529 research outputs found

    Therapeutic Options in Hereditary Optic Neuropathies

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    Options for the effective treatment of hereditary optic neuropathies have been a long time coming. The successful launch of the antioxidant idebenone for Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON), followed by its introduction into clinical practice across Europe, was an important step forward. Nevertheless, other options, especially for a variety of mitochondrial optic neuropathies such as dominant optic atrophy (DOA), are needed, and a number of pharmaceutical agents, acting on different molecular pathways, are currently under development. These include gene therapy, which has reached Phase III development for LHON, but is expected to be developed also for DOA, whilst most of the other agents (other antioxidants, anti-apoptotic drugs, activators of mitobiogenesis, etc.) are almost all at Phase II or at preclinical stage of research. Here, we review proposed target mechanisms, preclinical evidence, available clinical trials with primary endpoints and results, of a wide range of tested molecules, to give an overview of the field, also providing the landscape of future scenarios, including gene therapy, gene editing, and reproductive options to prevent transmission of mitochondrial DNA mutations

    Hearing dysfunction in a large family affected by dominant optic atrophy (OPA8-related DOA): A human model of hidden auditory neuropathy

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    Hidden auditory neuropathy is characterized by reduced performances in challenging auditory tasks with the preservation of hearing thresholds, resulting from diffuse loss of cochlear inner hair cell (IHC) synapses following primary degeneration of unmyelinated terminals of auditory fibers. We report the audiological and electrophysiological findings collected from 10 members (4 males, 6 females) of a large Italian family affected by dominant optic atrophy, associated with the OPA8 locus, who complained of difficulties in understanding speech in the presence of noise. The patients were pooled into two groups, one consisting of 4 young adults (19\u201350 years) with normal hearing thresholds, and the other made up of 6 patients of an older age (55\u201372 years) showing mild hearing loss. Speech perception scores were normal in the first group and decreased in the second. Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) and cochlear microphonics (CMs) recordings were consistent with preservation of outer hair cell (OHC) function in all patients, whereas auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) showed attenuated amplitudes in the first group and severe abnormalities in the second. Middle ear acoustic reflexes had delayed peak latencies in all patients in comparison with normally hearing individuals. Transtympanic electrocochleography (ECochG) recordings in response to 0.1 ms clicks at intensities from 120 to 60 dB peak equivalent SPL showed a reduction in amplitude of both summating potential (SP) and compound action potential (CAP) together with delayed CAP peak latencies and prolonged CAP duration in all patients in comparison with a control group of 20 normally hearing individuals. These findings indicate that underlying the hearing impairment in OPA8 patients is hidden AN resulting from diffuse loss of IHCs synapses. At an early stage the functional alterations only consist of abnormalities of ABR and ECochG potentials with increased latencies of acoustic reflexes, whereas reduction in speech perception scores become apparent with progression of the disease. Central mechanisms increasing the cortical gain are likely to compensate for the reduction of cochlear input

    Tendon-like Electrospun PLGA Scaffolds with Optimized Physical Cues Induced Tenogenic Differentiation and Boosted Immunomodulatory Properties on Amniotic Epithelial Stem Cells.

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    Introduction: The advanced strategies in the field of Tissue Engineering might render possible overcoming the unsatisfactory results of conventional treatments to deal with tendinopathies. In this context, the design of tendon biomimetic electrospun scaffolds engineered with Amniotic Epithelial Stem Cells (AECs), which have shown a high teno-regenerative and immunomodulatory potential in tendon-defect models, can represent a promising solution for tendon regeneration. Methods: Poly(lactide-co-glycolic) acid (PLGA) scaffolds were fabricated using the electrospinning technique to mimic the native tendon biomechanics and extracellular matrix by optimizing: fiber alignment and diameter size (1.27 and 2.5 ”m), and surface chemistry using the Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) Technique. Moreover, the teno-inductive and immunomodulatory effects of these parameters on AECs have been also assessed. Results: The fabricated PLGA scaffolds with highly aligned fibers and small diameter size (1.27 ”m) induced a stepwise tenogenic differentiation on AECs with an early epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), followed by their tenogenic differentiation. Indeed, SCX, an early tendon marker, was significantly more efficiently translated into the downstream effector TNMD, a mature tendon marker. Moreover, 1.27 ”m fiber diameter induced on AECs a higher expression of anti-inflammatory interleukin mRNAs (IL-4 and IL-10). The CAP treated PLGA scaffolds showed an improved cell adhesion and infiltration without altering their topological structure and teno-inductive properties. In fact, AECs engineered with CAP treated fibers, expressed in their cytoplasm TNMD. Moreover, CAP treatment did not alter the mechanical properties of PLGA scaffolds. Conclusions: The developed electrospun PLGA scaffolds with the optimized features represent an ideal tendon-like construct that could be applied in in-vivo models to evaluate their biosafety and teno-regenerative potential

    Amniotic Epithelial Stem Cells Counteract Acidic Degradation By-Products of Electrospun PLGA Scaffold by Improving their Immunomodulatory Profile In Vitro

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    Electrospun poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) scaffolds with highly aligned fibers (ha-PLGA) represent promising materials in the field of tendon tissue engineering (TE) due to their characteristics in mimicking fibrous extracellular matrix (ECM) of tendon native tissue. Among these properties, scaffold biodegradability must be controlled allowing its replacement by a neo-formed native tendon tissue in a controlled manner. In this study, ha-PLGA were subjected to hydrolytic degradation up to 20 weeks, under di-H2 O and PBS conditions according to ISO 10993-13:2010. These were then characterized for their physical, morphological, and mechanical features. In vitro cytotoxicity tests were conducted on ovine amniotic epithelial stem cells (oAECs), up to 7 days, to assess the effect of non-buffered and buffered PLGA by-products at different concentrations on cell viability and their stimuli on oAECs’ immunomodulatory properties. The ha-PLGA scaffolds degraded slowly as evidenced by a slight decrease in mass loss (14%) and average molecular weight (35%), with estimated degradation half-time of about 40 weeks under di-H2 O. The ultrastructure morphology of the scaffolds showed no significant fiber degradation even after 20 weeks, but alteration of fiber alignment was already evident at week 1. Moreover, mechanical properties decreased throughout the degradation times under wet as well as dry PBS conditions. The influence of acid degradation media on oAECs was dose-dependent, with a considerable effect at 7 days’ culture point. This effect was notably reduced by using buffered media. To a certain level, cells were able to compensate the generated inflammation-like microenvironment by upregulating IL-10 gene expression and favoring an anti-inflammatory rather than pro-inflammatory response. These in vitro results are essential to better understand the degradation behavior of ha-PLGA in vivo and the effect of their degradation by-products on affecting cell performance. Indeed, buffering the degradation milieu could represent a promising strategy to balance scaffold degradation. These findings give good hope with reference to the in vivo condition characterized by physiological buffering systems

    Hypoxia-Mimetic CoCl2 Agent Enhances Pro-Angiogenic Activities in Ovine Amniotic Epithelial Cells-Derived Conditioned Medium

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    Amniotic epithelial stem cells (AECs) are largely studied for their pro-regenerative properties. However, it remains undetermined if low oxygen (O2) levels that AECs experience in vivo can be of value in maintaining their biological properties after isolation. To this aim, the present study has been designed to evaluate the effects of a hypoxia-mimetic agent, cobalt chloride (CoCl2), on AECs’ stemness and angiogenic activities. First, a CoCl2 dose-effect was performed to select the concentration able to induce hypoxia, through HIF-1α stabilization, without promoting any cytotoxicity effect assessed through the analysis of cell vitality, proliferation, and apoptotic-related events. Then, the identified CoCl2 dose was evaluated on the expression and angiogenic properties of AECs’ stemness markers (OCT-4, NANOG, SOX-2) by analysing VEGF expression, angiogenic chemokines’ profiles, and AEC-derived conditioned media activity through an in vitro angiogenic xeno-assay. Results demonstrated that AECs are sensitive to the cytotoxicity effects of CoCl2. The unique concentration leading to HIF-1α stabilization and nuclear translocation was 10 ”M, preserving cell viability and proliferation up to 48 h. CoCl2 exposure did not modulate stemness markers in AECs while progressively decreasing VEGF expression. On the contrary, CoCl2 treatment promoted a significant short-term release of angiogenic chemokines in culture media (CM). The enrichment in bio-active factors was confirmed by the ability of CoCl2-derived CM to induce HUVEC growth and the cells’ organization in tubule-like structures. These findings demonstrate that an ap-propriate dose of CoCl2 can be adopted as a hypoxia-mimetic agent in AECs. The short-term, chemical-induced hypoxic condition can be targeted to enhance AECs’ pro-angiogenic properties by providing a novel approach for stem cell-free therapy protocols

    Longitudinal Study of Optic Disk Perfusion and Retinal Structure in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

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    PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to evaluate optic disk perfusion and neural retinal structure in patients with subacute Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) and LHON carriers, as compared with healthy controls. METHODS. This study included 8 patients with LHON in the subacute stage, 10 asymptomatic carriers of a LHON-associated mitochondrial DNA mutation, and 40 controls. All subjects underwent measurement of the retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness, the ganglion cell-inner plexiform layer (GCIPL) thickness using optical coherence tomography and optic disk microvascular perfusion (Mean Tissue [MT]) using laser speckle flowgraphy (LSFG). Patients were re-examined after a median interval of 3 months from the baseline visit. RESULTS. LHON carriers had higher values of RNFL thickness, GCIPL thickness, and disk area than controls (P < 0.05), whereas MT was not different between the two groups (P = 0.936). Median MT and RNFL thickness were 32% and 15% higher in the early subacute stage of the disease than in controls (P < 0.001 and P = 0.001). MT declined below the values of controls during the late subacute stage (P = 0.024), whereas RNFL thickness declined later during the dynamic stage (P < 0.001). GCIPL thickness was lower in patients with LHON than in controls independently of the stage of the disease (P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS. The high blood flow at the optic disk during the early subacute stage may be the consequence of vasodilation due to nitric oxide release as compensation to mitochondrial impairment. Optic disk perfusion as measured by LSFG is a promising biomarker for LHON diagnosis and monitoring as well as an objective outcome measure for assessing response to therapies

    Capturing the Pattern of Transition From Carrier to Affected in Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

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    center dot PURPOSE: To capture the key features patterning the transition from unaffected mutation carriers to clinically affected Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON), as investigated by optical coherence tomography. center dot DESIGN: Observational case series. center dot METHODS: Four unaffected eyes of 4 patients with LHON with the first eye affected were followed across conversion to affected, from 60 days before to 170 days after conversion. The primary outcome measures were multiple timepoints measurements of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness for temporal emiside of the optic nerve (6 sectors from 6-11, clockwise for the right eye and counterclockwise for the left eye) in all patients and nasal emi-macular RNFL and ganglion cell layer (GCL) thickness in 2 patients. center dot RESULTS: While the presymptomatic stage was characterized by a dynamic thickening of sector 8, the beginning of the conversion coincided with an increase in the thickness of the sectors bordering the papillo-acular bundle (6 and 7 for the inferior sectors, 10 and 11 for the superior sectors) synchronous with the thinning of sectors 8 and then 9. Conversely, the GCL did not undergo significant changes until the onset of visual loss when a significant reduction of thickness became evident. center dot CONCLUSION: In this study we demonstrated that the thinning of sector 8 can be considered the structural hallmark of the conversion from the presymptomatic to the affected state in LHON. It is preceded by its own progressive thickening extending from th

    Diffusion tensor imaging mapping of brain white matter pathology in mitochondrial optic neuropathies

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Brain white matter is frequently affected in mitochondrial diseases; optic atrophy gene 1-autosomal dominant optic atrophy and Leber hereditary optic neuropathy are the most frequent mitochondrial monosymptomatic optic neuropathies. In this observational study, brain white matter microstructure was characterized by DTI in patients with optic atrophy gene 1-autosomal dominant optic atrophy and Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, in relation to clinical and genetic features. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Nineteen patients with optic atrophy gene 1-autosomal dominant optic atrophy and 17 with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy older than 18 years of age, all genetically diagnosed, and 19 healthy volunteers underwent DTI by using a 1.5T MR imaging scanner and neurologic and ophthalmologic assessments. Brain white matter DTI metrics were calculated for all participants, and, in patients, their correlations with genetics and clinical findings were calculated. RESULTS: Compared with controls, patients with optic atrophy gene 1-autosomal dominant optic atrophy had an increased mean diffusivity in 29.2% of voxels analyzed within major white matter tracts distributed throughout the brain, while fractional anisotropy was reduced in 30.3% of voxels. For patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy, the proportion of altered voxels was only 0.5% and 5.5%, respectively, of which half was found within the optic radiation and 3.5%, in the smaller acoustic radiation. In almost all regions, fractional anisotropy diminished with age in patients with optic atrophy gene 1-autosomal dominant optic atrophy and correlated with average retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in several areas. Mean diffusivity increased in those with a missense mutation. Patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy taking idebenone had slightly milder changes. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy had preferential involvement of the optic and acoustic radiations, consistent with trans-synaptic degeneration, whereas patients with optic atrophy gene 1-autosomal dominant optic atrophy presented with widespread involvement suggestive of a multisystemic, possibly a congenital/developmental, disorder. White matter changes in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy and optic atrophy gene 1-autosomal dominant optic atrophy may be exploitable as biomarkers. ABBREVIATIONS: DOA autosomal dominant optic atrophy; FA fractional anisotropy; LHON Leber hereditary optic neuropathy; MD mean diffusivity; OPA1 optic atrophy gene 1 ;O R optic radiation; RNFL retinal nerve fiber layer; TBSS tract-based spatial statistic

    Prenatal tobacco smoke exposure increases hospitalizations for bronchiolitis in infants

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    BACKGROUND: Tobacco smoke exposure (TSE) is a worldwide health problem and it is considered a risk factor for pregnant women's and children's health, particularly for respiratory morbidity during the first year of life. Few significant birth cohort studies on the effect of prenatal TSE via passive and active maternal smoking on the development of severe bronchiolitis in early childhood have been carried out worldwide. METHODS: From November 2009 to December 2012, newborns born at ≄ 33 weeks of gestational age (wGA) were recruited in a longitudinal multi-center cohort study in Italy to investigate the effects of prenatal and postnatal TSE, among other risk factors, on bronchiolitis hospitalization and/or death during the first year of life. RESULTS: Two thousand two hundred ten newborns enrolled at birth were followed-up during their first year of life. Of these, 120 (5.4%) were hospitalized for bronchiolitis. No enrolled infants died during the study period. Prenatal passive TSE and maternal active smoking of more than 15 cigarettes/daily are associated to a significant increase of the risk of offspring children hospitalization for bronchiolitis, with an adjHR of 3.5 (CI 1.5-8.1) and of 1.7 (CI 1.1-2.6) respectively. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm the detrimental effects of passive TSE and active heavy smoke during pregnancy for infants' respiratory health, since the exposure significantly increases the risk of hospitalization for bronchiolitis in the first year of lif
