25 research outputs found


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    This article proposes the term departheid to capture the systemic oppression and spatial management of illegalized migrants in Western liberal states. As a concept, departheid aims to move beyond the instrumentality of illegalizing migration in order to comprehend the tenacity with which oppressive measures are implemented even in the face of accumulating evidence for their futility in managing migration flows and the harm they cause to millions of people. The article highlights continuities between present oppressive migration regimes and past colonial configurations for controlling the mobility of what Hannah Arendt has called “subject races.” By drawing on similarities with apartheid as a governing ideology based on racialization, segregation, and deportation, I argue that departheid, too, is animated by a sense of moral superiority that is rooted in a fantasy of White supremacy.Este artículo propone el término departheid para designar la opresión sistémica y la gestión espacial de los inmigrantes ilegalizados en los Estados liberales occidentales. Como concepto, departheid apunta a ir más allá de los instrumentos de ilegalización de la migración para comprender la persistencia con que se implementan estas medidas opresivas, a pesar de una creciente evidencia sobre su inutilidad en la gestión de la movilidad humana y del daño que causan a millones de personas. El artículo destaca la continuidad entre los actuales regímenes migratorios opresivos y las configuraciones coloniales del pasado para controlar la movilidad de aquellos a quienes Hannah Arendt denominó las “razas sometidas”. Haciendo uso de similitudes con el apartheid como ideología dominante basada en la racialización, la segregación y la deportación, sostengo que el departheid viene motivado también por un sentido de superioridad moral enraizado en la fantasía de la supremacía blanca.Este artigo propõe o termo departheid para capturar a opressão sistêmica e a gestão espacial dos imigrantes ilegalizados nos Estados liberais ocidentais. Como conceito, departheid objetiva ir além da instrumentalidade da ilegalização no sentido de compreender a tenacidade com a qual as medidas opressivas são implementadas apesar de uma crescente evidência sobre a sua inutilidade na gestão da mobilidade humana e os danos que causam a milhões de pessoas. O artigo destaca as continuidades entre os atuais regimes migratórios opressivos e as configurações no passado colonial por controlar a mobilidade ao que Hannah Arendt chamou de “raças submetidas”. Ao fazer uso da similaridade com o apartheid como ideologia dominante baseada na racialização, segregação e deportação, argumento que o departheid também é motivado por um sentido de superioridade moral com raízes na fantasia da supremacia branca

    El internamiento de extranjeros: ¿Qué nos dicen los datos? Análisis de los expedientos de internamiento tramitados en la provincia de Barcelona en 2015

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    El trabajo presenta las principales conclusiones de una investigación empírica sobre los expedientes de internamiento tramitados en la provincia de Barcelona en el año 2015. A partir del análisis de 575 expedientes y del uso de una metodología innovadora, se arroja luz sobre el perfil de las personas extranjeras afectadas por el internamiento, así como sobre los criterios que emplean los diversos agentes que intervienen en esta decisión: policías, fiscales, abogados y jueces de instrucción. También se ofrece información sobre la detención que precede a la solicitud de internamiento y sobre las órdenes de salida obligatoria que se pretende garantizar mediante esta forma de privación de libertad. Todos estos datos permiten poner de relieve cuál es el funcionamiento real del internamiento y los criterios que se emplean en la aplicación de la normativa vigent

    Foreigner’s Pre-removal Detention: What Can We Learn from Data? Analysis of Pre-Removal Files Processed in the Province of Barcelona in 2015

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    This paper contains the most important findings of an empirical research on the detention files of undocumented migrants for the purpose of removal processed in the province of Barcelona in 2015. The analysis of 575 files with an innovative methodology offers relevant information about the profiles of deportable migrants and the way in which all involved actors (police, state prosecutors, lawyers and judges) behave. The study gives also information about the detention that precedes all files, as well as about the deportation order that should be executed thanks to pre-removal detention. All these figures show which is the way in which pre-removal detention works and which are the criteria that are used in the implementation of the legal rules that govern preremoval detention of undocumented migrants

    Departheid. La gobernanza draconiana de los migrantes ilegalizados en los Estados occidentales

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    This article proposes the term departheid to capture the systemic oppression and spatial management of illegalized migrants in Western liberal states. As a concept, departheid aims to move beyond the instrumentality of illegalizing migration in order to comprehend the tenacity with which oppressive measures are implemented even in the face of accumulating evidence for their futility in managing migration flows and the harm they cause to millions of people. The article highlights continuities between present oppressive migration regimes and past colonial configurations for controlling the mobility of what Hannah Arendt has called “subject races.” By drawing on similarities with apartheid as a governing ideology based on racialization, segregation, and deportation, I argue that departheid, too, is animated by a sense of moral superiority that is rooted in a fantasy of White supremacy.Este artigo propõe o termo departheid para capturar a opressão sistêmica e a gestão espacial dos imigrantes ilegalizados nos Estados liberais ocidentais. Como conceito, departheid objetiva ir além da instrumentalidade da ilegalização no sentido de compreender a tenacidade com a qual as medidas opressivas são implementadas apesar de uma crescente evidência sobre a sua inutilidade na gestão da mobilidade humana e os danos que causam a milhões de pessoas. O artigo destaca as continuidades entre os atuais regimes migratórios opressivos e as configurações no passado colonial por controlar a mobilidade ao que Hannah Arendt chamou de “raças submetidas”. Ao fazer uso da similaridade com o apartheid como ideologia dominante baseada na racialização, segregação e deportação, argumento que o departheid também é motivado por um sentido de superioridade moral com raízes na fantasia da supremacia branca.Este artículo propone el término departheid para designar la opresión sistémica y la gestión espacial de los inmigrantes ilegalizados en los Estados liberales occidentales. Como concepto, departheid apunta a ir más allá de los instrumentos de ilegalización de la migración para comprender la persistencia con que se implementan estas medidas opresivas, a pesar de una creciente evidencia sobre su inutilidad en la gestión de la movilidad humana y del daño que causan a millones de personas. El artículo destaca la continuidad entre los actuales regímenes migratorios opresivos y las configuraciones coloniales del pasado para controlar la movilidad de aquellos a quienes Hannah Arendt denominó las “razas sometidas”. Haciendo uso de similitudes con el apartheid como ideología dominante basada en la racialización, la segregación y la deportación, sostengo que el departheid viene motivado también por un sentido de superioridad moral enraizado en la fantasía de la supremacía blanca

    Afterword: On Transitive Concepts and Local Imaginations — Studying Mobilities from a Translocal Perspective

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    Translocality as an analytical concept appears to have ignited the imagination of many scholars who are considering and reconsidering multiple mobilities in space and time. In different academic quarters, there is a perceptible increase in the scope of social issues and the breadth of geographical locations that fall under a translocal magnifying glass. The conceptual appeal of translocality, I believe, has much to do with its transitive character. The seductiveness of transitive concepts was..

    Evaluating Academia.

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    There is a growing body of literature and events critiquing the spread of ‘audit cultures’ 1 in Western research institutions. In brief, these audit cultures imply the assignment of numerical values to the ‘output’ of researchers, the ranking and/or financing of institutions, departments and/or individuals based on these values, and, perhaps most significantly, the dependence of the financing of new research on the forecast of research ‘output’ ahead of time—in essence ..

    TRANSLATOR OF: Proportionality: Constitutional Rights and their Limitations

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    Professor Kalir translated this book from Hebrew to English

    TRANSLATOR OF: Proportionality: Constitutional Rights and their Limitations

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    Professor Kalir translated this book from Hebrew to English

    Transnational Flows and Permissive Polities: Ethnographies of Human Mobilities in Asia

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    This book is a collection of ethnographies of transnational migration and border crossings in Asia. Interdisciplinary in scope, it addresses issues of mobility and Diaspora from various vantage points. Unique to this volume is an emphasis of studying globalisation from below, privileging the narratives and views of “people on the move” – or the transnational underclass – and their sense of belonging to places and communities. The collection is further distinguished by its focus on the sources of authority and the social configurations that are created in the intersections between legality and illegality across Asia. Though previous studies on transnational flows have deconstructed the notion of nation-states as having fixed political boundaries, and have engaged in spaces beyond the nation-states, seldom has an entire region, Asia, been privileged in one integrated volume. We emphasize hitherto marginalized debates that have significant policy relevance. Other than a serious academic interest from lecturers and students, we are confident that book will be of significant interest for development practitioners and NGOs

    Editorial Introduction: The Shifting Geopolitics of Return Migration and Reintegration

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    The recent geo-politicisation of return migration warrants deep consideration of the politics of return and reintegration. A focus on geopolitics prefigures the study of reintegration not just as circumstantial to the lives of migrants or the formal strategies of states but also as deeply embedded in the historical socio-cultural and political contexts where it takes place. In introducing a set of papers that explore these links from different angles and based on research from around the world, this article argues that return and reintegration constitute a qualitatively different process from immigration and integration in the receiving countries, first and foremost because the sending state—a key actor in the reintegration process—is in a position of geopolitical power marginality. Indeed, the strategies of all the stakeholders implicated in reintegration are closely linked to the geopolitics of migration governance. In these contexts, migrants’ intimate, as well as pragmatic, strategies of reintegration and re-migration are an expression, as well as a trigger, of multi-scale geopolitics. There is a distinct contrast between the emphasis on borders and securitisation in high-income countries and the informality and precarity of the way that migrants have to manage their ontological security in the process of return and reintegration. Reintegration should thus be understood as a process contingent upon different and, often, incongruous legal, political and socio-economic elements, as endorsed and employed by the different stakeholders involved