599 research outputs found

    Colon Anastomotic Healing: Can We Do Better?

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    At the conclusion of this presentation the participant should be able to: Identify risk factors for anastomotic failure Understand technical aspects of anastomotic construction Understand future directions in efforts to minimize anastomotic failure Presentation: 20 minute

    Biblioteca Universitatii Regele Ferdinand I. din Cluj

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    Biblioteca Universităţii Regele Ferdinand I din Cluj / Eugen Barbul. - Cluj : Cartea Românească, 1935. - 148 p. : fig., il., tab. ; 23 c

    Conceptual foundations for the systematization of crimes against the basics of national security of Ukraine and some other countries

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    Crimes against national security (CaNS) are considered the most dangerous encroachment on public relations, aimed at maintaining independence, defense, and the general constitutional order of the state. The lack of proper legal protection of these social relations prevents the stable functioning of the state and its institutions, which is interrelated with the fight against crime. Given this, it is essential to analyze the ground for the systematization of CaNS and a strong theoretical basis for the study. The article aims to analyze the general principles of systematization of CaNS. The object of the study is the diversity of ways of systematization of CaNS in Ukraine, Azerbaijan, and other countries. During the research, such methods were used as a generalization, formal-legal method, method of analysis of normative documents, articles and monographs, comparative-legal method. As a result of the study, the main ways of systematization of CaNS in different countries are examined and main characteristics of systematization are settled


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    Teaching English for Specific Purposes is a challenging endeavor, especially during a pandemic that forced a new teaching/learning paradigm. The present paper aims to highlight the online tools and platforms that have been useful in order to provide an efficient and enjoyable learning experience. Considering the learning styles of the students and the skills needed for future engineers to become competitive on the labor market, we have comprised a series of sample activities that may be considered examples of good practice

    Hydrogen bonding in substitutionally disordered di-μ-hydroxido-bis­{aqua­tri[bromido/chlorido(1/2)]tin(IV)} acetone disolvate

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    The structure of the title compound, [Sn2Br1.97Cl4.03(OH)2(H2O)2]·2C3H6O, contains two hexa­coordinated Sn atoms bridged symmetrically by two hydroxide groups, with an inversion center in the middle of the planar Sn2O2 ring, half of the mol­ecule being generated by inversion symmetry. The other sites of the distorted octa­hedral coordination geometry are occupied by halide atoms and water mol­ecules. The structure exhibits substitutional disorder of the halide atoms bonded to the Sn atom, with 0.672 (4) occupancy for Cl and 0.328 (4) for Br for each halide position. The compound crystallizes with two acetone mol­ecules, which are involved in intra- and inter­molecular O—H⋯O contacts. The water mol­ecules coordinated to the Sn atoms are also involved in O—H⋯O and O—H⋯X contacts, leading to a polymeric array along the a axis

    Problemska nastava i veština pisanja u nastavi engleskog poslovnog jezika

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    Nastavni proces usmeren na davanje što veće sume gotovih znanja ne može više odolevati potrebama modernog doba. Problemska nastava osmišljena je sa ciljem da pomogne studentima da razviju unutrašnju motivaciju, veštine efikasnog rešavanja problema, saradnje kao i da razviju svoje stvaralačke sposobnosti, samostalno istražuju, analiziraju, zaključuju, izgrađuju sopstveni način mišljenja, a samim tim da se uspešnije snalaze u sve složenijim odnosima koje nameće savremeni razvoj društva. Istraživanje u okviru ove disertacije imalo je za cilj da utvrdi kako primena problemske nastave doprinosi boljem usvajanju globalnih (organizacija, namena, čitaoci) i lokalnih (stil, gramatika, mehanika) aspekata pisanja u nastavi engleskog jezika struke prvenstveno jer postoji vrlo malo istraživanja koja se bave razvojem specifičnih aspekata pisanja i istraživači najčešće ispituju samo ukupno poboljšanje veštine pisanja. U istraživanju su učestvovali studenti prve godine na Visokoj poslovnoj školi strukovnih studija u Novom Sadu koji su pohađali predmet Prvi strani poslovni jezik I – engleski. U skladu sa postavljenim problemom, ciljem i zadacima, u istraživanju je primenjena kauzalna metoda – eksperiment sa paralelnim grupama koji je imao za cilj utvrđivanje razlike inicijalnog i finalnog nivoa znanja globalnih i lokalnih aspekata pisanja u eksperimentalnoj i kontrolnoj grupi. Eksperimentalna grupa, učila je o globalnim i lokalnim aspektima pisanja po prethodno osmišljenim nastavnim jedinicama pripremljenim po principima problemske nastave dok su isti sadržaji obrađivani i u kontrolnoj grupi ali putem tradicionalne nastave. Zbog kompleksnosti jezičke građe koju smo proučavali, opredelili smo se za pismeni sastav (pismo) kao merni instrument na inicijalnom i finalnom merenju i za analitičku skalu procene kao instrument za ocenjivanje pismenih sastava jer smo želeli da dobijemo pojedinačne ocene za svaki od ispitivanih aspekata i što detaljnije informacije o postignuću studenta. U cilju postizanja validnosti, pored autorke, u ovom istraživanju su učestvovala još dva nastavnika engleskog jezika sa dugogodišnjim iskustvom u nastavi engleskog jezika struke. Oni su imali ulogu ocenjivača i pregledali su sve radove kako bi odredili razliku u kvalitetu inicijalnih i finalnih sastava. Ispitivanjem efikasnosti posmatranog modela dobili smo pozitivan odgovor na pitanje da li problemska nastava utiče na poboljšanje uspeha studenata u nastavi pisanja u jeziku struke. Upoređujući rezultate početnog testiranja i testiranja nakon izvođenja eksperimenta zaključili smo da su značajnije napredovali studenti koji su bili izloženi problemskoj nastavi a koji su pokazali značajna poboljšanja u svih šest ispitivanih aspekata pisanja. Uz pomoć problemske nastave kao konstruktivističkog pristupa učenju nastavnici engleskog jezika struke pronalaze načine da pomognu studentima da se upoznaju sa tekstualnim karakteristikama relevantnih disciplina, da nauče da analiziraju potrebe ciljnih čitalaca, procenjuju očekivanja publike i pišu tekstove koji su prihvatljivi u diskursima određenih zajednica. Ključne reči: problemska nastava, tradicionalna nastava, nastava pisanja, jezik struke, lokalni aspekti pisanja, globalni aspekti pisanja, analitička skala procene, ocenjivači

    Generations' Perception Towards the Interaction with AI

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    Acknowledging the ongoing trend and increasing implementation of different forms of AI that simulate human behavior for various tasks in a human-like manner, the focus of the present research is set to determine the attitude of consumers towards interaction with AI from a more personal point of view, rather than from an operational perspective. The present research mainly focuses on differences between two age groups of respondents: aged over and under 30. In order to obtain insights about generations' perceptions towards the interaction with AI, a primary data analysis has been conducted. The questionnaire contains 31 items and is set to test the following nine aspects regarding consumer-AI interactions: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, hedonic motivation, anthropomorphism, trust, anxiety, willingness to accept AI and objection to use AI. The results show that in the case of AI, there are only average significant differences between the studied age groups, the two groups being at the moment more alike than different in their perception towards AI. As AI advances at a rapid pace, practical implications consist in indicating relevant AI aspects to be studied for further human-AI interaction related research

    The Physiological Mechanisms of Effect of Vitamins and Amino Acids on Tendon and Muscle Healing: A Systematic Review

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    © 2018 Human Kinetics, Inc.To evaluate the current literature via systematic review to ascertain whether amino acids/vitamins provide any influence on musculotendinous healing and if so, by which physiological mechanisms. Methods: EBSCO, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Embase Classic/Embase, and MEDLINE were searched using terms including "vitamins," "amino acids," "healing," "muscle," and "tendon." The primary search had 479 citations, of which 466 were excluded predominantly due to nonrandomized design. Randomized human and animal studies investigating all supplement types/forms of administration were included. Critical appraisal of internal validity was assessed using the Cochrane risk of Bias Tool or the Systematic Review Centre for Laboratory Animal Experimentation Risk of Bias Tool for human and animal studies, respectively. Two reviewers performed duel data extraction. Results: Twelve studies met criteria for inclusion: eight examined tendon healing and four examined muscle healing. All studies used animal models, except two human trials using a combined integrator. Narrative synthesis was performed via content analysis of demonstrated statistically significant effects and thematic analysis of proposed physiological mechanisms of intervention. Vitamin C/taurine demonstrated indirect effects on tendon healing through antioxidant activity. Vitamin A/glycine showed direct effects on extracellular matrix tissue synthesis. Vitamin E shows an antiproliferative influence on collagen deposition. Leucine directly influences signaling pathways to promote muscle protein synthesis. Discussion: Preliminary evidence exists, demonstrating that vitamins and amino acids may facilitate multilevel changes in musculotendinous healing; however, recommendations on clinical utility should be made with caution. All animal studies and one human study showed high risk of bias with moderate interobserver agreement (k = 0.46). Currently, there is limited evidence to support the use of vitamins and amino acids for musculotendinous injury. Both high-quality animal experimentation of the proposed mechanisms confirming the physiological influence of supplementation and human studies evaluating effects on tissue morphology and biochemistry are required before practical application.Peer reviewe

    Exploiting endocytosis for transfection of mRNA for cytoplasmatic delivery using cationic gold nanoparticles

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    Gene therapy holds promise to cure various diseases at the fundamental level. For that, efficient carriers are needed for successful gene delivery. Synthetic 'non-viral' vectors, as cationic polymers, are quickly gaining popularity as efficient vectors for transmitting genes. However, they suffer from high toxicity associated with the permeation and poration of the cell membrane. This toxic aspect can be eliminated by nanoconjugation. Still, results suggest that optimising the oligonucleotide complexation, ultimately determined by the size and charge of the nanovector, is not the only barrier to efficient gene delivery. We herein develop a comprehensive nanovector catalogue comprising different sizes of Au NPs functionalized with two different cationic molecules and further loaded with mRNA for its delivery inside the cell. Tested nanovectors showed safe and sustained transfection efficiencies over 7 days, where 50 nm Au NPs displayed the highest transfection rates. Remarkably, protein expression was increased when nanovector transfection was performed combined with chloroquine. Cytotoxicity and risk assessment demonstrated that nanovectors are safe, ascribed to lesser cellular damage due to their internalization and delivery via endocytosis. Obtained results may pave the way to design advanced and efficient gene therapies for safely transferring oligonucleotides

    WHS Guidelines for the Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: 2023 Update

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    The major populations at risk for developing pressure ulcers are older adults who have multiple risk factors that increase their vulnerability, people who are critically ill and those with spinal cord injury/disease. The reported prevalence of pressure ulcers in the United States is 2.5 million. However, this estimate is derived from acute care facilities and does not include people who are living at home or in nursing facilities. Despite the implementation of hospital and facility-based preventive measures, the incidence of pressure ulcers has not decreased in decades. In addition to the burden of pain, infection and death, it is estimated that hospital-acquired pressure ulcers cost the health system $26.8 billion annually with over 50% of the cost attributed to treating Stage 3 and 4 pressure injuries. Thus, it is critical to examine the literature and develop guidelines that will improve the outcomes of this complex and costly condition. This guideline update is a compendium of the best available evidence for the treatment of Pressure Ulcers published since the last update in 2015 and includes a new section based on changing demographics entitled ‘Palliative wound care for seriously ill patients with pressure ulcers’. The overall goal of the Wound Healing Society Guideline project is to present clear, concise and commercial free guidelines that clinicians can use to guide care, that researchers can use to develop studies that will improve treatment and that both clinicians and researchers can use to understand the gaps in our knowledge base