391 research outputs found

    The use of chronosequences in studies of ecological succession and soil development

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    1. Chronosequences and associated space-for-time substitutions are an important and often necessary tool for studying temporal dynamics of plant communities and soil development across multiple time-scales. However, they are often used inappropriately, leading to false conclusions about ecological patterns and processes, which has prompted recent strong criticism of the approach. Here, we evaluate when chronosequences may or may not be appropriate for studying community and ecosystem development. 2. Chronosequences are appropriate to study plant succession at decadal to millennial time-scales when there is evidence that sites of different ages are following the same trajectory. They can also be reliably used to study aspects of soil development that occur between temporally linked sites over time-scales of centuries to millennia, sometimes independently of their application to shorter-term plant and soil biological communities. 3. Some characteristics of changing plant and soil biological communities (e.g. species richness, plant cover, vegetation structure, soil organic matter accumulation) are more likely to be related in a predictable and temporally linear manner than are other characteristics (e.g. species composition and abundance) and are therefore more reliably studied using a chronosequence approach. 4. Chronosequences are most appropriate for studying communities that are following convergent successional trajectories and have low biodiversity, rapid species turnover and low frequency and severity of disturbance. Chronosequences are least suitable for studying successional trajectories that are divergent, species-rich, highly disturbed or arrested in time because then there are often major difficulties in determining temporal linkages between stages. 5. Synthesis. We conclude that, when successional trajectories exceed the life span of investigators and the experimental and observational studies that they perform, temporal change can be successfully explored through the judicious use of chronosequences

    The paradox of forbs in grasslands and the legacy of the mammoth steppe

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    The grassland biome supports an enormous diversity of life and includes ecosystems used extensively by humans. Although graminoids lend grasslands their characteristic appearance, forbs are largely responsible for their taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity. In terms of abundance, however, forbs often play a subordinate role relative to graminoids. Yet this may be a relatively recent phenomenon; evidence is mounting that forbs comprised a major part of the richness of, and were abundant in, the extensive and highly productive grasslands of the Pleistocene, the so-called “mammoth steppe”. As a legacy of their past prevalence under intensive grazing by megafaunal herbivores, we hypothesize that forbs were, and still are, dependent on niche construction by large mammalian herbivores. We suggest that the high species richness of forbs in grasslands globally merits greater research and conservation attention, and management actions tailored to sustain their abundance and diversity

    Functional aspects of soil animal diversity in agricultural grasslands

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    Abstract There has been recent interest in the characterization of soil biodiversity and its function in agricultural grasslands. Much of the interest has come from the need to develop grassland management strategies directed at manipulating the soil biota to encourage a greater reliance on ecosystem self-regulation. This review summarises information on selected groups of soil animals in grasslands, the factors in¯uencing their abundance, diversity and community structure and their relationships to the functioning and stability of grassland ecosystems. Observations on the impacts of agricultural managements on populations and communities of soil fauna and their interactions con®rm that high input, intensively managed systems tend to promote low diversity while lower input systems conserve diversity. It is also evident that high input systems favour bacterial-pathways of decomposition, dominated by labile substrates and opportunistic, bacterial-feeding fauna. In contrast, low-input systems favour fungal-pathways with a more heterogeneous habitat and resource leading to domination by more persistent fungalfeeding fauna. In view of this, we suggest that low input grassland farming systems are optimal for increasing soil biotic diversity and hence self-regulation of ecosystem function. Research is needed to test the hypothesis that soil biodiversity is positively associated with stability, and to elucidate relationships between productivity, community integrity and functioning of soil biotic communities. # 1998 Elsevier Science B.V

    Microbial carbon mineralization in tropical lowland and montane forest soils of Peru

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    Climate change is affecting the amount and complexity of plant inputs to tropical forest soils. This is likely to influence the carbon (C) balance of these ecosystems by altering decomposition processes e.g., "positive priming effects" that accelerate soil organic matter mineralization. However, the mechanisms determining the magnitude of priming effects are poorly understood. We investigated potential mechanisms by adding (13)C labeled substrates, as surrogates of plant inputs, to soils from an elevation gradient of tropical lowland and montane forests. We hypothesized that priming effects would increase with elevation due to increasing microbial nitrogen limitation, and that microbial community composition would strongly influence the magnitude of priming effects. Quantifying the sources of respired C (substrate or soil organic matter) in response to substrate addition revealed no consistent patterns in priming effects with elevation. Instead we found that substrate quality (complexity and nitrogen content) was the dominant factor controlling priming effects. For example a nitrogenous substrate induced a large increase in soil organic matter mineralization whilst a complex C substrate caused negligible change. Differences in the functional capacity of specific microbial groups, rather than microbial community composition per se, were responsible for these substrate-driven differences in priming effects. Our findings suggest that the microbial pathways by which plant inputs and soil organic matter are mineralized are determined primarily by the quality of plant inputs and the functional capacity of microbial taxa, rather than the abiotic properties of the soil. Changes in the complexity and stoichiometry of plant inputs to soil in response to climate change may therefore be important in regulating soil C dynamics in tropical forest soils.This study was financed by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) grant NE/G018278/1 and is a product of the Andes Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research Group consortium (www.andesconservation.org); Patrick Meir was also supported by ARC FT110100457

    Contrasting Impacts of Grazing on Soil Properties and Plant Communities between Semiarid and Temperate Rangeland Ecosystems

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    We discuss how grazing by large herbivores as a land use option does not necessarily involve a trade-off in terms of soil carbon (C) storage, by presenting results from field grazing gradient experiments from rangeland ecosystems under different climatic conditions in semiarid grasslands from Central Mexico and temperate ecosystems from Northern England. In general, moderate grazing pressure did not reduce soil C in both ecosystems after comparisons with long-term grazing exclusions, and moderate grazing even showed higher soil C in the semiarid area. In the semiarid area, our results are likely explained by grazing tolerance of plant species in moderate grazing pressure, and by effects of herbivores on plant community structure and proportion of bare soil in heavy grazing pressure. In the temperate area, C losses might be more linked to temperature-limitation on heterotrophic soil C respiration. Our results indicate that moderate grazing is compatible with soil C storage, although we also provide warnings against this generalisation under scenarios of climate warming

    Contrasting environmental preferences of photosynthetic and non‐photosynthetic soil cyanobacteria across the globe

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    Aim: Cyanobacteria have shaped the history of life on Earth and continue to play important roles as carbon and nitrogen fixers in terrestrial ecosystems. However, their global distribution and ecological preferences remain poorly understood, particularly for two recently discovered non‐photosynthetic cyanobacterial classes (Sericytochromatia and Melainabacteria). Location: Two hundred and thirty‐seven locations across six continents encompassing multiple climates (arid, temperate, tropical, continental and polar) and vegetation types (forests, grasslands and shrublands). Time period: Sampling was carried out between 2003 and 2015. Major taxa studied: Photosynthetic and non‐photosynthetic cyanobacterial taxa. Methods: We conducted a field survey and used co‐occurrence network analysis and structural equation modelling to evaluate the distribution and environmental preferences of soil cyanobacteria across the globe. These ecological preferences were used to create a global atlas (predictive distribution maps) of soil cyanobacteria. Results: Network analyses identified three major groups of cyanobacterial taxa, which resembled the three main cyanobacterial classes: the photosynthetic Oxyphotobacteria‐dominated cluster, which were prevalent in arid and semi‐arid areas, and the non‐photosynthetic Sericytochromatia‐ and Melainabacteria‐dominated clusters, which preferred hyper‐arid oligotrophic and acidic/humid environments, respectively. Main conclusions: This study provides new insights into the environmental preferences of non‐photosynthetic cyanobacteria in soils globally. Our findings highlight the contrasting environmental preferences among the three clusters of cyanobacteria and suggest that alterations in environmental conditions linked to climate change might result in important changes in the ecology and biogeography of these functionally important microorganisms.M.D.-B. is supported by a Ramón y Cajal grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2018-025483-I), and by the BES grant agreement No LRB17\1019 (MUSGONET). The work of C.C.-D. and F.T.M. and the global drylands database were supported by the European Research Council [ERC Grant Agreements 242658 (BIOCOM) and 647038 (BIODESERT)] and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BIOMOD project, ref. CGL2013-44661-R). F.T.M. acknowledges support from Generalitat Valenciana (BIOMORES project, ref. CIDEGENT/2018/041). Research on biodiversity by B.K.S. is supported by the Australian Research Council (DP170104634). R.D.B. was supported by the U.K. Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) project no. BD5003 and a Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) International Exchange Grant (BB/L026406/1)

    Prey Nutritional Quality Interacts With Chemical Defenses to Affect Consumer Feeding and Fitness

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    Numerous studies have assessed the individual effects of prey nutritional quality or chemical defenses on consumer feeding behavior. However, little is known about how these traits interact to affect consumer feeding and performance. We tested the separate and interactive effects of prey chemical defenses and nutritional quality on the feeding behavior and fitness of six sympatric crustacean mesograzers. Natural concentrations of diterpene alcohols (dictyols) from the brown alga Dictyota menstrualis were incorporated, or not incorporated, into lower quality and higher quality foods to create artificial diets mimicking prey of variable value and defense. Five amphipods (Ampithoe longimana, A. valida, Cymadusa compta, Gammarus mucronatus, and Elasmopus levis) and one isopod (Paracerceis caudata), representing a continuum of closely to distantly related organisms, were fed intact algae or lower and higher quality diets containing or lacking dictyols. All six mesograzers preferred the green alga Enteromorpha intestinalis to the dictyol producing alga Dictyota menstrualis. In assays allowing consumers to choose between simultaneously available foods, dictyols deterred feeding by all five amphipods, but not the isopod; this occurred for both lower and higher quality foods. In no-choice assays, where consumers were confined with only one of our four treatment diets, effects on feeding became more complex. Nutritional quality alone affected feeding by five of the six species. These grazers compensated for lower quality by increasing consumption. Dictyols suppressed feeding for four of the six species. More interestingly, there were significant dictyol X quality interactions for three species. Dictyols decreased feeding more when placed in lower quality foods than higher quality foods. Two amphipods deterred by dictyols in the choice assays readily consumed dictyol-containing foods in no-choice situations and suffered few negative effects of doing so. Although all amphipods were deterred by dictyols in choice assays, dictyols decreased fitness (survivorship, growth, or reproduction) for only four of the five species. These effects included large and immediate decreases in survivorship, dramatic effects on reproduction, and modest effects on female growth. Dictyols enhanced survivorship of the isopod. Thus, the effects of secondary metabolites on feeding in choice situations vs. fitness in long-term assays were inconsistent. For three amphipods, certain effects of food quality, dictyols, or their interaction were detected only for females. In general, negative effects of dictyols on fitness were greater in lower than in higher quality foods, suggesting that prey nutritional value may counteract the effects of defensive metabolites. For example, when G. mucronatus consumed dictyols in lower quality foods, mortality was \u3e80% by day 5; for dictyols in higher quality foods, 80% mortality took 28 days to develop. Lower quality foods alone significantly decreased growth for the isopod, three of the amphipods, and the females of a fourth amphipod, concomitantly reducing fecundity for four of the five amphipods studied. The effects of both chemical defenses and nutritional quality were unrelated to consumer phylogeny; responses of congeners varied as much, or more, than responses of more distantly related consumers. Understanding mechanisms and consequences of food selection requires that the interactive effects of both chemical defenses and prey nutritional characteristics be considered explicitly

    Historical context modifies plant diversity–community productivity relationships in alpine grassland

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    While most studies yield positive relationships between biodiversity (B) and ecosystem functioning (EF), awareness is growing that BEF relationships can vary with ecological context. The awareness has led to increased efforts to understand how contemporary environmental context modifies BEF relationships, but the role of historical context, and the mechanisms by which it may influence biodiversity effects, remains poorly understood. We examined how historical context alters plant diversity–community productivity relationships via plant species interactions in alpine grassland. We also tested how historical context modifies interactions between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, which can potentially mediate the above processes. We studied biodiversity effects on plant community productivity at two grassland sites with different histories related to grazing intensity—heavy versus light livestock grazing—but similar current management. We assembled experimental communities of identical species composition with plants from each of the two sites in disturbed soil from a contemporary heavily grazed grassland, ranging in species richness from one to two, three and six species. Moreover, we carried out a mycorrhizal hyphae-exclusion experiment to test how plant interactions with AM fungi influence plant responses to historical context. We detected a significantly positive diversity–productivity relationship that was driven by complementarity effects in communities composed of plants from the site without heavy-grazing history, but no such relationship in plant communities composed of plants from the site with heavy-grazing history. Plants from the site with heavy-grazing history had increased competitive ability and increased yields in low-diversity communities but disrupted complementarity effects in high-diversity communities. Moreover, plants of one species from the site with heavy-grazing history benefitted more from AM fungal communities than did plants from the site without such history. Synthesis. Using the same experimental design and species, communities assembled by plants from two sites with different historical contexts showed different plant diversity–community productivity relationships. Our results suggest that historical context can alter plant diversity–community productivity relationships via plant species interactions and potentially plant–soil interactions. Therefore, considering historical contexts of ecological communities is of importance for advancing our understanding of long-term impacts of anthropogenic disturbance on ecosystem functioning