407 research outputs found

    The Gut Microbiome in Neuromyelitis Optica.

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    Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a rare, disabling, sometimes fatal central nervous system inflammatory demyelinating disease that is associated with antibodies ("NMO IgG") that target the water channel protein aquaporin-4 (AQP4) expressed on astrocytes. There is considerable interest in identifying environmental triggers that may elicit production of NMO IgG by AQP4-reactive B cells. Although NMO is considered principally a humoral autoimmune disease, antibodies of NMO IgG are IgG1, a T-cell-dependent immunoglobulin subclass, indicating that AQP4-reactive T cells have a pivotal role in NMO pathogenesis. When AQP4-specific proliferative T cells were first identified in patients with NMO it was discovered that T cells recognizing the dominant AQP4 T-cell epitope exhibited a T helper 17 (Th17) phenotype and displayed cross-reactivity to a homologous peptide sequence within a protein of Clostridium perfringens, a commensal bacterium found in human gut flora. The initial analysis of gut microbiota in NMO demonstrated that, in comparison to healthy controls (HC) and patients with multiple sclerosis, the microbiome of NMO is distinct. Remarkably, C. perfringens was the second most significantly enriched taxon in NMO, and among bacteria identified at the species level, C. perfringens was the one most highly associated with NMO. Those discoveries, along with evidence that certain Clostridia in the gut can regulate the balance between regulatory T cells and Th17 cells, indicate that gut microbiota, and possibly C. perfringens itself, could participate in NMO pathogenesis. Collectively, the evidence linking microbiota to humoral and cellular immunity in NMO underscores the importance for further investigating this relationship

    Carbon Pricing in Climate Policy: Seven Reasons, Complementary Instruments, and Political Economy Considerations

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    Carbon pricing is a recurrent theme in debates on climate policy. Discarded at the 2009 COP in Copenhagen, it remained part of deliberations for a climate agreement in subsequent years. As there is still much misunderstanding about the many reasons to implement a global carbon price, ideological resistance against it prospers. Here, we present the main arguments for carbon pricing, to stimulate a fair and well-informed discussion about it. These include considerations that have received little attention so far. We stress that a main reason to use carbon pricing is environmental effectiveness at a relatively low cost, which in turn contributes to enhance social and political acceptability of climate policy. This includes the property that corrected prices stimulate rapid environmental innovations. These arguments are underappreciated in the public debate, where pricing is frequently downplayed and the erroneous view that innovation policies are sufficient is widespread. Carbon pricing and technology policies are, though, largely complementary and thus are both needed for effective climate policy. We also comment on the complementarity of other instruments to carbon pricing. We further discuss distributional consequences of carbon pricing and present suggestions on how to address these. Other political economy issues that receive attention are lobbying, co-benefits, international policy coordination, motivational crowding in/out, and long-term commitment. The overview ends with reflections on implementing a global carbon price, whether through a carbon tax or emissions trading. The discussion goes beyond traditional arguments from environmental economics by including relevant insights from energy research and innovation studies as well

    TERT Extra-Telomeric Roles: Antioxidant Activity and Mitochondrial Protection

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    Telomerase reverse transcriptase (TERT) is the catalytic subunit of telomerase holoenzyme, which adds telomeric DNA repeats on chromosome ends to counteract telomere shortening. In addition, there is evidence of TERT non-canonical functions, among which is an antioxidant role. In order to better investigate this role, we tested the response to X-rays and H2O2 treatment in hTERT-overexpressing human fibroblasts (HF-TERT). We observed in HF-TERT a reduced induction of reactive oxygen species and an increased expression of the proteins involved in the antioxidant defense. Therefore, we also tested a possible role of TERT inside mitochondria. We confirmed TERT mitochondrial localization, which increases after oxidative stress (OS) induced by H2O2 treatment. We next evaluated some mitochondrial markers. The basal mitochondria quantity appeared reduced in HF-TERT compared to normal fibroblasts and an additional reduction was observed after OS; nevertheless, the mitochondrial membrane potential and morphology were better conserved in HF-TERT. Our results suggest a protective function of TERT against OS, also preserving mitochondrial functionality

    Genotype-Phenotype correlations in multiple sclerosis: HLA genes influence disease severity inferred by 1HMR spectroscopy and MRI measures

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    Genetic susceptibility to multiple sclerosis (MS) is associated with the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) DRB1*1501 allele. Here we show a clear association between DRB1*1501 carrier status and four domains of disease severity in an investigation of genotype-phenotype associations in 505 robust, clinically well characterized MS patients evaluated cross-sectionally: (i) a reduction in the N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA) concentration within normal appearing white matter (NAWM) via 1HMR spectroscopy (P = 0.025), (ii) an increase in the volume of white matter (WM) lesions utilizing conventional anatomical MRI techniques (1,127 mm3; P = 0.031), (iii) a reduction in normalized brain parenchymal volume (nBPV) (P = 0.023), and (iv) impairments in cognitive function as measured by the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test (PASAT-3) performance (Mean Z Score: DRB1*1501+: 0.110 versus DRB1*1501-: 0.048; P = 0.004). In addition, DRB1*1501+ patients had significantly more women (74% versus 63%; P = 0.009) and a younger mean age at disease onset (32.4 years versus 34.3 years; P = 0.025). Our findings suggest that DRB1*1501 increases disease severity in MS by facilitating the development of more T2-foci, thereby increasing the potential for irreversible axonal compromise and subsequent neuronal degeneration, as suggested by the reduction of NAA concentrations in NAWM, ultimately leading to a decline in brain volume. These structural aberrations may explain the significant differences in cognitive performance observed between DRB1*1501 groups. The overall goal of a deep phenotypic approach to MS is to develop an array of meaningful biomarkers to monitor the course of the disease, predict future disease behaviour, determine when treatment is necessary, and perhaps to more effectively recommend an available therapeutic interventio

    Silent progression in disease activity-free relapsing multiple sclerosis.

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    ObjectiveRates of worsening and evolution to secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (MS) may be substantially lower in actively treated patients compared to natural history studies from the pretreatment era. Nonetheless, in our recently reported prospective cohort, more than half of patients with relapsing MS accumulated significant new disability by the 10th year of follow-up. Notably, "no evidence of disease activity" at 2 years did not predict long-term stability. Here, we determined to what extent clinical relapses and radiographic evidence of disease activity contribute to long-term disability accumulation.MethodsDisability progression was defined as an increase in Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) of 1.5, 1.0, or 0.5 (or greater) from baseline EDSS = 0, 1.0-5.0, and 5.5 or higher, respectively, assessed from baseline to year 5 (±1 year) and sustained to year 10 (±1 year). Longitudinal analysis of relative brain volume loss used a linear mixed model with sex, age, disease duration, and HLA-DRB1*15:01 as covariates.ResultsRelapses were associated with a transient increase in disability over 1-year intervals (p = 0.012) but not with confirmed disability progression (p = 0.551). Relative brain volume declined at a greater rate among individuals with disability progression compared to those who remained stable (p < 0.05).InterpretationLong-term worsening is common in relapsing MS patients, is largely independent of relapse activity, and is associated with accelerated brain atrophy. We propose the term silent progression to describe the insidious disability that accrues in many patients who satisfy traditional criteria for relapsing-remitting MS. Ann Neurol 2019;85:653-666

    Genetic, environmental and stochastic factors in monozygotic twin discordance with a focus on epigenetic differences

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    PMCID: PMC3566971This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited

    HLA-class I markers and multiple sclerosis susceptibility in the Italian population

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    Previous studies reported an association with multiple sclerosis (MS) of distinct HLA-class I markers, namely HLA-A*02, HLA-Cw*05 and MOG-142L. In this work, we tested the association with MS of A*02 and Cw*05 in 1273 Italian MS patients and 1075 matched controls, which were previously analyzed for MOG-142, and explored the relationship among these three markers in modulating MS risk. HLA-A*02 conferred a statistically robust MS protection (odds ratio, OR=0.61; 95% confidence intervals, CI=0.51–0.72, P<10−9), which was independent of DRB1*15 and of any other DRB1* allele and remained similar after accounting for the other two analyzed class I markers. Conversely, the protective effect we previously observed for MOG-142L was secondary to its linkage disequilibrium with A*02. Cw*05 was not associated considering the whole sample, but its presence significantly enhanced the protection in the HLA-A*02-positive group, independently of DRB1: the OR conferred by A*02 in Cw*05-positive individuals (0.22, 95% CI=0.13–0.38) was significantly lower than in Cw*05-negative individuals (0.69, 95% CI=0.58–0.83) with a significant (P=4.94 × 10−5) multiplicative interaction between the two markers. In the absence of A*02, Cw*05 behaved as a risk factor, particularly in combination with DRB1*03 (OR=3.89, P=0.0006), indicating that Cw*05 might be a marker of protective or risk haplotypes, respectively

    Outsourcing and structural change: shifting firm and sectoral boundaries

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    The paper aims at investigating the structural change implications of outsourcing. In trying to bridge the organizational/industrial and the sectoral/structural analysis of outsourcing, it discusses the rational and the methodological pros and cons of a “battery” of outsourcing measurements for structural change analysis. Their functioning is then illustrated through a concise application of them to the OECD area over the ’80s and the early ’90s. A combined used of them emerges as recommendable in checking for the role of outsourcing with respect to that of other structural change determinants