211 research outputs found

    Online estimation of rollator user condition using spatiotemporal gait parameters

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    Assistance to people during rehabilitation has to be adapted to their needs. Too little help can lead to frustration and stress in the user; an excess of help may lead to low participation and loss of residual skills. Robotic rollators may adapt assistance. The main challenge to cope with this issue is to estimate how much help is needed on the fly, because it depends not only on the person condition, but also on the specific situation that they are negotiating. Clinical scales provide a global condition based estimation, but no local estimator based on punctual needs. Condition also changes in time, so clinical scales need to be recalculated again and again. In this paper we propose a novel approach to estimate users’ condition in a continuous way via a robotic rollator. Our work focuses on predicting the value of the well known Tinetti Mobility test from spatiotemporal gait parameters obtained from our platform while users walk. This prediction provides continuous insight on the condition of the user and could be used to modify the amount of help provided. The proposed method has been validated with 19 volunteers at a local hospital that use a rollator for rehabilitation. All volunteers presented some physical or mental disabilities. Our results sucessfully show a high correlation of spatiotemporal gait parameters with Tinetti Mobility test gait (R2 = 0.7) and Tinetti Mobility test balance (R2 = 0.6).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Navigation system using passive collaborative control adapted to user profile for a rollator device

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    In order to achieve this goal, research in different areas has been necessary. First, a methodology to provide human-like platform motion in reactive navigation algorithms has been proposed to improve user acceptance of help. Then, work has focused on gait analysis and user's condition estimation using only onboard sensors. In addition, a new methodology to evaluate fall risk using only onboard sensors while users walk has been proposed to balance the contribution of user and robot to control. All proposed subsystems have been validated with a set of volunteers at two rehabilitation hospitals: Fondazione Santa Lucia (Rome) and Hospital Regional Universitario (Malaga). Volunteers presented a wide variety of physical and cognitive disabilities. Tests with healthy volunteers have been discarded from the beginning to avoid a sampling bias error. Obtained results have shown that the proposed system can be used for: i) reactively generating human-like trajectories that outperforms all other tested algorithms in terms of likeness to human paths and success rate; ii) monitoring gait and user's condition while users walk using only on-board sensors; and iii) evaluating fall risk without wearable sensors nor ambient sensors. This thesis open a number of open research lines: i) user condition estimation can be extended to another medical scales; ii) the method to reactively generate human-like-trajectories can be extended to add deliberative human-adapted-path-planning; and iii) the fall risk estimator can be extended to a fall risk predictor.Rollators provide autonomy to persons with mobility impairments. These platforms can be used while people perform their Activities of Daily Living in order to provide support and/or balance. Also, they can be used during the rehabilitation process to strengthen the lower limbs or to provide balance before users can progress to canes or crutches. Rollators have a limited set of personalization options, but they are usually related to the users' body size. Hence, people who need extra typically have to choose a wheelchair instead. This transition to a wheelchair limits users' movements and it increases their disuse syndrome because they do not exercise their lower limbs. Hence, it is a priority to extent the use of rollator platforms as much as possible by adapting help to people who can not use a conventional rollator on their own. Technological enhancements can be added to rollator to expand their use to a larger population. For example, force sensors on handlebars provide information about users' weight bearing. This information can be used during rehabilitation to control their partial weight-bearing. Encoders on wheels may also provide useful information about the walking speed, which is a well know estimator of fall risk. In addition to monitorization, motors can be attached to the wheels for assistance, e.g. to reduce effort while ascending slopes. This thesis focuses on creating a navigation system for a robotized rollator, which includes weight bearing sensors, encoders and wheel motors. The navigation system relies on passive collaborative control to continuously combine user and system commands in a seamless way. The main contribution of this work is adaptation to the user's needs through continuous, transparent monitorization and profile estimation

    A cane-based low cost sensor to implement attention mechanisms in telecare robots

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    Telepresence robots have been recently used for Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (CGA). Since the robot can not track a person continuously, there are several strategies to decide when to check them, from cyclic checks to simple requests from users and/or caregivers. In order to adapt to the user needs and condition, it is preferable to perform CGA as soon as regularities appear. However, this requires detection of potential issues in users to offer immediate service. In this work we propose a new low cost force sensor system to detect user’s condition and attract attention of CGA robots, so they can perform a full examination on a need basis. The main advantages of this system are: i) it can be attached to any standard commercial cane; ii) its power consumption is very reduced; and iii) it provides continuous information as long as the user walks. It has been tested with several elderly volunteers in care facilities. Results have proven that the sensor readings are indeed correlated with the users’ condition.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Una renovación de la geografía regional mundial

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    La publication en 1981 de l'ouvrage Geografia de la Sociedad Humana -dirigé par Enric Lluch- a eu une grande répercussion et encore aujourd'hui joue un r6le de premier plan dans la bibliographie géographique espagnole. Jusqu'h ce moment-la il n'y avait pas de contributions espagnoles à la géographie d'une aussi grande ampleur. En premier lieu, cet ouvrage de réferénce est analysé d'un point de vue méthodologique et historique. Puis on étudie en détail le contenu de chacun des huit volumes.The publication in 1981 of the work Geografia de la Sociedad Humana -edited by Enric Lluch- had a great impact and, still today, it plays a significative role in the Spanish geographical literature. Until that moment there was a lack of contributions with such a wide scope in Spanish geography. First, this reference work is analyzed from a historical and methodological perspective. Afterwards, a careful study of the contents of each of the eight volumes is made

    Evolución y tendencias actuales de la geografía política

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    La Géographie Politique, après une période de déclin à la fin de la deuxième guerre mondiale, est de nouveau en plein essor. Dans cet article l'auteur analyse les origines modernes de la Géographie Politique ainsi que les raisons de sa crise. Le renouveau récent de la Géographie Politique fait l'objet d'un paragraphe où l'auteur examine les raisons de ce renouveau ainsi que les différentes perspectives existant dans l'actualité. On distingue tout d'abord la Géographie Politique anglo-saxonne s'intéressant à des sujets traditionnels et aussi à d'autres d'ordre "neopositiviste" ou ayant une méthodologie "structurelle", fondamentalement à caractère marxiste. Par ailleurs dans la Géographie Politique française, à côté de perspectives traditionnelles et néopositivistes, une intéressant tendance est apparue auprès de la revue Hérodote et une autre axée sur les rapports entre espace et pouvoir. Finalement l'auteur examine la situation de la Géographie Politique en Italie, Allemagne et Espagne.Following a period of decline at the end of the Second World War, Political Geography is again in fashion. In this paper, the modern origins of Political Geography and the causes of the crisis suffered are analyzed. An extensive section is dedicated to the recent revival of the discipline, including an examination of the reasons for this revival and an analysis of the different approaches involved. On the one hand, Political Geography in English-speaking countries involves not only traditional topics, but also topics of a "neo-positivist" nature or with a "structural" methodological base, mainly Marxist in approach. On the other hand, in French Political Geography one finds traditional and neo-positivist approaches alongside an interesting line of study centered on the journal Hérodote, and another approach involving relationships between living space and power. The paper also includes a brief review of the situation of Political Geography in Italy, Germany and Spain.La Geografia Política, després d'un període de decadència en acabar la segona guerra mundial, ha entrat novament en una fase d'apogeu. En el present treball s'analitzen els orígens moderns de la Geografia Política, així com les causes de la seva crisi i actual revifalla. En aquest sentit l'autor es refereix en primer lloc a la Geografia Política anglosaxona, emmarcada en un enfoc "neopositivista" i de base metodològica estructural (bàsicament de caràcter marxista), sense oblidar, tanmateix, els temes tradicionals. En segon lloc, en la Geografia Política francesa, junt als enfocaments tradicional i neopositivista, s'ha articulat una interessant línia de treball entorn de la revista Hérodote i de les relacions entre espai i poder. Finalment, es revisa la situació de la Geografia Política a Itàlia, Alemanya i Espanya

    Apuntes de Planificación, gestión y desarrollo de proyectos

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    Apuntes de la asignatura Planificación, gestión y desarrollo de proyectos del Máster en Sistemas Electrónicos para Entornos Inteligente

    Phylogenetic and functional analysis of Arabidopsis RCI2 genes

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    4 páginas, 7 figuras, 3 tablas, 4 figuras suplementarias, 3 tablas suplementarias -- PAGS nros. 4333-4336Six new Arabidopsis thaliana genes (AtRCI2C-H) have been identified that show high homology to AtRCI2A and AtRCI2B. Sequence comparisons revealed that AtRCI2-related genes are widely spread among very different organisms, including other plant species, prokaryotes, fungi, and simply organized animals, and are also organized in gene families. Most RCI2 genes show a similar exon–intron organization, which indicates that they have been structurally conserved during evolution, and encode small, highly hydrophobic proteins containing two putative transmembrane domains. Consistently, the majority of AtRCI2 proteins localize in the plasma membrane. RCI2 proteins exhibit an elevated level of sequence similarity and seem to have evolved from a common ancestor. In spite of their high similarity, conserved subcellular localization, and common origin, experimental evidence is presented suggesting that different RCI2 proteins may have distinct functional roles. Thus, as previously demonstrated for AtRCI2A and AtRCI2B, the newly identified AtRCI2 genes (AtRCI2C–H) are differentially regulated in Arabidopsis organs and in response to abiotic stresses and ABA treatment. Furthermore, only the AtRCI2 proteins that do not contain the C-terminal hydrophilic tail (i.e. AtRCI2A–C and AtRCI2H) are able to complement for the loss of the yeast AtRCI2-related gene PMP3. On the basis of these results, different aspects on the evolution and roles of RCI2 genes are discussedThis work was supported by grants BIO2004-00628 from CICYT and CPE03-006-C6-1 from INIAPeer reviewe

    Milton de Almeida Santos (1926-2001)

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    Professor Milton Santos, a well-known and famous Brazilian geographer, was granted the Honoris Causa Doctor Degree in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1994 and died in 2001. His academic and professional activities, with plenty of creative talent, are remembered; his thought is analyzed through his last two books on a better globalization and on Brazil. One of his most interesting collaborations to Brazil culture is summarized and commented: a collection of his newspaper articles where he discussed on the most relevant aspects of geographical thought and of social and political problems.El profesor Milton Santos, geógrafo brasileño de prestigio y fama internacional, fue Doctor Honoris Causa por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1994). Fallecido en 2001, se rememora su pasado académico y profesional pleno de actividad y talento creador y, en especial, se analiza su pensamiento a través de sus dos últimos libros, sobre una mejor globalización y acerca de Brasil. Aparte, se resume y comenta una de sus presencias más interesantes en el mundo cultural brasileño, considerando una recopilación de sus numerosos artículos periodísticos en los que se refería con abierto talante y afán de justicia a los aspectos más trascendentes del pensamiento geográfico y de la problemática político social de su tiempo

    Medidas de prestaciones en redes de sensores binarias bajo distintas estrategias de transmisión

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    El presente Proyecto Fin de Carrera consiste en un estudio de prestaciones en redes de sensores homogéneas y binarias, es decir, sensores con las mismas características y sensores en los que la información de sensado se reduce a la detección ó no de un determinado agente para aplicaciones de detección y localización a partir de medidas cuantitativas basadas en la teoría de la información. Para este tipo de redes de sensores se han aplicado los test de hipótesis para la detección del agente en un área a partir de las lecturas de los sensores en la misma, que una vez recolectadas son enviadas a un sistema central. Éste se encargará de generar una decisión global a partir de las decisiones particulares de cada uno de los sensores de la red. A la hora de simular el entorno de este proyecto se han utilizado distintos esquemas de transmisión con diferentes eficiencias de gasto energético (considerando redes de sensores con comunicaciones inalámbricas) y se han validado medidas teóricas de prestaciones a partir de simulaciones de una red de sensores. Ante el creciente auge de las redes de sensores se considera necesario que en la fase de diseño de las mismas se lleve a cabo un análisis exhaustivo de las distintas alternativas de configuración propuestas para cumplir con la máxima eficiencia el propósito de la red. Este proyecto presenta las herramientas necesarias para ahorrar el tiempo y los recursos que conllevan el análisis de las distintas alternativas y la simulación de la red completa, y obtener así las prestaciones de la red de una forma sencilla y rápida. El proyecto responde al siguiente esquema: comienza con una exposición de los principios fundamentales de la teoría de la detección clásica considerando los antecedentes y el motivo de este proyecto. A continuación se repasa la teoría de la detección distribuida y las reglas de detección para los distintos escenarios considerados, para seguir con la exposición del método empleado para medir las prestaciones de una red de sensores. El resultado de las simulaciones ocupará el penúltimo gran bloque de este proyecto antes de las conclusiones finales y las líneas futuras de investigación consideradas en el marco de las redes de sensores distribuidas. _______________________________________________The present Final Project consists in the study of the performance in binary homogenous sensor networks. A binary homogenous sensor network consists on sensors with the same capabilities that sense the environment and which outputs the detection or not detection of an agent. These kind of networks are predominant in detection and localization applications. We will focus on the measure of the performance using information theory knowledge. The test hypotheses theory has been applied to sensor networks aiming to detect the agent in an area from the sensor readings, that once they are gathered, they are sent to a central system. This central system will generate a global decision, from the particular decisions of each of the network sensors. Several transmission schemes with different energy consumption efficiencies (considering wireless sensor network communications) have been used in the simulation process of this work, and it has been validated the theoretical measures of the performance by the simulation of the sensor network. Because of today’s success of sensor networks, it is becoming necessary in the design phase an exhaustive analysis of the different alternative configurations to accomplish in the most efficient way the purpose of the network. This work presents the necessary tools to save time and resources that takes to analyze the different alternatives of the network and the simulation of the complete network, and therefore to obtain the performance of the network in an easy and fast manner. The project answers to the following structure: it begins with a presentation of the fundamental principles of the classic detection theory considering the antecedents and the reason for this project. Next we oversee the distributed detection theory for different scenarios. Coming up, we detail the statement used to measure the performances of the sensor network. The result of the simulations will be detailed in the next big block before the final conclusions and the future guidelines considering this project and the distributed sensor networks picture.Ingeniería de Telecomunicació