168 research outputs found

    Mejoramiento de la calidad y productividad de una línea de producción de enlatados de sardinas en salsa de tomate, utilizando tqm.

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    En el presente artículo se expone el estudio realizado en una línea de producción de enlatados de sardina en salsa de tomate, con el objetivo de proponer mejoras para la optimización de recursos, lo que conlleva a ahorros económicos, aumento de eficiencia de producción, mejoramiento de calidad de producto y por ende se mejorará la satisfacción de los clientes tanto internos como externos, todo esto encamina a lo que se conoce como Total Quality Management. En el desarrollo, se observarán análisis estadísticos, estudios de tiempos, movimientos y distribución respecto a esto se aplicarán varias técnicas para la propuesta de mejora y se finalizará con la simulación de los resultados esperados

    The regulation of the order and attribution of surnames in law 20/2011, of July 21, of the Civil Registry

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Derecho. Curso académico 2016-2017[ES] Como consecuencia de la entrada en vigor el 30 de junio de 2007 de la ley 20/2011, de 21 de julio, del Registro Civil, vamos a asistir a una reforma del sistema que regula el orden de los apellidos. La LRC 2011 va a suponer una conquista jurídica y social sin precedentes en materia de igualdad y no discriminación por razón de sexo, derogando la histórica prevalencia y hegemonía del apellido del varón, pues impone a los progenitores el deber de manifestar su voluntad en cuanto al orden de los apellidos de sus hijos. En caso de silencio o de no existir acuerdo será el encargado del Registro Civil el que atendiendo al interés superior del menor decida el orden de los mismos. Solución está que ha sido muy polémica y criticada por parte de la doctrina por ser tan abstracta e indeterminada, proponiéndose distintas alternativas tales como procedimientos de azar, sorteo, criterio alfabético. Soluciones las cuales que no han llegado a prosperar en sede parlamentaria. Así mismo, en los países europeos de nuestro entorno con excepción de Italia, está teniendo lugar también una reforma de su legislación civil y registral en sede de apellidos, con la finalidad de alcanzar la plena igualdad entre hombre y mujer también en este campo del derecho[EN] As a result of the entry into force on the 30th June 2007 of the Law 20/2011, of 21st July, of Civil Registry, we are going to assist to a reform in the system of family names order. The Law of 2011 is going to mean a legal and social achievement without precedent in terms of equality and sex discrimination by derogating the historical prevalence and hegemony of the male´s family name. Provided that it imposes to parents the duty of expressing their will regarding the children´s family names order. In case of silence or disagreement it will be the civil-registrar the one who will decide it attending to the higher interest of the minor. This has been a very controversial and criticised solution by part of the doctrine for being so abstract and undetermined, proposing different alternatives such as hazard proceedings, draws or alphabetic criteria. Solutions which have not prospered in Parliament. Moreover, in European countries of our neighbourhood except for Italy, it is taking place too a reform in registry and civil law concerning family names, with the aim of reaching the full equality between women and men in the field of law

    Efectos cognitivos de la radioterapia en gliomas de bajo grado

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    The increased survival of patients with low grade gliomas generated increased interest in the neurotoxic effects associated with treatment, especially radiotherapy. Currently, the radiotherapy is associated with visual memory failures in this population. On the contrary, some authors postulate that radiotherapy, as well as other treatments, helps control the disease and preserves the neuropsychological performance. However, methodological limitations of these studies and the difficulty in monitoring these patients could be causing this divergence in the results found in this research field. Therefore, we note the need for studies that use radiation therapy treatment techniques current, which increase safety and reduce neurological side effects, and apply appropriate questionnaires with a sensitivity to the neurotoxic effects of adjuvant treatments.El aumento en las tasas de supervivencia de los pacientes con gliomas de bajo grado está suscitando un elevado interés en los efectos neurotóxicos asociados a los tratamientos, en especial a la radioterapia. En la actualidad, se señala la presencia de alteraciones principalmente en memoria visual asociada a dicha técnica de tratamiento, aunque existen datos contrarios que postulan que la radioterapia, al igual que otros tratamientos, favorece el control de la enfermedad y preserva el rendimiento neuropsicológico de esta población. No obstante, las limitaciones metodológicas de estos estudios y la dificultad en el seguimiento de estos pacientes podrían estar provocando esta divergencia en los resultados hallados en este campo de investigación. Por ello, se reitera la necesidad de realizar estudios que utilicen las técnicas de tratamiento de radioterapia actuales,que aumentan la seguridad y disminuyen los efectos secundarios neurológicos, así como que apliquen cuestionarios con una adecuada sensibilidad a los efectos neurotóxicos de los tratamientos adyuvantes

    Escuelas y escolares. Educación elemental enla Villa y Tierra de Padrón a finales del Antiguo Régimen

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    En el presente estudio hemos realizado un análisis del tema de la instrucción primaria, más conocida como enseñanza de primeras letras, en la comarca del Bajo Ulla durante los siglos XVIII y XIX. Después de comprobar el avance lento pero constante de la presencia escolar, nos hemos ocupado de aquellos aspectos relativos a la calidad de la educación tales como las condiciones y capacidades de los maestros, los métodos y el sistema utilizado, los horarios y el calendario escolar, el local destinado para tal fin y el material empleado en la enseñanza

    Cis-Acting Relaxases Guarantee Independent Mobilization of MOBQ4 Plasmids

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    Plasmids are key vehicles of horizontal gene transfer and contribute greatly to bacterial genome plasticity. In this work, we studied a group of plasmids from enterobacteria that encode phylogenetically related mobilization functions that populate the previously non-described MOBQ4 relaxase family. These plasmids encode two transfer genes: mobA coding for the MOBQ4 relaxase; and mobC, which is non-essential but enhances the plasmid mobilization frequency. The origin of transfer is located between these two divergently transcribed mob genes. We found that MPFI conjugative plasmids were the most efficient helpers for MOBQ4 conjugative dissemination among clinically relevant enterobacteria. While highly similar in their mobilization module, two sub-groups with unrelated replicons (Rep_3 and ColE2) can be distinguished in this plasmid family. These subgroups can stably coexist (are compatible) and transfer independently, despite origin-of-transfer cross-recognition by their relaxases. Specific discrimination among their highly similar oriT sequences is guaranteed by the preferential cis activity of the MOBQ4 relaxases. Such a strategy would be biologically relevant in a scenario of co-residence of non-divergent elements to favor self-dissemination.Funding: This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2017-86378-P, AEI/FEDER, UE, to FC) and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (201820I143 to MG-B). We acknowledge support of the publication fee by the CSIC Open Access Publication Support Initiative through its Unit of Information Resources for Research (URICI)

    Cognitive effects of radiotherapy in low grade gliomas

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    The increased survival of patients with low grade gliomas generated increased interest in the neurotoxic effects associated with treatment, especially radiotherapy. Currently, the radiotherapy is associated with visual memory failures in this population. On the contrary, some authors postulate that radiotherapy, as well as other treatments, helps control the disease and preserves the neuropsychological performance. However, methodological limitations of these studies and the difficulty in monitoring these patients could be causing this divergence in the results found in this research field. Therefore, we note the need for studies that use radiation therapy treatment techniques current, which increase safety and reduce neurological side effects, and apply appropriate questionnaires with a sensitivity to the neurotoxic effects of adjuvant treatments

    Estimulación cardíaca eléctrica, los marcapasos

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    La estimulación cardíaca eléctrica es una de las múltiples aplicaciones terapéuticas de la electricidad en la medicina moderna. El ocho de octubre de 1958, en el Instituto Karolinska de Estocolmo, el cirujano cardíaco Ake Senning, con la colaboración técnica de R. Elmquist, realizó el primer implante de marcapaso. Con el objetivo de identificar aspectos relevantes sobre el surgimiento y evolución de la estimulación eléctrica cardíaca y el implante de marcapasos permanentes, se realiza la presente investigación para la cual se utilizó un total de 12 referencias bibliográficas. Se concluyó que desde el implante del primer marcapasos externo, seguido del implante de marcapasos definitivo, millones de pacientes se han beneficiado de este dispositivo con el fin de aumentar supervivencia y mejorar calidad de vida

    Comparative study of the antitumoral activity of phosphine- thiosemicarbazone gold(I) complexes obtained by different methodologies

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    A series of phosphino-thiosemicarbazone gold(I) dinuclear complexes obtained by two different synthetic pro- cedures have been prepared. All the compounds have been spectroscopically characterized including single crystal X ray diffraction analysis in some of cases. [Au2(HL1)Cl2] (1), [Au2(HL2)2]Cl2 (2) and [Au2(HL3)2]Cl2 (3) have been prepared by chemical synthesis using a gold(III) salt as precursor; while [Au2(L1)2] (4), [Au2(L2)2] ∙2CH3CN (5) and [Au2(L3)2] (6) have been isolated from an electrochemical synthesis (HLn=2-[2-(diphenyl- phosphanyl)-benzylidene]-N-R-thiosemicarbazone; HL1: R=methyl, HL2: R=methoxyphenyl, HL3: R=nitrophenyl). The in vitro cytotoxic activity of these gold(I) complexes was tested against some human tumor cell lines: HeLa 229 (cervical epithelial carcinoma), MCF-7 (ovarian adenocarcinoma), NCI-H460 (non- small-cell lung cancer) and MRC5 (normal human lung fibroblast), and the IC50 values compared with those of cisplatin. The neutral methyl-substituted complexes 1 and 4 and methoxyphenyl 5 displayed significant cyto- toxic activities in all investigated cancer cell lines, being 1 and 4 the most effective. The ability of complexes 1 and 4 to induce cell death by apoptosis in Hela 229 was also investigated by fluorescence microscopy using the apoptotic DNA fragmentation as marker. These results indicated that the inhibition of cell proliferation is mainly due to an apoptotic process. In order to obtain more information about the mechanism of action of these me- tallocompounds, the interactions of complexes 1 and 4 with the thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) enzyme were analyzed. Both complexes exhibited a strong inhibition of the thioredoxin reductase activity.We thank Xunta de Galicia (ED431C 2018/13 and ED431D 2017/01), MINECO (CTQ2017-90802-REDT) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RED2018-102471-T) for financial support. L. M. G. B. thanks Xunta de Galicia for the predoctoral contract (type A).S

    Phagocytic glioblastoma-associated microglia and macrophages populate invading pseudopalisades

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    Altres ajuts: This project was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, and the European Regional Development Fund (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, FEDER;), Generalitat de Catalunya, Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and by the Asociación Española Contra el Cancer (AECC).Hypoxic pseudopalisades are a pathological hallmark of human glioblastoma, which is linked to tumour malignancy and aggressiveness. Yet, their function and role in the tumour development have scarcely been explored. It is thought that pseudopalisades are formed by malignant cells escaping from the hypoxic environment, although evidence of the immune component of pseudopalisades has been elusive. In the present work, we analyse the immunological constituent of hypoxic pseudopalisades using high-resolution three-dimensional confocal imaging in tissue blocks from excised tumours of glioblastoma patients and mimic the hypoxic gradient in microfluidic platforms in vitro to understand the cellular motility. We visualize that glioblastoma-associated microglia and macrophages abundantly populate pseudopalisades, displaying an elongated kinetic morphology across the pseudopalisades, and are oriented towards the necrotic focus. In vitro experiments demonstrate that under hypoxic gradient, microglia show a particular motile behaviour characterized by the increase of cellular persistence in contrast with glioma cells. Importantly, we show that glioblastoma-associated microglia and macrophages utilize fibres of glioma cells as a haptotactic cue to navigate along the anisotropic structure of the pseudopalisades and display a high phagocytic activity at the necrotic border of the pseudopalisades. In this study, we demonstrate that glioblastoma-associated microglia and macrophages are the main immune cells of pseudopalisades in glioblastoma, travelling to necrotic areas to clear the resulting components of the prothrombotic milieu, suggesting that the scavenging features of glioblastoma-associated microglia and macrophages at the pseudopalisades serve as an essential counterpart for glioma cell invasion. In this article, Saavedra-Lopez and colleagues described that glioblastoma-associated microglia and macrophages infiltrate hypoxic pseudopalisades, a well-known invading niche of extremely aggressive brain tumours. They show these highly motile immune cells with great phagocytic capacity as a counterpart of the glioma cell invasion