11 research outputs found

    Consensus statement for stability assessment and reporting for perovskite photovoltaics based on ISOS procedures

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    Funder: 2017 SGR 329 Severo Ochoa program from Spanish MINECO (Grant No. SEV-2017-0706)Funder: This article is based upon work from COST Action StableNextSol MP1307 supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology). M. V. K., E. A. K., V. B., and A. Osherov thank the financial support of the United States – Israel Binational Science Foundation (grant no. 2015757). E. A. K., A. A., and I. V.-F. acknowledge a partial support from the SNaPSHoTs project in the framework of the German-Israeli bilateral R&D cooperation in the field of applied nanotechnology. M. S. L. thanks the financial support of NSF (ECCS, award #1610833). S. C., M. Manceau and M. Matheron thank the financial support of European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 763989 (APOLO project). F. De R. and T. M. W. would like to acknowledge the support from the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) through the SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge Centre (EP/N020863/1) and express their gratitude to the Welsh Government for their support of the Ser Solar programme. P. A. T. acknowledges financial support from Russian Science Foundation (project No. 19-73-30020). J.K. acknowledges the support by the Solar Photovoltaic Academic Research Consortium II (SPARC II) project, gratefully funded by WEFO. M.K.N. acknowledges financial support from Innosuisse project 25590.1 PFNM-NM, Solaronix, Aubonne, Switzerland. C.-Q. M. would like to acknowledge The Bureau of International Cooperation of Chinese Academy of Sciences for the support of ISOS11 and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China for the financial support (No 2016YFA0200700). N.G.P. acknowledges financial support from the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT Future Planning (MSIP) of Korea under contracts NRF-2012M3A6A7054861 and NRF-2014M3A6A7060583 (Global Frontier R&D Program on Center for Multiscale Energy System). CSIRO’s contribution to this work was conducted with funding support from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) through its Advancing Renewables Program. A. F. N gratefully acknowledges support from FAPESP (Grant 2017/11986-5) and Shell and the strategic importance of the support given by ANP (Brazil’s National Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency) through the R&D levy regulation. Y.-L.L. and Q.B. acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation under award #1824674. S.D.S. acknowledges the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (HYPERION, grant agreement No. 756962), and the Royal Society and Tata Group (UF150033). The work at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) under contract DE-AC36-08GO28308 with Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC, the manager and operator of the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. The authors (J.J.B, J.M.L., M.O.R, K.Z.) acknowledge support from the De-risking halide perovskite solar cells program of the National Center for Photovoltaics, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, Solar Energy Technology Office. The views expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the views of the DOE or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the U.S. Government retains a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish or reproduce the published form of this work, or allow others to do so, for U.S. Government purposes. H.J.S. acknowledges the support of EPSRC UK, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. V.T. and M. Madsen acknowledges ‘Villum Foundation’ for funding of the project CompliantPV, under project number 13365. M. Madsen acknowledges Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond, DFF FTP for funding of the project React-PV, No. 8022-00389B. M.G. and S.M.Z. thank the King Abdulaziz City for Science and technology (KACST) for financial support. S.V. acknowledges TKI-UE/Ministry of Economic Affairs for financial support of the TKI-UE toeslag project POP-ART (No. 1621103). M.L.C. and H.X. acknowledges the support from Spanish MINECO for the grant GraPErOs (ENE2016-79282-C5-2-R), the OrgEnergy Excellence Network CTQ2016-81911- REDT, the Agència de Gestiód'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) for the support to the consolidated Catalonia research group 2017 SGR 329 and the Xarxa de Referència en Materials Avançats per a l'Energia (Xarmae). ICN2 is supported by the Severo Ochoa program from Spanish MINECO (Grant No. SEV-2017-0706) and is funded by the CERCA Programme / Generalitat de Catalunya.Abstract: Improving the long-term stability of perovskite solar cells is critical to the deployment of this technology. Despite the great emphasis laid on stability-related investigations, publications lack consistency in experimental procedures and parameters reported. It is therefore challenging to reproduce and compare results and thereby develop a deep understanding of degradation mechanisms. Here, we report a consensus between researchers in the field on procedures for testing perovskite solar cell stability, which are based on the International Summit on Organic Photovoltaic Stability (ISOS) protocols. We propose additional procedures to account for properties specific to PSCs such as ion redistribution under electric fields, reversible degradation and to distinguish ambient-induced degradation from other stress factors. These protocols are not intended as a replacement of the existing qualification standards, but rather they aim to unify the stability assessment and to understand failure modes. Finally, we identify key procedural information which we suggest reporting in publications to improve reproducibility and enable large data set analysis

    Performance of Thin Film PV Mini-Modules in a Superstrate Configuration (CdTe) on Glass with Novel Fibre Laser Processing

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    A new pulsed laser technique based on Photonic Crystal Fibres (PCF) has been developed and tested within the European funded Alpine project for the improvement, in terms of precision and speed, of the existing scribing technology in PV modules through the usage of high quality beam fiber lasers. In this work we report about the first evaluation of the quality of the scribing process performed by innovative PCF lasers according to the particular patterning steps (P1, P2 and P3) which are applied on CdTe thin film devices realized in superstrate configuration on glass. A comparison with devices prepared with standard scribing technology is presented. The P1, P2, P3 scribing patterning steps have been evaluated separately in this work and devices scribed with the novel laser technology reported clearly either improved characteristics in two cases (P1 and P2 scribing) or worsen characteristics in the case of P3 scribing. In detail devices with P1 and P2 patterning scribed with PCF laser reported an evident improvement in Pmax of slightly above 5% while devices with P3 scribed with the novel laser technology showed a Pmax value about 3% lower than the reference one

    Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy on nanostructured carbon electrodes grown by supersonic cluster beam deposition

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    Nanostructured porous films of carbon with density of about 0.5 g/cm3 and 200 nm thickness were deposited at room temperature by supersonic cluster beam deposition (SCBD) from carbon clusters formed in the gas phase. Carbon film surface topography, determined by atomic force microscopy, reveals a surface roughness of 16 nm and a granular morphology arising from the low kinetic energy ballistic deposition regime. The material is characterized by a highly disordered carbon structure with predominant sp2 hybridization as evidenced by Raman spectroscopy. The interface properties of nanostructured carbon electrodes were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy employing KOH 1 M solution as aqueous electrolyte. An increase of the double layer capacitance is observed when the electrodes are heat treated in air or when a nanostructured nickel layer deposited by SCBD on top of a sputter deposited film of the same metal is employed as a current collector instead of a plain metallic film. This enhancement is consistent with an improved charge injection in the active material and is ascribed to the modification of the electrical contact at the interface between the carbon and the metal current collector. Specific capacitance values up to 120 F/g have been measured for the electrodes with nanostructured metal/carbon interface

    Nanocomposite TiN films with embedded MoS2 inorganic fullerenes produced by combining supersonic cluster beam deposition with cathodic arc reactive evaporation

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    We report the production and characterization of nanocomposite thin films consisting of a titanium nitride matrix with embedded molybdenum disulphide fullerene-like nanoparticles. This was achieved by combining a cluster source generating a pulsed supersonic beam of MoS2 clusters with an industrial cathodic arc reactive evaporation apparatus used for TiN deposition. Cluster-assembled films show the presence of MoS2 nanocages and nanostructures and the survival of such structures dispersed in the TiN matrix in the co-deposited samples. Nanotribological characterization by atomic force microscopy shows that the presence of MoS2 nanoparticles even in very low concentration modifies the behaviour of the TiN matrix

    Interlaboratory indoor ageing of roll-to-roll and spin coated organic photovoltaic devices: Testing the ISOS tests

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    The inter-comparability of the stability measurements of organic photovoltaic (OPV) technologies in dark is addressed. Four primary factors that affect the reproducibility of the ageing rate determination and inter-comparison are discussed: production/encapsulation of the samples, current-voltage (IV) characterization, testing conditions for ageing and lifetime determination from a decay curve. Results of inter-laboratory ageing studies of roll-to-roll and spin coated samples with correspondingly flexible plastic packaging and glass encapsulation tested under dark test conditions among 7 laboratories are presented. ISOS test conditions, proposed recently as guiding protocols for testing OPV stability, are applied in the study. The reproducibility of the performance versus the production and encapsulation techniques is firstly studied. The results reveal a significant improvement in the reproducibility when going from manual spin coating to roll-to-roll production. Furthermore, the reproducibility of current-voltage (IV) measurement and preconditioning (light soaking treatments) are addressed. Additionally, the inter-comparison of the degradation rates of the samples tested under three different dark test conditions (ambient, dry/heat, damp heat) reported by different groups are analyzed revealing a reasonable agreement on the degradation rates of the stability curves for each test condition. Finally, a logarithmic diagram for OPV lifetime associated with common time units is proposed that allows conveniently categorizing and intercomparing the stability performance of different samples tested under different test conditions.JRC.F.7-Renewables and Energy Efficienc