17 research outputs found

    A mudança organizacional: : uma revisão sistemática da literatura

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    Study Objective: This study aims to understand the concepts involved in organizational change, strategically addressing the involvement of leaders and other stakeholders in the change with a common organizational goal. Methodology/Approach: This article describes a Systematic Literature Review, which involves specifying research questions and defining the review protocol, identifying relevant studies, extracting necessary data, synthesizing the data, and reporting and validating the review report. Originality/Relevance: Organizational change is a highly discussed topic when it comes to business strategy, considering that the world is constantly evolving. Organizations are always seeking new methods and technologies that try to facilitate and expedite business work, producing changes in the culture and philosophy of general work performance. Main Results: Lewin's change model was obtained as the most studied for the transformation process and leadership as the main driver and responsible for organizational change. The United States was presented as the country with the most studies in the area, followed by Australia and Brazil, and the main areas of study related to organizational change were Social Sciences, Psychology, Health, and Public Administration. Theoretical/Methodological Contributions: The research results highlight the importance of leadership in organizational change and provide a deeper understanding of the concepts involved. These theoretical implications can be used for the development of more effective strategies of organizational change and can be useful for researchers interested in exploring this topic.Objetivo del estudio: Este estudio busca comprender los conceptos que involucran el cambio organizacional, estratégicamente, abordando la participación de los líderes y demás interesados en el cambio con un objetivo común de la organización. Metodología/enfoque: Este artículo describe una Revisión Sistemática de la Literatura, que consiste en especificar las preguntas de investigación y definir el protocolo de revisión, identificar investigaciones relevantes, extraer los datos necesarios y sintetizar los datos, además de informar y validar el informe de revisión. Originalidad/Relevancia: El cambio organizacional es un tema muy discutido cuando se trata de estrategia en las empresas, considerando que el mundo está en constante evolución. Las organizaciones siempre están en busca de nuevos métodos y tecnologías que intentan facilitar y agilizar el trabajo empresarial, produciendo cambios en la cultura y en la filosofía de actuación del trabajo en general. Principales resultados: Se obtuvo el modelo de cambio de Lewin como el más estudiado para el proceso de transformación y el liderazgo como principal conductor y responsable del cambio organizacional. Los Estados Unidos fueron presentados como el país con más estudios en el área, seguido de Australia y Brasil y las principales áreas de estudio relacionadas con el cambio organizacional fueron Ciencias Sociales, Psicología, Salud y Administración Pública. Contribuciones teóricas/metodológicas: Los resultados de la investigación destacan la importancia del liderazgo en el cambio organizacional y proporcionan una comprensión más profunda de los conceptos involucrados. Estas implicaciones teóricas pueden ser utilizadas para el desarrollo de estrategias más efectivas de cambio organizacional y pueden ser útiles para investigadores interesados en explorar este tema.Objetivo do estudo: Este estudo busca compreender os conceitos que envolvem a mudança organizacional, estrategicamente, abordando o envolvimento dos líderes e demais interessados na mudança com um objetivo comum da organização. Metodologia/abordagem: Este artigo descreve uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura, que consiste em especificar as questões de pesquisa e definir o protocolo de revisão, identificar pesquisas relevantes, extrair os dados necessários e sintetizar os dados, além de relatar e validar o relatório de revisão. Originalidade/Relevância: A mudança organizacional é um tema muito discutido quando se trata de estratégia nas empresas, considerando que o mundo está em constante evolução. As organizações estão sempre em busca de novos métodos e tecnologias que tentam facilitar e agilizar o trabalho empresarial, produzindo mudanças na cultura e na filosofia de atuação do trabalho em geral. Principais resultados: Obteve-se o modelo de mudança de Lewin como o mais estudado para o processo de transformação e a liderança como principal condutor e responsável pela mudança organizacional. Os Estados Unidos foram apresentados como o país com mais estudos na área, seguido da Austrália e Brasil e as principais áreas de estudo relacionados à mudança organizacional foram Ciências Sociais, Psicologia, Saúde e Administração Pública. Contribuições teóricas/metodológicas: Os resultados da pesquisa destacam a importância da liderança na mudança organizacional e fornecem uma compreensão mais aprofundada dos conceitos envolvidos. Essas implicações teóricas podem ser usadas para o desenvolvimento de estratégias mais eficazes de mudança organizacional e podem ser úteis para pesquisadores interessados em explorar esse tema


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    Forests are key to climate regulation. Based on this principle, an instrument was proposed in Kyoto, Japan – the Clean Development Mechanism – CDM – through which developed countries can meet their emission reduction goals by forestry projects financing in developing countries. For this, the starting point is to assess the CO2 sequestration potential. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the CO2 sequestration potential and carbon credits generation through forestry CDM projects in the Pardo river basin, Minas Gerais state. The methodology consisted of mapping the eligible and suitable areas for projects implementation, through orbital images multitemporal analysis, and the simulation of forest restoration and reforestation scenarios with eucalyptus species. For forest restoration projects, the CO2 sequestration potential is about 10,215,818 t, in 20 years, which could generate more than US 102millionincarboncredits.Forreforestation,theCO2sequestrationpotentialisabout12milliontonsinsixyears,andwouldgenerateaboutUS 102 million in carbon credits. For reforestation, the CO2 sequestration potential is about 12 million tons in six years, and would generate about US 120 million. A mixed scenario, with projects in both modalities, was considered ideal for the basin.No Protocolo de Quito, ratificado em 1997, foi proposto um instrumento de mitigação climática - o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL) - em que países desenvolvidos podem cumprir suas metas de redução de emissões financiando projetos florestais em países em desenvolvimento. O ponto de partida consiste na avaliação do potencial de sequestro de CO2 de áreas elegíveis. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de sequestro CO2 e de geração de créditos de carbono na bacia do Rio Pardo, MG, a partir de projetos de MDL florestais. A metodologia consistiu no mapeamento das áreas elegíveis à implantação de projetos, via análise multitemporal de imagens orbitais, e na simulação de cenários de restauração florestal e reflorestamento com eucalipto. Para restauração florestal, o potencial de sequestro de CO2 foi de, aproximadamente, 10.215.818 Mg, em 20 anos, podendo gerar mais de US102milho~esemcreˊditosdecarbono.Parareflorestamento,opotencialdesequestrodeCO2foide,aproximadamente,12.000.000Mg,emseisanos,egerariacercadeUS102 milhões em créditos de carbono. Para reflorestamento, o potencial de sequestro de CO2 foi de, aproximadamente, 12.000.000 Mg, em seis anos, e geraria cerca de US120.000.000. Um cenário misto foi considerado o ideal para a bacia e a metodologia adotada é viável para avaliação em caráter prospectivo, podendo ser consolidada com a utilização de parâmetros locais de biomassa. Palavras-chave: mudanças climáticas; florestas; sequestro de carbono; geoprocessamento.   Evaluation of eligible areas for forest CDM projects implementation in the Pardo River basin, in Minas Gerais, Brazil   ABSTRACT: An instrument for climate changes mitigation was proposed in Kyoto Protocol, ratified in 1997 – the Clean Development Mechanism – CDM – through which developed countries can meet their emission reduction goals by forestry projects financing in developing countries. For this, the starting point is to assess the CO2 sequestration potential of the eligible areas. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the CO2 sequestration potential and carbon credits generation through forestry CDM projects in the Pardo river basin, Minas Gerais state. The methodology consisted of mapping the eligible and suitable areas for projects implementation, through orbital images multitemporal analysis, and the simulation of forest restoration and reforestation scenarios with eucalyptus species. For forest restoration projects, the CO2 sequestration potential is about 10,215,818 Mg, in 20 years, which could generate more than US 102,000,000incarboncredits.Forreforestation,theCO2sequestrationpotentialisabout12,000,000Mginsixyears,andwouldgenerateaboutUS 102,000,000 in carbon credits. For reforestation, the CO2 sequestration potential is about 12,000,000 Mg in six years, and would generate about US 120,000,000. A mixed scenario, with projects in both modalities, was considered ideal for the basin and the proposed methodology is feasible for prospective evaluation, and can be consolidated using local biomass parameters. Keywords: climatic change; forests; carbon sequestration; geoprocessing

    O consumo de produtos de moda baseado na vertente da sustentabilidade ambiental

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    Este artigo busca refletir sobre a temática da sustentabilidade ambiental e os fatores que incidiram para que a indústria da moda fosse apontada como uma das responsáveis pelos problemas ecológicos e sociais de hoje. Nesse cenário, várias marcas começaram a adotar uma linha de produção mais consciente por meio do eco marketing e da utilização do selo ISO 14001, desenvolver a gestão ambiental em suas empresas e industriais. O pensamento de muitos consumidores começou a voltar-se para as preocupações ambientais, originando o consumo consciente de moda. O surgimento do slow fashion e do design thinking como recursos utilizados para facilitar a ideia de consciência sustentável reforçaram novas ações, surge então um novo perfil de consumidores conscientes, eles tem uma preocupação com mundo de hoje e com os impactos para às gerações futuras e um pensamento ético. Essa é a nova vertente dos consumidores de moda

    Multi-Omic Epigenetic-Based Model Reveals Key Molecular Mechanisms Associated with Palmitic Acid Lipotoxicity in Human Astrocyte

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    Astrocytes are critical for the metabolic, structural and functional modulatory support of the brain. Lipotoxicity or high levels of saturated fatty acid as Palmitate (PA) has been associated with neurotoxicity, the loss or change of astrocytic functionality, and the etiology and progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson or Alzheimer. Several molecular mechanisms of PA’s effect in astrocytes have been described, yet the role of epigenetic regulation and chromatin architecture have not been fully explored. In this study, we developed a multi-omic epigenetic-based model to identify the molecular mechanisms of lipotoxic PA activity in astrocytes. We used data from nine histone modifications, location of Topological Associated Domains (TADs) and transcriptional CTCF regions, where we identified the basal astrocyte epigenetic landscape. Moreover, we integrated transcriptomic data of astrocytic cellular response to PA with the epigenetic multi-omic model to identify lipotoxic-induced molecular mechanisms. The multi-omic model showed that chromatin conformation in astrocytes treated with PA have response genes located within shared topological domains, in which most of them also showed either repressive or enhancing marks in the Chip-Seq enrichment, reinforcing the idea that epigenetic regulation has a huge impact on the lipotoxic mechanisms of PA in the brain

    Photobiomodulation reduces the cytokine storm syndrome associated with Covid-19 in the zebrafish model

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    Although the exact mechanism of the pathogenesis of COVID-19 is not fully understood, oxidative stress and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines have been highlighted as playing a vital role in the pathogenesis of the disease. In this sense, alternative treatments are needed to reduce the inflammation caused by COVID-19. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the potential effect of red PBM as an attractive therapy to downregulate the cytokine storm caused by COVID-19 from a zebrafish model. RT-PCR analyses and protein-protein interaction prediction among SARS-CoV-2 and Danio rerio proteins showed that rSpike was responsible for generating systemic inflammatory processes with significantly increased pro-inflammatory (il1b, il6, tnfa, and nfkbiab), oxidative stress (romo1) and energy metabolism (slc2a1a, coa1) mRNA markers, with a pattern like those observed in COVID-19 cases in humans. On the other hand, PBM treatment decreased the mRNA levels of these pro-inflammatory and oxidative stress markers compared with rSpike in various tissues, promoting an anti-inflammatory response. Conversely, PBM promotes cellular and tissue repair of injured tissues and significantly increases the survival rate of rSpike-inoculated individuals. Additionally, metabolomics analysis showed that the most impacted metabolic pathways between PBM and the rSpike-treated groups were related to steroid metabolism, immune system, and lipids metabolism. Together, our findings suggest that the inflammatory process is an incisive feature of COVID-19, and red PBM can be used as a novel therapeutic agent for COVID-19 by regulating the inflammatory response. Nevertheless, the need for more clinical trials remains, and there is a significant gap to overcome before clinical trials.publishedVersio

    Terapêuticas Promissoras para o Controle da Obesidade: uma Revisão Abrangente

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    This study examines promising therapeutics for obesity control, addressing a variety of innovative and integrated approaches. Initially, the potential of pharmacological therapies, such as GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT-2 inhibitors, is highlighted, showcasing their effectiveness in weight reduction and improved glycemic control. Furthermore, the growing interest in interventions centered on the intestinal microbiota is emphasized, elucidating how manipulating bacterial composition can influence metabolism and contribute to weight loss. Another notable aspect is the role of metabolic modulation therapies, such as blood flow restriction during exercise, with evidence indicating improvements in neural reactivity to food stimuli in obese individuals. Following this, behavioral strategies and psychological therapies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy and the promotion of healthy eating habits, are discussed as essential elements in the sustainable control of obesity over time. In addition to pharmacological approaches, microbiota modulation, and behavioral strategies, this study underscores the need for a holistic understanding of obesity. The importance of incorporating personalized interventions, considering genetic, metabolic, and socioeconomic factors influencing an individual's response to proposed therapeutics, is emphasized. Adopting a patient-centered approach, the study highlights the necessity for continuous care and support over time, acknowledging the complexity of obesity control. In this regard, the research emphasizes not only the effectiveness of therapeutics but also the need for an integrated and personalized approach to comprehensively address this health challenge. Finally, the importance of a multidisciplinary approach is emphasized, integrating different therapeutics to optimize outcomes in obesity control. The combination of pharmacological interventions, microbiota modulation, behavioral strategies, and psychological support emerges as a comprehensive and promising approach to tackle this global health challenge.Este trabalho examina terapêuticas promissoras para o controle da obesidade, abordando uma variedade de abordagens inovadoras e integradas. Inicialmente, destaca-se o potencial das terapias farmacológicas, como os agonistas do receptor GLP-1 e os inibidores de SGLT-2, que demonstraram eficácia na redução de peso e melhor controle glicêmico. Além disso, enfoca-se o crescente interesse em intervenções centradas na microbiota intestinal, destacando como a manipulação da composição bacteriana pode influenciar o metabolismo e contribuir para a perda de peso. Outro ponto de destaque é o papel das terapias de modulação metabólica, como a restrição de fluxo sanguíneo durante o exercício, que apresenta evidências de melhorias na reatividade neural a estímulos alimentares em indivíduos obesos. Em seguida, são discutidas estratégias comportamentais e terapias psicológicas, incluindo a terapia cognitivo-comportamental e a promoção de hábitos alimentares saudáveis, como elementos essenciais no controle sustentável da obesidade ao longo do tempo. Além das abordagens farmacológicas, modulação microbiota e estratégias comportamentais, este trabalho enfatiza a necessidade de uma compreensão holística da obesidade. Destaca-se a importância de incorporar intervenções personalizadas, levando em consideração fatores genéticos, metabólicos e socioeconômicos que podem influenciar a resposta do indivíduo às terapêuticas propostas. Ao adotar uma abordagem centrada no paciente, o trabalho enfatiza a necessidade de um cuidado contínuo e suporte ao longo do tempo, reconhecendo a complexidade do controle da obesidade. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa destaca não apenas a eficácia das terapêuticas, mas também a necessidade de uma abordagem integrada e personalizada para enfrentar esse desafio de saúde de forma abrangente. Por fim, destaca-se a importância de uma abordagem multidisciplinar, integrando diferentes terapêuticas para otimizar os resultados no controle da obesidade. A combinação de intervenções farmacológicas, modulação microbiota, estratégias comportamentais e apoio psicológico emerge como uma abordagem abrangente e promissora para enfrentar esse desafio de saúde global

    Neuroproteção na ressecção cirúrgica de gliomas cerebrais: revisão da evidência atual

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    Os gliomas cerebrais são tumores primários do sistema nervoso central que se desenvolvem a partir de células gliais e têm alta morbimortalidade. Seu tratamento padrão envolve a ressecção cirúrgica, radioterapia e quimioterapia, os quais possivelmente podem levar os pacientes a um prognóstico desfavorável. Nesse contexto, a neuroproteção entra como uma aliada para minimizar os efeitos colaterais da ressecção cirúrgica e melhorar a sobrevida e a qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Nesse sentido, o presente estudo tem como objetivo discutir sobre a evidência atual da neuroproteção na ressecção cirúrgica de gliomas cerebrais. Para isso, foram selecionados quatro artigos que que abordavam sobre a evidência atual da neuroproteção na ressecção cirúrgica de gliomas cerebrais, por meio de uma estratégia de busca com recorte temporal entre 2014 e 2023, nas bases de dados PubMed (Medline), Embase e Cochrane Library. Os resultados indicam que o grupo de pacientes que recebeu dexmedetomidina apresentou melhora significativa na cognição e redução da inflamação cerebral em comparação com o grupo-controle pós-ressecção dos gliomas cerebrais, além de menor incidência de efeitos colaterais anestésicos, como náusea e vômitos (p < 0,05). Ademais, foi observado que a modulação da via metabólica do glutamato/glutamina pode inibir o crescimento de gliomas e proteger o parênquima cerebral. Nesse sentido, as evidências atuais indicam que proteger as células nervosas é uma estratégia importante para minimizar os efeitos colaterais da ressecção cirúrgica de gliomas cerebrais, e a dexmedetomidina e a co-cultura de células de glioma e astrócitos que aumenta a concentração extracelular de glutamato e glutamina parecem ser importantes aliadas nessa profilaxia

    Placental miRNAs as potential regulators in tumour processes

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    Trophoblasts and cancerous cells share a number of commonalities, undertaking processes such as cell proliferation, angiogenesis, tissue invasion, evasion of apoptosis and immune control, among others that have been described as hallmarks of cancer. The Trophoblastic Thesis of Cancer sustains that despite the similarities between placental and tumour cells, trophoblasts face meticulous regulation. Epigenetic regulation by specific placental miRNAs has been described, through computational biology methods, the complete miRNA quantification Transcriptome Profiles from breast, cervix, ovary and prostate cancer available in TCGA project were compared with placental normal tissue to find overexpressed placental miRNAs. Differential expression analysis showed the C19MC miRNAs as the highly expressed miRNAs, functional annotation of these miRNAs revealed the MAPK signaling pathway as the greatly regulated pathway in placenta with a total of 45 miRNAs regulating 135 genes. MAPK signaling pathways are commonly dysregulated in tumours but carefully regulated in embryonic development, demonstrating that C19MC miRNA epigenetic regulation has a potential role in tumour progression control and cancer prognosis.Biólogo (a)Pregrad


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    Forests are key to climate regulation. Based on this principle, an instrument was proposed in Kyoto, Japan – the Clean Development Mechanism – CDM – through which developed countries can meet their emission reduction goals by forestry projects financing in developing countries. For this, the starting point is to assess the CO2 sequestration potential. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the CO2 sequestration potential and carbon credits generation through forestry CDM projects in the Pardo river basin, Minas Gerais state. The methodology consisted of mapping the eligible and suitable areas for projects implementation, through orbital images multitemporal analysis, and the simulation of forest restoration and reforestation scenarios with eucalyptus species. For forest restoration projects, the CO2 sequestration potential is about 10,215,818 t, in 20 years, which could generate more than US 102millionincarboncredits.Forreforestation,theCO2sequestrationpotentialisabout12milliontonsinsixyears,andwouldgenerateaboutUS 102 million in carbon credits. For reforestation, the CO2 sequestration potential is about 12 million tons in six years, and would generate about US 120 million. A mixed scenario, with projects in both modalities, was considered ideal for the basin.No Protocolo de Quito, ratificado em 1997, foi proposto um instrumento de mitigação climática - o Mecanismo de Desenvolvimento Limpo (MDL) - em que países desenvolvidos podem cumprir suas metas de redução de emissões financiando projetos florestais em países em desenvolvimento. O ponto de partida consiste na avaliação do potencial de sequestro de CO2 de áreas elegíveis. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de sequestro CO2 e de geração de créditos de carbono na bacia do Rio Pardo, MG, a partir de projetos de MDL florestais. A metodologia consistiu no mapeamento das áreas elegíveis à implantação de projetos, via análise multitemporal de imagens orbitais, e na simulação de cenários de restauração florestal e reflorestamento com eucalipto. Para restauração florestal, o potencial de sequestro de CO2 foi de, aproximadamente, 10.215.818 Mg, em 20 anos, podendo gerar mais de US102milho~esemcreˊditosdecarbono.Parareflorestamento,opotencialdesequestrodeCO2foide,aproximadamente,12.000.000Mg,emseisanos,egerariacercadeUS102 milhões em créditos de carbono. Para reflorestamento, o potencial de sequestro de CO2 foi de, aproximadamente, 12.000.000 Mg, em seis anos, e geraria cerca de US120.000.000. Um cenário misto foi considerado o ideal para a bacia e a metodologia adotada é viável para avaliação em caráter prospectivo, podendo ser consolidada com a utilização de parâmetros locais de biomassa. Palavras-chave: mudanças climáticas; florestas; sequestro de carbono; geoprocessamento.   Evaluation of eligible areas for forest CDM projects implementation in the Pardo River basin, in Minas Gerais, Brazil   ABSTRACT: An instrument for climate changes mitigation was proposed in Kyoto Protocol, ratified in 1997 – the Clean Development Mechanism – CDM – through which developed countries can meet their emission reduction goals by forestry projects financing in developing countries. For this, the starting point is to assess the CO2 sequestration potential of the eligible areas. In this sense, the objective of the present work was to evaluate the CO2 sequestration potential and carbon credits generation through forestry CDM projects in the Pardo river basin, Minas Gerais state. The methodology consisted of mapping the eligible and suitable areas for projects implementation, through orbital images multitemporal analysis, and the simulation of forest restoration and reforestation scenarios with eucalyptus species. For forest restoration projects, the CO2 sequestration potential is about 10,215,818 Mg, in 20 years, which could generate more than US 102,000,000incarboncredits.Forreforestation,theCO2sequestrationpotentialisabout12,000,000Mginsixyears,andwouldgenerateaboutUS 102,000,000 in carbon credits. For reforestation, the CO2 sequestration potential is about 12,000,000 Mg in six years, and would generate about US 120,000,000. A mixed scenario, with projects in both modalities, was considered ideal for the basin and the proposed methodology is feasible for prospective evaluation, and can be consolidated using local biomass parameters. Keywords: climatic change; forests; carbon sequestration; geoprocessing

    Network pharmacology reveals multitarget mechanism of action of drugs to be repurposed for COVID-19

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    11 p.-4 fig.-1 tab.The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic accelerated drug/vaccine development processes, integrating scientists all over the globe to create therapeutic alternatives against this virus. In this work, we have collected information regarding proteins from SARS-CoV-2 and humans and how these proteins interact. We have also collected information from public databases on protein-drug interactions. We represent this data as networks that allow us to gain insights into protein-protein interactions between both organisms. With the collected data, we have obtained statistical metrics of the networks. This data analysis has allowed us to find relevant information on which proteins and drugs are the most relevant from the network pharmacology perspective. This method not only allows us to focus on viral proteins as the main targets for COVID-19 but also reveals that some human proteins could be also important in drug repurposing campaigns. As a result of the analysis of the SARS-CoV-2-human interactome, we have identified some old drugs, such as disulfiram, auranofin, gefitinib, suloctidil, and bromhexine as potential therapies for the treatment of COVID-19 deciphering their potential complex mechanism of action.This research was funded by the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo de Chile, grants No. COVID0199,REDES190074, and ACT210012, and the FONDECYT grant No.1220656, and also by the European Commission–NextGenerationEU (Regulation EU 2020/2094),through CSIC’s Global Health Platform (PTI Salud Global)Peer reviewe