627 research outputs found


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    Pemakaian Doxorubicin (DXR) dalam pengobatan kanker semakin meningkat, dengan meningkatnya morbiditas kanker. Efek nefrotoksik dari DXR masih menjadi masalah. Pentoxify/Jin (PTX) sebagai bahan penghasil elektron dapat bersifat nefroprotektif. Sehingga kombinasi DXR dan PTX akan menurunkan efek nefrotoksik dari DXR. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan perbedaan ekspresi TGF-β1, kolagen tipe-l, kolagen tipe-IV, MMP-9, glomerulosklerosis, interstisial fibrosis, dan albuminuria pada keadaan normal, nefrotoksik dan nefroprotektif. Empat puluh delapan ekor mencit galur Swiss jantan, dibagi dalam tiga kelompok yaitu kelompok Kontrol (K) diinjeksi dengan NaCl 0,9%; Perlakuan (P) diinjeksi DXR; dan Terapi (T) diinjeksi DXR dan PTX secara i.p, masing-masing kelompok 16 ekor. Injeksi dilakukan satu kali seminggu selama tiga minggu berturut-turut. Pada minggu ke-4 dan ke-8 pasca perlakuan, masing-masing kelompok dikorbankan 8 ekor. Pemeriksaan ekspresi TGF-β1, kolagen tipe-l, kolagen tipe-IV, MMP-9 dengan teknik imunohistokimia menggunakan antibodi monoklonal. Pemeriksaan glomerulosklerosis dan interstisial fibrosis secara histopatologis, menggunakan teknik pewarnaan Verheoff van Giesen. Sedangkan pemeriksaan albuminuria dengan teknik elisa menggunakan monoklonal albumin. Analisis data menggunakan uji anova. DXR menyebabkan peningkatan ekspresi TGF-β1, kolagen tipe-l, kolagen tipe-IV, glomerulosklerosis, interstitial fibrosis, albuminuria dan penurunan MMP-9. Hal sebaliknya terlihat pada pemberian PTX yang dikombinasikan dengan DXR. Kombinasi DXR dan PTX dapat digunakan untuk menurunkan efek nefrotoksik DXR. Kata kunci: doxorubicin; pentoxyfinine; gtomerutoskterosis; interstitial fibrosi

    In Search of New Opportunities: the Indonesianisasi of Economic Life in YOGYAKARTA in the 1950s

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    A flourishing study on Indonesia's economic history in the last two decades has stillbeen unable to change a general impression of limited role of the indigenous peoplein economic activities during modern times. The transformation of the Indonesianeconomy from a colonial economy to a national economy through the process ofIndonesianisasi, went through different historical patterns. The independent Indonesiadid not translate the idea of political nationalism directly into economic prosperityuntil the late 1950s. As a result, there is always only a small portion of independententrepreneurs among the population, namely those who are supposed to run the publiceconomy smoothly without political intervention. This paper provides theoreticalconsiderations and historical facts on the process of Indonesianisasi. It discusses theeconomic life of people in Yogyakarta, the capital city Republic of Indonesia duringthe war of independence, soon after the recognition of Indonesia's independence inDecember 1949

    Rethinking indonesian Historiography: The role of small scale economy In the colonial society.

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    Kata kunci: Indonesian Historiography - Small Scale Economy - Colonial Society


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    This article is a conceptual article created with the aim of analyzing the problems faced by the Indonesian government concerning refugees and identifying challenges in implementing the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol. The results of the discussion indicate that addressing the refugee issue in Indonesia is highly complex. Although ratifying the 1951 Refugee Convention and its Protocol can substantially protect the human rights of refugees, its implementation in Indonesia faces various challenges caused by several factors, such as the high population density in Indonesia and the absence of laws governing local integrity, leading to difficulties in granting equal rights between refugees and Indonesian natives. Refugees must meet specific requirements according to the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 12 of 2016 on citizenship to have the same rights as Indonesian citizens. Additionally, from an economic perspective, refugee migration impacts Indonesia's financial budget. The aspects of security and social culture are essential considerations, as an increasing number of refugees may cause conflicts with the indigenous population and threaten Indonesia's cultural identity. Although the 1951 Refugee Convention provides standard rights for refugees, the Indonesian government finds it challenging to ratify it due to various obstacles, such as religious differences, marriage laws, labor absorption, and budget limitations. Therefore, the Indonesian government needs to carefully consider before ratifying the 1951 Refugee Convention. Thus, in addressing this complex situation, choosing to act as a transit country and providing protection within its capacity is a wise step in facing this refugee issue

    Merajut Jaringan Di Tengah Perubahan: Komunitas Ekonomi Muslim Di Indonesia Pada Masa Kolonial

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    Abstract: Hampir seluruh ahli sependapat, sejak awal proses islamisasi di Indonesia tidak apat dipisahkan dari aktivitas ekonomi. khususnya perdagangan. Aktivitas ekonomi tenjadi salah satu jalur utama dalarn perluasan komunitas muslim di seluruh ndonesia, yang bergerak dari daerah pantai untuk membentuk pusat-pusat komunitas tuslim barn di pedalaman. Pendapat ini didukung oleh kenyataan, sampai saat ini ampir sebagian besar kelompok yang menguasai somber dan aktivitas ekonomi di alam masvarakat Indonesia terkonsentrasi di sekitar komunitas muslim yang dikenal ebagai kelompok santri. Akan tetapi secara historiografis. jarang sekali ditemukan ajian yang rnengaitkan perkembangan Islam di Indonesia dengan aspek ekonomi Keywords: Muslim, masa Kolonia

    Learning from the Corona Virus Pandemic: Interdisciplinary History and Strategic Issues of Historical Research

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    This paper discusses the function of history as a science that can be used to formulate strategies to face various challenges as well as present and future opportunities based on knowledge, understanding, and their meaning of the past. Responding to the present worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, this paper aims to build awareness among historians to strategic issues by learning from the history of diseases through interdisciplinary historical research. The existence of adequate knowledge and understanding of the past of the aforementioned issues will provide space for history as a science to make contributions that can be used as a policy, in which history is a science for thinking forward through the past

    Antara Sentralisasi dan Desentralisasi: Ekonomi dan Otonomi Daerah dalam Realitas Sejarah

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    Abstract Memasuki abad ke-21, seiring dengan perubahan politik di Indonesia sejak tahun 1998, otonomi daerah dan prinsip-prinsip desentralisasi menjadi salah satu topik pembicaraan yang banyak menarik perhatian balk dalam kehidupan bernegara maupun kehidupan masyarakat sehari-hari. Pada saat bersaniaan, perkembangan globalisasi, pasar bebas, dan demokrasi telah mendorong semakin berkembangnya ide-ide liberal. Oleh karena itu tidak mengherankan jika liberalisasi, desentralisasi, dekonsentrasi, dan otonomi yang secara konseptual memiliki arti yang berbeda digunakan silih berganti atau bersama-sama untuk merujuk pada tuntutan terhadap demokratisasi. Keywords: Ekonomi Daerah, Sejarah Otonomi Daerah, Sejara

    Perbedaan Ekspresi TGF-B1 Dan Fibrosis Interstisial Pada Kejadian Nefrotoksis Doxorubicin Dan Nefroprotektif Pentoxifylin

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    Nephrotoxic effects of Doxorubicin (DXR) is still a problem in clinical practice. On the other hand Pentoxyfilline (PTX) as an electron-donor material can be nephroprotective. Therefore, combination of DXR and PTX would be expected to reduce nephrotoxic effects of DXR. In this study we examined the effects of PTX on TGF-B1 expression and interstitial fibrosis in an experimental model of DXR nephropathy in mice. Mice were divided into three groups of eight each i.e. untreated Swiss mice (controls), DXR treatment alone to induce nephropathy, and DXR treatment followed by PTX. Following 4 week treatment, each group was sacrificed. Examination of TGF-B1 expression was carried out by immunohistochemistry employing monoclonal antibody. Interstitial fibrosis examination was performed by a histopathologist using Verheoff van Giesen staining and the one way Anova was used for statistical analysis. It was observed that DXR treatment followed by PTX treatment prevented the increase of TGF-B1 expression and interstitial fibrosis in mice with DXRnephropathy (p<0.05). These findings suggested the beneficial nephroprotective effect of PTX


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    Abstract.  The main problem of this study was “is it effective to use flip-a-chip in teaching prefixes as part of teaching vocabulary to the eleventh grade students of senior high school Aisyiyah 1 of Palembang ?”. The objective of this study was to find out whether or not flip-a-chip to teach prefixes as part of teaching vocabulary to the eleventh grade students of senior high school Aisyiyah 1 of Palembang. In this study the writer used experimental method. The population was the eleventh grade students of senior high school Aisyiyah 1 of Palembang. The samples were 32 students taken from the population of 202 students. In collecting data, the writer used a written test by using multiple choice test. The data were analyzed based on the result of pretest and posttest by using matched t-test formula. The mean score of the students in pretest was 66.95. The mean score of the students in posttest was 75.87. The effectiveness of this study was proved by the result of the calculation of matched t-test, which showed t-obtained (8.796) was higher than t-table (1.694). the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted and consequently the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. In other words, it can be concluded that teaching the eleventh grade students’ English prefixes by using flip-a-chip was effective.Key Words: Teaching, Prefixes, Vocabulary, and Flip-A-Cli


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    This article was written in order to find a model of the development ofIslamic charities organized by bumiputera in the early 20th century inYogyakarta. This socio-economic history research using historical research methods that utilize primary sources such as archives, photographs, books and newspapers as well as the contemporary of secondary sources such as books, journals, and articles. The conclusion of this article is that the presence of transformation of charities in Yogyakarta in the period 1920s-1930s caused by 1) the dynamic moments around the period of the emergence of privately plantation by European, 2) the implementation of the land reorganization in the region of Yogyakarta Sultanate, 3) the emergence of “urban santri” as the new middle class in urban Yogyakarta, and 4) dynamic Islamic social organizations. In addition, the transformationof charities happens consists of three processes. First, change the concept and definition of waqf be more specific. Secondly, changing of the charities model that presented by the Islamic social movements. Third, shift of waqf and charities authority management that also change management culture. One thing that can be seen from this phenomenon is the emergence of local responses on colonialism with a more elegant and become the new social movements as well as showing the existence of civil society
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