128 research outputs found

    Wybrane aspekty czasu wolnego uczniów klas I–III szkoły podstawowej

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    This article explores the concept of free time, including its various functions and aspects. Free time is time that fulfils various complementary functions within the life of every human being. According to the literature on this subject, leisure time has four basic functions: rest, entertainment, the development of one’s interests and abilities, and the search for one's place in society. The concept has been defined in a variety of disciplines from economics to pedagogy, where it occurs relatively frequently. There are, inter alia, definitions distinguishing free time by age group: for example, the leisure time of children, young people, adults and the elderly, respectively. In each group, in spite of numerous similarities, there are also quite a few differences. The term is understood as time spent away from work or study, from the responsibilities associated with work, school and home, or from physiological activities. This is time intended for rest, relaxation and the renewal of one’s vitality, and for mental and physical relaxation after work, school or other activities such as require a particular effort. The present elaboration focuses primarily on children's leisure time. I present its special characteristics and conditions. Furthermore, I attempt a closer view of the theoretical issues specifically connected with leisure time as it pertains to children from primary-school classes I to III, taking account of their actual preferences in this area on the basis of the currently available research. The article presents various ways in which free time is spent by children and young people, from fun and games to the various forms of social and family life. Attention is drawn to conventional ways of spending free time, such as participation in artistic groups, and to those that increasingly show up in research publications, such as the spending of one’s free time in shopping malls, or attendance at martial arts classes.W artykule poruszone zostały treści dotyczące pojęcia czasu wolnego, jego funkcje i aspekty. Czas wolny to czas, który spełnia w życiu każdego człowieka rozmaite, wzajemnie przenikające się funkcje. Najczęściej w literaturze jako podstawowe pojawiają się cztery funkcje czasu wolnego: wypoczynek, rozrywka, rozwój zainteresowań i uzdolnień oraz poszukiwanie własnego miejsca w społeczeństwie. Pojęcie to jest definiowane w różnych dyscyplinach naukowych od ekonomii po pedagogikę, gdzie pojawia się stosunkowo najczęściej. Wśród nich spotkać możemy definicje różnicujące czas wolny w zależności od grupy wiekowej, np. czas wolny dzieci, młodzieży dorosłych czy starszych. W każdej z grup pojawia się, pomimo licznych podobieństw, także sporo rozbieżności. Przez pojęcie czasu wolnego rozumie się czas poza pracą lub nauką, obowiązkami zawodowymi i szkolnymi, domowymi czy czynnościami fizjologicznymi. Jest to czas przeznaczony na wypoczynek, relaks, odnawianie sił życiowych, odprężenie psychiczne i fizyczne po pracy, nauce i innych zajęciach, które wymagają włożenia w nie określonego wysiłku. W opracowaniu skoncentrowano się przede wszystkim na czasie wolnym dzieci. Przedstawiono jego specyfikę i uwarunkowania. W dalszej kolejności przybliżono teoretyczne aspekty spędzania czasu wolnego przez dzieci klas I–III szkoły podstawowej oraz ich faktyczne preferencje w tym zakresie w oparciu o dostępny materiał badawczy. W artykule przedstawiono różnorodne sposoby spędzania czasu wolnego przez dzieci i młodzież, od zabaw i gier po różnorodne formy aktywności społecznej, rodzinnej i towarzyskiej. Zwrócono uwagę na konwencjonalne formy jego spędzania, np. uczestnictwo w zespołach artystycznych oraz takie, które coraz częściej pojawiają się w opracowaniach naukowych, jak spędzanie czasu wolnego w centrach handlowych czy zajęcia ze sportów walki

    Fluids in the diet of people practicing mountain tourism - consumption assessment

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    Proper hydration of the body and preventing dehydration is a factor that determines the preservation of health and life. The state of water and electrolyte homeostasis is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. In conditions of increased physical activity, there is a greater exposure to the risk of dehydration, which deteriorates the functional efficiency of the body and the ability to perform physical effort, and increases the risk of thermal disorders. The aim of the study was to assess quantitatively and qualitatively the consumption of fluids among people practicing mountain hiking and to compare the obtained results with the current recommendations regarding the principles of proper hydration of the body. The research tool was a questionnaire consisting of open questions and choices regarding the method of hydration on a daily basis and in the post-exercise period. The research group consisted of 355 people aged 16 and over, including 263 women and 92 men. Daily fluid intake was usually between 1-2 l/day and 2-3 l/day. Insufficient hydration in the peri-exercise period has been observed. 39% of people start hydrating the body only during the hike, which is wrong. 61% of the respondents declare the consumption of liquids in an insufficient amount of 0.1-05 l for each hour of physical exertion, which leads to progressive dehydration. Among the surveyed people, 44% reach for caffeinated beverages in the pre-exercise period, 15% consume alcoholic beverages during this period. Introduction Forms of physical activity practiced in difficult terrain and climatic conditions in the mountains, such as: trekking, nordic walking, skyrunning, mountain biking, mountain climbing, rock climbing are demanding types of physical activity with an increased level of risk. Practicing physical activity at high altitudes above sea level and in various climatic conditions, it is extremely important, in addition to the appropriate supply of clothing and mountain equipment, to provide the body with the right amount of energy, fluids, macro and microelements according to the level of strenuous physical effort and energy expenditure. It is especially important to properly hydrate the body and prevent dehydration. A balanced balance of water and electrolytes is necessary for the proper functioning of the human body. Aim The aim of the study was to assess quantitatively and qualitatively the consumption of fluids among people practicing mountain hiking. Material and methods The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method in January 2022 with the use of a proprietary survey questionnaire. The diagnostic survey using a questionnaire was conducted in an electronic form (on-line). The study involved 355 people aged 16 and over, including 263 women and 92 men. The questionnaire was divided into two parts: the metric and the proper part. The proper questions concerned the subject of hydration during mountain tourism, covered issues related to the habits and choices of the respondents in terms of the amount and quality of fluids supplied before, during and after the mountain hike. Questions about the type of fluids used and their knowledge of fluid needs. They were asked about recognizing the symptoms of dehydration and how to deal with dehydration. The collected results were subjected to statistical analysis. Results The vast majority of the respondents practiced mountain tourism in a recreational way, which was declared by 92% of the respondents (328 people). The surveyed people declared a varied frequency of mountain hiking. More than half of the participants set out on mountain trails several times a year, which was confirmed by 181 people. The remaining people practiced mountain tourism several times a month, which was declared by 15% (53 people), once a month by 14% (47 people), and once a year by 13% (44 people). Once a week 5% (16 people), several times a week 3% (13 people). The level of knowledge and the method of irrigation of the surveyed people, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, showed great diversity. Conclusions Among the surveyed people, 42% do not know their basic needs for fluids. On a daily basis, fluid intake is usually in the range of 1-2 l / day and 2-3 l / day. In conditions of increased physical activity, most of the surveyed people do not meet their fluid requirements and do not properly implement the strategy of pre-exercise hydration of the body. 61% of the respondents declare the consumption of liquids in the amount of 0.1-05 l for each hour of physical effort, which is below the recommended amount. Too little fluid during exercise leads to dehydration of the body. Among the surveyed people, 44% reach for drinks with caffeine in the composition in the pre-workout period. Among the surveyed people, 15% consume alcoholic beverages (mainly beer) in the period around exercise. There is a need for education in this area

    Edukacja dziecka z FASD w szkole – propozycje metodycznego działania – ograniczenia i możliwości

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    The subject of the spectrum of alcohol-related fetal disorders is more and more commonly described in the literature. In our article, we want to highlight the problems and difficulties associated with the school education of a child with FASD. We present the basic issues related to prenatal alcohol exposure, we also point out the disorders that accompany it, as well as we show the principles and strategies that can be used in schoolwork with a child with FASD.Problematyka spektrum poalkoholowych zaburzeń płodu coraz powszechniej opisywana jest w literaturze przedmiotu. W artykule chcemy zwrócić uwagę na problemy i trudności związane z edukacją szkolną dziecka z FASD. Przedstawiamy w nim podstawowe zagadnienia związane z prenatalną ekspozycją na alkohol, przybliżamy zaburzenia, jakie towarzyszą temu zespołowi oraz zasady i strategie możliwe do zastosowania w pracy szkolnej z dzieckiem z FASD

    Limited Spaces and Attempts of Their Extension Among Children with Special Educational Needs. Social Participation of Young People Educationally Neglected and Criminally Demoralized

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    The problem of the educational needs of students in educational and rehabilitation institutions and the relationship between social maladjustment and school failures is an important theoretical and practical issue. For a long time, the Polish system of education of children and youth has been subjected to criticism. It has been claimed that the curriculum is intended for talented individuals, who usually receive additional support, for example in the form of participation in extracurricular activities or support offered directly from their parents. The maladjusted students in educational and rehabilitation institutions are far worse off. Their school failures, learning difficulties,as well as behavior at variance with acceptable social norms, lack of parents’ interest, upbringing in pathological or dysfunctional family or even conflictwith the law are the accumulation of specificfactors and needs to be met. The professional way of working with this type of youth therefore requires comprehensive studies, which on the one hand offset educational deficitsand on the other hand focus on rehabilitation interactions. The anticipated effect of this kind of holistic approach is the active social participation of a juvenile following a change in behavior (refraining from deviant behavior) and an explicit willingness to develop a specific competence aiming at life stabilizatio

    Time perspective and experience of depression, stress, and loneliness among adolescents in youth educational centres

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    Time perspective is of key significance in overcoming an identity crisis in adolescence. Re-search using the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (ZTPI) was conducted on a group of 311 adolescents (aged 13-18) in several youth educational centres in south-eastern Poland. The research was designed to identify the significance of time perspective when it comes to levels of depression, stress and loneliness experienced in conditions of institutional rehabilitation and education. Linear regression analysis demonstrated the following: a positive past focus reduces the intensity of anxiety and depression; a positive past and future focus results in reduced depression, loneliness and stress; the experience of stress combined with depression enhances the significance of time perspective for the feeling of loneliness; and a low level of family loneliness reduces depression

    Prevalence and antibiotic resistance of Enterococcus strains isolated from poultry

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of occurrence of bacteria of the genus Enterococcus in poultry, to identify them by means of matrixassisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDITOF MS), and to analyse the antimicrobial susceptibility of the isolated strains to the drugs most frequently used in poultry. The material for the bacteriological tests was obtained mainly from the heart (97%) of the birds investigated. Of a total of 2,970 samples tested, 911 (30.7%) tested positive for Enterococcus spp. Enterococci were detected in broilers (88.1%), laying hens (5.3%), turkeys (3.9%), breeding hens (2.2%), and geese (0.4%). The most commonly identified species were Enterococcus (E.) faecalis (74.7%), E. faecium (10.1%), E. gallinarum (5.5%), E. hirae (4.6%), and E. cecorum (4.1%). The most frequent resistance properties were resistance to sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (88%), tylosin (71.4%), enrofloxacin (69.4%), doxycycline (67.3%), and lincomycin/spectinomycin (56.1%). Only one vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus, E. cecorum from a broiler, was found

    Genetic variability in pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) growing in the Niepołomice Forest as determined by ISSR markers

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    The study aimed to determine the genetic variability in pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) growing in the Niepołomice Forest (southern Poland). In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Adolf Cieślar of the Department of Forestry Research in Mariabrunn near Vienna, Austria established the experimental crops of pitch pine. During the study, 227 trees that grew in seven subunits were considered; an analysis of genetic polymorphism using the intersimple sequence repeats (ISSR) technique revealed that pitch pine is genetically variable. The average number of alleles at a given locus for all the pine trees was 1.649, while the effective number of alleles at the loci was 1.435. The value of expected heterozygosity was 0.254, while the percentage of polymorphic loci was 75.30%. The average genetic distance between the examined pines was 0.082. Principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) divided the examined pines into three groups, which was also confirmed by the structure-analysis results of the software STRUCTURE. The resulting division was mainly generated by the SR70 primer, which was indicated to be the primer that differentiated the examined populations of pitch pine. Affiliation of particular trees to selected groups was based on their occurrence in individual crops. This suggests a different origin of the seeds used to establish the research plots of pitch pine in the Niepołomice Forest

    Established and potential echocardiographic markers of embolism and their therapeutic implications in patients with ischemic stroke

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    Cardiogenic strokes comprised 11% of all strokes and 25% of ischemic strokes. An accurate identificationof the cause of stroke is necessary in order to prepare an adequate preventive strategy. In this reviewthe confirmed and potential causes of embolic strokes are presented, which can be detected in echocardiography in the context of present treatment guidelines and gaps in evidence. There remains a need for further studies assessing the meaning of potential cardiac sources of embolism and establishment of rules for optimal medical prevention (antiplatelet therapy [APT] vs. oral anticoagulation [OAC]) andinterventional procedures to reduce the incidence of ischemic strokes. Currently available data does not provide definitive evidence on the comparative benefits of OAC vs. APT in patients with cryptogenic stroke or embolic stroke of undetermined source. There is a lack of antithrombotic treatment scheme in the time between stroke and the completed diagnosis of potential sources of thromboembolism