídos da base de dados da Web of Science (WoS), tomando como recorte temporal o período de 2002 a 2022. Para a realização das análises foram utilizados os descritores “teoria” e “currículo”, tendo sido encontrados 115 trabalhos. Para a realização do presente estudo, foram tratadas as seguintes informações: redes de cocitações, autores mais relevantes, rede de coocorrência dos termos mais utilizados, evolução das publicações, mapa temático e evolução temática. Com base nos resultados, foi possível mapear os principais eixos de discussões sobre o tema, as redes de autoria, além de descrever as principais concepções abordadas. Verificou-se que as produções acadêmicas relacionadas ao campo teórico do currículo apresentam-se bastante tímidas e carecem ser melhor exploradas considerando sua relevância no campo educacional. Verificou-se, também, que as produções relativas às teorias do currículo são emergentes e possuem estreita ligação com temas relacionados ao conhecimento e às políticas de currículo. Quanto à integração curricular, as produções na área ainda são tratadas de forma periférica em relação ao campo teórico do currículo


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    Sugar cane fresh or stored corrected with urea, for feeding dairy cattle in growth

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    Avaliou-se o efeito de diferentes níveis de uréia na cana-de-açúcar (cana) (0,0; 0,6 e 1,2% na base da matéria natural) e dois tempos de armazenamento da cana ( 0 ou 24 horas) sobre o consumo, digestibilidade da dieta e desempenho produtivo em bovinos em crescimento. Além disso, objetivou-se comparar a digestibilidade obtida no 2° período experimental (29 ao 56°) comparado com o valor médio obtido nos 1°+2°+3° períodos experimentais a fim de verificar se os dados obtidos apenas com o 2° período representam os dados obtidos nos três períodos e verificar se pode haver uma relação entre o consumo de concentrado estimado pela oferta e o consumo de concentrado estimado pelo fornecimento de dióxido de titânio. Utilizou-se 24 bovinos, sendo 12 machos e 12 fêmeas, da raça Holandesa malhada de preto, puros e mestiços, com peso médio inicial de 221,5 kg, mantidos em baias individuais, distribuídos em delineamento em blocos casualizados (sexo) em esquema fatorial 3x2. As dietas foram inicialmente formuladas para serem isonitrogenadas contendo 14% de proteína bruta, base da matéria seca. Foram fornecidos 3,0 kg de concentrado por animal por dia incorporado à cana a qual foi oferecida à vontade, permitindo-se sobras de até 10% da matéria seca. A cana utilizada apresentou 21,7o Brix. A duração do experimento foi de 105 dias, divididos em três períodos com 28 dias cada, após 21 dias iniciais de adaptação Não houve efeito de interação entre os níveis de uréia na cana e o tempo de armazenamento. Houve aumento linear (P<0,05) no consumo de matéria seca e consequentemente dos demais componentes da dieta com o aumento nos níveis de uréia, bem como na concentração de nitrogênio uréico no plasma e diminuição (P<0,05) no consumo com o tempo de armazenamento. Houve redução linear (P<0,05) na digestibilidade dos componentes avaliados (exceto PB, e EE) com o aumento nos níveis de uréia na cana, mas não houve efeito do tempo de armazenamento na digestibilidade. Não houve diferença entre a digestibilidade obtida no segundo período, comparada com a digestibilidade média do primeiro, segundo e terceiro períodos. Não houve diferença no ganho de peso, altura da cernelha e garupa, largura do peito e largura da garupa, tanto para os níveis da mistura uréia, quanto para as formas de fornecimento da cana. O uso de cana armazenada por 24 horas após ser desintegrada, pode ser utilizada para o consumo de bovinos em crescimento. Para cana com 21,7 graus Brix, a sua correção protéica pode ser feita utilizando-se até 1,2% da mistura uréia mais sulfato de amônio (9:1), na matéria natural, sem prejudicar o ganho de peso dos animais, podendo contribuir para utilizar economicamente a produção animal. Para bovinos em crescimento a digestibilidade pode ser medida apenas no segundo período, representando os demais períodos do experimento.Appraised the effect of different levels of urea at the sugar cane (0,0; 0,6 e 1,2% as is bases) and two times of storage of the sugar cane (0 ou 24 horas) over the consumption, digestibility of the diet and the productive performance on the growing cattle. Beside that, searched compare the digestibility obtained at the second experimental period (29 to 56º) compared with the average value obtained at the 1º+2º+3º experimental periods, to discover if the data obtained just with the 2º period represents the data obtained with the three periods and if it is possible to have a relation with the consumption of concentrate estimated by the offer and the consumption of concentrate estimated by the supply of dioxide of titanium. Twenty four purebred and crossbred Holstein male and female animals were used in this trial, with medium initial body weight of 221,5kg, housed in individual pens, allotted into a 2 x 3 factorial (sex) arrangement in a randomized block design. Diets were isonitrogenous, with 14% crude protein, based on dry matter (DM). Were supplied 3,0kg of concentrate per animal each day, which was supplied at will, allowing surpluses until 10% of dry matter. The sugar cane presented 21,7º Brix. The duration of the experiment was of 105 days, divided in three periods with 28 days each, after 21 days of adaptation. It did not has an interaction with the levels of urea on the sugar cane and the time of storage. It had a linear augment (P<0,05) on the consumption of dry matter and, therefore, of the other components of the diet with the raising of the urea levels, as well as on the concentration of Plasma urea nirogen and decrease (P<0,05) at the consumption with the storage time. It had a linear reduction (P<0,05) on the digestibility of the evaluated components (except PB and EE) with the raising of the levels of urea on the sugar cane, but it did not has the effect of the storage time at the digestibility. It did not has difference between the digestibility obtained at the second period, compared with the medium digestibility of the first, second and third periods. No difference was detected (P<0.05) among the treatments on average daily gain, shoulder height, hip height, chest width and hip width. The use of stored sugar cane for 24 hours, can be utilized for the consumption of growing cattle. For sugar-cane with Brix grade of 21,7, it s possible to correct its protein content using until 1.2% of the urea :ammonium sulfate mixture, is bases, without jeopardizing the animal s average daily gain, which may contribute economically to the animal production. To growing cattle, the digestibility can be measure just on the second period, representing the other experiment periods

    The paniyiries of Ikaria: facets of the gift, practices of the commons, procedures of social reproduction and social transformation

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    This study focuses on the paniyiries held on the Greek island of Ikaria, in a historical depth that was defined by the archival material, brought to the forefront in the course of a long-term field research; the 17th century. Its historical limit was posed by the epistemological and theoretical choices of the researcher; the 20th century. It aims at an anthropological understanding of Ikarian society, with its vehicle being a particular cultural practice, as it has been reproduced and has changed in the course of time. The theoretical and methodological scheme through which I approach this cultural practice draws heavily from theoretical discussions relative to the gift and the commons. These concepts, which have emerged from fieldwork, are used for their analytic strength/potentiality and, on their basis, the research material has been organized. A basic position this study holds -and at the same time an object of documentation- is that Ikarian paniyiries are the epitome of a gift economy, which, in turn, is inextricably intertwined with a long tradition of the commons or a “culture of common-fields”. Continuities, discontinuities and breaks, inscribed on the ephemeral chronotopes of paniyiries of different historical eras, bring to the fore historical procedures of enclosures of the commons as well as of their opposite move, procedures of creation and regeneration of commons (or dis-enclosures). Offering, the moral coin that has diachronically circulated in the local gift economy, is materialized in “common-good purposes”. These, in turn reproduce and renew/ regenerate the village commons or create new commons within and outside the geographical limits of each village. At the same time, every time a paniyiri is held, collective identities, emerging from participation in chronotopes of “we”, are reproduced. However, the achievement of an “all together” is never a given; on the “Janus face” of the paniyiries are revealed the multiple and controversial potentialities opened each time, in the chronotope of a paniyiri.Αυτή η μελέτη εστιάζει στα πανηγύρια στο νησί της Ικαρίας, σε χρονικό βάθος που καθορίστηκε από το αρχειακό υλικό που έφερε στην επιφάνεια η μακροχρόνια έρευνα πεδίου, τον 17ο αιώνα, και σε χρονικό όριο που τέθηκε από τις επιστημολογικές και θεωρητικές επιλογές της ερευνήτριας, τον 20ό αιώνα. Αποσκοπεί σε μια ανθρωπολογική κατανόηση της κοινωνίας της Ικαρίας, με όχημα τη συγκεκριμένη πολιτισμική πρακτική, όπως αυτή έχει αναπαραχθεί και μετασχηματιστεί στη διάρκεια του χρόνου. Το θεωρητικό και μεθοδολογικό σχήμα, με το οποίο προσεγγίζονται τα πανηγύρια της Ικαρίας, αντλεί σημαντικά από τις θεωρητικές συζητήσεις τις σχετικές με το δώρο και τα κοινά. Οι έννοιες αυτές, που προέκυψαν από την έρευνα πεδίου, αξιοποιούνται για την ευρετική τους δύναμη και στη βάση τους οργανώνεται το πραγματολογικό υλικό της έρευνας. Βασική θέση της παρούσας μελέτης -και, ταυτόχρονα, ζήτημα προς τεκμηρίωση- είναι ότι τα πανηγύρια της Ικαρίας δεν είναι παρά η επιτομή μιας οικονομίας του δώρου, η οποία με τη σειρά της θεμελιώνεται και πλέκεται αξεδιάλυτα με μια μακραίωνη παράδοση των κοινών ή «κουλτούρα των κοινών γαιών». Οι συνέχειες, ασυνέχειες και ρήξεις, που εγγράφονται στον εφήμερο χρονότοπο των πανηγυριών διαφορετικών ιστορικών εποχών, φέρνουν στην επιφάνεια ιστορικές διαδικασίες περιφράξεων των κοινών, όπως και της αντίθετης κίνησης, της δημιουργίας και ανανέωσης των κοινών ή των από-περιφράξεών τους. Η προσφορά, το ηθικό νόμισμα που κυκλοφορεί διαχρονικά στην τοπική οικονομία του δώρου, αποκρυσταλλώνεται σε κοινωφελή έργα. Αυτά, με τη σειρά τους, αναπαράγουν και ανανεώνουν τα κοινά των χωριών του νησιού ή δημιουργούν νέα κοινά εντός και εκτός των γεωγραφικών ορίων των χωριών. Παράλληλα, κάθε φορά που τελείται ένα πανηγύρι ανανεώνονται οι ταυτότητες που απορρέουν από τη συμμετοχή σε χρονότοπους του «εμείς». Ωστόσο, η επίτευξη ενός «όλοι μαζί» δεν είναι ποτέ δεδομένη· στο Ιανό πρόσωπο των πανηγυριών αποκαλύπτονται οι πολλαπλές και αντιφατικές δυνατότητες που διανοίγονται κάθε φορά στον χρονότοπο ενός πανηγυριού

    Outmigration from a Development Town in Israel

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