118 research outputs found

    Análise do espaço virtual da Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Brasília : marketing como referencial teórico-metodológico

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, 2012.Analisa a utilização do Marketing no espaço virtual da Biblioteca Central da Universidade de Brasília (BCE/UnB), buscando compreender sua aplicação como um instrumento teórico-metodológico utilizado para maximizar os produtos e serviços oferecidos pela instituição e ao mesmo tempo tornar fiel o seu público e atrair novos usuários. O referencial teórico foi divido em dois blocos: no primeiro, foi feita uma análise da construção histórica da biblioteca universitária destacando neste processo, o seu papel como produtora e mediadora de conhecimento no âmbito acadêmico; no segundo, foi analisada a empregabilidade do marketing enquanto instrumento teórico-metodológico para instituições sem fins lucrativos. Foi feita uma análise qualitativa do espaço virtual da BCE/UnB com o objetivo de descrever as técnicas de marketing utilizadas pela intuição. Concluiu-se que a instituição não utiliza de forma adequada as técnicas de marketing como recursos teórico-metodológicos para ampliar o acesso ao site e, neste sentido, cumprir sua principal missão, qual seja, “Promover e garantir para a comunidade universitária o acesso à informação e o compartilhamento no âmbito dos Sistemas de Bibliotecas da UnB contemplando o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão”. Foram apontados, durante a análise, alguns recursos teórico-metodológicos para a melhoria do espaço virtual da instituição. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work analyzes the use of marketing regarding the virtual space of the Central Library (Biblioteca Central) of the University of Brazilia (Universidade de Brasília), seeking to comprehend its application as a theoretical and methodological tool used to maximize the products and services offered by the institution and simultaneously keep the loyalty of its users and as well attract new ones. The theoretical referential was divided in two blocks: the first was made an analysis of the historic construction of the library of the universities, prioritizing in this process its role as a producer and mediator of knowledge regarding the academic branch; secondly, an analysis regarding the application of Marketing as a theoretical and methodological tool for non-profit institutions. A qualitative analysis of the virtual space of the Central Library of the University of Brazilia with the objective of describing the marketing techniques utilized by the institution. It was concluded that the institution does not utilize Marketing techniques in the most adequate way as a theoretical and methodological resource towards the expansion of the website, ergo, achieving the goal of its main mission, which is, “to promote and guarantee for the university community, the access and sharing of information inside the Library System of the UnB involving research, teaching and extension”. During the analysis were appointed resources for the improvement of the virtual space of the institution


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    A ascaridíase é endêmica em países em desenvolvimento e está relacionada a baixas condições socioeconômicas. É a helmintíase mais prevalente, principalmente nos pacientes pediátricos, sendo assintomática na maioria dos casos. Na infestação maciça, pode evoluir com complicações tais como obstrução intestinal e invasão das vias biliares. Radiografia abdominal e ultrassonografia são os principais exames médicos diagnósticos. Inicialmente o tratamento é conservador, no entanto pode se tornar cirúrgico. O objetivo desse trabalho é analisar a apresentação clínica, o diagnóstico e o tratamento de infestação maciça por Ascaris lumbricoides através do relato de um caso de ascaridíase maciça em criança de Macapá – AP, que evoluiu com suboclusão intestinal e invasão da vesícula e das vias biliares. Os dados foram coletados do prontuário médico e foi feita revisão da literatura nos principais acervos médicos digitais no período de 2000 a 2014. Uma vez conhecendo suas formas de apresentação e complicações, os médicos estarão aptos a manejá-la apropriadamente, contribuindo para diminuir sua morbimortalidade nas regiões endêmicas.Palavras-chave: Ascaridíase maciça, migração errática, suboclusão intestinal, invasão das vias biliares, invasão da vesícula biliar.Ascariasis is endemic in developing countries and it is related to substandard socioeconomic conditions. It is the most prevalent helminthiasis, especially in pediatric patients, being asymptomatic in most cases. In massive infestation, it can develop complications such as intestinal obstruction and invasion of the biliary tract. Abdominal radiography and ultrassonography are the main medical tests for diagnosis. Initially treatment is conservative but it can change into surgery. The aim of this paper is to analyze clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of massive infestation by Ascaris lumbricoides through the report of a case of massive ascariasis in a child from Macapá – AP, that developed into intestinal subocclusion and invasion of the biliary tree and gallbladder. Data was collected from the medical records and it was made a review of the literature in the main medical database available on digital pile on the period of 2000 to 2014. Once they know its forms of presentation and complications, doctors will be able to appropriately manage it, contributing to diminishing its morbimortality in endemic regionsKeywords: Massive ascariasis; Erratic migration; Intestinal subcclusion; Invasion of the biliary tract; Invasion of gallbladde

    Amphibians of Santa Teresa, Brazil: The Hotspot Further Evaluated

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    A checklist of the amphibians of Santa Teresa municipality, in southeastern Brazil is presented based on fieldwork, examination of specimens in collections, and a literature review. This new amphibian list of Santa Teresa includes 108 species, of which 106 (~98%) belong to Anura and two (~2%) to Gymnophiona. Hylidae was the most represented family with 47 species (43%). Compared to the previous amphibian lists for Santa Teresa, 14 species were added, 17 previously reported species were removed, and 13 species were re-identified based on recent taxonomic rearrangements. Of the 14 species added, 11 (79%) were first recorded during our fieldwork and specimen examination. It is also the first list of caecilians for Santa Teresa. This list suggests that Santa Teresa has 0.16 species per km2 (i.e., 108 species/683 km2), one of the highest densities of amphibian species in the world at a regional scale. This richness represents 78% of the 136 anurans from Espírito Santo state and 10% of the 1,080 amphibians from Brazil. We highlight the need for long-term monitoring to understand population trends and develop effective conservation plans to safeguard this remarkable amphibian richness

    A Controversial Role for IL-12 in Immune Response and Bone Resorption at Apical Periodontal Sites

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    Periapical lesions are inflammatory conditions of tooth periapical tissues, triggered by dental pulp infection and characterized by exudation of immune cells to the affected tissues and production of inflammatory mediators such as cytokines. The inflammatory periapical reaction is mainly driven by Th1, Th2, and Th17 responses, and such polarization may modulate progression of the disease and expression of bone proresorptive cytokines. IL-12 is a potent inducer of IFN-γ production, which stimulates Th1 effector cells. Many evidences have shown a positive correlation between the bone resorptive cytokine IL-1β and the production of IL-12 and IFN-γ. Furthermore, IL-12 may have a potential role in the release of bone resorptive mediators and blockade of Th2 cytokines, affecting the progression of periapical bone loss. Nevertheless, IL-12 and IFN-γ have also been described as suppressors of osteoclast differentiation and activation, favoring bone maintenance. This paper focuses on the controversial roles of IL-12 in periapical lesions

    Inter e intra-variability of the best ranked teams : a network analysis in male high-level volleyball

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    The present research objective was to analyze the offensive phase from Complex I in highlevel male volleyball teams in a macro- and micro-level view, through the inter e intra-team variability analysis of eight best teams of the 2018 Men’s Volleyball World Championship over the social network analysis and eigenvector centrality. The sample consisted of 22 matches and 2,743 offensive actions, resulting in 8 sub-networks with 368 nodes and 6221 edges. The results showed from macro view the variables that presented highest centrality values were Attack Zone 4 (range 0.56–0.90), Attack Tempo 2 (0.65–0.87), Power Attack (0.62–0.94), No Touch Block (0.61–1), Attack Effect Continuity (0.59–0.94), and Middle Blocker Centralized (0.60–0.95). In a micro view, Reception Effect, Play Position, Reception Zone, and Block Composition showed high variability in each sub-network. The intra- and inter-team variability presented the importance of to respect each team idiosyncrasies and to consider the different approaches to the game and success

    Food Science from the Perspective of the Nutrition Professional

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    This work had as thematic the study in analysis of foods from the perspective of the nutrition professional. The objective of the research was to seek the training of this professional for the then analysis of the performance in quality control and formulation of products, with the perspective of assistance to projects carried out on site. This research was conducted in a community cafeteria located in a university in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. As a data collection tool, preparation technical sheets were used in which costs were collected, the preparation order, and the nutritional value provided. Sensory observation was used as an analysis of the data in order to measure and analyze and interpret the reactions of food and material characteristics. It appears that with the identification, attributions and activities developed by a nutritionist in the area, it became possible to analyze the processing of raw material and industrialized food products, according to the needs presented by the site. As for the points not reached were not due to any other factors than those related to the specificities of the research site, which did not prevent the acquisition of theoretical, practical, scientific, social and environmental knowledge of the points concerning the area of action of the nutritionist professional within the field of food science

    Overview of University Actions Aimed at The Nutrition of Two Indigenous Communities In The Interior of The State of Mato Grosso Do Sul – Brazil: Report of Experience In Public Policies

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    The diet composed of adequate food is reported in the literature as one of the aspects of health promotion and maintenance, and it is the duty and obligation of the State to promote public policies that seek to meet these needs of the population. However, due to a number of factors, the minority or vulnerable populations end up not benefiting from a good part of the projects in force in Brazil. Thus, this work aimed to conduct a case study with two indigenous communities living in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, listing the main points related to food practices, evaluation of the state of health in force and measures that help adherence to good food practices. The largest target audience was children from 0 (zero) to 12 (twelve) years, totaling 190 (one hundred and ninety), followed by newborns and puerperals who totaled 14 (fourteen) family nuclei and the elderly population of the community, which totaled 15 (fifteen). The service team was composed of Nutritionist, Health Agent, Social Worker and Nutrition Intern professionals. Several activities were developed, occurring according to the public attended during the different days of visit in the villages, mainly home visits, community actions such as vaccination campaigns, lectures and collective guidance. It is concluded that the measures adopted in public policies related to feeding the indigenous community is a powerful tool to provide the benefits for a better quality of life, well-being and maintenance of the health of indigenous peoples

    Nutritional Intervention in the Area of Clinical Nutrition in a Hospital Environment: A Report of Field Experience

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    The present experience report narrates a nutritional intervention in the area of individual and collective clinical nutrition that took place in a University Hospital (HU) in the interior of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul - Brazil. The main objective of this field work was the professional training for hospital and outpatient nutritional care through general and specific activities performed on site. The specific activities consisted in writing care protocols and standardization of hospital diets while the general activities consisted in the analysis of medical records, survey of clinical diagnoses, proposal of dietotherapic conduct, monitoring of nutritional status, prescription and dietary adequacy, preparation of nutritional guidelines and development, presentation and discussion of clinical cases. This work also reports on the difficulties in implementing and carrying out this intervention agenda and, given the results obtained, it was concluded that the field experience in the hospital area was a valid and beneficial opportunity in which it was possible to harmonize theory with practice

    a study from ecological theory and social network analysis perspective

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    The objective of the present study was to analyze and compare the setter's decision-making (DM) in the offensive construction of the side-out (attack from the reception) in high-level men's volleyball. The sample consisted of the analysis of 132 games of the Brazilian men's volleyball Super-League 2021/2022, with 22 games for each team. The results showed that the eigenvector values were higher for setting to position 3, central attacker next to the setter, simple block, and obtaining the attack point. In addition, the setter's DM was similar between teams, suggesting that the game strategies aim to provide subsidies for the setter to make the decisions according to the game context in a flexible way and generate benefits for the attackers about the number of blockers, being that under ideal conditions and due to the lifter's correct choices in distribution, central blockers avoid anticipating the setting, and this fact allows the conditions of a single block or double-broken blocks in most cases. As a practical application, setting for the central attacker in position 3 becomes an interesting option for point acquisition and is capable of influencing the number of blockers, as well as the optimal blocking condition. Another application would be for the central attacker to position themselves close to the setter, a strategy that would enable the use of the "pipe" attack in other areas of the court with lower defensive blocking power.9E1A-F9DD-3EB8 | Filipe Manuel ClementeN/

    Avaliação Das Estratégias De Coping De Familiares Diretamente Envolvidos No Cuidado De Pacientes Oncológicos / Evaluation Of Coping Strategies Of Relatives Directly Involved In The Care Of Oncologic Patients

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    Quando o paciente recebe o diagnóstico de alguma doença, é comum imaginar que estes não sejam os únicos a sofrerem com a situação. Tanto os pacientes quanto seus familiares ou pessoas próximas são afetadas diretamente. Devido a isto, estratégias são utilizadas para se enfrentar o sofrimento gerado pela doença oncológica. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar as estratégias de enfrentamento utilizadas por acompanhantes de pacientes oncológicos, que frequentam casas de apoio e hospitais em Minas Gerais. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram: questionário sócio demográfico, questionário COPE Breve e entrevista narrativa, os quais foram utilizados para se obter informações dos participantes acerca de suas experiências com a doença e o paciente. Os resultados mostram que a aceitação e a religiosidade são as estratégias mais utilizadas pelos participantes, enquanto as menos utilizadas são o desinvestimento comportamental, uso de substâncias e medicamentos, alta culpabilização e o uso do humor. O conhecimento dos sentimentos e necessidades dos acompanhantes frente à situação de enfrentamento é importante tanto para que estes também recebam apoio, quanto para que possam ajudar outros na mesma situação