22 research outputs found

    The Oder, an ecoparadigmatic river

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    The author aims at presenting examples of literary descriptions of Odra flooding (especially in the context of the most recent in 1997 and 2010) and the river regions in the perspective of aquacriticism. This approach belongs to a wider concept of ecocriticism which perceives the river as a key part of environment. The question being posed is what kind of influence can be traced in literary texts representing floods and how does literature influence perception of aquatic catastrophes such as floods. Since flood belongs to the catastrophe discourse, it blurs anthropocentric knowledge on rivers and indicates aquacentric modes of recognition. The ecoparadigmatic role of Odra is indicated by Silesian authors (in the collection Wie die Oder rauscht ) and writers biographically connected with the river (Tokarczuk). The environmental function of the river can be better acknowledged through literary fiction that “gives voice to the river”.The author aims at presenting examples of literary descriptions of Odra flooding (especially in the context of the most recent in 1997 and 2010) and the river regions in the perspective of aquacriticism. This approach belongs to a wider concept of ecocriticism which perceives the river as a key part of environment. The question being posed is what kind of influence can be traced in literary texts representing floods and how does literature influence perception of aquatic catastrophes such as floods. Since flood belongs to the catastrophe discourse, it blurs anthropocentric knowledge on rivers and indicates aquacentric modes of recognition. The ecoparadigmatic role of Odra is indicated by Silesian authors (in the collection Wie die Oder rauscht ) and writers biographically connected with the river (Tokarczuk). The environmental function of the river can be better acknowledged through literary fiction that “gives voice to the river”

    Ostra niewydolność krążenia w przebiegu zapalenia mięśnia sercowego w I trymestrze ciąży

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    The incidence of cardiovascular diseases in pregnancy is estimated at about 1%. Pregnant women suffer from rheumatic diseases of the heart valves, hypertension, congenital heart deffects, inflammatory and ischemic disorders or pathologies of the electrical conduction system of the heart. Myocarditis during pregnancy occurs very seldom. Few cases of severe myocarditis during gestation have been reported in the literature. This report presents a case of a 27-year-old Asian patient, at 8 weeks of gestation, diagnosed with an acute myocarditis. The woman was admitted to the hospital, presenting with early and nonspecific symptoms, (fever up of 38.5 degrees Celsiuss, abdominal pain and nausea). After temporary improvement, the patient’s condition deteriorated. On the fourth day of the hospitalization, myocarditis led to heart failure and the patient had to be transffered to the Intensive Care Unit. Wide-spectrum antibiotics, glucocorticoids, diuretics, bisoprolol, as well as fluid and electrolyte supplementation, were administered. After 22 days of treatment the patient was discharged home in good condition. Afterwards she attended follow-up visits at the Gynecology-Obstetric Outpatient Clinic. She delivered a healthy son (2340 grams, 51 centimetres, Apgar 10) at 37 weeks of gestation. At present, she remains under the care of the Cardiac Clinic and requires small doses of bisoprolol because of periodic supraventricular arrhythmias.Stwierdzanymi w ciąży patologiami układu krążenia są nadciśnienie tętnicze, wady reumatyczne zastawek serca, wady wrodzone, zmiany zapalne i niedokrwienne serca lub patologie układu bodźco-przewodzącego serca. Zapalenie mięśnia sercowego w ciąży zdarza się bardzo rzadko. Niejednokrotnie jednak przebieg jego jest bardzo ciężki, a postawienie prawidłowego rozpoznania napotyka na duże trudności. Opis przypadku 27-letniej Azjatki jest przykładem bardzo rzadkiego, krytycznie ciężkiego przebiegu zapalenia mięśnia serca. Początkowe objawy, takie jak nudności, bóle brzucha, gorączka jak również wyniki badań laboratoryjnych nie były specyficzne, powodując opóźnienie postawienia właściwego rozpoznania. Zaostrzająca się choroba doprowadziła do niewydolności oddechowo-krążeniowej. W Oddziale Intesnywnej Terpii ciężarna leczona była antybiotykami o szerokim spektrum działania, glikokortykosteroidami, diuretykami, bisoprololem, stosowano także terapię płynową i uzupełnianie elektrolitów. Po 22 dniach leczenia, pacjentkę wypisano do domu w stanie ogólnym dobrym. Dalszy przebieg ciąży przebiegał bez powikłań. Poród drogą cięcia cesarskiego ze wskazań kardiologicznych, odbył się w 37 tygodniu. Dziecko urodzone w stanie dobrym o wadze 2340g, oceniono na 10 punktów w skali Apgar. Obecnie pacjentka pozostaje pod opieką poradni kardiologicznej i wymaga niewielkich dawek bisoprololu z powodu okresowych dodatkowych pobudzeń komorowych

    A Figurative, Figural, or Rhetorical Animal? Piotr Krupiński: <i>“Dlaczego gęsi krzyczały?”. Zwierzęta i Zagłada w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku.</i> Warszawa, Instytut Badań Literackich PAN. Wydawnictwo, 2016, 356 pages

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    A Figurative, Figural, or Rhetorical Animal? Piotr Krupiński: „Dlaczego gęsi krzyczały?”. Zwierzęta i Zagłada w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku. Warszawa, Instytut Badań Literackich PAN. Wydawnictwo, 2016, ss. 356. The article A Figurative, Figural, or Rhetorical Animal?… is a review of Piotr Krupinski’s book “Dlaczego gęsi krzyczały?”. Zwierzęta i Zagłada w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku published in 2016 by the Institute of Literary Research Publishing House in Warsaw

    Witajcie w Polocenie. Polskie konteksty walki z katastrofą na przykładzie literatury okołopowodziowej po roku 1945

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    Welcome to the Polocene: Polish aspects of fighting with floods as exemplified in literature after 1945The aim of the article is to localise the representative examples of cultural models of behaviour and ways of adapting to the hazardous environmental changes. It is discussed on the basis of so called flood narratives in Polish literature such as Tomasz Różycki’s Bestiarium 2012 and Maciej Płaza’s Skoruń 2015. The author puts a question about the function of the polonocentric, combative model as a pattern of behaviour that emerges from these texts, as well as about the role of catholic religion in the society who cannot cope with more and more unpredictable catastrophic threats like the flood. The author concludes that this situation is culturally contextualised and results in the social inability to accept a new ecological paradigm in the space and landscape management. Welcome to the Polocene: Polish aspects of fighting with floods as exemplified in literature after 1945The aim of the article is to localise the representative examples of cultural models of behaviour and ways of adapting to the hazardous environmental changes. It is discussed on the basis of so called flood narratives in Polish literature such as Tomasz Różycki’s Bestiarium 2012 and Maciej Płaza’s Skoruń 2015. The author puts a question about the function of the polonocentric, combative model as a pattern of behaviour that emerges from these texts, as well as about the role of catholic religion in the society who cannot cope with more and more unpredictable catastrophic threats like the flood. The author concludes that this situation is culturally contextualised and results in the social inability to accept a new ecological paradigm in the space and landscape management

    I zwierzęta mają historię… O książce Érica Barataya

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    Anna Barcz Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-BiałejKatedra AnglistykiWydział Humanistyczno-Społeczny Anna Barcz's review of the Polish version of Le Point de vue animal, une autre version de l'histoire (Zwierzęcy punkt widzenia. Inna wersja historii) by Éric Baratay

    Introduction to Zoocriticism (the Theory of Animal Narratives)

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    The article’s starting point is to recognize what is the relation between the cultural animal studies and empirical research, particularly: what is the role of the cognitive ethology in the humanities, what kind of merger we are observing, and if and how transdisciplinarity is possible here. One of the solutions, presented in the article, is to analyse animal texts of culture within a zoocritic perspective. This perspective aims at developing animal studies in the humanities, especially with regard to fiction, and narrows too wide and variated studies about animals down into a critical tool. Zoocriticism is introduced in the article on the example of Polish interwar poem about the tiger written by Tytus Czyżewski – it is a narrated by the author of the article experiment to experience the world from the perspective of the predator; it is a trial to perceive the reality in the posthuman way enabled by this zoopoetic [email protected] Barcz, dr, doktoryzowała się w Instytucie Badań Literackich PAN rozprawą na temat ekokrytyki w literaturze; absolwentka w ramach MISH-u filozofii i anglistyki na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim; autorka wielu artykułów na temat ekokrytyki, animal studies i posthumanizmu; inicjatorka projektów dotyczących zwierząt i humanistyki; adiunkt na bielskiej anglistyce; działa nie tylko naukowo.Wydział Humanistyczno-Społeczny, Akademia Techniczno-Humanistyczna w Bielsku-Białej143-159614315

    „Zoöpolis” — miasto ludzi i zwierząt

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    This article provides a commentary to the Polish translation of Jennifer Wolch’s Zoöpolis, a book that introduced a transspecies urban theory. Barcz discusses the American author’s major ideas and considers whether the concept of zoöpolis has anything to offer to the anthropocentric urban studies. Wolch greens both urban studies and the very concept of culture understood as a model of a modern city.Tekst jest komentarzem do polskiego przekładu Zoöpolis Jennifer Wolch, w którym amerykańska badaczka postuluje międzygatunkową teorię miasta. Barcz przedstawia najważniejsze problemy podjęte przez Wolch oraz pokazuje, co koncepcja zoöpolis ma do zaproponowania antropocentrycznym studiom miejskim. Ekologizuje ona bowiem zarówno studia nad miastem, jak i samą koncepcję nowoczesnego „miasta-kultury”

    Polish, German and Silesian authors in the Oder river regions

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    The infographic includes the borders after 1919 and 1945 in the Oder cross-border, relevant towns and cities, the river and its tributaries, the writers’ names (Polish and German), their origins indicated by a German, Polish or Silesian flag, and, if applicable, whether they include the river-centred (aquacentric) perspective (a symbol of the wave). It was created to accompany the analysis on the socio-cultural constructions of vulnerability and resilience which contribute to the problem of Polish and German adaptive strategies and their complexity in mirroring the community-environment relation in the Oder’s basin. <br><b>The infographic is interactive. Please read the Map Key.</b><br