98 research outputs found


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    This paper examines and discusses the specific belt sanding resistance K (N·cm-2) and specific belt sanding intensity SI (g·cm-2·min-1), for wood of Pinus sylvestris L., Picea abies L., Quercus robra L., Acer pseudoplatanus L., Alnus glutinosa Gaertn., and Populus Nigra L., by different sanding pressure pS, different sanding grit NG number, and different wood grain angles Phi(v)

    Synthesis and optical properties of lanthanides doped ultrasmall NaYF₄ markers for bio-medical applications

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    Aim. To synthesise NaYF₄ nanocrytstals doped or co-doped with different lanthanide ions (Eu, Tb, Gd) and to investigate them optically to achieve efficient optical markers. Methods. Samples have been synthesized by using co-thermolizys method and optical properties have been investigated by using photoluminescence (PL), PL excitation and PL decay spectroscopies. Results. Efficient emission in visible spectra range has been observed for all investigated samples. The excitation mechanism of the main emission centre has been explained. Conclusions. It has been shown that the main excitation mechanism of Eu ions is through energy transfer from Tb or Gd ions. Moreover, it has been shown that obtained by us nanocrystals characterize by strong emission which make them potential as efficient optical markers in biology or medicine. Keywords: optical markers, nanocrystals, lanthanides, NaYF₄.Мета. Синтезувати нанокристали NaYF₄ , леговані або ко-леговані різними іонами лантаноїдів (Eu, Tb, Gd), та дослідити їхні оптичні властивості для отримання ефективних оптичних маркерів. Методи. Зразки синтезували методом спільного термолізису, а оптичні властивості вивчали методом фотолюмінесценції (ФЛ), фотолюмінесцентної спектроскопії збудження і гасіння ФЛ. Результати. Ефективне випромінювання у видимому діапазоні спектра спостерігали для всіх проаналізованих зразків. Пояснено механізм збудження основного емісійного центра. Висновки. Показано, що головним механізмом збудження іонів європію є передавання енергії від іонів тербію або гадолінію. Крім того, встановлено, що одержані нанокристали характеризуються сильною емісією, що робить їх потенційно ефективнішими оптичними маркерами для біології або медицини. Ключові слова: нанокристали, оптичні маркери, лантаноїди, NaYF₄.Цель. Синтезировать нанокристаллы NaYF₄, легированные или колегированные различными ионами лантаноидов (Eu, Tb, Gd), и исследовать их оптические свойства для получения эффективных оптических маркеров. Методы. Образцы синтезировали методом совместного термолизиса, а оптические свойства изучали методом фотолюминесценции (ФЛ), фотолюминесцентной спектроскопии возбуждения и гашения ФЛ. Результаты. Эффективное излучение в видимом диапазоне спектра наблюдалось для всех исследованных образцов. Объяснен механизм возбуждения основного эмиссионного центра. Выводы. Показано, что главным механизмом возбуждения ионов европия является передача энергии от ионов тербия или гадолиния. Кроме того, установлено, что полученные нами нанокристаллы характеризуются интенсивной эмиссией, что делает их потенциально более эффективными оптическими маркерами для биологии или медицины. Ключевые слова: нанокристаллы, оптические маркеры, лантаноиды, NaYF₄

    Visualization of melanoma tumor with lectin-conjugated rare-earth doped fluoride nanocrystals

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    Aim To develop specific fluorescent markers for melanoma tumor visualization, which would provide high selectivity and reversible binding pattern, by the use of carbohydrate- recognizing proteins, lectins, combined with the physical ability for imaging deep in the living tissues by utilizing red and near infrared fluorescent properties of specific rare-earth doped nanocrystals (NC). Methods B10F16 melanoma cells were inoculated to C57BL/6 mice for inducing experimental melanoma tumor. Tumors were removed and analyzed by lectin-histochemistry using LABA, PFA, PNA, HPA, SNA, GNA, and NPL lectins and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. NPL lectin was conjugated to fluorescent NaGdF4:Eu3+-COOH nanoparticles (5 nm) via zero length cross-linking reaction, and the conjugates were purified from unbound substances and then used for further visualization of histological samples. Fluorescent microscopy was used to visualize NPL-NaGdF4:Eu3+ with the fluorescent emission at 600-720 nm range. Results NPL lectin selectively recognized regions of undifferentiated melanoblasts surrounding neoangiogenic foci inside melanoma tumor, PNA lectin recognized differentiated melanoblasts, and LCA and WGA were bound to tumor stroma regions. NPL-NaGdF4:Eu3+ conjugated NC were efficiently detecting newly formed regions of melanoma tumor, confirmed by fluorescent microscopy in visible and near infrared mode. These conjugates possessed high photostability and were compatible with convenient xylenebased mounting systems and preserved intensive fluorescent signal at samples storage for at least 6 months. Conclusion NPL lectin-NaGdF4:Eu3+ conjugated NC permitted distinct identification of contours of the melanoma tissue on histological sections using red excitation at 590- 610 nm and near infrared emission of 700-720 nm. These data are of potential practical significance for development of glycans-conjugated nanoparticles to be used for in vivo visualization of melanoma tumor

    Future Developments for TEI ODD

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    International audienceThe purpose of this panel is to look at the application and future development of the literate programming system known as ODD which was developed for the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) and underlies every single use of the TEI

    Wake up, standOff!

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    International audienceThe paper provides an overview of and an update on the on-going proposal to create a component within the TEI architecture. It elicits the conceptual background of having stand-off annotations embedded within a TEI document and the consequences in terms of primary source preservation, multiple annotation views and possible exporting of annotation content into autonomous TEI documents. It demonstrates the various types of possible use cases ranging from manual annotation to fully automatized information extraction processes and show the importance of implementing, right from the onset, the possibility to use any kind of internal or external vocabulary for representing annotation bodies (e.g. to deal with structural or conceptual annotations). An important prospect here is that the construct could lead to a simplified development of TEI-aware online services such as Named Entity Recognisers.We relate to on-going initiatives and show the necessity to align with the Web Annotation Data Model (W3C) as well as with the recent introduction of the element for speech transcription (as part of the work carried out in the ISO standard 24624) as an elementary annotation crystal in the sense of Romary and Wegstein (2012). In this context we tackle the issue of implicitness in the representation of annotations and open the debate related to the trade-off between having a terse vs. highly flexible model.We end up by illustrating the application that is already made of the current proposal in various projects related to data mining or scientific information, and in particular to the representation of annotated scholarly content.Further materials•Minutes of the January 2014 meeting: http://download2.polytechnic.edu.na/pub7/sourceforge/l/li/lingsig/Documents/Standoff%20in%20Berlin,%2001.2014/standoff-minutesBerlin2014.pdf•The TEI GitHub ticket: https://github.com/TEIC/TEI/issues/374 •The standOff proposal on GitHub: https://github.com/laurentromary/stdfSpec (branch AnnArbor)ReferencesBański Piotr (2010). Why TEI standoff annotation doesn’t quite work: and why you might want to use it nevertheless. In Proceedings of Balisage: The Markup Conference, 2010. Vol. 5 of Balisage Series on Markup Technologies ISO/DIS 24624 Language resource management -- Transcription of spoken languagePose Javier, Patrice Lopez and Laurent Romary (2014). A Generic Formalism for Encoding Stand-off annotations in TEI. 2014. Romary Laurent (2015). TEI challenges in an accelerating digital world. DiXiT Convention week, Sep 2015, The Hague, Netherlands. 2015, . Romary Laurent and Werner Wegstein (2012), « Consistent Modeling of Heterogeneous Lexical Structures », Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative [Online], Issue 3 | November 2012, Online since 15 October 2012, connection on 12 May 2016. URL : http://jtei.revues.org/540 ; DOI : 10.4000/jtei.540 (section about Crystals : https://jtei.revues.org/540#tocfrom2n1)Web Annotation Data Model, W3C, https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model

    Geographers out of place:institutions, (inter)disciplinarity and identity

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    Ten years ago, the decision was taken to close Brunel University's Department of Geography and Earth Sciences and its undergraduate programmes. Since this time, most of the human geographers have remained at Brunel, but now work from beyond the boundaries of conventional academic Geography. In this paper we argue that this situation, which is not uncommon for geographers in the UK and elsewhere, has significant implications for both individuals and the discipline more broadly. Through our everyday experiences of interdisciplinary working, this paper reflects on what it means to be a geographer working outside of ‘Geography’. The paper examines the implications of this at three different yet related scales: the immediately personal scale in terms of identity and individual academic performance, the institutional scale and its organisation that can lead to the presence/absence of academic subject areas, and then finally the disciplinary scale with its attendant spaces of knowledge generation, dissemination and protectionism. Our arguments are framed by neoliberal-led higher education changes and conceptualisations of institutions, (inter)disciplinarity and identity, and point to broader significances for the shape of the discipline