156 research outputs found

    Grußwort der Prorektorin zum Kölner Symposium "50 Jahre Römische Verträge" am 13. April 2007.

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    In ihrem Grußwort erinnert die Rechtswissenschaftlerin und Prorektorin der Universität zu Köln, Prof. Dr. Barbara Dauner-Lieb, an die Worte des einstigen Kölner Oberbürgermeisters, Konrad Adenauer, aus dem Jahr 1919, mit denen er Völkerversöhnung und Völkerverständigung als besondere Aufgabe der damals gerade wiedereröffneten Universität zu Köln beschwört. Dauner-Lieb zeigt auf, in welcher vielfältigen Weise die Universität zu Köln heute diesem Anspruch genügt: Neben Austauschprogrammen, EU-geförderten Projekten und vielfältigen weiteren Projekten mit europäischen Fragestellungen weist sie insbesondere auf zwei Studiengänge hin, die an der Philosophischen und der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät gleichzeitig studiert werden und den Studierenden besondere Karriere-Chancen bieten: Der Deutsch-Französische Masterstudiengang Rechtswissenschaft und der Verbundstudiengang Europäische Rechtslinguistik. Sie erwähnt allerdings auch Projekte und Tendenzen der Europäisierung an den Universitäten, die sie mit großer Skepsis betrachtet, darunter den Bologna-Prozess als solchen. Dieser könne zu einem Werteverlust führen, ohne gleichzeitig neue Werte zu schaffen. Damit appelliert Dauner-Lieb an eine kritische Auseinandersetzung der Wissenschaft mit der Europäisierung

    Parental alcohol use disorders and alcohol use and disorders in offspring: a community study

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    Background. We examined the association between parental alcohol use disorders and patterns of alcohol consumption and DSM-IV alcohol use disorders in their offspring in a community-based sample of young adults. Methods. Data are based on baseline and 4-year follow-up data of 2427 respondents aged 14–24 at baseline. Alcohol use and disorders in respondents were assessed using the Munich-Composite-International-Diagnostic-Interview with DSM-IV algorithms. Diagnostic information about parents was collected by family history information from the respondents, and by direct interview with one parent (cohort aged 14 to 17 years only). Results. Although the association between maternal and paternal alcohol use disorders and non-problematical drinking in offspring was minimal, there was a strong effect for the transition to hazardous use and for alcohol abuse and dependence; the effect of parental concordance for transition into hazardous use was particularly striking. Maternal history was associated with a higher probability of progression from occasional to regular use, whereas paternal history was associated with progression from regular to hazardous use. Parental alcoholism increased the risk for first onset of hazardous use and alcohol dependence between the ages of 14–17, and for an earlier onset of the alcohol outcomes in offspring. The impact of parental alcohol use disorders was comparable for male and female offspring. Conclusions. Parental alcoholism predicts escalation of alcohol use, development of alcohol use disorders and onset of alcohol outcomes in offspring

    The function and regulation of the GATA factor ELT-2 in the C. elegans endoderm

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    ELT-2 is the major regulator of genes involved in differentiation, maintenance and function o

    Grundlagen und Forschungsstrategien regionaler Bedarfs- und Allokationsforschung am Beispiel des ASAT-F1-Projektes

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    Hintergrund und Fragestellung: Weiter steigende Raten des Konsums psychotroper Substanzen und klinisch bedeutsamer Substanzstörungen vor allem bei Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen, veränderte Gebrauchs- und Problemkonstellationen der Konsumentengruppen und die Einführung neuer Therapien und Versorgungsmodelle (Prävention, Frühintervention, Therapie und Rehabilitation) erfordern insbesondere angesichts der begrenzten Finanz- und Versorgungsressourcen neue Bedarfs- und Allokationsmodelle. Diese sollen praxisnah und effizient zu entscheiden helfen wann, bei welchen Rahmenbedingungen, welche Interventionsart und -strategie die individuell erfolgversprechendste ist. Diese Fragen werden in einem Forschungsprojekt des Suchtforschungsverbundes ASAT bearbeitet, das in einer umschriebenen Region mittels schrittweiser, epidemiologisch basierter Bedarfsund Bedürfnisanalysen die Ableitung und Priorisierung von institutionellen und therapeutischen Zuordnungsstrategien untersucht. Methodik: Basierend auf einem prospektiv-epidemiologischen Design wurden (1) bei einer repräsentativen regionalen Bevölkerungsstichprobe (EDSP-Studie) Inzidenzmuster, Spontanverlauf, Risikofaktoren und Konsequenzen des Substanzgebrauchs, -missbrauchs und der -abhängigkeit sowie Inanspruchnahmeverhalten, gedeckter und ungedeckter Bedarf beurteilt. (2) Ergänzt wird diese Erhebung durch eine Gesamterfassung und Evaluation des regionalen Suchthilfesystems. (3) Über statistische Analysen von Verläufen und Suchthilfeangeboten in der Region sollen "natürliche" Allokationsprozesse dargestellt und "outcome"-orientiert bewertet werden. (4) Anhand der dabei sichtbaren Mängel und Defizite können dann zusammen mit den Einrichtungen verbesserte Allokationsrichtlinien für einzelne sowie Gruppen von Patienten abgeleitet werden. Die Ergebnisse sollen in das regionale Suchhilfesystem übertragen werden. Ergebnisse und Diskussion: Erste Ergebnisse des Projekts bestätigen die Möglichkeit, Risikogruppen über spezifische Verlaufsanalysen zu identifizieren (z.B. regelmäßige Cannabiskonsumenten, Mehrfachkonsumenten, mehr weibliche Konsumenten mit einem höherem Abhängigkeitsrisiko). Die Inanspruchnahmemuster deuten in Teilbereichen (Frühintervention) auf ein hohes Ausmaß ungedeckten Bedarfs hin und scheinen neue Allokationsentwürfe zu erfordern. Den Einrichtungsträgern und regional Verantwortlichen der Suchthilfe können nach Auswertung weiterer Daten umfassende Bedarfsabschätzungen und verschiedene alternative Allokationsmodelle basierend auf der Perspektive von KlientInnen/ PatientInnen bereitgestellt werden.Background and Aims: Increasing rates of substance use and substance use disorders especially in adolescents and young adults, changing patterns of use and associated problems and the introduction of new therapies and programs of care (prevention, early intervention, therapy, rehabilitation) require new need and allocation models especially because of restricted financial and care resources. These models should provide a rational basis for the improvement of allocation processes as well as setting priorities in the provision and restructuring of community and patientoriented interventions. In the present paper, we will present a project of the ASAT research network program which aims at a multi-staged, integrated epidemiology-based need and program evaluation in an area to determine institutional and therapeutical allocation processes. Methods: Based on a prospective epidemiological design, (1) prevalence and incidence, risk factors and course of substance use, abuse and dependence are investigated in a representative sample of the community-based EDSP study. Additionally, helpseeking behaviors, met and unmet need are assessed. (2) The investigation is supplemented by a survey of all substance use services in the area. (3) Course of substance use and service provision of substance use services in the area will be analyzed and reviewed to identify natural allocation processes and to determine the outcome. (4) With the knowledge of deficits and unmet need, improved allocation guidelines for specific groups of clients and patients will be developed. The results will be transferred into the regional health care system. Results and discussion: First results show that the identification of new risk groups with the help of course typologies is possible. The patterns of help-seeking point to a high rate of unmet need, especially with regard to the targeted early intervention, and a need of alternative allocation models. After the assessment and the overall data analyses, need evaluations and several alternative allocation models based on the clients'/patients' perspective will be provided

    Quantum computing with antiferromagnetic spin clusters

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    We show that a wide range of spin clusters with antiferromagnetic intracluster exchange interaction allows one to define a qubit. For these spin cluster qubits, initialization, quantum gate operation, and readout are possible using the same techniques as for single spins. Quantum gate operation for the spin cluster qubit does not require control over the intracluster exchange interaction. Electric and magnetic fields necessary to effect quantum gates need only be controlled on the length scale of the spin cluster rather than the scale for a single spin. Here, we calculate the energy gap separating the logical qubit states from the next excited state and the matrix elements which determine quantum gate operation times. We discuss spin cluster qubits formed by one- and two-dimensional arrays of s=1/2 spins as well as clusters formed by spins s>1/2. We illustrate the advantages of spin cluster qubits for various suggested implementations of spin qubits and analyze the scaling of decoherence time with spin cluster size.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures; minor change

    Grip strength values and cut-off points based on over 200,000 adults of the German National Cohort - a comparison to the EWGSOP2 cut-off points

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    BACKGROUND: The European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) updated in 2018 the cut-off points for low grip strength to assess sarcopenia based on pooled data from 12 British studies. OBJECTIVE: Comparison of the EWGSOP2 cut-off points for low grip strength to those derived from a large German sample. METHODS: We assessed the grip strength distribution across age and derived low grip strength cut-off points for men and women (peak mean -2.5 × SD) based on 200,389 German National Cohort (NAKO) participants aged 19–75 years. In 1,012 Cooperative Health Research in the Region of Augsburg (KORA)-Age participants aged 65–93 years, we calculated the age-standardised prevalence of low grip strength and time-dependent sensitivity and specificity for all-cause mortality. RESULTS: Grip strength increased in the third and fourth decade of life and declined afterwards. Calculated cut-off points for low grip strength were 29 kg for men and 18 kg for women. In KORA-Age, the age-standardised prevalence of low grip strength was 1.5× higher for NAKO-derived (17.7%) compared to EWGSOP2 (11.7%) cut-off points. NAKO-derived cut-off points yielded a higher sensitivity and lower specificity for all-cause mortality. CONCLUSIONS: Cut-off points for low grip strength from German population-based data were 2 kg higher than the EWGSOP2 cut-off points. Higher cut-off points increase the sensitivity, thereby suggesting an intervention for more patients at risk, while other individuals might receive additional diagnostics/treatment without the urgent need. Research on the effectiveness of intervention in patients with low grip strength defined by different cut-off points is needed

    Perceptions and Attitudes of Egyptian Health Professionals and Policy-Makers towards Pharmaceutical Sales Representatives and Other Promotional Activities

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    Pharmaceutical promotion activities in low and middle-income countries are often neither regulated nor monitored. While Egypt has the highest population and per capita use of medicines in the Arab world, we know very little about pharmaceutical companies promotional activities in the country.To explore and analyze the perceptions of physicians towards promotional and marketing activities of pharmaceutical companies among physicians and pharmacists in Egypt.Perspectives of different healthcare system stakeholders were explored through semi-structured, in-depth interviews conducted in 2014 in Cairo, Egypt. Interviewees were chosen via purposive sampling and snowball technique. Each interview was recorded and transcribed. Then qualitative, thematic analysis was conducted with the help of NVIVO software.The majority of physicians and pharmacists acknowledged exposure to pharmaceutical promotion. It was commonly believed that interaction with the pharmaceutical industry is necessary and both associated risks and benefits were acknowledged. The interviewed physicians considered themselves competent enough to minimize risks and maximize benefits to their prescribing habits. Views diverged on the extent and magnitude of the risks and benefits of pharmaceutical promotion, especially in regard to the influence on patients' health.Pharmaceutical promotion in Egypt is intensely directed at prescribers and dispensers. Physicians, pharmacists and policymakers expressed little skepticism to the influence of promotion towards their individual prescribing. Raising awareness of the pitfalls of pharmaceutical promotion is necessary, especially among the less experienced physicians

    Systematic Evaluation of Factors Influencing ChIP-Seq Fidelity

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    We performed a systematic evaluation of how variations in sequencing depth and other parameters influence interpretation of Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq) experiments. Using Drosophila S2 cells, we generated ChIP-seq datasets for a site-specific transcription factor (Suppressor of Hairy-wing) and a histone modification (H3K36me3). We detected a chromatin state bias, open chromatin regions yielded higher coverage, which led to false positives if not corrected and had a greater effect on detection specificity than any base-composition bias. Paired-end sequencing revealed that single-end data underestimated ChIP library complexity at high coverage. The removal of reads originating at the same base reduced false-positives while having little effect on detection sensitivity. Even at a depth of ~1 read/bp coverage of mappable genome, ~1% of the narrow peaks detected on a tiling array were missed by ChIP-seq. Evaluation of widely-used ChIP-seq analysis tools suggests that adjustments or algorithm improvements are required to handle datasets with deep coverage

    Herpes zoster incidence in Germany - an indirect validation study for self-reported disease data from pretest studies of the population-based German National Cohort

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    Background: Until now, herpes zoster (HZ)-related disease burden in Germany has been estimated based on health insurance data and clinical findings. However, the validity of self-reported HZ is unclear. This study investigated the validity of self-reported herpes zoster (HZ) and its complication postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) using data from the pretest studies of the German National Cohort (GNC) in comparison with estimates based on health insurance data. Methods: Data of 4751 participants aged between 20 and 69 years from two pretest studies of the GNC carried out in 2011 and 2012 were used. Based on self-reports of physician-diagnosed HZ and PHN, age- and sex-specific HZ incidence rates and PHN proportions were estimated. For comparison, estimates based on statutory health insurance data from the German population were considered. Results: Eleven percent (95%-CI, 10.4 to 12.3, n = 539) of the participants reported at least one HZ episode in their lifetime. Our estimated age-specific HZ incidence rates were lower than previous estimates based on statutory health insurance data. The PHN proportion in participants older than 50 years was 5.9% (1.9 to 13.9%), which was in line with estimates based on health insurance data. Conclusion: As age- and sex-specific patterns were comparable with that in health insurance data, self-reported diagnosis of HZ seems to be a valid instrument for overall disease trends. Possible reasons for observed differences in incidence rates are recall bias in self-reported data or overestimation in health insurance data

    Framework and baseline examination of the German National Cohort (NAKO)

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    The German National Cohort (NAKO) is a multidisciplinary, population-based prospective cohort study that aims to investigate the causes of widespread diseases, identify risk factors and improve early detection and prevention of disease. Specifically, NAKO is designed to identify novel and better characterize established risk and protection factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, neurodegenerative and psychiatric diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory and infectious diseases in a random sample of the general population. Between 2014 and 2019, a total of 205,415 men and women aged 19–74 years were recruited and examined in 18 study centres in Germany. The baseline assessment included a face-to-face interview, self-administered questionnaires and a wide range of biomedical examinations. Biomaterials were collected from all participants including serum, EDTA plasma, buffy coats, RNA and erythrocytes, urine, saliva, nasal swabs and stool. In 56,971 participants, an intensified examination programme was implemented. Whole-body 3T magnetic resonance imaging was performed in 30,861 participants on dedicated scanners. NAKO collects follow-up information on incident diseases through a combination of active follow-up using self-report via written questionnaires at 2–3 year intervals and passive follow-up via record linkages. All study participants are invited for re-examinations at the study centres in 4–5 year intervals. Thereby, longitudinal information on changes in risk factor profiles and in vascular, cardiac, metabolic, neurocognitive, pulmonary and sensory function is collected. NAKO is a major resource for population-based epidemiology to identify new and tailored strategies for early detection, prediction, prevention and treatment of major diseases for the next 30 years. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10654-022-00890-5
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