153 research outputs found


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    Dry land is one type marginal land, because of drought caused many negative impacts on plants. Drought will cause a disruption of metabolic processes of plants such as the inhibition of nutrient absortion, inhibition ofcell division and enlargement, decreased enzyme activity and the closure of stomata, so that growth and development of palnts become stunted.This research aims to study the response of soil water stress to growth and yield of Jambu local upland rice. The experiment was conducted in green house, at Faculty of Agriculture, Mulawarman University. The study consisted of one experiments carried out by using a completely randomized design with five replications. Experiments soil water content (W) which consist five levels including field capacity (100%), 90% from field capacities, 80% from field capacity, 70% of field capacity and 60% of field capacity. The results of research that treatment of water stress showed significant different to all data. The best result obtained by treatment of water stress is treatment field capacities (WO)

    Director Of Photography Dalam Film Dokumenter SADI(S) ANAK EMA(S). Bambang Supriyanto.136020027

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    Cikarang merupakan salah satu kota indutri terbesar di Asia Tenggara, lebel tersebut banyak dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Cikarang khususnya untuk menjadi pekerja/buruh di pabrik atau perusahaan. Akan tetepi faktanya di lapangan, masyarakat pribumi masih banyak yang pengangguran karena persaingan untuk menjadi buruh kalah ketat dengan orang perantauan yang mayoritas dari Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur. Ini menjadi permasalahan bagi masyarakat pribumi Cikarang ketika lulus SMA/SMK banyak yang belum mendapat pekerjaan. Namun melalui film dokumenter ini akan menunjukan pola pikir seseorang dengan visi misi nya yang berbeda. Sadi (18 tahun) berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu secara finansial, terdiri dari 3 bersaudara namun dapat dikatakana Sadi paling beruntung nasibnya diantara kedua kakaknya. Sadi dari SD sampai SMP sering kali menadapat juara kelas. Lalu ketika lulus SMK ia tidak memlilih untuk bekerja karena ia ingin tetap mengenyam pendidikan yang lebih tinggi walaupun ia terlahir dari keluarga kurang mampu secara finansial namun ia dapat dapat berusaha dan membuktikan mampu kuliah dengan mendapat beasiswa penuh. Dengan kuliah terlebih dahulu ia berharap mendapat pekerjaan yang layak dan dapat mengangkat derajat keluarganya. Keduanya memilik tujuan yang jelas dan kesempatan yang baik. Seorang Director Of Photography harus mampu menyajikan gambar tentang kehidupan nyata yang dibentuk oleh isi film inilah yang nantinya mendasari sikap dan respon masyarakat terhadap berbagai objek sosial. Informasi yang salah dari film akan memunculkan gambaran yang salah pula terhadap objek sosial tersebut. Karenanya film dituntut menyampaikan informasi secara akurat dan berkualitas, termasuk tuntutan etika dan moral dalam penyajian film yang memiliki kualitas informasi. Film dapat merepresentasikan sebuah realita, dengan melakukan perekaman gambar sesuai apa adanya merupakan Film Dokumenter. Peneliti menggunakan metodelogi penelitian kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara dan studi literatur. Peneliti memilih gaya bertutur dengan tipe pemaparan eksposisi (ekspository documentary) karena narator/wawancara sebagai penutur utama yang diperkuat dengan shot-shot/stock shot untuk memperkuat informasi yang disampaikan. Menurut pengamat tipe pemaparan ini lebih cocok dengan tema yang akan peneliti angkat. Kata Kunci : Documentary Film, Pendidikan, keluarga, kota industri, Documentary Expositor


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    Most full restrictive relative clauses in English can be reduced into reduced restrictive relative clauses, phrases, or words, but there are only few of them which cannot be reduced. Those are full restrictive relative clauses which have grammatical constructions as follows: (1) who/which + be + Noun, (2) Prep + who/which + Subject + Verb, (3) Who/which + Subject + Modal (except can/should), and (4) When/ where/why/ whose+ Subject/Ver

    Perencanaan Pompa Sentrifugal Dengan Head 200 M, Kapasitas 0,25 M3/Menit Dan Putaran 3500 Rpm

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    Pompa sentrifugal adalah alat untuk mengubah energi mekanis menjadi energi hidrolis, yaitu dengan memberikan gaya sentrifugal pada fluida yang dipindahkan. Gaya sentrifugal ini ditimbulkan oleh putaran sudu-sudu yang terpasang pada impeller didalam rumah pompa. Akibat gaya sentrifugal tersebut maka zat cair mengalir dari tengah impeller keluar melalui sudu-sudu. Zat cair yang keluar dari impeller ditampung oleh saluran yang berbentuk siput (vollute) disekeliling impeller dan saluran keluar melalui nozzle. Didalam nozzle ini sebagian kecepatan aliran diubah menjadi energi tekanan. Pompa yang akan direncanakan adalah pompa sentrifugal dengan head 200 m, mempunyai kapasitas 0,25 m3/menit dan putaran 3500 rpm. Dari hasil perhitungan di dapat jenis pompa adalah pompa difuser dan pompa volut isapan tunggal. Jenis impellernya adalah moderate speed impeller, dengan jumlah 5 tingkat (multistage pump). Karena fluida yang di pompa adalah air bersih maka digunakan impeller tertutup


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi dengan peserta didik yang pasif, peserta didik tidak memperhatikan guru menjelaskan, asik bermain handphone, peserta didik tidak mesrespons pertanyaan guru, dan peserta didik mengakui tidak pernah membaca buku. Keadaan tersebut mencerminkan rendahnya sikap gemar membaca peserta didik di kelas VII-2 SMP Negeri 43 Bandung. Oleh karena itu, penelitian tindakan kelas dilakukan untuk mengembangkan sikap gemar membaca peserta didik. Upaya tersebut dilakukan dengan menggunakan media cerita bergambar sebagai media pembelajaran dalam pembelajaran IPS. Tujuan yang diharapkan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan sikap gemar membaca peserta didik melalui media cerita bergambar. Penelitian ini menggunakan model Kemmis dan Mc. Taggart dan dilaksanakan melalui empat tahap, perencanaan (plan), pelaksanaan (act), observasi (observe), dan refleksi (reflekct). Pengumpulan data dilakukan menggunakan lembar observasi, catatan lapangan, wawancara, LKS, dan studi dokumentasi yang dilaksanakan pada setiap siklus. Kemudian teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Dengan teknik analisis kualitatif yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Serta analisis secara kuatitatif untuk penghitungan berdasarkan hasil observasi yang diperoleh. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan, hasil yang diperoleh dinyatakan, adanya perkembangan sikap gemar membaca peserta didik, yang ditunjukan dari kategori pada masing-masing siklus. Pada siklus I menunjukan pengembangan sikap gemar membaca peserta didik masih dalam kategori Cukup, pada siklus II masuk ke dalam kategori Baik dan pada siklus III yang masuk ke dalam kategori Sangat Baik. Hasil tersebut membuktikan bahwa melalui media cerita bergambar dapat mengembangkan sikap gemar membaca peserta didik. Perkembangan tersebut menandakan peserta didik mampu memenuhi seluruh ketercapaian indikator pengembangan sikap gemar membaca.;--- The background of this research with passive learners, learners do not pay attention to the teacher explains, cool to play phone, learners do not mesrespons question teachers, and students admit that I never read a book. That situation reflects the lack of attitude like reading learners in grade VII-2 SMP Negeri 43 Bandung. herefore, action research conducted to develop an attitude like reading learners. Efforts are made using the medium of picture stories as a medium of learning in social studies learning. The overall objective of this research is to develop an attitude like reading learners through the medium of illustrated stories. This study uses a model Kemmis and Mc. Taggart and implemented through four stages of planning (plan), implementation (act), observation (Observe), and reflection (reflekct). Data is collected using observation sheets, field notes, interviews, LKS, and documentation study carried out in every cycle. Then the analytical techniques used are qualitative and quantitative. With qualitative analysis techniques of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. As well as quantitative analysis for calculation based on the results of observations obtained. Based on the research conducted, the results are declared, the development of attitudes like reading learners, shown from the category in each cycle. In the first cycle shows the development of attitudes like reading learners are still in the category of Self, in the second cycle into the good category and the third cycle that comes into the category of Very Good. These results prove that through the medium of illustrated stories can develop an attitude like reading learners. The development marks the learners are able to meet all the development indicators of achievement attitude like reading


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    National Oil and Gas Energy for Indonesia so plays an important role in the field of oil and gas industry. Pertamina is the only State Oil and Gas Company submitted the task to manage all activities of the Indonesian Oil and Gas Energy from upstream to downstream and export activities, is the beginning of a political era of international cooperation in the upstream oil and gas activities with the use of system agreement Produktion Sharing Contract (kps). The purpose of this paper is the settlement of disputes in the mining oil and gas energy is by starting with the principles and definitions, basic law and the law of oil and gas resources that exist in Indonesia, as contained in Act No. 22 of 2001 and aspects of legal protection in the oil and gas energy mining system , and the settlement of disputes in the national oil and gas energy, namely; 1). court; 2). Alternative dispute resolution; view of Islamic law on mining energy as a result of the earth and the results of its use for the welfare of the people in line with the Islamic religion that results or benefits can be used for the welfare of the peopl

    Pengujian Performa Kampas Rem Non Asbes Variasi Calcium Carbonate Dengan Perekat Phenolic Resin

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    Brake is one component of a motor vehicle that serves to slow or stop the vehicle, especially a ground vehicle. Especially when a high-speed vehicle brake function has an important role, even human lives depend on the efficacy of the brake lining material. It would require a special design on the canvas material. The materials used in this study is the aluminum powder, carbon powder, fiberglass fibers, brass powder, graphite, barium sulfate, CaCO3 and phenolic resins as a binder. Manufacture of brake pressed with a load of 7.5 tons for 7 minutes, sintering for 60 minutes with a temperature of 200 ° C. Tests performed include Digital Shore Durometer hardness test and friction test. From the research data hardness and friction is known that affect the price of CaCO3 powder hardness and wear canvas specimens, which varied from CaCO3 powder weighing 3 grams, 4 grams and 5 grams of the most excellent power ie CaCO3 powder weighing 3 grams. However, the wear rate is still higher than the canvass Indopart

    Produktifkah Human Capital Investment Oleh Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Dalam Era Desentralisasi?

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    : Is The Human Capital Investment of Provincial Governments Productive in Decentralization Era? The effectiveness of government spending, especially investment in human capital, increases labor productivity also depends on how the local government determines the type of expenditure. The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of government spending in general and functionally to labor productivity. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach, econometric method. This study uses secondary data from local government budgets across Indonesia summary provided by the Indonesian Ministry of Finance Directorate General of Regional Financial Balance. The data used is the provincial-level economic analysis units throughout Indonesia in 2012. This research shows that provincial government spending in human capital investment does not effectively increase labor productivity. Total provincial government spending does not affect the regional labor productivity. Government spending in the areas of public facilities and housing positively influence regional labor productivity


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    The problem with the modernization impact of Indonesia's public transportation system, the author chose this title because until now the modernization of the public transportation system in Indonesia, mainly with regard to the public transformation mode system, is still lacking due to several factors. The main problem in the article is to discuss how developments are, the factors that support the development of the modernization of the transportation system, efforts to overcome the adverse effects of modernization of the transportation system. The conclusion from the discussion is that the modernization of the transportation system makes a large contribution to the convenience of transportation, the factors that support the development of the modernization of the transportation system, namely the economy; geography, politics, defense and security, technology, competition and external (external) factors that affect the transportation mode system in Indonesia, including laws or government regulations, the influence of public service users, efforts to overcome the negative effects of modernizing the transportation system by implementing eco-principles -efficiency in meeting fuel needs, reducing motor vehicle exhaust fumes. The methodology used in this research is literature review research, which will use a descriptive research type with a literature approach, based on the existing reality