274 research outputs found

    UV Aging in Plastics

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    The purpose of this thesis is to find out the expected lifetime of radiation aged ther-moplastic material. The method is to irradiate PET and PP with UV radiation and measure the rate of degradation. The thesis focuses on the physical properties of the material and how UV radiation breaks bonds and/or cures the material. The UV source is a metal halide lamp and universal testing machine is used to record the properties of the samples. The samples are standardized dog bones. The plastics of the samples are tested for standard deviation. Then samples are exposed to UV light for ten hours and again tested for standard deviation to get knowledge of if the quality is good enough for the test. The samples are then exposed for a longer interval and periodically tested for stress strain and Young’s modulus. The intervals are chosen in reference to the ten-hour exposure test. The result showed that both plastics degraded. Both PP and PET got stiffer and PET got stiff to the point that the material shattered. PP had a change of color that is a clear sign of change in the electron configuration. PET warped a lot but is not a result of uneven degradation due to the material being more transparent than PP.UV-degradering av plaster Detta arbete Ă€r utfört för att faststĂ€lla den förvĂ€ntade livslĂ€ngden för plaster. Genom att bestrĂ„la plastbitar med starkt UV-ljus kan man pĂ„ kort sikt mĂ€ta degradering. Metoden gĂ„r ut pĂ„ att tvĂ„ olika plaster förĂ„ldras och testas för mekanisk spĂ€nning, deformation och elasticitetsmodul. Med hjĂ€lp av resultaten kan man rĂ€kna ut raten av degradering. Plasterna PET och PP testas och med hjĂ€lp av olika plaster fĂ„r man information om plaster förĂ„ldras pĂ„ liknande sĂ€tt. Arbetet bestĂ„r av tre tester. Först testar man egenskaperna hos obestrĂ„lade provbitar i ett dragtest utfört med en universell testmaskin. Detta gör man för att fĂ„ fram standardavvikelsen som behövs för att rĂ€kna ut kvaliteten pĂ„ plasterna. De obestrĂ„lade provbitarna jĂ€mförs sedan med provbitar bestrĂ„lade i tio timmar för att se om nĂ„gon förĂ€ndring skett. Detta test Ă€r ocksĂ„ utfört för att bestĂ€mma tiden och intervallerna provbitarna i det slutliga testet förĂ„ldras. BestrĂ„lningstiden faststĂ€lls till 48 timmar och provbitarna testas med Ă„tta timmars mellanrum för olika egenskaper för att fĂ„ fram en syn pĂ„ utvecklingen i materialen. Resultatet Ă€r att bĂ„da plasterna förĂ€ndras pĂ„ olika sĂ€tt av bestrĂ„lningen. PET:s tvĂ„ sista provbitar uppvisade en vĂ„ldsam reaktion i dragtestet dĂ„ de splittrades. PP dĂ€remot bytte fĂ€rg till en svagare gul fĂ€rg. PET:s elasticitetsmodul förĂ€ndrade sig lite och höll sig huvudsakligen pĂ„ samma nivĂ„. Den mekaniska spĂ€nningen och deformationen hade en jĂ€mn ökning fram till de tvĂ„ sista provbitarna dĂ€r plastens egenskaper gav efter. Resultaten stĂ€mmer bra överens med splittringen i dragtestet. Detta betyder att PET bĂ„de brutit och bildat nya bindningar med energin frĂ„n UV-strĂ„lningen. PP:s mekaniska spĂ€nning föll i mitten av bestrĂ„lningstiden och steg tillbaka före slutet. Deformationen föll radikalt för de tvĂ„ sista provbitarna. Elasticitetsmodulen hade en gradvis stigande kurva vilket tyder pĂ„ att plasten skapat nya bindningar och hĂ€rdats. Standardavvikelsen visade att plasterna var av god kvalitet men blev Ă€nnu bĂ€ttre efter tio timmars UV-bestrĂ„lning. för att fĂ„ Ă€nnu noggrannare resultat kunde plasternas ursprungliga kvalitet vara bĂ€ttre. PET-plasten böjde sig under bestrĂ„lningen och böjdes aldrig tillbaka. Detta kan vara ett resultat av att stĂ€llningen som hĂ„ller upp provbitarna framför UV-kĂ€llan blev varm och bildade mĂ€rken dĂ€r provbitarna rörde stĂ€llningen. PP kunde ha bestrĂ„lats lite lĂ€ngre för att man skulle fĂ„ fram information om plasten fortsĂ€tter att bli styvare eller om den till slut ger upp. Som kĂ€llor till arbetet anvĂ€ndes vetenskapliga texter i bok-form och elektronisk form. För formler och teorier anvĂ€ndes internetsidor

    Reduced working hours and stress in the Swedish social services

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    Background: Since a financial crisis in the 1990’s employees in the Swedish public sector have suffered from work stress and related consequences such as long-term sick leave. Reduced working hours has long been debated in Sweden as a possible way of improving psychosocial health, and was therefore empirically evaluated in a large, quasi-experimental trial in four public sectors; care and welfare, call centers, technology, and the social services. Working hours were reduced by 25 percent and workload reduced in proportion to this, and employers received financial compensation in order to be able to hire temporary extra staff. Social work in Sweden has been identified as a particularly exposed and vulnerable part of the public sector, subject to problems with employee retention and stress-related disorders. Therefore a specific study was made of social workers during the trial, in order to contribute to the scant body of research on interventions that may reduce work-related stress in social work. Aims: Study I explored the effect of reduced working hours on stress, symptoms of exhaustion syndrome, and related work-characteristics, in the participating social workers. Study II studied the impact of reduced working hours on stress, stressful situations, work and free-time stress, coping behaviour, situational reactivity, and burnout symtoms, at one of the participating social work agencies. Study III explored the experience of the social workers at the same agency, in relation to work-life balance, social work and everyday recovery choices. Study IV evaluated the impact of reduced working hours on stress and sleep in all four participating public sectors, with a particular focus on sleep. Study V examined employee time use, and the effect on total workload and time for recovery, in all four sectors. Methods: Studies I-V all used data collected during the reduced working hours trial, which had three measuring points: one at baseline, and two whilst participants in the intervention group were in the reduced working hours condition. Two extensive surveys were administered at each data point, covering a vast array of measures examining psychosocial health, both in terms of individual dimensions and the work environment itself. One of the surveys was constructed in in a diary format, where respondents filled out the same measures for seven consecutive days. Study I used multiple regression to analyse the social workers that remained per protocol at the end of the trial (n = 127), using both the questionnaire data and the diary survey data. Study II used concurrent mixed-method, collecting data both in the form of structured interviews based on principles from cognitive behavior therapy (n = 15), and two surveys only administered at the particular social work agency studied (n = 29), the MBI-HSS and ELSS. Study III used structured interviews (n = 12), performed at the same agency, and analysed with qualitative content analysis. Study IV used multilevel mixed models (n = 580) and the survey diary data from the trial to analyse stress and sleep in all four participating public sectors. Study V also used multilevel mixed models (n = 636) and diary data to analyse time-use in all four sectors, reported by respondents in a half-hour format that covered time awake and asleep. Results: Study I found positive effects of reduced working hours in social workers on demands, instrumental manager support. Work intrusion on private life, restorative sleep, stress, memory difficulties, negative emotion, sleepiness, fatigue and exhaustion improved on both workdays and weekends, and sleep quality on weekends. Study II found positive effects of reduced working hours in social workers in burnout, specifically reduced emotional exhaustion, and reduced reactivity in stressful situations. The interviewed described stressful work situations centered on lack of time due to high caseload; emergencies, practical setbacks, deadlines, client aggression, managerial interactions and managerial stress. The stressful home situations described also centered on lack of time; meeting friends, household chores, childcare, practical setbacks, experiencing burnout symptoms. In study III the interviewed social workers to varying degrees described a variety of positive experiences, such as feeling more positive anticipatory emotions when going to work, and going home, improved relationships with colleagues, clients, children, romantic partners, siblings and parents, reduced worry over work and private life, perceived lower risk for burnout, and more time for recovery activities. Study IV found improved sleep quality, reduced sleepiness, stress, worry and stress at bedtime on workdays and days off, in all four public participating sectors, and increased sleep duration in the intervention group during workdays. Study V found that all participants in the four participating public sectors that reduced work hours increased the time they used for relaxing hobby activities and domestic work during workdays, and for free-time activities on days off. Their total workload also decreased and more time was spent recovery activities on workdays, regardless of gender or family status. Conclusions: Stress was reduced, and sleep and work-life balance improved, in all studies that examined these aspects. A daily recovery pattern common to all four public sectors was found, fully compatible with the recovery strategies the social workers described in their interviews. Regardless of public sector, reduced working hours seemed to alleviate stress. This is theoretically supported by well-established theories, which suggests that the intervention reduced stress through reduced demands, reduced workload, reduced exposure to stress, decreased allostatic load, increased control over private demands, improved recovery, more informal social support and positive changes in work-life balance, recovery, mood and sleep. As for social workers, symptoms of exhaustion syndrome improved, as well as work-life balance, but few organizational dimensions. Professional coping behavior in social work was described as effective and problem-focused at both full-time and during reduced working hours. Stressful social work situations were described as improved due to reduced exposure to work stressors and improved recovery, rather than changes in work content or context, and all time conflicts off-work as resolved. The social workers’ experience of work-life balance focused on improved mood and recovery. Reduced working hours seemed to function as a preventive intervention for social workers, which seemed to affect quality of care, facilitate emotion work, and support professional longevity. For on-work recovery to improve, the high caseload described by the interviewed social workers would likely need to be reduced, which future studies of reduced working hours in social work should explore

    The History of Spectacles. (Illustrated.)

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    Flow analysis system and method

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    A non-invasive flow analysis system and method wherein a sensor, such as an acoustic sensor, is coupled to a conduit for transmitting a signal which varies depending on the characteristics of the flow in the conduit. The signal is amplified and there is a filter, responsive to the sensor signal, and tuned to pass a narrow band of frequencies proximate the resonant frequency of the sensor. A demodulator generates an amplitude envelope of the filtered signal and a number of flow indicator quantities are calculated based on variations in amplitude of the amplitude envelope. A neural network, or its equivalent, is then used to determine the flow rate of the flow in the conduit based on the flow indicator quantities

    Lasta odottavan pÀihdeperheen kanssa tehtÀvÀ sosiaalityö terveydenhuollossa : sosiaalityöntekijöiden kokemukset työskentelystÀ lasta odottavan pÀihdeperheen kanssa

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    Pro gradu -tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sosiaalityöntekijöiden kokemuksia lastan odottavan pÀihdeperheen kanssa tehtÀvÀstÀ sosiaalityöstÀ terveydenhuollossa. Valitsin aiheen koska se on mielestÀni ajankohtainen ja sitÀ on sosiaalityön nÀkökulmasta vÀhÀisemmin tutkittu. Tutkielman tutkimuskysymykset ovat: 1) Millaisia kokemuksia terveydenhuollon sosiaalityöntekijöillÀ on lasta odottavan pÀihdeperheen kanssa terveydenhuollossa tehtÀvÀstÀ työstÀ? 2) Millaisia kokemuksia terveydenhuollon sosiaalityöntekijöillÀ on lastensuojelutoimenpiteiden kÀytöstÀ lasta odottavan pÀihdeperheen kanssa tehtÀvÀssÀ työssÀ? 3) Millaisia kokemuksia terveydenhuollon sosiaalityöntekijöillÀ on erilaisten moniammatillisten työskentelytapojen kÀytöstÀ työskentelyssÀ pÀihdeperheiden kanssa yliopistosairaaloissa ja sosiaalityöntekijÀn roolista työskentelyssÀ? Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys on fenomenologinen. Tutkielman teoreettisissa lÀhtökohdissa tarkastellaan sosiaalityötÀ terveydenhuollossa, pÀihteitÀ, raskautta ja pÀihdeperheiden erityispiirteitÀ sekÀ raskausaikana ja lapsen syntymÀn jÀlkeen perheillÀ tarjottavia palveluja. Aineisto kerÀttiin haastattelemalla viittÀ terveydenhuollon sosiaalityöntekijÀÀ. Aineisto on analysoitu sisÀllönanalyysin ja teemoittelun keinoin. Tulokset osoittavat, ettÀ sosiaalityöntekijÀt kokivat roolinsa työskentelyssÀ merkityksellisenÀ ja he kokivat roolinsa keskeiseksi moniammatillisessa työskentelyssÀ sairaalassa. Tutkielman mukaan asiakastyö terveydenhuollossa on tuen antamista, asianajoa, palveluohjauksesta, verkostotyötÀ sekÀ kontrollointia. SosiaalityöntekijÀt kuvasivat moniammatillista yhteistyötÀ hyvÀksi, mutta pitivÀt sairaalaa hierarkkisena työyhteisönÀ ja kaipasivat lisÀÀ ammatillista tukea ja kollegiaalisuutta. Tulosten mukaan sosiaalityöntekijÀ pyrkivÀt työskentelyssÀ huomioimaan koko perhettÀ, mutta pÀÀhuomio työskentelyssÀ on odottavassa ÀidissÀ sekÀ ennen kaikkea tulevassa lapsessa. Tulosten mukaan sosiaalityöntekijÀt kokivat työssÀ henkistÀ kuormittavuutta vaikeiden asiakastilanteiden vuoksi. SosiaalityöntekijÀt kuvasivat onnistumisen kokemuksia työssÀÀn, mutta suoran positiivisen palautteen mÀÀrÀ oli vÀhÀistÀ. Tutkielman tuloksia voidaan hyödyntÀÀ kehitettÀessÀ pÀihdeperheiden kanssa tehtÀvÀÀ moniammatillista työtÀ terveydenhuollossa. KeskeistÀ on kehittÀÀ ja vahvistaa sosiaalityön ammatillista asiantuntijuutta terveydenhuollon kentÀllÀ. Social work in health care with substance abuse families during pregnancy : social workers experiencesŽ working with substance abuse families during pregnancy The purpose on this theses is to find out what kind of experiences social workers in health care have about working with substance abuse families during pregnancy. The theme was chosen because it is timely and it has not been much studied from perspective of social work. My research questions are: 1) What kind of experiences social workers in health care have about working with substance abuse families during pregnancy in health care? 2) What kind of experiences social workers in health care have about child protection measures? 3) What kind of experiences social workers in health care have about multi-professional networking in university hospitals and about role in the work? The theoretical framework is phenomenological. Theoretical basis for the thesis examines social work in health care, substance abuse and pregnancy, special features of substance abuse families, during pregnancy and after the birth services offered to the families. The qualitative research data of this thesis consists of interviews on five social workers working in hospitals. The data was analyzed by using qualitative content analysis and thematization. This research shows that social workers experienced a meaningful role in the work and they had a key role in multi-professional work in hospital. The study indicates that the content of client work means providing support, advocacy, case management, networking and control. According to the research social workers described the multi-professional co-operation good, but considered hospital as a hierarchical environment and need more professional support and collegiality. The results showed that social workers takes of the whole family in consideration, but the main focus of the work is the pregnant woman and above all, the child. From the down side social workers experienced the mental stress of difficult customer situations. Social workers described experiences of success in their work, but the direct positive feedback was limited. The research results can be used when developing the multi-professional work in health care with substance abuse families. It is important to develop and strengthen the social work professional expertise in the field of health care

    Mimesis, en la encrucijada del exilio de Eric Auerbach

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    This article is a study of the masterpiece of Erich Auerbach, Mimesis, as an exile’s book. It also examines how Auerbach confronts his text with the Jewish question. And then discusses which was the impact of Mimesis in Hispanic Letters, paying special attention to the valuable work done by the spanish republican exiles, like Eugenio Imaz, in translating and editing this book for Fondo de Cultura EconĂłmica.El presente artĂ­culo es un estudio de la obra maestra de Erich Auerbach, Mimesis, como libro del exilio. Se analiza tambiĂ©n el modo como Auerbach confronta en Ă©l la cuestiĂłn judĂ­a y, posteriormente, se discute cuĂĄl fue la repercusiĂłn de Mimesis en las letras hispĂĄnicas, con especial atenciĂłn a la valiosa labor realizada por los exiliados españoles, como Eugenio Ímaz, en su traducciĂłn y ediciĂłn para FCE

    Hin zum Film - ZurĂŒck zu den Bildern: Tableaux Vivants: 'Lebende Bilder' in Filmen von Antamoro, Korda, Visconti und Pasolini

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    Unter »Tableau vivant« (Lebende Bilder) versteht man ein Gesellschaftsspiel des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, das darin bestand, GemĂ€lde durch lebende Personen nachzustellen. Diderot und Goethe begeisterten sich fĂŒr diese - heute lĂ€ngst vergessene - Bilderpraxis. Umso ĂŒberraschender ist es, die anachronistische Kunst nicht nur in Stummfilmen, sondern auch in gegenwĂ€rtigen Spielfilmen wieder zu entdecken. Was passiert mit dem Filmbild, wenn es sich auf die Struktur unbewegter, nach GemĂ€lden gestellter Bilder einlĂ€sst und diese verlebendigt? Das Buch widmet sich diesem ungewöhnlichen BildphĂ€nomen aus historischer und bildwissenschaftlicher Sicht und zeigt auf, welche subversiven KrĂ€fte durch die GemĂ€ldenachstellungen im Film freigesetzt werden und zu welchen diegetischen Erweiterungen diese fĂŒhren können. Die interdisziplinĂ€r ausgerichtete Studie versucht dabei, zwischen Kunstgeschichte und Filmwissenschaft zu vermitteln

    ÄganderĂ€tt för Mumbais Fattiga- Effekter pĂ„ Kvinnors TillgĂ„ng till Krediter och Ekonomiska Utveckling

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    This study seeks to find the effect of property rights on poor women living in Mumbai, India. It tries to explain and understand how property rights affect access to credit from formal banks and what impact such rights may have on women’s economic development. The study analyse housing and land reforms and poor peoples’ access to credit in Mumbai. The theoretical framework is the theory of Legal Empowerment of the Poor (LEP). It is built upon how the law can be used in developing purpose as a tool for poor people to create preconditions and gain control over their lives. As poor people lack legal protection of their assets they are deprived of several possibilities. Enforcing the legal rights of the poor may lead to their economic, social and political empowerment, which in turn has an impact on economic growth and development. The results from the study suggest that enforced property rights do not affect poor people's access to formal credit in Mumbai. Banks’ find poor too risky as customers. Poor people must instead rely on informal financial sources or civil society organizations for provision of financial services. Further, the study indicates that women’s involvement in housing and land reforms has legal, economic, social and political effects

    Hin zum Film - ZurĂŒck zu den Bildern

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    Unter »Tableau vivant« (Lebende Bilder) versteht man ein Gesellschaftsspiel des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, das darin bestand, GemĂ€lde durch lebende Personen nachzustellen. Diderot und Goethe begeisterten sich fĂŒr diese - heute lĂ€ngst vergessene - Bilderpraxis. Umso ĂŒberraschender ist es, die anachronistische Kunst nicht nur in Stummfilmen, sondern auch in gegenwĂ€rtigen Spielfilmen wieder zu entdecken. Was passiert mit dem Filmbild, wenn es sich auf die Struktur unbewegter, nach GemĂ€lden gestellter Bilder einlĂ€sst und diese verlebendigt? Das Buch widmet sich diesem ungewöhnlichen BildphĂ€nomen aus historischer und bildwissenschaftlicher Sicht und zeigt auf, welche subversiven KrĂ€fte durch die GemĂ€ldenachstellungen im Film freigesetzt werden und zu welchen diegetischen Erweiterungen diese fĂŒhren können. Die interdisziplinĂ€r ausgerichtete Studie versucht dabei, zwischen Kunstgeschichte und Filmwissenschaft zu vermitteln

    Sijoitusrahastojen menestyksen mittaaminen

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Viimeisen parinkymmenen vuoden aikana, jolloin Suomessa on ollut sijoitusrahastoja, niihin sijoitetun pÀÀoman mÀÀrĂ€ kasvanut huimasti. Rahastosijoittaminen on myös arkipĂ€ivĂ€istynyt ja piensijoittajien mÀÀrĂ€ on kasvanut. Piensijoittajan olisi kuitenkin tĂ€rkeÀÀ pystyĂ€ vertailemaan erilaisten sijoitusrahastojen menestystĂ€. Sijoitusrahastojen menestymistĂ€ voidaan arvioida monin eri tavoin. Pelkkien sijoitusrahastojen tuottolukujen vertailu ei ole kuitenkaan riittĂ€vĂ€ tapa arvioida sijoitusrahastojen menestymistĂ€. Sijoitusrahastojen menestymisen mittaukseen tuottolukujen lisĂ€ksi kuuluu lĂ€heisesti riskin kĂ€site. Onkin kehitelty monia erilaisia sijoitusrahastojen menestymistĂ€ kuvaavia malleja, joissa on huomioitu myös tuottoihin liittyvĂ€ riski.. Koska sijoitusrahastojen tuottoon liittyvÀÀ riskiĂ€ voidaan mallintaa monin eri tavoin, juuri riskin erilainen mÀÀrittely erottaa nĂ€mĂ€ mittarit toisistaan. Sijoitusrahaston salkunhoitajan kykyĂ€ toimia muuttuneissa markkinaolosuhteissa voidaan taas arvioida markkina-ajoitusta mallintavilla mittareilla. Tutkimuksessa on tarkoituksena löytÀÀ paras mahdollinen mittari, jonka avulla sijoitusrahastot voisi jĂ€rjestÀÀ paremmuusjĂ€rjestykseen, siten ettĂ€ huomioon on otettu sijoitusrahastojen tuotto ja siihen liittyvĂ€ riski. Tutkimuksessa on vertailtu ja analysoitu erilaisia menetelmiĂ€ kuten perinteisiĂ€ mittareita ja markkina-ajoitusta koskevia mittareita. Perinteiset mittarit koostuvat Treynorin, Sharpen ja Jensenin mittareista ja markkina-ajoitusta on tarkasteltu kvadraattisen ja dummy regressiomallien avulla. Edellisten lisĂ€ksi on myös esitelty variaatioita esim. Sharpen mittarista. Vaikka sijoitusrahastojen menestymistĂ€ mittaavia mittareita on monia, niin siltikÀÀn ei ole kyetty kehittĂ€mÀÀn mittaria, mikĂ€ olisi yksiselitteisesti paras kaikissa erilaisissa mittaustilanteissa. Mittarit mittaavat menestymisen hieman eri osa-alueita, joten ne tĂ€ydentĂ€vĂ€t toisiaan antamalla erityyppistĂ€ informaatiota sijoitusrahastojen menestymisestĂ€. TĂ€mĂ€n vuoksi onkin suositeltavaa kĂ€yttÀÀ monia eri mittareita yhdessĂ€ arvioimaan sijoitusrahastojen menestymistĂ€. On kuitenkin syytĂ€ muistaa, ettĂ€ mittareilla tehdyt arviot sijoitusrahastojen menestymisestĂ€ perustuvat historiallisiin tietoihin tuotoista ja riskien suuruudesta ja ne eivĂ€t ole tae tulevaisuuden menestymisestĂ€
