70 research outputs found


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    Written language is supposed to make it possible for the reader to know what the writer wants to communicate to him. That is to say, its function is to inform him of what the writer intends to communicate to him. When reading the script of Anu, a certain play written by Putu Wijaya, however, the reader would normally find it somehow impossible to get a complete message, however capable he might be. Bits of information concerning the content, through no linguistic fault of the writer's, would somehow keep escaping the reader. This reveals that various elements in the writing enable it at same time to inform and not to infor

    Cerebellar infarction complicated with acute hydrocephalus

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    Acute hydrocephalus is a rare manifestation of posterior circulation strokes. Clinical worsening and coma may occur in addition to these symptoms of cerebellar dysfunction. Timely and careful approach will certainly prove to be life saving when deciding for a shunt procedure in a patient developing obstructive hydrocephalus following cerebellar infarct. The case presented here is a reminder for both this rare complication, and the treatment approach. We present a patient with cerebellar infarct and secondary obstructive hydrocephalus. Forty three year old male patient was brought to the emergency room in our hospital with unconsciousness, before that patient with suddenly developing dizziness, loss of balance and vomiting. His neurological examination showed that he was coma. The patient's brain computed tomography scan showed severe third and lateral ventricular dilation suggestive of obstructive hydrocephalus. Following shunt placement and suboccipital decompression, the patient recovered and was able to walk without assistance. Cerebellar infarcts may cause death as a result of pressure increase in the posterior fossa and pressure on the brain stem due to edema. Moreover, the aquaductus or the fourth ventricle may close because of edema and cause obstructive hydrocephalus and acute intracranial pressure increase. Temporary external ventricular drainage or permanent shunt systems and surgical decompression of the posterior fossa may be considered to prevent progressive neurologic worsening. In conclusion, we wished to point out that a timely surgical procedure in a cerebellar infarct case where acute hydrocephalus developed could be life saving

    Studi Karakter Sekunder Guna Seleksi Tidak Langsung Jagung Hibrida Toleran Nitrogen Rendah

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    Seleksi langsung hasil biji pada jagung di kondisi Nitrogen rendah seringkali tidak efisien karena heritabilitas hasil biji yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, penggunaan seleksi tidak langsung melalui karakter sekunder perlu diterapkan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi seleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi karakter sekunder yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam seleksi tidak langsung hasil biji jagung pada kondisi N rendah. Penelitian ini dilakukan di IP2TP Bajeng Balai Penelitian Tanaman Serealia Sulawesi Selatan dimulai dari bulan Mei sampai September 2021. Penelitian ini disusun dalam rancangan tersarang menggunakan 72 genotipe jagung dan dua taraf pemupukan N (N1=100 kg N/ha dan N2=200 kg) sebagai perlakuan dengan dua kali ulangan. Tiga parameter, yaitu efisiensi relatif seleksi, heritabilitas dan keragaman genetik diamati untuk menentukan karakter sekunder yang dapat digunakan secara efisien untuk seleksi tidak langsung hasil biji jagung pada kondisi N rendah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakter yang dapat digunakan dalam seleksi tidak langsung jagung toleran N rendah adalah tinggi tanaman dan tinggi tongkol


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    Yield maize direct selection at drought conditions sometimes is inefficient. Indirect selection through secondary characters can increase selection efficiency. This study aims to obtain secondary characters that can be used for indirect selection. This research was conducted at IP2TP Bajeng, Indonesia Cereal Research Institute, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province from July to November 2020. The research was arranged in a randomized Alpha Lattice group design with three replications. The genotypes used were 36 hybrid maize candidates and four comparison varieties. Characters that have high diversity are determined by a loading factor value of more than 0.7. The correlation between secondary characters and yield was using Pearson correlation and heritability ​​are derived from the analysis of variance. The results showed that the characters of day to anthesis, day to silk, number of harvested ears and ear diameter were secondary characters that could be used as the indirect selection of maize in drought conditions.   drought;; indirect selection, maize; secondary charactersSeleksi langsung untuk karakter hasil biji jagung di kondisi kekeringan seringkali tidak sangkil. Penggunaan karakter skunder dalam seleksi tidak langsung diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesangkilan seleksi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh karakter sekunder yang dapat digunakan untuk seleksi tidak langsung. Penelitian ini akan dilaksanakan di IP2TP Bajeng Balai Penelitian Tanaman Serealia Kabupaten Gowa Propinsi Sulawesi Selatan pada bulan Juli sampai November 2020. Penelitian disusun dalam rancangan Acak kelompok Alpha Lattice dengan 3 ulangan. Genotipe yang digunakan adalah 36 calon jagung hibrida dan 4 varietas pembanding. Karakter yang memiliki keragaman tinggi ditentukan dengan karakter yang memiliki nilai loading factor lebih dari 0,7 korelasi antara karakter sekunder dengan hasil menggunakan korelasi pearson serta nilai heritabiitas diturunkan dari analisis ragam. Hasil penelitian menunjukka bahwa karakter umur berbunga jantan, umur berbunga betina, jumlah tongkol panen dan diameter tongkol merupakan karakter skunder yang bisa digunakan sebagai seleksi tidak langsung jagung pada kondisi kekeringan.   Kata kunci: jagung, kekeringan, seleksi tidak langsun


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    Pembicaraan mengenai infleksi dan derivasi dalam Bahasa Inggris berjalan seolah-olah tak lepas dari afiksasi. Namun, apabila diamati, tampak bahwa di antara infleksi dan derivasi itu ada yang dengan afiksasi dan ada yang tanpa a[lksasi dan bahleanada yang tanpa perubahan bentuk samaseleali. Infleksi yang dengan a[lksasi terjadi lcetilea,misalnya, leata song menjadi songs, drag menjadi drags, dragging dan dragged, John menjadi John's dan tall menjadi taller dan tallest. Infleksi yang tanpa afiksasi terjadi lcetilea, misalnya, leataIIUlIImenjadi women dan .find menjadifound. Infleksi yang tanpa perubahan bentuk terjadi lcetilea, misalnya, kata sheep yang dalam one sheep menjadi yang dalam two sheep dan started dan CIlught yang simple past menjadi yang past participle. Derivasi yang dengan afiksasi dapat berupa prefiksasi, berjenis cukup banyak dan menghasilleankata unclear, miniskirt, superpower, retell, by-product dan sebagainya. Derivasi yang berupa sufiksasi juga berjenis cukup banyak dan menghasilkan kata agreement, criticize, threaten, dangerous, likewise dan sebagainya. Derivasi yang tanpa afiksasi terjadi lcetilea,misalnya, leata applaud, speak, believe, bathe dan feed menjadi applause, speech, belief, bath dan food. Derivasi yang tanpa perubahan bentuk terjadi lcetilea, misalnya, leatacriminal yang adjective menjadi yang noun, swimming yang present participle menjadi yang noun dan yang adjective, faUen yang past participle menjadi yang adjective dan walk yang verb menjadi yang noun.. derivasi ini juga memungkinkan frasa the rich, the have dan sebagainya


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    The study entitled: Criminal Law Policy Against Corruption Prevention and Eradication Through Money Laundering Act. This study aims to analyze the relationship of criminal acts of corruption with money laundering and Prevention and Eradication of Corruption through Money Laundering Act. This research was conducted by Palembang Police and Palembang District Class I-A Court. to obtain primary data and secondary data directly related to the writing of this thesis. The data collection techniques are data obtained from field studies and direct interviews with the police, Palembang Police Investigator and District Court Judge I-A Palembang is the party responsible and directly related in handling cases of child crime and library research. Data analysis was done by using qualitative descriptive analysis.  Based on research conducted that the criminal act of corruption is very closely related to money laundering crime. The crime of money laundering is a criminal offense (derifativecrime) which is always preceded by predicate crime, such as corruption criminal act of corruption is an extraordinary crime (extra ordinary crime), prevention and eradication must also use action - extraordinary action

    Efektifitas penggunaan beberapa indeks toleransi untuk menyeleksi jagung toleran nitrogen rendah

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    Keakuratan dalam seleksi jagung hibrida toleran N rendah dapat ditingkatkan dengan penggunaan beberapa indeks seleksi secara sekaligus. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi indeks toleransi yang sesuai untuk seleksi jagung hibrida toleran N rendah serta memilih jagung hibrida toleran N rendah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di IP2TP Bajeng Balai Penelitian Tanaman Serealia Kabupaten Gowa bulan April sampai dengan September 2021. Sebanyak 8 hibrida dan 2 varietas pembanding ditanam pada rancangan tersarang tiga ulangan. Genotipe tersarang pada taraf pupuk N. Taraf pupuk N meliputi 100 kg N ha-1 dan 200 kg N ha-1. Indeks toleransi meliputi Tolerance (TOL), Mean Productivity (MP), Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP), Harmonic Mean (HM), Stress Tolerant Index (STI), Relative Tolerant Index (RTI), Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI), Yield Index (YI), Stress Relative Index (SI), Yield Stability Index (YSI), Stress Susceptibility Percentage Index (SSPI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indeks toleransi menunjukkan bahwa MP, GMP, HM dan STI merupakan yang paling sesuai untuk menyeleksi hibrida toleran N rendah. Hibrida HLN 02 dan HLN 06 merupakan hibrida yang toleran terhadap N rendah, sedangkan Hibrida HLN 03 dan HLN 07 dan ADV 777 termasuk peka. Berdasarkan hasil biji pada pemupukan 100 kg N ha-1 dan 200 kg N ha-1 dan indeks toleransi serta analisis kluster.ABSTRACTLow N tolerant hybrid maize selection accuracy can be increased by using several selection indices simultaneously. This study's objective was to identify the proper tolerance index for low N tolerant hybrid maize selection and to determine the low N tolerant hybrid maize. The research was conducted at IP2TP Bajeng Indonesian Cereal Crop Institute Gowa Regency from April to September 2021. Eight promising hybrid and two check varieties were planted in a nested design with three replications. The genotypes were nested at the N fertilizer level. The N fertilizer levels were 100 kg N ha-1 and 200 kg N ha-1. The tolerance index used was Tolerance (TOL), Mean Productivity (MP), Geometric Mean Productivity (GMP), Harmonic Mean (HM), Stress Tolerant Index (STI), Relative Tolerant Index (RTI), Stress Susceptibility Index (SSI), Yield Index (YI), Stress Relative Index (SI), Yield Stability Index (YSI), Stress Susceptibility Percentage Index (SSPI). The results showed that tolerance index MP, GMP, HM, and STI were the most suitable for electing low N tolerant hybrids maize. hybrids HLN 02 and HLN 06 were low N tolerant; meanwhile, HLN 03 and HLN 07 and ADV 777 were susceptible based on yields at 100 kg N ha-1 and 200 kg N ha-1 fertilization, tolerant indexes, and clustering

    Perbandingan Analisis Finansial Sistem Kandang Closed House Semi Otomatis dan Otomatis di Peternakan Ayam Dekem Tengah Sawah

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    Sistem kandang merupakan salah satu faktor pendukung dalam usaha peternakan ayam broiler. Teknologi peternakan di Indonesia terus berkembang seiring dengan perkembangan zaman. Selain itu, perhitungan finansial dibutuhkan dalam suatu usaha untuk mengetahui keuntungan usaha yang dijalankan. Penelitian dilakukan di Peternakan Ayam Dekem Tengah Sawah Desa Sumberagung, Kecamatan Peterongan, Kabupaten Jombang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan sistem kandang closed house (semi otomatis dan otomatis) milik Peternakan Ayam Dekem Tengah Sawah melalui analisis finansial. Metode yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan selama satu periode pemeliharaan ayam broiler tanpa dilakukan perlakuan khusus terhadap ternak. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa analisis finansial hasil pemeliharaan ayam broiler menggunakan sistem kandang closed house otomatis lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan hasil pemeliharaan ayam broiler menggunakan sistem kandang closed house semi otomatis.The cage system is one of the supporting factors in broiler chicken farming. In general, closed house cages are the type of cages that are often used by breeders for maintenance because they are considered more efficient for production. Livestock technology in Indonesia continues to develop along with the times. In addition, financial calculations are needed in a business to find out the profit of the business being run. Ayam Dekem Tengah Sawah Farm is a company in the field of raising broiler chickens which was founded in 2016 with a population of 29,000 chickens. The company has 2 (two) closed house cages with different systems, namely semi-automatic and automatic. Using the two cage systems, the owner of the cage does not clearly know the financial benefits that have been implemented. The research was conducted at Ayam Dekem Tengah Sawah Farm, Sumberagung Village, Peterongan District, Jombang Regency. This study aims to determine the differences in closed house cage systems (semi-automatic and automatic) owned by Ayam Dekem Tengah Sawah Farm through financial analysis. The method used is descriptive quantitative. The study was conducted for one period of rearing broiler chickens without special treatment for livestock. The results of this study indicate that the financial analysis of the results of raising broiler chickens using an automatic closed house cage system is superior to the results of raising broiler chickens using a semi-automatic closed house cage system

    Early tracheostomy in patient with severe traumatic brain injury clinical experiences in rural and remote areas

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    Background: Brain injury accounts for most of the causes of death from trauma. Brain injury is defined as a change in brain function, or brain pathology, caused by external forces. Patients with severe brain injury usually required rapid evacuation and special care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) room for respiratory control, mechanical ventilation, neurosurgical evaluation, and intracranial pressure monitoring (ICP). During admission to ICU, patients using tracheostomy, because it requires analgesia, sedation, and prolonged ventilation.Methods: Descriptive retrospective study conducted in February and March 2018 at Medical Record Installation of General Hospital Province of West Nusa Tenggara. The sample size is determined by consecutive sampling method.Results: Sample size were 60 people from medical record. Male patient more common than female (90 %). Based on Age more patients are 40 years old (43.3%). More Patient with early tracheostomy was survived (68,33%), and the rest died (31,67%).Conclusions: Severe head injury patients with tracheostomy are common at 40 years. Patients with Severe brain injury who get early tracheostomy have more good outcomes, and have relatively short duration of ICU care

    Making Rosella Flower Syrup (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) with Cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmannii)

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    This study aimed to determine the exact cinnamon concentration in the manufacture of rosella flower petal syrup based on its physical and chemical properties. A completely randomized experimental design with six levels of cinnamon concentration, i.e., 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 g, respectively, replicated four times was applied in this research. Analyses were performed on both the concentrated and diluted forms of the syrup. Parameters observed were sensory tests (aroma, taste, and color), physical tests on viscosity, and chemical tests (sugar content, pH, and vitamin C). Observation parameters include organoleptic tests (color, taste, and aroma) by untrained panelists, viscosity using a digital viscometer, chemical tests of sugar content on a refractometer, pH on a pH meter, and vitamin C using an iodometric method. Observational data were analyzed using the analysis of variance. If the value of the F-table is significant then followed by Duncan's New multiple range test (α = 0.05) and Friedman analysis for sensory tests. The exact concentration of the addition of cinnamon in making rosella flower petal syrup was 9 g (K6) based on sensory parameters (taste) with a mean rank of 17,84, viscosity/thickness of 46,325 cP, based on the results of the De Garmo effectiveness index test, the pH of the concentrated syrup was 3,350 and the pH of the diluted syrup was 3,625; the sugar content of the concentrated syrup was 66,75°brix
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