3,780 research outputs found

    Classical and Quantum Parts of the Quantum Dynamics: the Discrete-Time Case

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    In the study of open quantum systems modeled by a unitary evolution of a bipartite Hilbert space, we address the question of which parts of the environment can be said to have a "classical action" on the system, in the sense of acting as a classical stochastic process. Our method relies on the definition of the Environment Algebra, a relevant von Neumann algebra of the environment. With this algebra we define the classical parts of the environment and prove a decomposition between a maximal classical part and a quantum part. Then we investigate what other information can be obtained via this algebra, which leads us to define a more pertinent algebra: the Environment Action Algebra. This second algebra is linked to the minimal Stinespring representations induced by the unitary evolution on the system. Finally in finite dimension we give a characterization of both algebras in terms of the spectrum of a certain completely positive map acting on the states of the environment

    Matrix-F5 algorithms and tropical Gr\"obner bases computation

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    Let KK be a field equipped with a valuation. Tropical varieties over KK can be defined with a theory of Gr\"obner bases taking into account the valuation of KK. Because of the use of the valuation, this theory is promising for stable computations over polynomial rings over a pp-adic fields.We design a strategy to compute such tropical Gr\"obner bases by adapting the Matrix-F5 algorithm. Two variants of the Matrix-F5 algorithm, depending on how the Macaulay matrices are built, are available to tropical computation with respective modifications. The former is more numerically stable while the latter is faster.Our study is performed both over any exact field with valuation and some inexact fields like Q_p\mathbb{Q}\_p or F_q⟦t⟧.\mathbb{F}\_q \llbracket t \rrbracket. In the latter case, we track the loss in precision, and show that the numerical stability can compare very favorably to the case of classical Gr\"obner bases when the valuation is non-trivial. Numerical examples are provided

    Nonparametric estimation of the local Hurst function of multifractional Gaussian processes

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    A new nonparametric estimator of the local Hurst function of a multifractional Gaussian process based on the increment ratio (IR) statistic is defined. In a general frame, the point-wise and uniform weak and strong consistency and a multidimensional central limit theorem for this estimator are established. Similar results are obtained for a refinement of the generalized quadratic variations (QV) estimator. The example of the multifractional Brownian motion is studied in detail. A simulation study is included showing that the IR-estimator is more accurate than the QV-estimator

    A wavelet analysis of the Rosenblatt process: chaos expansion and estimation of the self-similarity parameter

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    By using chaos expansion into multiple stochastic integrals, we make a wavelet analysis of two self-similar stochastic processes: the fractional Brownian motion and the Rosenblatt process. We study the asymptotic behavior of the statistic based on the wavelet coefficients of these processes. Basically, when applied to a non-Gaussian process (such as the Rosenblatt process) this statistic satisfies a non-central limit theorem even when we increase the number of vanishing moments of the wavelet function. We apply our limit theorems to construct estimators for the self-similarity index and we illustrate our results by simulations

    On the degree of the polynomial defining a planar algebraic curves of constant width

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    In this paper, we consider a family of closed planar algebraic curves C\mathcal{C} which are given in parametrization form via a trigonometric polynomial pp. When C\mathcal{C} is the boundary of a compact convex set, the polynomial pp represents the support function of this set. Our aim is to examine properties of the degree of the defining polynomial of this family of curves in terms of the degree of pp. Thanks to the theory of elimination, we compute the total degree and the partial degrees of this polynomial, and we solve in addition a question raised by Rabinowitz in \cite{Rabi} on the lowest degree polynomial whose graph is a non-circular curve of constant width. Computations of partial degrees of the defining polynomial of algebraic surfaces of constant width are also provided in the same way.Comment: 13 page

    Moment bounds and central limit theorems for Gaussian subordinated arrays

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    A general moment bound for sums of products of Gaussian vector's functions extending the moment bound in Taqqu (1977, Lemma 4.5) is established. A general central limit theorem for triangular arrays of nonlinear functionals of multidimensional non-stationary Gaussian sequences is proved. This theorem extends the previous results of Breuer and Major (1981), Arcones (1994) and others. A Berry-Esseen-type bound in the above-mentioned central limit theorem is derived following Nourdin, Peccati and Podolskij (2011). Two applications of the above results are discussed. The first one refers to the asymptotic behavior of a roughness statistic for continuous-time Gaussian processes and the second one is a central limit theorem satisfied by long memory locally stationary process

    Detecting changes in the fluctuations of a Gaussian process and an application to heartbeat time series

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    The aim of this paper is first the detection of multiple abrupt changes of the long-range dependence (respectively self-similarity, local fractality) parameters from a sample of a Gaussian stationary times series (respectively time series, continuous-time process having stationary increments). The estimator of the mm change instants (the number mm is supposed to be known) is proved to satisfied a limit theorem with an explicit convergence rate. Moreover, a central limit theorem is established for an estimator of each long-range dependence (respectively self-similarity, local fractality) parameter. Finally, a goodness-of-fit test is also built in each time domain without change and proved to asymptotically follow a Khi-square distribution. Such statistics are applied to heart rate data of marathon's runners and lead to interesting conclusions

    Non-parametric estimation of time varying AR(1)--processes with local stationarity and periodicity

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    Extending the ideas of [7], this paper aims at providing a kernel based non-parametric estimation of a new class of time varying AR(1) processes (Xt), with local stationarity and periodic features (with a known period T), inducing the definition Xt = at(t/nT)X t--1 + ξ\xit for t ∈\in N and with a t+T ≢\not\equiv at. Central limit theorems are established for kernel estima-tors as(u) reaching classical minimax rates and only requiring low order moment conditions of the white noise (ξ\xit)t up to the second order
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