23 research outputs found

    Mogućnost primene okare kao sekundarne sirovine u proizvodnji hraniva za ribe

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    Poslednjih godina istraživanju soje poklanja se velika pažnja zbog povoljnih zdravstvenih efekata. Mnoge studije su utvrdile u zrnu soje prisustvo komponenti poput proteina, dijetalnih vlakana, masnih kiselina, izoflavona i drugih fitohemikalija, koje povoljno deluju na organizam. Sirova okara, poznata i kao "sojina pulpa", je nusprodukt u priozvodnji sojinog mleka. To je belo-žućkasta materija koja se sastoji od nerastvorljivih delova semena soje (uglavnom semenjače) koji ostaju na filteru pri filtriranju usitnjenog kuvanog zrna soje pri proizvodnji sojinog mleka (Jimenez-Escrig et al., 2008). Cilj ovog rada je bio da se proceni uticaj metoda polupogonskog postrojenja koje koristi hidrotermičku obradu sojinog zrna u proizvodnji sojinog mleka (HTC obrada; visoka temperatura i povišen pritisak/kratko vreme) na sadržaj i aktivnost hranljivih komponenti okare, pripremane od šest različitih genotipova soje, kao i da se proceni mogućnost korišćenja okare u pripremi hrane za ribe. Može se pretpostaviti da će primenjeni HTC postupak, koji je sličan procesu ekstrudiranja, koji se najčešće koriste u proizvodnji hrane za ribe (visoka temperatura/kratako vreme), dati okaru povoljnih svojstava, pogodna za ishranu riba. Pored toga, obzirom da je optimalna pH vrednost vode za uzgoj riba od 7.0 do 8.0 (Zhanga et al., 2011), različita od izoelektrične tačke (Ip) glavnih proteina okare može se pretpostaviti da se proteini okare neće taložiti u mulju, već će ostati da plutaju u vodi. Glavne komponente okare dobijene primenjenim HTC postupkom su ugljeni hidrati (51.25-59.25%) i proteini (31.81-40.36%). Mateos-Aparicio et al. (2010b) ističu veoma povoljnu antioksidativnu aktivnost okare, koju uglavnom pripisuju polisharidima semenjače sojinog zrna, pre svega pektinima, iako ističu da se ne može isključiti ni doprinos belančevina. Ovakva istraživanja ukazuju na mogućnost delovanja okare kao komponete u ishrani riba u smislu odbrane od antioksidativnog stresa. Visok sadržaj proteina, čini okaru potencijalno dobrim izvorom biljnih proteina, niske cene, za ishranu ljudi i životinja. Visok sadržaj i vrlo dobre funkcionalne karakteristike proteina okare (Mateos-Aparicio et al., 2010a), ukazuju na to da mogu biti pogodni kao dopuna hrane za ribu u smislu vezivnog medijuma za druge aktivne i hranljive komponente u proizvodu, pri čemu doprinose nutritivnoj vrednosti hraniva. Štaviše, odnos esencijalnih amino kiselina u ukupnom aminokiselinskom sastavu proteina okare je sličan kao u sojinom mleku i tofuu (Vang i Cavins, 1989). Glavni proteini okare su bazni, 7S globulin (Bg7S; 24.61-28.37%) i glicinin (11S globulin; 28.49-33.11%). Poznato je da je Bg7S glikoprotein bogat cisteinom (Omi et al., 1996) što povećava nutritivnu vrednost proizvoda. Proteini soje nisu nutritivno idealni proteini, obzirom da ispoljavaju neželjeni efekat na metabolizam nakon konzumiranja sirove sojine sačme, što se pripisuje prisustvu tripsin inhibitora (TI) i lektina. Tripsin inhibitorska aktivnost ispitivanih uzoraka je veoma mala (4.82-7.99%) što ukazuje da okara ne bi ispoljavala antinutritivni efekat na organizam, tim pre što se veruje da postizanje zadovoljavajućeg nivoa TIA dovoljno smanjuje aktivnost lektina, obzirom da su inhibitori termički stabilniji nego lektini (Friedman i Brendon, 2001)

    Elektrofilterski pepeo kosovskih termoelektrana kao materijal za kalcizaciju kiselih zemljišta

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    Fly-ash which is being produced as a result of coal combustion provides serious environmental problem, especialy if it is hardly remediated. Kosovo powerplants since 1963 have formed huge fly-ash dumps, with over than 200,000 t of fly-ash, which provides seriou environmental problem now. Afact that fly-ash of Kosovo powerplants is alkaline, with relatively high content of CaO, recommends it as a material which can be successfuly used in melioration of acid soils.Elektrofilterski pepeo (EF) koji nastaje kao proizvod sagorevanja uglja u elektranama predstavlja ozbiljan ekološki problem, naročito ako je slabo rekultibilan. Kosovske termoelektrane su tokom vremena, od 1963. godine do danas, formirale ogromne deponije EF pepela, čija težina danas iznosi 200.000 tona i predstavljaju ozbiljan ekološki problem. Činjenica da je EF pepeo kosovskih termoelektrana alkalne reakcije, sa relativno visokim sadržajem CaO, preporuka je da se, kao material, može koristiti za uspešnu popravku kiselih zemljišta, što je i cilj ovog rada

    Effect of limited hydrolysis on traditional soy protein concentrate

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    The influence of limited proteolysis of soy protein concentrate on protein extractability, the composition of the extractable proteins, their emulsifying properties and some nutritional properties were investigated. Traditional concentrate (alcohol leached concentrate) was hydrolyzed using trypsin and pepsin as hydrolytic agents. Significant differences in extractable protein composition between traditional concentrate and their hydrolysates were observed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and by SDS-PAGE. All hydrolysates showed better extractability than the original protein concentrate, whereas significantly better emulsifying properties were noticed at modified concentrates obtained by trypsin induced hydrolysis. These improved properties are the result of two simultaneous processes, dissociation and degradation of insoluble alcohol-induced protein aggregates. Enzyme induced hydrolysis had no influence on trypsin-inibitor activity, and significantly reduced phytic acid content

    SDS-PAGE analysis of soluble proteins in reconstituted milk exposed to different heat treatments

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    This paper deals with the investigation of the impact of the heat treatment of reconstituted skim milk conducted at different temperatures, and the adding of demineralized whey on the protein solubility, soluble protein composition and interactions involved between proteins in a chemical complex. Commercial skim milk has been reconstituted and heat treated at 75 degrees C, 85 degrees C and 90 degrees C for 20 minutes. Demineralized whey has been added in concentrations of 0.5%, 1.0 and 2.0%. The soluble protein composition has been determined by the polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and by the densitometric analysis. Due to the different changes occurred during treatments at different temperatures, proteins of heat-treated samples containing added demineralized whey have had significantly different solubility. At lower temperatures (75 degrees C and 85 degrees C) the adding of demineralized whey decreased the protein solubility by 5.28%-26.41%, while the addition of demineralized whey performed at 90 degrees C increased the soluble protein content by 5.61%-28.89%. Heat treatments, as well as the addition of demineralized whey, have induced high molecular weight complex formation. beta-Lg, alpha-La and kappa-casein are involved in high molecular weight complexes. The disulfide interactions between denatured molecules of these proteins are mostly responsible for the formation of coaggregates. The level of their interactions and the soluble protein composition are determined by the degree of temperature

    Spectroscopic characteristics of highly selective manganese catalysis in acqueous polyurethane systems

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    The latest investigations on producing more efficient catalytic aqueous polyurethane systems are in the domain of metal complexes with mixed ligands. In our previous research works, the high selectivity for the isocyanate-hydroxyl reaction in aqueous polyurethane systems has been shown by the manganese(III) mixed-ligand complexes. The two new complexes have been prepared with two acetylacetonate (acac) ligands and one maleate ligand and its hydroxylamine derivative of the general formula [Mn(C5H7O2)(2)L]. Their structures have been established by using the fundamental analyses, the FTIR and UV/VIS spectroscopic methods, as well as the magnetic measurements. In order to explain the different selectivity of the manganese(III) mixed-ligand complexes, the UV and ESR spectroscopy have been employed to determine the kinetics of the complexes' decomposition. The thermal stability of the complexes has been determined by way of the dynamic TG method at the heating rate of 5 degrees C.min(-1) and at the temperature ranged 20-550 degrees C. It suggests the decomposition of the complexes by loss of acid ligand. The main factor in the selective catalysis control in the aqueous polyurethane systems is the nature of the acid ligands and their impact on the manganese(II)/manganese(III) equilibrium

    Thermal stability of aqueous polyurethanes depending on the applied catalysts

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    The thermal stability of aqueous polyurethanes has been measured applying the thermogravimetric analysis. The aqueous polyurethanes (aqPUR) with catalysts of different selectivity have been studied by use of the dynamic method. To obtain degradations of 0.025, 0.05, and 0.10, employing the dynamic method, the heating rates of 0.5, 1, 2, 5, and 10 degrees C min(-1) have been used in the range of 30-500 degrees C. Using the more selective catalysts in the aqueous polyurethanes, the total resulting time of the decompositon has been on the increase at all degrees of the degradation and at the particular starting temperature. This paper shows that the dynamic method based on the thermogravimetric analysis can be used to assess the thermal stability of the aqueous polyurethanes using the catalysts of different selectivity

    Profile and Functional Properties of Seed Proteins from Six Pea (Pisum sativum) Genotypes

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    Extractability, extractable protein compositions, technological-functional properties of pea (Pisum sativum) proteins from six genotypes grown in Serbia were investigated. Also, the relationship between these characteristics was presented. Investigated genotypes showed significant differences in storage protein content, composition and extractability. The ratio of vicilin: legumin concentrations, as well as the ratio of vicilin + convicilin: Legumin concentrations were positively correlated with extractability. Our data suggest that the higher level of vicilin and/or a lower level of legumin have a positive influence on protein extractability. The emulsion activity index (EAI) was strongly and positively correlated with the solubility, while no significant correlation was found between emulsion stability (ESI) and solubility, nor between foaming properties and solubility. No association was evident between ESI and EAI. A moderate positive correlation between emulsion stability and foam capacity was observed. Proteins from the investigated genotypes expressed significantly different emulsifying properties and foam capacity at different pH values, whereas low foam stability was detected. It appears that genotype has considerable influence on content, composition and technological-functional properties of pea bean proteins. This fact can be very useful for food scientists in efforts to improve the quality of peas and pea protein products

    Functional Properties of Pea (Pisum sativum, L.) Protein Isolates Modified with Chymosin

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    In this paper, the effects of limited hydrolysis on functional properties, as well as on protein composition of laboratory-prepared pea protein isolates, were investigated. Pea protein isolates were hydrolyzed for either 15, 30 and 60 min with recombined chymosin (Maxiren). The effect of enzymatic action on solubility, emulsifying and foaming properties at different pH values (3.0; 5.0; 7.0 and 8.0) was monitored. Chymosin can be a very useful agent for improvement of functional properties of isolates. Action of this enzyme caused a low degree of hydrolysis (3.9–4.7%), but improved significantly functional properties of pea protein isolates (PPI), especially at lower pH values (3.0–5.0). At these pH values all hydrolysates had better solubility, emulsifying activity and foaming stability, while longer-treated samples (60 min) formed more stable emulsions at higher pH values (7.0, 8.0) than initial isolates. Also, regardless of pH value, all hydrolysates showed improved foaming ability. A moderate positive correlation between solubility and emulsifying activity index (EAI) (0.74) and negative correlation between solubility and foam stability (−0.60) as well as between foam stability (FS) and EAI (−0.77) were observed. Detected enhancement in functional properties was a result of partial hydrolysis of insoluble protein complexes

    Profile and Functional Properties of Seed Proteins from Six Pea (Pisum sativum) Genotypes

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    Extractability, extractable protein compositions, technological-functional properties of pea (Pisum sativum) proteins from six genotypes grown in Serbia were investigated. Also, the relationship between these characteristics was presented. Investigated genotypes showed significant differences in storage protein content, composition and extractability. The ratio of vicilin:legumin concentrations, as well as the ratio of vicilin + convicilin: Legumin concentrations were positively correlated with extractability. Our data suggest that the higher level of vicilin and/or a lower level of legumin have a positive influence on protein extractability. The emulsion activity index (EAI) was strongly and positively correlated with the solubility, while no significant correlation was found between emulsion stability (ESI) and solubility, nor between foaming properties and solubility. No association was evident between ESI and EAI. A moderate positive correlation between emulsion stability and foam capacity was observed. Proteins from the investigated genotypes expressed significantly different emulsifying properties and foam capacity at different pH values, whereas low foam stability was detected. It appears that genotype has considerable influence on content, composition and technological-functional properties of pea bean proteins. This fact can be very useful for food scientists in efforts to improve the quality of peas and pea protein products

    The Influence of Milk Type on the Proteolysis and Antioxidant Capacity of White-Brined Cheese Manufactured from High-Heat-Treated Milk Pretreated with Chymosin

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    We investigated the effect of milk type on the proteolysis and total antioxidant capacity (TEAC) of white-brined cheeses prepared from high-heat-treated (90 °C, 10 min) cow’s and goat’s milk, pretreated with chymosin at a low temperature (4 °C). The cheeses produced showed improved antioxidant characteristics and a high content of denatured whey proteins. However, these characteristics depend on the type of milk and the ripening time. Ripened cow’s milk cheese had higher values of WSN/TN (water-soluble nitrogen per total nitrogen content) and TCA-SN/TN (nitrogen soluble in 12% trichloroacetic acid per total nitrogen), but similar PTA-SN/TN (nitrogen soluble in 5% phosphotungstic acid per total nitrogen) values were observed in ripened cheeses. The antioxidant potential of a WSF (water-soluble fraction) was higher in goat’s milk cheese, but higher TEAC (total antioxidant capacity) values of WINF (water-insoluble fraction) were observed in matured cow’s milk cheese. In vitro digestion slightly improved the radical scavenging capacity of WSF, whereas digested WINF had more than twice the capacity of their undigested counterparts. The cheeses prepared in this study could be a good source of antioxidant peptides. Further investigations of their in vitro and in vivo functionality need to be conducted