161 research outputs found

    Ultrastructural and transcriptional profiling of neuropathological misregulation of CREB function

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    We compare here the neurodegenerative processes observed in the hippocampus of bitransgenic mice with chronically altered levels of cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB) function. The combination of genome-wide transcriptional profiling of degenerating hippocampal tissue with microscopy analyses reveals that the sustained inhibition of CREB function in A-CREB mice is associated with dark neuron degeneration, whereas its strong chronic activation in VP16-CREB mice primarily causes excitotoxic cell death and inflammation. Furthermore, the meta-analysis with gene expression profiles available in public databases identifies relevant common markers to other neurodegenerative processes and highlights the importance of the immune response in neurodegeneration. Overall, these analyses define the ultrastructural and transcriptional signatures associated with these two forms of hippocampal neurodegeneration, confirm the importance of fine-tuned regulation of CREB-dependent gene expression for CA1 neuron survival and function, and provide novel insight into the function of CREB in the etiology of neurodegenerative processes. © 2010 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved.The work at AB and LMV laboratory was supported by the European Commission Coordination Action ENINET (contract number LSHM-CT-2005-19063), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grants BFU2005-00286, CSD2007-00023, and SAF2008-00611, the Generalitat Valenciana grant GVPRE/2008/365, and the Fundació La Marató de TV3 grant 063510. The work at RL laboratory was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant BFU2006-01896 and the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha grant PAI08-0174-6967.Peer Reviewe

    Selective Boosting of Transcriptional and Behavioral Responses to Drugs of Abuse by Histone Deacetylase Inhibition

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    Histone acetylation and other modifications of the chromatin are important regulators of gene expression and, consequently, may contribute to drug-induced behaviors and neuroplasticity. Earlier studies have shown that a reduction in histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity results in the enhancement of some psychostimulant-induced behaviors. In this study, we extend those seminal findings by showing that the administration of the HDAC inhibitor sodium butyrate enhances morphine-induced locomotor sensitization and conditioned place preference. In contrast, this compound has no effects on the development of morphine tolerance and dependence. Similar effects were observed for cocaine and ethanol-induced behaviors. These behavioral changes were accompanied by a selective boosting of a component of the transcriptional program activated by chronic morphine administration that included circadian clock genes and other genes relevant to addictive behavior. Our results support a specific function for histone acetylation and the epigenetic modulation of transcription at a reduced number of biologically relevant loci on non-homeostatic, long-lasting, drug-induced behavioral plasticity

    Syndromic features and mild cognitive impairment in mice with genetic reduction on p300 activity: Differential contribution of p300 and CBP to Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome etiology

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    Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome (RSTS) is a complex autosomal-dominant disease characterized by mental and growth retardation and skeletal abnormalities. A majority of the individuals diagnosed with RSTS carry heterozygous mutation in the gene CREBBP, but a small percentage of cases are caused by mutations in EP300. To investigate the contribution of p300 to RSTS pathoetiology, we carried out a comprehensive and multidisciplinary characterization of p300+/- mice. These mice exhibited facial abnormalities and impaired growth, two traits associated to RSTS in humans. We also observed abnormal gait, reduced swimming speed, enhanced anxiety in the elevated plus maze, and mild cognitive impairment during the transfer task in the water maze. These analyses demonstrate that p300+/- mice exhibit phenotypes that are reminiscent of neurological traits observed in RSTS patients, but their comparison with previous studies on CBP deficient strains also indicates that, in agreement with the most recent findings in human patients, the activity of p300 in cognition is likely less relevant or more susceptible to compensation than the activity of CBP. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.This work was supported by the European Commission grant MEXT-CT-2003-509550, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Grants CSD2007-00023 and SAF2008-00611, and a grant from Fundación Ramón Areces. J.V. holds a fellowship from the Generalitat Valenciana and J.P.L.-A. a Juan de la Cierva contract supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Peer Reviewe

    Liderazgo transformacional y su relación con el compromiso organizacional de la Empresa Servicios Cobranza e Inversiones SAC. Chiclayo, 2018

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    En el presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Liderazgo Transformacional y su relación con el compromiso organizacional de la empresa Servicios Cobranza e Inversiones SAC Chiclayo 2018”, queremos saber el relación en que existe entre liderazgo y compromiso, por lo que se formuló la siguiente pregunta: ¿De qué manera se relaciona el liderazgo transformacional y el compromiso organizacional de la empresa Servicios Cobranzas e Inversiones Chiclayo SAC 2018?, cuyo objetivo principal es: Demostrar la relación de liderazgo transformacional y el compromiso organizacional de la empresa Servicios Cobranzas e Inversiones SAC Chiclayo 2018, para lograr este objetivo se va analizar y determinar índice de liderazgo que existe y determinar el grado de compromiso que existe en los colaboradores la empresa, las variables del proyecto de investigación son liderazgo transformacional y compromiso organizacional, la investigación es de tipo correlacional, no experimental, con una población de 40 colaboradores que laboran en la oficina de la empresa Servicios Cobranza e Inversiones SAC Chiclayo 2018, las técnicas e instrumentos utilizados son la encuesta, se utilizara el sistema SPSS para procesar la información recopilada y analizar su confiabilidad del presente proyecto

    Desarrollo de un Framework de simulación de sistemas de eventos discretos complejos

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    El diseño de sistemas complejos de grandes dimensiones requiere la definición de modelos de diferentes perspectivas y con diferentes niveles de abstracción. En este proyecto se han usado las redes de Petri como modelo formal. Una metodología modular y jerárquica de construcción de modelos es la más adecuada para gestionar la complejidad donde la definición de componentes y la comunicación/sincronización entre ellos juega un papel central. El objetivo es la generación de código eficiente para simulación distribuida con soporte al balanceo de carga, e implementar algoritmos de sincronización específicos en simulación que aseguren su corrección.<br /

    Lipidomic profiling of chorionic villi in the placentas of women with chronic venous disease

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    Background: Chronic venous disease (CVD) is a prevalent lower limb venous pathology that especially affects women, who also show an increased risk of this disease during pregnancy. Studies have shown significant structural changes in the placentas of women with CVD and several markers of tissue damage have been also described. Patients and Methods: To try to understand the different placental pathologies, research efforts have focused on examining metabolomic profiles as indicators of the repercussions of these vascular disorders. This study examines changes produced in the metabolomic profiles of chorionic villi in the placentas of women with CVD. In a study population of 12 pregnant women, 6 with and 6 without CVD, we compared through mass spectroscopy coupled to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC-MS), 240 metabolites in chorionic villus samples. Results: This study is the first to detect in the placental villi of pregnant women with CVD, modifications in lysophosphatidylcholines and amino acids along with diminished levels of other lipids such as triglycerides, sphingomyelins, and non-esterified omega 9 fatty acids, suggesting a role of these abnormalities in the pathogenesis of CVD. Conclusions: Our findings are a starting point for future studies designed to examine the impacts of CVD on maternal and fetal well-bein

    Satisfaction of patients with mechanical neck disorders attended to by primary care physical therapists

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    8 p.Objective: To describe the satisfaction and expectations of the patients with neck pain with relation to the physical therapy received and to analyse the relationship between the patient&apos;s characteristics and his degree of satisfaction and expectation. Design: This study is performed in the setting of a random clinical trial. Participants: Subjects between 18 and 60 years of age with subacute mechanical neck disorders. Main variables: Patient&apos;s expectations and satisfaction with the received treatment (scale similar to Likert&apos;s Scale). OTHER VARIABLES: Pain intensity, episodes of previous neck pain, depression and anxiety symptoms (Goldberg Scale), age and gender, physical disability, general state of health, duration of the present episode of neck pain, regular exercise and regular consumption of medicines. Results and conclusions: A total of 90 patients were studied. The mean age was 40.1 years and 88.9% were female. Thirteen per cent of the subjects expected partial relief, 60% expected good recovery and 27% expected complete recovery. Those patients who have not suffered previous episodes of neck pain and those who have a higher score on the Goldberg Scale have a higher expectation of recovering after the treatment. About patients&apos; satisfaction after the intervention, 2% totally unsatisfied, 1% very unsatisfied, 2% somewhat unsatisfied, 2% indifferent, 17% somewhat satisfied, 42% very satisfied and 30% totally satisfied. Those patients who experienced a greater decrease in pain were more satisfied. It would be interesting to study in depth the measurement of patients&apos; satisfaction with the received physical therapy and to extend it to other pathologies.Fondo de Investigación Sanitari

    Eating Disorder Awareness Campaigns:Thematic and Quantitative Analysis Using Twitter

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    Background: Health awareness initiatives are frequent but their efficacy is a matter of controversy. We have investigated the effect of the Eating Disorder Awareness Week and Wake Up Weight Watchers campaigns on Twitter. Objective: We aimed to examine whether the Eating Disorder Awareness Week and Wake Up Weight Watchers initiatives increased the volume and dissemination of Twitter conversations related to eating disorders and investigate what content generates the most interest on Twitter. Methods: Over a period of 12 consecutive days in 2018, we collected tweets containing the hashtag #wakeupweightwatchers and hashtags related to Eating Disorder Awareness Week (#eatingdisorderawarenessweek, #eatingdisorderawareness, or #EDAW), with the hashtag #eatingdisorder as a control. The content of each tweet was rated as medical, testimony, help offer, awareness, pro-ana, or anti-ana. We analyzed the number of retweets and favorites generated, as well as the potential reach and impact of the hashtags and the characteristics of contributors. Results: The number of #wakeupweightwatchers tweets was higher than that of Eating Disorder Awareness Week and #eatingdisorder tweets (3900, 2056, and 1057, respectively). The content of tweets was significantly different between the hashtags analyzed (P<.001). Medical content was lower in the awareness campaigns. Awareness and help offer content were lower in #wakeupweightwatchers tweets. Retweet and favorite ratios were highest in #wakeupweightwatchers tweets. Eating Disorder Awareness Week achieved the highest impact, and very influential contributors participated. Conclusions: Both awareness campaigns effectively promoted tweeting about eating disorders. The majority of tweets did not promote any specific preventive or help-seeking behaviors

    CHALLENGE 6: Exposing the roots of mental disorders

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    Mental disorders have devastating and increasing impact in our societies. CSIC researchers face the challenge of determining the biological and social causes and consequences of these disorders, and of finding efficient therapies. To these aims, the collaborative effort of neuroscientists, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists and human and social scientists, the use and development of state-of-the-art technologies and the contact with patient associations and pharma industry are required.Peer reviewe


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    DIDACTICS IN HIGHER EDUCATION OF THE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF BABAHOYO RESUMEN El objetivo de este trabajo es conocer los aspectos esenciales que debe abordar la didáctica en los procesos educativos de la Universidad Técnica de Babahoyo, así, este trabajo establece la relación dialéctica entre la teoría y la práctica de las disciplinas científicas; se detallan los problemas generados por la separación&nbsp; entre la teoría y la practica; se define las actitudes y aptitudes del docente requerido para la institución; también parámetros para la formación actual del estudiante, con&nbsp; actividades de aprendizaje autónomo, colaborativo, práctico y guiado por el docente, al margen de toda deshonestidad académica&nbsp; y adaptado a los cambios crecientes del devenir social; además la relación complementaria entre aspectos instrumentales e intelectuales que deben usar los profesionales de diversas áreas científicas. PALABRAS CLAVE: Didáctica; componentes del aprendizaje; educación superior; filosofía de la educación. ABSTRACT The objective of this work is to know the essential aspects that didactics must address in the educational processes of the Technical University of Babahoyo, thus, this work establishes the dialectical relationship between the theory and the practice of the scientific disciplines; the problems generated by the separation between theory and practice are detailed; it defines the attitudes and aptitudes of the teacher required for the institution; also parameters for the student's current training, with activities of autonomous, collaborative, practical and guided by the teacher, regardless of academic dishonesty and adapted to the growing changes in social development; in addition, the complementary relationship between instrumental and intellectual aspects that professionals from different scientific areas should use. 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