289 research outputs found
Gobierno abierto, consolidación de sus políticas en Euskadi, Navarra y Cataluña
[ES]Estamos ante un momento de inflexión donde el retorno de la participación ciudadana al debate, los avances tecnológicos y la inestabilidad generada por la globalización hacen que las instituciones políticas liberales se vean desencajadas. En este contexto de redefinición, la estrategia de gobierno abierto puede ser la clave para el futuro de las administraciones públicas. Este trabajo pretende hacer una aproximación a las realidades vasca y catalana, analizando el grado de consolidación de las políticas de apertura y la percepción de las y los responsables de implementarlas en Euskadi, Navarra y Cataluña.[EU]Herritarren partaidetza berriro ere eztabaidagai izateak, aurrerapen teknologikoek eta globalizazioak sortutako ezegonkortasunak aldaketa garai baten aurrean gaudela ematen digute aditzera. Testuinguru horretan erakunde politiko liberalak jokoz kanpo geratzen dira askotan eta, horrenbestez, gobernu irekiaren estrategia administrazio publikoen etorkizunerako funtsezkoa izan daiteke. Ikerketa honek euskal eta kataluniar errealitateetara hurbilketa egitea du helburu, irekiera politiken garapen maila eta beren inplementazioaz arduratzen direnen pertzepzioa aztertuz Euskadin, Nafarroan eta Katalunian.[EN]We are facing a pivotal moment in which the return of citizen participation to the debate, technological advances and the instability generated by globalization make liberal political institutions not to respond effectively to new challenges. In this context of redefinition, the open government strategy can be the key for the future of public administrations. This paper aims to provide an approximation to the Basque and Catalan realities, analyzing both the degree of consolidation of the openness policies and the perception of those responsible for implementing them in Euskadi, Navarre and Catalonia
Gobernu irekia eta partaidetza elektronikoa Euskadin
[EUS] Krisi garaian gaude eta ordezkatze-sistemei higadura zantzu nabariak azaleratu zaizkie. Beraz, erakundeen rola birdefinitzeko erronkaren aurrean gaude eta horretan gobernu irekiaren estrategia baliagarria izan daiteke. Testuinguru horren baitan, ikerketa honek gobernu irekiaren nondik norakoak ezagutu eta Euskadiren kasu konkretuko egoera analizatu nahi du, batez ere, parte-hartzearen dimentsioa jorratuz
Kimika Ez-Organikoaren sarrera: laborategiko praktikak
[EUS] Hamahiru laborategiko praktika daude bilduta, Kimika Ez-Organikoaren sarrerari dagozkiolarik. Hots, saio esperimentalak egiteko gidoiak daude bilduta, eta gero, ikasleek egin beharreko txostena
Las garrapatas exófilas como vectores de agentes zoonóticos: estudio sobre la abundancia y actividad de las garrapatas en la vegetación, e investigación de la presencia de agentes patógenos en garrapatas y micromamíferos
273 p.Se plantearon los siguiente objetivos específicos que constituyen el
trabajo de tesis: 1. Estudiar las especies exófilas presentes en la vegetación mediante la técnica del
arrastre de la manta, y comparar la abundancia y variedad de especies de
garrapatas presentes en la CAPV con otras zonas climáticas del centro de España.
2. Estudiar la evolución en el tiempo de la distribución, abundancia y variedad de las
especies de garrapatas ixódidas presentes en la vegetación de la CAPV.
3. Estudiar la dinámica estacional de la especie de garrapata ixódida más abundante en
la vegetación de la CAPV, I. ricinus, y analizar si se dan las circunstancias óptimas
para que el virus TBE pueda estar presente en en Norte de España.
4. Investigar la presencia del virus TBE en adultos y ninfas de I. ricinus.
5. Estudiar la presencia de algunos agentes zoonóticos bacterianos transmitidos por
garrapatas (Borrelia spp., Rickettsia spp., A. phagocytophilum, C. burnetii) en las
garrapatas presentes en la vegetación de la CAPV.
6. Estudiar el papel de los micromamíferos silvestres y domésticos como posibles
reservorios de algunas bacterias transmitidas por garrapata
Kimika Ez-organikoaren sarrera
Kimika Ez-Organikoaren sarrera: egitura atomikoa, lotura kimikoa (molekuletan eta solidoetan)eta kohesio-indarra
A crystallographic, spectroscopic and magnetic study of the [Co(dpk. OH)(dpk. OCH3)(NCO)2]2 compound
The asymmetric unit of the title compound, [MnBr2(C6H4NO2)(H2O)2]n, contains one monomeric unit of the neutral linear coordination polymer. The Mn3+ ions are bridged by anionic pyridine-2-carboxylate (pic) ligands, thereby forming a chain-like structure along the c axis, and are six-coordinated in a distorted octahedral environment by two O atoms of the two different carboxylate groups, two O atoms of two water molecules and two Br atoms. The complex displays intermolecular O—H⋯Br, O—H⋯N, O—H⋯O, C—H⋯O and C—H⋯Br hydrogen bonding. There may also be intermolecular π–π interactions between adjacent pyridine rings, with a centroid–centroid distance of 3.993 (8) Å
Assessment of exposure to piroplasms in sheep grazing in communal mountain pastures by using a multiplex DNA bead-based suspension array
BACKGROUND: Piroplasms are tick-borne hemoprotozoans with a major impact on extensive management systems. Detection of sub-clinical low-level carriers, which can act as source of infection for vector ticks, is key to protect livestock trade and facilitate preventive control programs. The purpose of this study was to develop a method for the detection of ovine piroplasms and to use it in a field study aimed at investigating piroplasms infection in semi-extensive production systems in the Basque Country (northern Spain). METHODS: A DNA bead-based suspension array using the Luminex® xMAP technology that included a generic Theileria-Babesia control probe, 6 species-specific probes, and an internal control probe was developed to detect and identify piroplasms that infect sheep. To monitor piroplasm infection in clinically healthy sheep from 4 flocks that share communal mountain pastures, blood samples were collected during 2 grazing seasons. RESULTS: Piroplasms were detected in 48% (214/446) of blood samples, nearly half of them (49.1%, 105/214) as mixed infections. Five different piroplasms were identified: Theileria sp. OT3 in 34.8% of the samples, Theileria ovis in 20.9%, and at lower prevalences Babesia motasi (12.3%), Theileria luwenshuni/OT1 (10.5%) and Babesia ovis (6.3%). Despite differences among flocks associated to differences in management, an increasing trend in the incidence of piroplasm infection with increasing age of animals after increased tick exposure was observed. This increment could be attributed to continued re-infection associated with re-exposure to ticks at grazing. Ticks were collected from animals (4 species) and vegetation (8 species), and associations between tick abundance seasonality and risk of infection with the different piroplasms were established. CONCLUSION: The multiplex Luminex® xMAP procedure is a rapid and high throughput technique that provided highly specific and sensitive identification of single and mixed piroplasm infections in blood of sheep carriers. This study confirmed a situation of endemic stability for piroplasm infection in the region, where infection is present in the absence of clinical signs, and mountain grazing allows for sufficient inoculation rates to maintain such situation
catena-Poly[hemi(hexane-1,6-diammonium) [[aquadibromidomanganese(II)]-μ-pyridine-2-carboxylato]]
The asymmetric unit of the title compound, {(C6H18N2)0.5[MnBr2(C6H4NO2)(H2O)]}n, contains the repeat unit of the complex anion and one-half of a hexane-1,6-diammonium cation that is located on a twofold rotation axis. In the anionic polymer, the Mn2+ ions are bridged by the pyridinecarboxylate (pic) anion ligand, forming a chain structure along the c axis. The Mn2+ ion is six-coordinated in a distorted octahedral environment by one N atom of the pyridine ring, two O atoms of the two carboxylate groups, one O atom of the water molecule and two Br atoms. The compound displays intermolecular N—H⋯O, N—H⋯Br, O—H⋯Br and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonding. There may also be intermolecular π–π interactions between adjacent pyridine rings, with a centroid–centroid distance of 3.992 (4) Å
Seroepidemiological study of Q fever in domestic ruminants in semi-extensive grazing systems
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Q fever, a worldwide zoonotic disease caused by <it>Coxiella burnetii</it>, is endemic in northern Spain where it has been reported as responsible for large series of human pneumonia cases and domestic ruminants' reproductive disorders. To investigate pathogen exposure among domestic ruminants in semi-extensive grazing systems in northern Spain, a serosurvey was carried out in 1,379 sheep (42 flocks), 626 beef cattle (46 herds) and 115 goats (11 herds). Serum antibodies were analysed by ELISA and positive samples were retested by Complement Fixation test (CFT) to detect recent infections.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ELISA anti-<it>C. burnetii </it>antibody prevalence was slightly higher in sheep (11.8 ± 2.0%) than in goats (8.7 ± 5.9%) and beef cattle (6.7 ± 2.0%). Herd prevalence was 74% for ovine, 45% for goat and 43% for bovine. Twenty-one percent of sheep flocks, 27% of goat and 14% of cattle herds had a <it>C. burnetii </it>seroprevalence ≥ 20%. Only 15 out of 214 ELISA-positive animals reacted positive by CFT. Age-associated seroprevalence differed between ruminant species with a general increasing pattern with age. No evidence of correlation between abortion history and seroprevalence rates was observed despite the known abortifacient nature of <it>C. burnetii </it>in domestic ruminants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results reported herein showed that sheep had the highest contact rate with <it>C. burnetii </it>in the region but also that cattle and goats should not be neglected as part of the domestic cycle of <it>C. burnetii</it>. This work reports basic epidemiologic patterns of <it>C. burnetii </it>in semi-extensive grazed domestic ruminants which, together with the relevant role of <it>C. burnetii </it>as a zoonotic and abortifacient agent, makes these results to concern both Public and Animal Health Authorities.</p
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