2,659 research outputs found

    Offences Against the French State Committed Abroad

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    A Time-Evolving 3D Method Dedicated to the Reconstruction of Solar plumes and Results Using Extreme Ultra-Violet Data

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    An important issue in the tomographic reconstruction of the solar poles is the relatively rapid evolution of the polar plumes. We demonstrate that it is possible to take into account this temporal evolution in the reconstruction. The difficulty of this problem comes from the fact that we want a 4D reconstruction (three spatial dimensions plus time) while we only have 3D data (2D images plus time). To overcome this difficulty, we introduce a model that describes polar plumes as stationary objects whose intensity varies homogeneously with time. This assumption can be physically justified if one accepts the stability of the magnetic structure. This model leads to a bilinear inverse problem. We describe how to extend linear inversion methods to these kinds of problems. Studies of simulations show the reliability of our method. Results for SOHO/EIT data show that we are able to estimate the temporal evolution of polar plumes in order to improve the reconstruction of the solar poles from only one point of view. We expect further improvements from STEREO/EUVI data when the two probes will be separated by about 60 degrees

    An Original Composition for Chorus Missa Brevis

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    In the composition of this Mass the composer was faced with several alternatives in the selection of a suitable musical style. These choices were narrowed to include (1) traditional or romantic ; (2) pop ; or jazz ; (3) folk-mass ; or (4) avant garde. The ultimate choice was a synthesis, consisting of devices from fourteenth century music, and elements of contemporary style

    Beer Distribution Game : erfolgreich dank Regelungstechnik

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    Das Beer Distribution Game BDG kann als eine einfache Simulation zur Veranschaulichung zentraler Herausforderungen im Supply Chain Management SCM gelesen werden: Peitscheneffekt und Aufschaukelung von Bestelländerungen. Wie werden maximaler Gewinn und adäquate Lieferfähigkeit erreicht? Mit einem PID-Regler, basierend auf den üblichen Beschaffungsstrategien aus der Logistik (Bestellpunktverfahren und Bestellrhythmusverfahren) und dem SCM. Der Proportional- und der Integralanteil führen die Sicherheitsbestände und Bestellmengen dem Inputsignal nach. Der Differentialanteil sorgt dafür, dass die Lager weder leer laufen noch überlaufen, d.h. rasch den sich änderen Kundenbestellungen nachgeführt werden. Die Regleroptimierung erfolgt experimentell mittels Simulationsläufen. Die üblichen Anforderungen an das Führungsverhalten werden erfüllt: Stabilität, Genauigkeit, Schnelligkeit und Dämpfung, Robustheit. Die Ziele werden für alle Charakateristiken von Kundenbestellreihen zuverlässig und nahe dem theoretischen Optimum erreicht: Konstanz, Schwankung um Mittelwert und Trends. Der Bullwhip-Effekt lässt sich in Beschaffungsketten mit zeitlichen Verzögerungen und variablen Kundenbestellmengenreihen nicht grundsätzlich vermeiden, sondern nur kontrollieren. Die Wirksamkeit systemischer Eingriffe bestätigt das Systems Engineering: 1. Veränderung der Anzahl Elemente im System (Verkürzung der Lieferkette), 2. Reduktion der Verzögerungseffekte (Verkürzung von Lieferzeiten) und 3. durchgängiger Informationsfluss (SCM). Die Betrachtung von Lager- und Transportkosten ergibt eine weitere Möglichkeit zur Optimierung des Reglers

    Les interventions infirmières permettant de prévenir le déclin fonctionnel chez les personnes âgées dans les milieux de soins aigus: une revue de littérature

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    Le vieillissement de la population est un phénomène qui ne cesse de s’accélérer depuis plusieurs années. La vieillesse entraîne une fragilité et une vulnérabilité qui, elles-mêmes, ont pour conséquence le déclin fonctionnel. L’hospitalisation en milieu de soins aigus chez les aînés est un facteur de risque du déclin fonctionnel qui peut s’observer lors de nouvelles problématiques concernant les activités de la vie quotidienne (AVQ) et les activités instrumentales de la vie quotidienne (AIVQ)

    Magma–host interactions during differentiation and emplacement of a shallow-level, zoned granitic pluton (Tarçouate pluton, Morocco): implications for magma emplacement

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    The Tarçouate pluton (Anti-Atlas, Morocco) is an inversely zoned laccolith emplaced 583 Ma ago into low-grade metasediments, with the following succession: leucocratic granites, biotite–granodiorites (±monzodiorites), hornblende–granodiorites (±monzodiorites) and monzodiorites syn-plutonic dykes. These rocks form two distinct, chemically coherent, units: (1) A main unit consists of layered (5

    Service Design Guidelines for New Types of Wellness Tourism

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    In this article, we describe the preliminary results of an ongoing project aiming at increasing the attractiveness of Alpine destinations in Switzerland, by means of a very widespread hotel. We investigate how to design new services for wellness tourism, which target (a) “young elderly”, whose age is comprised between 60 and 75 years, and (b) enterprises interested in meetings, incentives, conferencing and events. The first customer segment is known to be proactive in seeking to improve or maintain health and quality of life, while medical tourists generally travel reactively to receive treatment for a diagnosed disease or condition. The second customer segment mostly seeks for complementary activities to be done after work or as main topic for a seminar. Accordingly, we have conducted interviews with different stakeholders: hotel managers, owners of firms producing natural components for wellbeing and tourist officers. In the end, we highlight a set of relevant findings that should be taken into account when setting up wellness tourism in a dispersed area. This work is licensed under a&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.</p

    Réorganisation de texte par des enfants de 11 ans : Effet de la longueur des textes, du niveau de compréhension des élèves et de leur maîtrise du schéma textuel

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    The main goal of this work is to determine the difficulties involved in the recomposition of argumentative text by eleven years old children. The role of text length was examined in Experiment 2. The effect of the comprehension level in reading was evaluated in Experiment 3 and the mastery of prototypical schema was tested in Experiment 4. Experiment 1 was realised to collect the pro and contra arguments used in Experiments 2 to 4. The textual (text length) and individual characteristics (comprehension in reading and mastery of prototypical schema) seem to explain the difficulties faced by the eleven years old children when reorganising an argumentative text

    Evolutionary relationships between yeast and bacterial homoserine dehydrogenases

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    AbstractThe Saccharomyces cerevisiae HOM6 gene, encoding homoserine dehydrogenase (EC was cloned and its nucleotide sequence determined. The yeast homoserine dehydrogenase shows extensive homology to the homoserine dehydrogenase domains of the two aspartokinase-homoserine dehydrogenases from Escherichia coli as well as to the homoserine dehydrogenases from Gram positive bacteria. Sequence alignment reveals that the yeast enzyme is the smallest homoserine dehydrogenase known, owing to the absence of a C-terminal domain endowed with the l-threonine allosteric response in Gram positive bacteria. Accordingly, the S. cerevisiae enzyme appears to be a naturally occurring feedback resistant homoserine dehydrogenase. Our results indicate that homoserine dehydrogenase was originally an unregulated enzyme and that feedback control acquisition occured twice during evolution after the divergence between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria
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