95 research outputs found

    Structuring place-making in a multicultural city

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    Urban designers in South Africa, as in the rest of the world, are faced with cities inhabited by people from many diverse cultures. If it is accepted that to dwell meaningfully, the inhabitants of the city should identify with their habitat and be able to understand how to appropriate it, then the structuring of the city should be an expression of many diverse cultural symbol-systems. The multicultural nature of the modern city makes it impossible to choose a particular place-making strategy. Because of their training, most urban designers tend to avoid the multicultural issue and opt for a westernised functional/technical approach. This paper first samples some of the vast variety of experiences that constitute a sense of place, not only in various cultures, but also in different periods in history. It then highlights a useful model that could serve as a paradigm for the unified multicultural city. This configuration would allow for the simultaneous expression of the symbol-systems of many cultures, yet link it with present globalising trends

    Essais sur les enjeux environnementaux du commerce international de la Chine

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    Cette thĂšse examine les dĂ©fis posĂ©s par le dĂ©placement de la pollution induit par le commerce bilatĂ©ral entre la Chine et ses partenaires. Elle aborde la principale question de recherche suivante : comment la structure du commerce bilatĂ©ral de la Chine et les politiques climatiques internationales affectent-elles les coĂ»ts/gains environnementaux du commerce international de la Chine ? La thĂšse est organisĂ©e en trois chapitres. Dans le chapitre 1, nous contribuons Ă  l’amĂ©lioration des analyses de dĂ©composition en vue d’une meilleure conception des politiques. Ceci est rĂ©alisĂ© dans le cadre de l’approche de dĂ©composition de Shapley/Sun (S/S), en considĂ©rant l’effet d’entrĂ©e net (NEE) des produits. En effet, nous proposons d’estimer les erreurs standards des contributions des effets par la mĂ©thode du "bootstrapped normal approximation confidence interval". Le but est de vĂ©rifier si les effets sont significativement diffĂ©rents de zĂ©ro aux seuils de prĂ©cision standards. Par consĂ©quent, notre travail introduit un nouveau critĂšre pour le choix des approches de dĂ©composition, appelĂ© critĂšre de prĂ©cision. L’application de la proposition s’est basĂ©e sur une analyse de dĂ©composition des Ă©missions de CO2 incorporĂ©es dans le commerce bilatĂ©ral (EEBT) de la Chine. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que l’omission de NEE peut entraĂźner une sous-estimation ou une surestimation des contributions, de faux signes des contributions, un ordre de grandeur incorrect des contributions, et une estimation inexacte de la prĂ©cision statistique des effets. En outre, les analyses rĂ©vĂšlent que les effets peuvent avoir des seuils de prĂ©cision diffĂ©rents et que certains effets (mĂȘme ceux dont les contributions sont importantes) peuvent ĂȘtre non significativement diffĂ©rents de zĂ©ro aux seuils de prĂ©cision standards. Ceci implique qu’il existe des effets qui ne sont pas pertinents pour expliquer l’évolution des EEBT de la Chine. Les rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent donc que la prise en compte de NEE et l’estimation de la prĂ©cision des effets devraient ĂȘtre utiles pour une interprĂ©tation plus prĂ©cise des rĂ©sultats d’une analyse de dĂ©composition. Ceci devrait permettre d’amĂ©liorer la formulation et l’efficacitĂ© des politiques. Il ressort de la mĂ©thodologie que la complexitĂ© de l’approche S/S, Ă  mesure que le nombre d’effets augmente, ne devrait pas seulement ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme un inconvĂ©nient, mais devrait Ă©galement ĂȘtre envisagĂ©e comme un avantage majeur permettant d’obtenir des rĂ©sultats plus prĂ©cis. Dans le chapitre 2, nous avons construit une base de donnĂ©es hautement dĂ©sagrĂ©gĂ©e (1 033 produits, 181 partenaires, avec des donnĂ©es en poids) dans le but d’analyser les facteurs du coĂ»t environnemental (mesurĂ© par les Ă©missions de CO2) du commerce bilatĂ©ral de la Chine de 1995 Ă  2014. Nous avons d’abord utilisĂ© la mĂ©thode de "material balance" pour quantifier le coĂ»t environnemental du commerce bilatĂ©ral de la Chine, puis nous avons appliquĂ© une nouvelle procĂ©dure pour identifier ses facteurs. Enfin, nous avons employĂ© une analyse de dĂ©composition additive des indices pour estimer la contribution et la prĂ©cision statistique de chaque facteur. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la Chine fait face Ă  une forte croissance de son coĂ»t environnemental, qui s’explique par le fait que son rattrapage technique (l’efficacitĂ© technique en termes d’émission de CO2) n’est plus en mesure de compenser les effets de la demande Ă©trangĂšre et de la composition de produits exportĂ©s. Ceci s’explique principalement par la forte hausse de la demande Ă©trangĂšre de produits chinois et par le fait que la structure des exportations de la Chine devient sale (c’est-Ă -dire exportation de plus en plus de produits Ă  forte intensitĂ© de carbone), essentiellement en raison des caractĂ©ristiques des Ă©changes de produits entre la Chine et les pays du Nord. Certaines Ă©vidences illustrent que la production dite sale s’est progressivement dĂ©placĂ©e des pays riches (en particulier du Nord) vers la Chine, et que la production dite propre s’est dĂ©placĂ©e dans le sens inverse. Ce constat est plus accentuĂ© aprĂšs l’adhĂ©sion de la Chine Ă  l’Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) en 2001, et plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment depuis 2004. Par consĂ©quent, l’hypothĂšse du havre de pollution expliquerait mieux nos rĂ©sultats. Dans le chapitre 3, en nous focalisant sur le commerce bilatĂ©ral de la Chine, nous cherchons Ă  contribuer au dĂ©bat sur le phĂ©nomĂšne de fuite de carbone via le canal de la fuite de compĂ©titivitĂ©. À partir d’une base de donnĂ©es hautement dĂ©sagrĂ©gĂ©e (1 033 produits et 117 partenaires commerciaux de la Chine sur une pĂ©riode de 1995 Ă  2012), nous avons mesurĂ© les performances commerciales liĂ©es Ă  l’environnement Ă  l’aide des termes de l’échange du carbone (CTT) entre la Chine et chacun de ses partenaires. L’évolution temporelle du CTT indique si la Chine acquiert ou non un avantage comparatif dans les produits Ă  forte intensitĂ© de carbone. À l’aide d’un modĂšle empirique de type doubles diffĂ©rences, nous avons examinĂ© le protocole de Kyoto comme une expĂ©rience quasi-naturelle de politique climatique internationale, et nous avons Ă©valuĂ© ex-post son effet sur le CTT de la Chine. AprĂšs que nous ayons estimĂ© le modĂšle en donnĂ©es de panel avec des effets fixes (FE), l’estimation de rĂ©fĂ©rence utilise la stratĂ©gie de variables instrumentales avec effets fixes (FE-IV) dans le but de surmonter les problĂšmes d’endogĂ©nĂ©itĂ©, liĂ©s Ă  la sĂ©lection dans le protocole de Kyoto et Ă  la causalitĂ© inverse du revenu relatif par habitant, en utilisant leurs valeurs prĂ©dites comme des instruments. Les rĂ©sultats montrent que la ratification du protocole de Kyoto (par les pays de l’Annexe I) a engendrĂ© une hausse de 26 % (estimation FE, pour les optimistes) ou de 47,3 % (estimation FE-IV, pour les pessimistes) du CTT de la Chine. En outre, les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vĂšlent des effets hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšnes selon que les pays signataires du protocole de Kyoto ont atteint ou non leurs objectifs contraignants. Ainsi, l’avantage comparatif de la Chine dans les produits Ă  forte intensitĂ© de carbone a Ă©tĂ© renforcĂ© Ă  la suite de la ratification ou de l’atteinte des objectifs contraignants du protocole de Kyoto par les pays de l’Annexe I. Ce rĂ©sultat permet de conclure que le phĂ©nomĂšne de fuite de carbone a jouĂ© un rĂŽle crucial dans le commerce international de la Chine. Les rĂ©sultats sont cohĂ©rents avec les preuves descriptives et les tests de robustesse. Les rĂ©sultats ont des implications tant pour la politique climatique de la Chine que pour les politiques climatiques internationales actuelles et futures.Abstract: This thesis seeks to examine the challenges posed by the transboundary displacement of pollution induced by bilateral trade between China and its partners. It addresses the following main research question: how do China’s bilateral trade structure and international climate policies affect its environmental trade costs/gains? The thesis is organized into three chapters. In Chapter 1, we contribute to the improvement of decomposition analyses for better policy-making. This is achieved using the Shapley/Sun (S/S) approach, by accounting for the net entry effect (NEE) of products. We propose to estimate the standard errors of contributions using bootstrapped normal approximation confidence intervals in order to investigate whether effects are significantly different from zero at standard significance levels. Therefore, our work introduces a new criterion for the choice of decomposition approaches, the so-called accuracy criterion. The application is based on a decomposition of CO2 emissions embodied in China’s bilateral trade (EEBT). The results show that not accounting for NEE can lead to under- or over-estimates of the contributions, wrong signs and even a wrong order of magnitude of the contributions as well as incorrect estimation of the statistical accuracy of the effects. In addition, the analyses reveal that the effects may have different accuracy levels and some effects (even those with contributions of a large magnitude) may be non-significantly different from zero. This implies that there are effects that are not relevant to the explanation of China’s EEBT. Our results therefore suggest the usefulness of accounting for NEE and estimating the accuracy of effects for a more accurate interpretation of the decomposition results to improve policy-making. It is apparent from the methodology that the complexity of the S/S approach, as the number of effects increases, should not only be viewed as a computational disadvantage, but should also be considered as a major advantage for obtaining more accurate results. In Chapter 2, we investigated the drivers of China’s environmental trade cost (measured by CO2 emissions) from 1995 to 2014, based on a highly disaggregated database (1,033 products, 181 partners) that we built in physical terms. We first used the material balance method to estimate China’s environmental trade cost, and then applied a new procedure to identify its drivers. Finally, we employed an additive index decomposition analysis to estimate the contribution and the statistical accuracy of each driver. The results show a significant increase in China’s environmental trade cost, as China’s technical catch-up is no longer able to offset the foreign demand effect and the product mix effect of exports. This is mainly due to the sharp increase in foreign demand for Chinese products and the fact that China’s export structure is becoming dirty, mainly due to China–North trade patterns. There is some evidence that dirty production has slowly shifted from rich countries (especially in the North) to China, and clean production has moved in the opposite direction. This became more important after China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001, and especially since 2004. Therefore, our results are better explained by the pollution haven hypothesis. In Chapter 3, we seek to contribute to the debate on the carbon leakage phenomenon via the channel of competitiveness leakage by focusing on China’s bilateral trade. Based on a highly disaggregated database that includes 1,033 products and 117 trade partners from 1995 to 2012, we measure the environment-related trade performance with the Carbon Terms of Trade (CTT), whose time trends directly indicate whether China is gaining a comparative advantage in carbon-intensive products. Using a difference-in-difference model, we examine the Kyoto Protocol as an international climate policy quasi-natural experiment and ex-post evaluate its effect on China’s CTT. To address the selection into Kyoto and the reverse causality of relative income issues, we used the FE-IV strategy after applying the FE estimate. Our results confirm that the Kyoto Protocol ratification has increased China’s CTT by 26 % (FE estimate, for the optimistic standpoint) or 47.3 % (FE-IV estimate, for the pessimistic standpoint). Moreover, our results reveal heterogeneous effects of Kyoto-committed countries, depending on whether they have achieved their binding Kyoto targets. Thus, China’s comparative advantage in carbon-intensive products has been strengthened by the Kyoto commitment or the achievement of Kyoto targets, which is consistent with the fact that the carbon leakage phenomenon has played a crucial role in China’s international trade. The results have implications for both China’s climate policy and for current and future international climate policies


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    AbstrakPeraturan Pemerintah Nomor 27 Tahun 2012 Tentang Izin Lingkungan pada pasal 2, setiap usaha dan/ kegiatan yang wajib Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (Amdal) dan UKL-UPL wajib memiliki izin lingkungan. Pada faktanya pelaksanaan di lapangan tidak selalu seperti yang diharapkan pembuat peraturan perundang - undangan. Salah satunya pelaku usaha toko modern di Kabupaten Sampang yang merupakan usaha yang wajib UKL-UPL terbukti masih banyak tidak memiliki Rekomendasi UKL-UPL/ Persetujuan SPPL yang dikeluarkan oleh Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten/Kota setempat. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis efektivitas penegakan hukum administrasi terhadap izin lingkungan terkait usaha toko modern serta menganalisis kendala yang dihadapi dalam melaksanakan penegakan hukum administrasi terhadap izin lingkungan terkait usaha toko modern di Kabupaten Sampang. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis empiris. Analisis yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas penegakan hukum administrasi terhadap izin lingkungan terkait usaha toko modern di Kabupaten Sampang kurang efektif karena dari kelima faktor efektivitas yang terpenuhi hanya dua unsur saja yaitu faktor hukum dan faktor sarana sedangkan yang tidak terpenuhi ada tiga yaitu faktor penegakan hukum, masyarakat, kebudayaan. Adapun kendala yang dihadapi oleh Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dan Kesatuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kabupaten Sampang dalam melaksanakan proses penegakan hukum administrasi terhadap izin lingkungan terkait usaha toko modern yaitu tingkat kesadaran dari masyarakat masih kurang mengenai peraturan izin lingkungan, serta kekurangan koordinasi Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dengan Kesatuan Polisi Pamong Praja, sehingga Kesatuan Polisi Pamong Praja mendatangi yang berizin dan tidak berizin dengan jumlah aparat penegak hukum yang minimum menjadi tidak seimbang dengan jumlah usaha toko modern yang ada di Kabupaten Sampang.Kata Kunci : efektivitas, penegakan hukum administrasi, izin lingkungan, usaha toko modernAbstractGovernment Regulation Number 27 of 2012 concerning environmental permits in article 2, every business and / or activity those who are required to have Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) or UKL-UPL must have an environmental permits. In fact, implementation in the field does not always meet the legislators expect. One of them is a modern shop business in Sampang Regency which is a business that obliged to be UKL-UPL proven that there are still many who do not have UKL-UPL Recommendations / SPPL Approval issued by the local Regency / City Environmental Office. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of administrative law enforcement on environmental permits related to modern shop business and analyze the obstacles faced in implementing administrative law enforcement on environmental permits related to modern store businesses in Sampang Regency. This study uses a type of empirical juridical research. The analysis used is descriptive qualitative. Data collection is done through interviews and documentation. The results showed that the effectiveness of administrative law enforcement on environmental permits related to modern store businesses in Sampang District was less effective because of the five effectiveness factors, only two elements were fulfilled, which are legal factors and facility factors while those that are not fulfilled there are three namely law enforcement factor, society, culture. The obstacles faced by the Environmental Office and Sampang District Civil Service Police in carrying out the administrative law enforcement process towards environmental permits related to modern store business, which are the awareness level of the community that still lacks against environmental permit regulations, lack of coordination of the Environmental Office with Enforcement Officer of Regional Regulation so that Enforcement Officer of Regional Regulation came to those who were licensed and unauthorized with the minimum number of law enforcement officers being out of balance with the number of modern shop businesses in Sampang Regency.Keywords: effectiveness, administrative law enforcement, environmental permission, modern shop busines

    Tracking intracavernously injected adipose-derived stem cells to bone marrow.

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    The intracavernous (i.c.) injection of stem cells (SCs) has been shown to improve erectile function in various erectile dysfunction (ED) animal models. However, the tissue distribution of the injected cells remains unknown. In this study we tracked i.c.-injected adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) in various tissues. Rat paratesticular fat was processed for ADSC isolation and culture. The animals were then subject to cavernous nerve (CN) crush injury or sham operation, followed by i.c. injection of 1 million autologous or allogeneic ADSCs that were labeled with 5-ethynyl-2-deoxyuridine (EdU). Another group of rats received i.c. injection of EdU-labeled allogeneic penile smooth muscle cells (PSMCs). At 2 and 7 days post injection, penises and femoral bone marrow were processed for histological analyses. Whole femoral bone marrows were also analyzed for EdU-positive cells by flow cytometry. The results show that ADSCs exited the penis within days of i.c. injection and migrated preferentially to bone marrow. Allogenicity did not affect the bone marrow appearance of ADSCs at either 2 or 7 days, whereas CN injury reduced the number of ADSCs in bone marrow significantly at 7 but not 2 days. The significance of these results in relation to SC therapy for ED is discussed


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    ABSTRACT The aim of this research was to know the different of body weight ratio on spawning latency period, total eggs, percentage of fertilized eggs and percentage of hatched eggs. The research was conducted from March to April 2015 in Laboratorium Budidaya Perairan, Agriculture Faculty, Sriwijaya University and Fish Breeding Unit Batanghari Sembilan, Indralaya, Ogan Ilir. The research used experimental methode and it was arranged in a completely randomize design with four treatments and three replications. The pituitary extract induction with donor and recipient body weight ratio 1:1 (P1), 2:1 (P2), 3:1 (P3) and sintetic hormone induction (KP). The parameters observed were spawning latency period, total eggs, percentage of fertilized eggs and percentage of hatched eggs. The results showed that percentage of fertilized eggs 98.23-99.54% and percentage of hatched eggs 51.66-64.33%. The fastest of spawning latency period were showed by P3 20.47 hours while the best of total eggs were showed by P3 6,112 eggs.   Keywords: Spawning, Pituitary extract, Ratio, Donor, Recipien


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    The two fused five- and six-membered rings in the mol­ecule of the title compound, C8H6BrN3O2, are approximately coplanar, the largest deviation from the mean plane being 0.011 (3) Å at the NH atom. The acetyl group is slightly twisted with respect to the imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine system, making a dihedral angle of 2.7 (2)°. In the crystal, adjacent mol­ecules are linked by inter­molecular N—H⋯N and C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming infinite chains

    Pharmacologic modulation of RORÎłt translates to efficacy in preclinical and translational models of psoriasis and inflammatory arthritis.

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    The IL-23/IL-17 pathway is implicated in autoimmune diseases, particularly psoriasis, where biologics targeting IL-23 and IL-17 have shown significant clinical efficacy. Retinoid-related orphan nuclear receptor gamma t (RORγt) is required for Th17 differentiation and IL-17 production in adaptive and innate immune cells. We identified JNJ-54271074, a potent and highly-selective RORγt inverse agonist, which dose-dependently inhibited RORγt-driven transcription, decreased co-activator binding and promoted interaction with co-repressor protein. This compound selectively blocked Th17 differentiation, significantly reduced IL-17A production from memory T cells, and decreased IL-17A- and IL-22-producing human and murine γΎ and NKT cells. In a murine collagen-induced arthritis model, JNJ-54271074 dose-dependently suppressed joint inflammation. Furthermore, JNJ-54271074 suppressed IL-17A production in human PBMC from rheumatoid arthritis patients. RORγt-deficient mice showed decreased IL-23-induced psoriasis-like skin inflammation and cytokine gene expression, consistent with dose-dependent inhibition in wild-type mice through oral dosing of JNJ-54271074. In a translational model of human psoriatic epidermal cells and skin-homing T cells, JNJ-54271074 selectively inhibited streptococcus extract-induced IL-17A and IL-17F. JNJ-54271074 is thus a potent, selective RORγt modulator with therapeutic potential in IL-23/IL-17 mediated autoimmune diseases

    recommendations from the CVBD World Forum

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    The human-animal bond has been a fundamental feature of mankind's history for millennia. The first, and strongest of these, man's relationship with the dog, is believed to pre-date even agriculture, going back as far as 30,000 years. It remains at least as powerful today. Fed by the changing nature of the interactions between people and their dogs worldwide and the increasing tendency towards close domesticity, the health of dogs has never played a more important role in family life. Thanks to developments in scientific understanding and diagnostic techniques, as well as changing priorities of pet owners, veterinarians are now able, and indeed expected, to play a fundamental role in the prevention and treatment of canine disease, including canine vector-borne diseases (CVBDs).The CVBDs represent a varied and complex group of diseases, including anaplasmosis, babesiosis, bartonellosis, borreliosis, dirofilariosis, ehrlichiosis, leishmaniosis, rickettsiosis and thelaziosis, with new syndromes being uncovered every year. Many of these diseases can cause serious, even life-threatening clinical conditions in dogs, with a number having zoonotic potential, affecting the human population.Today, CVBDs pose a growing global threat as they continue their spread far from their traditional geographical and temporal restraints as a result of changes in both climatic conditions and pet dog travel patterns, exposing new populations to previously unknown infectious agents and posing unprecedented challenges to veterinarians.In response to this growing threat, the CVBD World Forum, a multidisciplinary group of experts in CVBDs from around the world which meets on an annual basis, gathered in Nice (France) in 2011 to share the latest research on CVBDs and discuss the best approaches to managing these diseases around the world.As a result of these discussions, we, the members of the CVBD Forum have developed the following recommendations to veterinarians for the management of CVBDs

    Vector-Borne Diseases - constant challenge for practicing veterinarians: recommendations from the CVBD World Forum

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    The human-animal bond has been a fundamental feature of mankind's history for millennia. The first, and strongest of these, man's relationship with the dog, is believed to pre-date even agriculture, going back as far as 30,000 years. It remains at least as powerful today. Fed by the changing nature of the interactions between people and their dogs worldwide and the increasing tendency towards close domesticity, the health of dogs has never played a more important role in family life. Thanks to developments in scientific understanding and diagnostic techniques, as well as changing priorities of pet owners, veterinarians are now able, and indeed expected, to play a fundamental role in the prevention and treatment of canine disease, including canine vector-borne diseases (CVBDs)

    The impact of co-infections on the haematological profile of East African Short-horn Zebu calves

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    The cumulative effect of co-infections between pathogen pairs on the haematological response of East African Short-horn Zebu calves is described. Using a longitudinal study design a stratified clustered random sample of newborn calves were recruited into the Infectious Diseases of East African Livestock (IDEAL) study and monitored at 5-weekly intervals until 51 weeks of age. At each visit sampleswere collected and analysed to determine the infection status of each calf aswell as their haematological response. The haematological parameters investigated included packed cell volume (PCV), white blood cell count (WBC) and platelet count (Plt). The pathogens of interest included tick-borne protozoa and rickettsias, trypanosomes and intestinal parasites. Generalized additive mixed-effect models were used to model the infectious status of pathogens against each haematological parameter, including significant interactions between pathogens. These models were further used to predict the cumulative effect of co-infecting pathogen pairs on each haematological parameter. The most significant decrease in PCV was found with co-infections of trypanosomes and strongyles. Strongyle infections also resulted in a significant decrease in WBC at a high infectious load. Trypanosomes were the major cause of thrombocytopenia. Platelet counts were also affected by interactions between tick-borne pathogens. Interactions between concomitant pathogens were found to complicate the prognosis and clinical presentation of infected calves and should be taken into consideration in any study that investigates disease under field conditions.The work was done as part of the Infectious Diseases of East African Livestock (IDEAL) project, which is a collaboration between the University of Pretoria, University of Edinburgh, University of Nottingham and the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Nairobi, Kenya.The IDEAL project was generously funded by the Wellcome Trust (project no. 079445). The pocH-100iV Diff automated blood analyser was kindly sponsored by Sysmex© Europe GMBH.http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayJournal?jid=PARam201
