26 research outputs found


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    It deals with the adaptive and developing conception of cadets' socialization in course of studying at fire fighting technical higher educational

    Enhancing Open-World Bacterial Raman Spectra Identification by Feature Regularization for Improved Resilience against Unknown Classes

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    The combination of Deep Learning techniques and Raman spectroscopy shows great potential offering precise and prompt identification of pathogenic bacteria in clinical settings. However, the traditional closed-set classification approaches assume that all test samples belong to one of the known pathogens, and their applicability is limited since the clinical environment is inherently unpredictable and dynamic, unknown or emerging pathogens may not be included in the available catalogs. We demonstrate that the current state-of-the-art Neural Networks identifying pathogens through Raman spectra are vulnerable to unknown inputs, resulting in an uncontrollable false positive rate. To address this issue, first, we developed a novel ensemble of ResNet architectures combined with the attention mechanism which outperforms existing closed-world methods, achieving an accuracy of 87.8±0.1%87.8 \pm 0.1\% compared to the best available model's accuracy of 86.7±0.4%86.7 \pm 0.4\%. Second, through the integration of feature regularization by the Objectosphere loss function, our model achieves both high accuracy in identifying known pathogens from the catalog and effectively separates unknown samples drastically reducing the false positive rate. Finally, the proposed feature regularization method during training significantly enhances the performance of out-of-distribution detectors during the inference phase improving the reliability of the detection of unknown classes. Our novel algorithm for Raman spectroscopy enables the detection of unknown, uncatalogued, and emerging pathogens providing the flexibility to adapt to future pathogens that may emerge, and has the potential to improve the reliability of Raman-based solutions in dynamic operating environments where accuracy is critical, such as public safety applications

    Financial literacy and financial well-being: the case of Eastern, Central, and Northern Europe

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    Nowadays, financial literacy is an integral part of education in many countries because of its positive influence on financial inclusion, and financial well-being of households is supposed. In this study, attention is focused on finding out which components of financial literacy (knowledge, behaviour, and attitude) determine the financial well-being of individuals to a greater extent, as well as the link between subjective and objective financial well-being and financial literacy. The Global Findex Database of the World Bank correlation and regression analysis was used inline with the principal components method to process data samples for Ukraine, Georgia, Czechia, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Austria, Lithuania, and Estonia from OECD/INFE. Cross-country differences indicate that the more economically developed a country is, the higher its financial literacy level can be observed. Also, countries with lower financial literacy levels have more significant growth potential, with Poland and Ukraine as examples. The contribution of knowledge, behaviour, and attitude, in general, can be considered as uniform in terms of financial literacy index formation that corresponds to the index logic. It should be noted that in economically developed countries higher correlation dependency between financial literacy and knowledge and attitudes can be spotted than behaviour. At the same time, behaviour determines households` financial well-being level. It was detected that subjective financial well-being and financial literacy level equally, by approximately 63%, are driven by savings and sound budgeting. The wartime experience of Ukraine shows that depositors' behaviour can be quite different and depending on a set of factors, such as banking system development level, level of trust in the banking system, and financial literacy level

    Моделювання завантаженості безвершинних різальних кромок торцевої фрези із спірально-ступінчастим розташуванням ножів

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    A mathematical model of loading of the nose-free cutting edges of each insert of the face mill with a spiral-stepped cutting scheme was created. It was established that the size of the cut elements depends on the feed magnitude, the design parameters of the mill and the position of inserts on the contact arc. Variable factors of simulation included the feed magnitude, the clearance angle of the inserts and slope angles of the cutter assemblies. This made it possible to determine the chip thickness and width of cut, the depth of cut, the maximum value of the main cutting edge angle and the cut area at an arbitrary position of the face mill on the contact arc. Simulation in the SolidWorks Motion environment has confirmed reliability of mathematical modeling of loading of the cutting edges of the mill. The relative error in determination of the cut area was in the range from 1.8 % to 5.7 %.Calculation of the cut elements in the arbitrary position of the cutter insert on the contact arc was made in the Maple environment. Analysis of influence of the design parameters of the cutter and the magnitude of feed on the values of the cut elements was made. It has been established that an increase in feed caused a linear increase in the chip thickness and width of cut and the depth of cut for the inserts of all steps. Optimal values of the clearance angle of the mill inserts (16°) and slope of the cutting assemblies (6°) were determined for the milling depth of 3 mm. Recommendations on the choice of rational values of design parameters of the face mill for its effective operation at various depths of cut were given.Thus, there are grounds to assert the possibility of improving productivity of machining flat surfaces at a required quality due to the use of nose-free face mills with a spiral-stepped cutting scheme.Рассмотрена задача аналитического определения загруженности безвершинных режущих кромок торцевой фрезы со спирально-ступенчатым расположением ножей. Разработана математическая модель определения элементов среза в произвольном положении ножей фрезы на дуге контакта, достоверность которой подтверждена имитационным моделированием. Выявлены зависимости величины элементов среза от конструктивных параметров фрезы и подачиРозглянуто задачу аналітичного визначення завантаженості безвершинних різальних кромок торцевої фрези зі спірально-ступінчастим розташуванням ножів. Розроблено математичну модель визначення елементів зрізу в довільному положенні ножів фрези на дузі контакту, достовірність якої підтверджена імітаційним моделюванням. Виявлено залежності величини елементів зрізу від конструктивних параметрів фрези та подач

    Моделювання завантаженості безвершинних різальних кромок торцевої фрези із спірально-ступінчастим розташуванням ножів

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    A mathematical model of loading of the nose-free cutting edges of each insert of the face mill with a spiral-stepped cutting scheme was created. It was established that the size of the cut elements depends on the feed magnitude, the design parameters of the mill and the position of inserts on the contact arc. Variable factors of simulation included the feed magnitude, the clearance angle of the inserts and slope angles of the cutter assemblies. This made it possible to determine the chip thickness and width of cut, the depth of cut, the maximum value of the main cutting edge angle and the cut area at an arbitrary position of the face mill on the contact arc. Simulation in the SolidWorks Motion environment has confirmed reliability of mathematical modeling of loading of the cutting edges of the mill. The relative error in determination of the cut area was in the range from 1.8 % to 5.7 %.Calculation of the cut elements in the arbitrary position of the cutter insert on the contact arc was made in the Maple environment. Analysis of influence of the design parameters of the cutter and the magnitude of feed on the values of the cut elements was made. It has been established that an increase in feed caused a linear increase in the chip thickness and width of cut and the depth of cut for the inserts of all steps. Optimal values of the clearance angle of the mill inserts (16°) and slope of the cutting assemblies (6°) were determined for the milling depth of 3 mm. Recommendations on the choice of rational values of design parameters of the face mill for its effective operation at various depths of cut were given.Thus, there are grounds to assert the possibility of improving productivity of machining flat surfaces at a required quality due to the use of nose-free face mills with a spiral-stepped cutting scheme.Рассмотрена задача аналитического определения загруженности безвершинных режущих кромок торцевой фрезы со спирально-ступенчатым расположением ножей. Разработана математическая модель определения элементов среза в произвольном положении ножей фрезы на дуге контакта, достоверность которой подтверждена имитационным моделированием. Выявлены зависимости величины элементов среза от конструктивных параметров фрезы и подачиРозглянуто задачу аналітичного визначення завантаженості безвершинних різальних кромок торцевої фрези зі спірально-ступінчастим розташуванням ножів. Розроблено математичну модель визначення елементів зрізу в довільному положенні ножів фрези на дузі контакту, достовірність якої підтверджена імітаційним моделюванням. Виявлено залежності величини елементів зрізу від конструктивних параметрів фрези та подач

    Vasoconsrictive and vasodilatative imbalance at experimental fecal peritonitis

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    Peritonitis problem today one of the most urgent issues in the field of clinical pathological physiology and abdominal surgery. According to various data, mortality in peritonitis is 18.3 - 62.8%. Endothelial dysfunction is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases and death in patients after postponed peritonitis. The aim of the study – investigation of vasoconstrictive and vasodilatative potential in the pathogenesis of experimental peritonitis and its correction. It has been proved that experimental fecal peritonitis development pathologically affects the vessels functional state at each of the research stages. It's established weakening of the vasodilatative process on the background of peritonitis development, as evidenced by a decrease in the content of S-nitrosothiols. Result of this work has been proved that in peritonitis pathogenesis the vasoconstrictor potential of the vessels is significantly increased, as evidenced by a significant increase in endothelin-1 in animals that have been modeled by fecal peritonitis. Nitric oxide donor efficiency has been proved as part of complex correction of peritonitis and endothelial dysfunction as its complication. The most pronounced positive effect was detected at the 21st day, which indicates the expediency of long-term use of Larginine as a remedy for correction

    Agrobiological and economic properties of new high-protein soft winter wheat varieties

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    New varieties of soft winter wheat with high indices of yielding capacity, protein content, food properties of grain and their economic-valuable, physiological and morphoagrobiological properties have been discovered. It has been found that under the creation of new highly-productive soft winter wheat varieties it is possible to decrease and even to overcome negative correlation of yielding capacity with protein content in grain. It was also found that high protein varieties are capable of forming high yielding capacity of grain with higher indices of protein and gluten content and breadmaking characteristics. Their introduction will facilitate the solving of the problem of the production of high-quality grain to meet the demands of domestic and foreign market, increasing profitability and reviving the international fame of Ukrainian wheat. It has been proved that the implementation of the potential of yielding capacity and properties of grain depends on the genotype with corresponding indices, positive reaction to accumulation of protein and on varietal intensive agricultural technologies, in which the crucial role belongs to the optimization of mineral nutrition, especially on the nitrogen one with regard to agroecological conditions, the time of vegetation renewal in spring, the place in the crop rotation, the presence of nutrients in the soil etc. Varieties Natalka, Vidrada, Epokha Odeska, Lasunia, Lupus, Vilshana, Midas, Poltavka are characterized by considerable adaptive potential of productivity with positive reaction of protein accumulation and high food properties of grain

    Vasoconsrictive and vasodilatative imbalance at experimental fecal peritonitis

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    Peritonitis problem today one of the most urgent issues in the field of clinical pathological physiology and abdominal surgery. According to various data, mortality in peritonitis is 18.3 - 62.8%. Endothelial dysfunction is the main cause of cardiovascular diseases and death in patients after postponed peritonitis. The aim of the study – investigation of vasoconstrictive and vasodilatative potential in the pathogenesis of experimental peritonitis and its correction. It has been proved that experimental fecal peritonitis development pathologically affects the vessels functional state at each of the research stages. It's established weakening of the vasodilatative process on the background of peritonitis development, as evidenced by a decrease in the content of S-nitrosothiols. Result of this work has been proved that in peritonitis pathogenesis the vasoconstrictor potential of the vessels is significantly increased, as evidenced by a significant increase in endothelin-1 in animals that have been modeled by fecal peritonitis. Nitric oxide donor efficiency has been proved as part of complex correction of peritonitis and endothelial dysfunction as its complication. The most pronounced positive effect was detected at the 21st day, which indicates the expediency of long-term use of L-arginine as a remedy for correction