358 research outputs found

    Educação Especial, Ensino de Ciências e contribuições do licenciado em Ciências Biológicas: investigações em uma APAE do Norte do Paraná

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    This study investigated the Science Teaching process in an Association of Parents and Friends of Exceptional Children (APAE) of Northern Paraná and the possible contributions of teachers with initial training in Biological Sciences. The research was configured as qualitative, exploratory and investigative, collecting data through observations and notes in a field notebook, document analysis and application of questionnaires to teachers in charge of the Science discipline at APAE. Data analysis were performed using categories and based on Historical-Critical Pedagogy and Historical-Cultural Psychology. It was possible to understand the educational process of Science through the survey of contents, didactic-pedagogical and evaluative strategies used by teachers, their academic backgrounds, the facilities and difficulties faced by them and possible contributions of Biological Science teachers in the pedagogical practice of Science. Finally, the importance of initial teacher training in Biological Sciences that considers Special and Inclusive Education to expand the assistance to teaching processes in different institutions, such as APAE, was verified.Este estudo buscou investigar o processo de Ensino de Ciências em uma Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais (APAE) no Norte do Paraná e as possíveis contribuições de professores com formação inicial em Ciências Biológicas. A pesquisa se configurou como qualitativa, de caráter exploratório e investigativo, coletando dados por observações e anotações em caderno de campo, análise documental e aplicação de questionários aos docentes regentes da disciplina de Ciências da APAE. As análises dos dados foram feitas através de categorias e fundamentadas na Pedagogia Histórico-Crítica e na Psicologia Histórico-Cultural. Foi possível entender o processo educativo de Ciências por meio do levantamento dos conteúdos, estratégias didático–pedagógicas e avaliativas utilizadas pelos docentes, suas formações, as facilidades e dificuldades enfrentadas por eles e possíveis contribuições de professores de Ciências Biológicas na prática pedagógica de Ciências. Constatamos a importância da formação inicial docente em Ciências Biológicas que considere a Educação Especial e Inclusiva para ampliar o auxílio aos processos de ensino em diferentes instituições, como na APAE. 

    Bioemulsifier produced by Yarrowia lipolytica using residual glycerol as a carbon source

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    Bioemulsifier is bioactive molecules produced by different microorganisms with reducing power and surface and interfacial tension. Among the microorganisms producing this molecule is yeast, which can produce different bioemulsifiers in different substrates. Undoubtedly, this biomolecule has excellent potential for industrial applications, but high production costs are the biggest problem in production. Aiming at cost reduction the present study using crude residual glycerol for biosurfactant production by Yarrowia lipolytica. Then isolates were grown in residual glycerol compound medium, rotating 200 rpm at 28ºC for 48 hours. Bioemulsifier production was observed by analysis of dry biomass, pH, surface tension and emulsification index. The results indicated that the emulsion produced from biosurfactant using glycerol as a carbon source by Y. lipolytica has the potential for bioemulsifier production. All isolates obtained similar results for all analyzes, indicating that this species has a linear production among the isolates. Biomass reached 10.08 ± 0.62 g.L-1, there was a sharp drop in pH reaching 4.6, surface tension averaged 41.7 mN.m-1 and emulsification index reached 56%. The isolates tested show potential for bioemulsifier production using glycerol as an unconventional carbon source


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611707238The construction industry consumes many natural resources and generating waste is great. There is a bigproblem related to their treatment, and an alternative to its reuse as a substitute for natural materials,such as the production of mortar and concrete. This paper aims to study the reuse of tailing from crushingof granite as aggregate in mortar. The residues were tested according to the ABNT fine aggregate used inconstruction. Two traits were determined with the total replacement of natural sand residue in the studyand performed strength tests on specimens, according to NBR 13279, and the study of the influence of theresidue in appearance and water consumption. It was found that substitution reflected positively on theresistance to compression and bending of the mortar. However, it is noteworthy that to obtain anaggregate with good performance is necessary to classify the material, necessitating the use of classifiersin order to remove the finer and coarser fractions allowing their applications, an acceptable performance.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223611707238A indústria da construção civil consome muitos recursos naturais e é grande geradora de resíduos. Há uma grande problemática relacionada com o tratamento destes, sendo uma alternativa a sua reutilização como substituto de materiais naturais, por exemplo, na produção de argamassas e de concreto. Este trabalho tem como escopo estudar o reaproveitamento dos resíduos da britagem de granito como agregado em argamassa. Os resíduos foram ensaiados de acordo com as normas da ABNT para agregado miúdo utilizados na construção civil. Foram determinados dois traços com a substituição total da areia natural pelo resíduo em estudo e realizados ensaios de resistência nos corpos de prova, segundo a NBR 13279, bem como o estudo da influência do resíduo na aparência e no consumo de água. Constatou-se que a substituição refletiu positivamente na resistência à compressão e flexão da argamassa. Contudo, ressalta-se que para obter-se um agregado com bom desempenho é preciso classificar o material, sendo necessária a utilização de classificadores para se eliminar as frações mais finas e mais grossas possibilitando às suas aplicações um desempenho aceitável

    Communication of Epidemiological Data on Covid-19 In the State of Bahia, Brazil: An Experience Report of The State Epidemiological Surveillance Team

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    In view of the Covid-19 pandemic scenario, the dissemination of safe and correct information about the disease is essential to raise the population\u27s awareness about preventive measures and to direct public policies to deal with the state of emergency in public health. The objective of this paper is to describe the process of improvement and qualification of communication in the preparation of Covid-19 epidemiological data in the state of Bahia. The dissemination of epidemiological data contributed to the dissemination of information to the media in Bahia and Brazil. With the evolution of the disease, the need to present data in a more accessible way to the population has become urgent, requiring the team to institute measures to improve their work process in order to disseminate epidemiological data in a faster and more transparent manner. In contrast to this complex scenario, the permanent effort and dedication so that the data were consistent with the local reality, reliable and accessible, supporting the actions and strategies to fight the pandemic, can guarantee transparency to the population, the commitment of the information made available and the institution of social measures to control the pandemic

    Emergence of New Epidemiological Hepatitis B and C Profiles in High Risk Groups in Latin America

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    Latin America includes Mexico, the islands of the Caribbean and Central and South America, which possess a rich cultural and natural heritage. A narrative literature review was made to determine epidemiological hepatitis B and C profiles in high risk groups in Latin America, such as, drug users, hemophiliacs, and chronic kidney disease (CKD), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infected individuals. Using data from international databases that disseminate published quality studies. All studies with desired information regarding site and study population were included. It was observed that HBV prevalence diminished in several groups, probably due to implementation of HBV vaccination in various Latin America Countries (LACs). On the other hand, HCV prevalence is high among high risk groups compared to general population, but different values were observed in LAC, probably due to different access to education programs, assays evaluated, population size and type of recruitment. Due to chronicity of HBV and HCV, it is important to increase access to diagnosis, HBV vaccination and implementation of education programs to high risk groups to diminish burden of these infections

    Efeito de diferentes doses de leucina sobre as reservas glicogênicas da musculatura esquelética desnervada de ratos

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the action of different doses of leucine on the dynamics ofglycogen reserves of denervated skeletal muscle of rats. Wistar rats aged 3 to 4 months, weighingbetween 200 and 300g being kept under controlled conditions Biotery. The animals were divided intoexperimental group called control (C), denervated (D) treated with amino acid leucine in three doses5nm(CL5), 1.25 mM (CL1,25) and 0.30mM(CL0,30), denervated treated with 0.30mM(DL0,30). Supplementation was performed by gavage and denervation was performed by sectioning the sciatic nerve. Theanalysis of the content of glycogen was performed on samples of the soleus(S), gastrocnemius white(GW)and red(GR). The muscle was lower in S glycogen (-33% and -42,8%), both in CL1,25 and CL5 andincreased in a dose CL0,30(+38%), possibly due to act upon this low dose of insulin secretagogue,promoting an increase in the rate of glucose uptake by peripheral tissues (11,2± 0,3%/min C x 14,16 ±0,2%/min CL0,30). The glycogen's GW and GR presented themselves in small groups CL1,25 (-32,6%)and CL5 (-44,8%) compared to C, however, the group CL0,30 no difference was observed in C. Therewas also decreased in group D (26% S; 35% GW; 28,5% GR) if compared to C. Conclusion: High dosesof leucine may compromise the formation of muscle glycogen and 0.30mM was shown to be effectiveeven when the muscle at restO objetivo do estudo foi investigar o efeito de diferentes doses de leucina sobre as reservas glicogênicasdo músculo esquelético de ratos desnervados. Foram utilizados 36 ratos Wistar com 3 a 4 meses,pesando entre 200 e 300g sendo mantidos em condições controladas de bioterismo. Os animais foramdistribuídos em grupo experimentais denominados controle(C); desnervados(D); tratados comaminoácido leucina em três doses 5mM(CL5); 1,25mM(CL1,25) e 0,30mM(CL0,30); desnervado tratadocom 0,30mM(DL0,30). A suplementação da leucina foi feita por gavagem e a desnervação foi realizadapela secção do nervo isquiático. As análises do conteúdo de glicogênio foram realizadas em amostrasdos músculos sóleo(S), gastrocnemio branco(GB) e vermelho(GV). O músculo S apresentou reduçãono glicogênio tanto em CL5(-42,8%) quanto em CL1,25(-33%) e aumento na dose CL0,30(+38%). Épossível que a baixas doses de leucina tenham estimulado a secreção de insulina, promovendo aumento na velocidade de captação de glicose pelos  tecidos periféricos de 11.2±0,3%/min C para14,16±0,2%/min no grupo tratado com CL0,30. O glicogênio do GB e GV apresentou-se reduzido nosgrupos CL5(-44,8%) e CL1,25(-32,6%) comparado ao C; no entanto, no grupo CL0,30 não foi observadodiferença em relação ao Grupo C. Observou-se ainda diminuição do glicogênio no grupo D(26% S; 35%GB; 28,5% no GV) e no DL0,30(35,6% GB e 65% no GV) em comparação com C. Conclusão: Altas dosesde leucina podem comprometer a formação de glicogênio muscular e 0,30mM mostrou-se efetivamesmo estando o músculo em repouso

    Survey of wildlife rescued and treated from 2014 to 2016 in Joinville (SC), Brazil

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    Natural ecosystems are in constant conflict with the growing and disordered urban expansion, arising from the mismanagement of human developments and infrastructure, facing an accelerated rate of deforestation and defaunation. The intense pressure on natural environments impacts the local fauna through various incidents, generating high mortality, such as hit-and-run, window-crashing, attacks by domestic animals, dissemination of diseases and electrocution. The purpose of this study was to carry out a retrospective survey of the wild fauna rescued and treated at a clinic associated with the environmental police in the region of Joinville - SC. A total of 379 wild animals were treated at the clinic from 2014 to 2016. Of these, 262 (69.13%) were birds, 107 (28.23%) mammals, 9 (2.37%) reptiles and 1 (0.26%) amphibian. The main causes of referral for clinical care were due to trauma (50.66%), seizures (1.32%) and other causes (48.02%), such as home invasion and orphaned puppies. Among the reasons for traumas, pedestrian accidents were the most prevalent, representing 39.58% of the cases treated, followed by animals found to be debilitated without a defined cause (31.77%), attack by domestic animals (14.58%) and window-crashing (9.89%). The data obtained in this study show a rich diversity of species in Joinville. These species are exposed to several anthropogenic challenges and barriers derived mainly from intense displacement and human invasion, causing many animals to move in order to adapt to urban areas.Os ecossistemas naturais estão em constante conflito com a crescente e desordenada expansão urbana, oriunda da má gestão de empreendimentos e infraestruturas humanas, enfrentando uma acelerada taxa de desmatamento e defaunação. A intensa pressão sobre os ambientes naturais impacta a fauna local através de incidentes variados gerando alta mortalidade, como atropelamentos, colisão em vidraças, ataques por animais domésticos, disseminação de doenças e eletrocussão em redes elétricas. O objetivo deste estudo foi realizar um levantamento retrospectivo da fauna silvestre resgatada e atendida em uma clínica conveniada à polícia ambiental na região de Joinville – SC. Um total de 379 animais silvestres foram atendidos na clínica no período de 2014 a 2016. Destes, 262 (69,13%) eram aves, 107 (28,23%) mamíferos, 9 (2,37%) répteis e 1 (0,26%) anfíbio. As principais causas de encaminhamento para atendimento clínico foram devido a traumas (50,66%), apreensões (1,32%) e outras causas (48,02%) como a invasão de residências e filhotes órfãos. Dentre os motivos de traumas, os atropelamentos foram os mais prevalentes, representando 39,58% dos casos atendidos, seguido por animal encontrado debilitado sem causa definida (31,77%), ataque por animal doméstico (14,58%) e colisão com vidraças (9,89%). Os dados obtidos neste estudo mostram uma rica diversidade de espécies em Joinville. Essas espécies são expostas a diversos desafios e barreiras antropogênicas derivadas principalmente do intenso deslocamento e à invasão humana, fazendo com que muitos animais tenham que se deslocar para se adaptar a viver em áreas urbanas

    Efficacy of chitosan supported organic acaricide extract from Melia azedarach leaves on Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus ticks

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    The Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplustick control is mainly performed by chemicals products, but organic acaricides use has higher advantages compared to conventional products. Brazilian cerrado native plants are known for their bioactive potential. Due to this fact, the objective of this study is to evaluate the acaricide action of native cerrado specie, Meliaazedarach, known as Santa Barbara in the tick control. Also, the chitosan nanosphere was evaluated on the extract adsorption and release, as a proposal to raise the acaricide phytotherapic profile. The ethanol extract was obtained by cool extraction from dried leaves of the plant. Chitosan nanospheres were obtained by the phase inversion method. Conductometric titration, ultraviolet-visible ("UV-Vis") and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis were conducted with materials to evaluate the chitosan anchoring ability. In vitro test was used in engorged females for each treatment, which consisted of control, raw extract and three treatments with increasing concentrations of 0.2; 0.4 and 1%. The organic product effectiveness of 0.2% concentration was found by observing reduction in the eggs mass compared to control group. The nanomaterial proved capable to anchor and release the acaricide gradually in pH between 6 and 7, which makes it feasible for use in cattle, prolonging the exposure time between the tick and acaricide.Keywords: Cerrado specie, Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplustick, ectoparasites, tick control, acaricide, chitosan nanoparticl