23 research outputs found

    Ecotoxicological Tests as a Tool to Assess the Quality of the Soil

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    Terrestrial ecotoxicology is used to evaluate the effects of substances that, whenever added to the soil, have impact on organisms and help measuring the responses from changes in the lethality, reproduction, development, and behavior of standardized soil organisms. Terrestrial ecotoxicology is a new tool that has been introduced in many countries, including Brazil, and yet little used. However, it is already widely used in Europe, besides being mandatory in research to indicate the toxicity of waste discharged in the soil. The aim of this chapter is to emphasize the importance and need of developing studies focused on the use of terrestrial ecotoxicology as a tool to assess fast and reliable responses from the toxicity of substances incorporated to the soil

    Prevalence Of Maxillary Sinus Jaw Mucuous Cysts In University Dental Radiology Service

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    Background: Mucosal cyst of the maxillary sinus or antral pseudocyst is one of great importance injury, being the pathology that affects more the maxillary sinus. Their discovery, in most cases, it is for the interpretation of the images in routine panoramic radiography. Aims: The research aimed to evaluate the prevalence of mucous cyst in maxillary sinus in radiology clinic at Ceara Federal University. Material and Methods: To this study conduction, were analyzed 1996 panoramic radiographs from a digital file obtained between April 2011 to April 2013 Results:. Aspects as gender, affected side and teeth absence next to the cyst in the respective quadrant were evaluated.It was observed in the sample the occurrence of 45 patients with suggested images of mucous cysts in maxillary sinus,making a prevalence of 2,25%. From them, 26 (57,8%)were female and 19 (42,2%) were male. 48 maxillary sinuswere affected with the wound, from which28 (58,3%) it was in the left side and 20 (41,7%) in the right site. Three patients presented the wound in both sides, what represents 6,7% of the affected patients. From those 48 Mucous retention cyst, 40 (83,3%) were not related to an edentulous area in ipsilateral quadrant and 8 (16,7%) were shown next to an edentulous area. Conclusion: The conclusion was that the cyst of retention mucous in the maxillary sinus had prevalence in males and in the left side of the maxillary sinus. It was not found a relation between the cyst and the edentulous area

    On-plot drinking water supplies and health: a systematic review

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    Many studies have found that household access to water supplies near to or on the household plot can reduce the probability of diarrhea, trachoma, and other water-related diseases, and it is generally accepted that on-plot water supplies produce health benefits for households. However, the collective body of research literature has not been analyzed to weigh the evidence supporting this. A systematic literature review was conducted to investigate the impacts of on-plot water supplies on diarrhea, trachoma, child growth, and water-related diseases, to further examine the relationship between household health and distance to water source and to assess whether on-plot water supplies generate health gains for households. Studies provide evidence that households with on-plot water supplies experience fewer diarrheal and helminth infections and greater child height. Findings suggest that water-washed diseases are more strongly impacted by on-plot water access than waterborne diseases. Few studies analyzed the effects of on-plot water access on quantity of domestic water used, hygiene behavior, and use of multiple water sources, and the lack of evidence for these relationships reveals an important gap in current literature. The review findings indicate that on-plot water access is a useful health indicator and benchmark for the progressive realization of the Sustainable Development Goal target of universal safe water access as well as the human right to safe water

    Burden of disease attributable to unsafe drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene in domestic settings: a global analysis for selected adverse health outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: Assessments of disease burden are important to inform national, regional, and global strategies and to guide investment. We aimed to estimate the drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)-attributable burden of disease for diarrhoea, acute respiratory infections, undernutrition, and soil-transmitted helminthiasis, using the WASH service levels used to monitor the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as counterfactual minimum risk-exposure levels. METHODS: We assessed the WASH-attributable disease burden of the four health outcomes overall and disaggregated by region, age, and sex for the year 2019. We calculated WASH-attributable fractions of diarrhoea and acute respiratory infections by country using modelled WASH exposures and exposure-response relationships from two updated meta-analyses. We used the WHO and UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene public database to estimate population exposure to different WASH service levels. WASH-attributable undernutrition was estimated by combining the population attributable fractions (PAF) of diarrhoea caused by unsafe WASH and the PAF of undernutrition caused by diarrhoea. Soil-transmitted helminthiasis was fully attributed to unsafe WASH. FINDINGS: We estimate that 1·4 (95% CI 1·3-1·5) million deaths and 74 (68-80) million disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) could have been prevented by safe WASH in 2019 across the four designated outcomes, representing 2·5% of global deaths and 2·9% of global DALYs from all causes. The proportion of diarrhoea that is attributable to unsafe WASH is 0·69 (0·65-0·72), 0·14 (0·13-0·17) for acute respiratory infections, and 0·10 (0·09-0·10) for undernutrition, and we assume that the entire disease burden from soil-transmitted helminthiasis was attributable to unsafe WASH. INTERPRETATION: WASH-attributable burden of disease estimates based on the levels of service established under the SDG framework show that progress towards the internationally agreed goal of safely managed WASH services for all would yield major public-health returns. FUNDING: WHO and Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office

    Cross-cutting principles for planetary health education

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    Since the 2015 launch of the Rockefeller Foundation Lancet Commission on planetary health,1 an enormous groundswell of interest in planetary health education has emerged across many disciplines, institutions, and geographical regions. Advancing these global efforts in planetary health education will equip the next generation of scholars to address crucial questions in this emerging field and support the development of a community of practice. To provide a foundation for the growing interest and efforts in this field, the Planetary Health Alliance has facilitated the first attempt to create a set of principles for planetary health education that intersect education at all levels, across all scales, and in all regions of the world—ie, a set of cross-cutting principles

    Gesellschaft und Identität

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    Die Vatnsdoela saga\textit {Vatnsdoela saga}, die Geschichte der Leute aus dem Wassertal\textit {Geschichte der Leute aus dem Wassertal}, ist eine der fünfunddreißig Isländersagas. Sie berichtet von der Dynastie der Vatnstalgoden und umfasst dabei fünf Generationen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung widmet sich der Vatnsdoela saga\textit {Vatnsdoela saga} in ihrer Komplexität und entschlüsselt unter Einbeziehung dreier literaturwissenschaftlicher Methoden die zentrale Aussage dieser Saga. Vom narrativen Konstrukt (Struktur und Aufbau der Saga), über die sozialanthropologische Dimension (Häuptlingstypus, Glück, Konfliktlösung) bis zur kulturellen Botschaft (Diskursanalyse, Godentum, Magie/Übersinnliches) führt die Untersuchung zur übergeordneten Bedeutungsebene der Vatnsdoela saga\textit {Vatnsdoela saga}. In der Darstellung des Godentums und der fünf Goden (Häuptlinge), deren Schicksal die Vatnsdoela saga\textit {Vatnsdoela saga} schildert, manifestiert sich eine isländische Identität mit einem Appell zur Rückbesinnung auf die alten Traditionen in einer Zeit, in der Island seine politische Unabhängigkeit an Norwegen verloren hat

    agr-Dependent Bacterial Interference Has No Impact on Long-Term Colonization of Staphylococcus aureus during Persistent Airway Infection of Cystic Fibrosis Patients

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    The agr specificity group distribution of persistent Staphylococcus aureus clones recovered from the airways of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients did not differ from that of isolates recovered from various clinical infections and healthy nasal carriers. The success of CF clones in terms of cocolonization and/or infection with S. aureus, prevalence of clones, or persistence appeared to be independent of agr group specificity